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Doctor starts Kabir’s treatment again and brings electric shock machine. Kabir nervously asks what will he do. Doctor says he will give electric shock to his legs to rejuvenate his muscles. He orders nurse to start treatment and asks Kabir if he is feeling something. Kabir says no. He then asks to increase electric shock. Kabir starts feeling unbearable pain. Sulochana hopes Kabir doesn’t move or else their plan will be ruined. Preesha prays god to end Kabir’s drama. Kabir stands up on feet writhing in pain. Sulochana thinks Kabir ruined their plan. Preesha thanks god. Kabir acts and tells Sulochana that he can walk. Sulochana acts emotional, thanks god, says she will pray god for getting him well, asks him to touch doctor’s feet, and thank Preesha for bringing him here and doing this magic. He does same. She thanks Preesha and hugs her, asks doctor if she can take Kabir to his room and let him rest. Doctor says why not. She makes Kabir sit on chair again and leaves saying they should inform Rudra about it. Preesha asks doctor she told him that Kabir was acting. Doctor agrees that Kabir was acting or else with just electric shock nobody gets well instantly. Preesha says he should inform Rudra that Kabir was acting. Doctor agrees.

Back to the room, Kabir says he couldn’t bear pain and stood up, now all their problems ended and he can walk in front of everyone. Sulochana says it was Preesha’s plan to bring him here and give him hot and cold and electric shock treatment to make him stand up as she knew he can walk. He says she is right. She says even doctor is with Preesha, so she should go and handle him. She walks to doctor and says he knows that her son can walk, so he should take money and keep his mouth shut. Doctor warns what rubbish is this, he is a doctor and will not accept bribe, he will will inform Rudra about her plan. Sulochana threatens to defame him for torturing Kabir. He warns that he is not afraid of her threats as he earned his fame over years, he is Preesha’s father’s good friend and will inform Rudra about their drama for sure. Sulochana returns to Kabir and says doctor is too loyal and didn’t agree to hide their secret, he is Preesha’s father’s friend and will inform Rudra for sure. Kabir says Rudra will not believe doctor. She says Rudra will believe Preesha’s father’s friend and not them. He asks what if they get Rudra kidnapped. She asks who will help them in Chennai. He says is ex-boss CC/Chitranjan Chaturvedi will help him. He calls CC who warns to kill him if he finds him for his losses. Kabir says he will cover his losses and says he will give him 5 crores if he kidnaps Rudra. CC says he is a big creep to get his own brother kidnapped. Kabir says he will demand 10 crores to free Rudra and give him 5 crores. CC agrees for 6 crores. Kabir says Rudra is coming to Chennai and he will give flight details. Sulochana fumes that he is wasting 6 crores.
Sharda with Ahana reaches clinic. Ahana holding her jaw discusses about her tooth removal pain and asks receptionist Kabir’s room number. Sharda calls Rudra and informs that they reached Chennai and she will not inform Preesha that he is coming in the evening to give her a surprise later. They reach Kabir’s room, Sharda congratulates Kabir and Sulochana. Kabir tells Ahana that he can walk. She taunts that he must be feeling relaxed. Preesha asks Sharda why didn’t Kabir come. Sharda says he got some emergent work, so he didn’t come. Preesha thinks she asked him to come here taking first flight, but why didn’t he come. She goes to get snacks for Sharda and Ahana. Sharda thinks Preeshais sad and will be happy seeing Rudra in the evening.

Rudra reaches airport in his car when CC’s goons kidnap him. Sharda thiks why didn’t Rudra come yet and calls home to find out if he left. Maid informs that Kabir already left and he must have reached Chennai by now. Sharda calls airlines where receptionist informs her that Rudra didn’t board flight at all. She gets tensed thinking where did Rudra go. Preesha hears her.

Sharda thinks why didn’t Rudra board in flight and where did he go if he is not in Delhi or Chennai. Preesha asks what happened. Sharda informs that she lied that Rudra is not coming, he was coming and wanted to give her a surprise. Preesha asks why is she tensed then, let him give surprise. Sharda says he didn’t check in at all and she enquired airline office. Ahana walks to them and says Mishka wants to tell them something about Rudra and switches on phone’s speaker. Mishka informs that police found Rudra’s car and he is missing. Preesha says he must be somewhere around. Mishka says his phone and wallet are in car itself and police doubt that he is kidnapped. Sulochana acts and cries praying for Rudra’s safety. Sharda says they need to search him. Preesha says they should return to Delhi and search him. Once they leave, Sulochana and Kabir rejoice. Kabir says now Preesha cannot inform Rudra about his drama when he is not found at all.
They all return to Delhi. GPS congratulates Sulochana that Kabir can walk now. Sulcohana thanks her and says she is worried for Rudra now. He says they are all family. Saransh happily rushes to Preesha and asks where is Rudra. She says he is coming and asks him to finish his home work. GPS asks not to inform Saransh about Rudra. Preesha expresses her concern that Rudra must have been kidnapped for sure. Kabir and Sulochana act as shocked. GPS says they should file police complaint. Preesha says its not confirmed yet as kidnapped didn’t call them yet for ransom.

Kabir calls CC and asks why didn’t he call and demand ransom from Preesha. CC says let him set Rudra in some place first . Kabir warns to call Preesha before she goes to police and demand ransom. CC asks his aide to bring his laptop and change his voice as he doesn’t want anyone to identify his voice. Sharda insists Preesha to file police complaint first. CC calls landline and threatens that he has kidnapped Rudra and needs 10 crores ransom, and if she informs police, she will get Rudra’s dead body. Preesha informs family that Rudra is kidnapped and kidnapper demanded 10 crores ransom. Sulochana acts as concerned and cries, she insists Preesha to fulfill kidnapper’s demand and bring back her son. Kabir tells same and asks not to inform police about it. Sharda requests to bring back Rudra at any cost. Kabir says nobody should know about it. Preesha says she will go to bank and break all FDs and leaves. Sulochana and Kabir continue their acting.

CC orders his aide Jerry if his voice changed with modular and nobody will identify his voice. Jerry says yes. CC asks him to guard Rudra and not let him escape. Jerry asks another aide Bunty to guard Rudra while he goes to meet his girlfriend Maria in jail as she is there because of him and he will propose her to marry her. Bunty agrees. Preesha reaches police station and informs inspector about Rudra being kidnapped. He asks to find out where kidnapper will ask her to meet with money and give him goon’s voice recording. She agrees and leaves. Jerry meets Maria in jail and informs her that he will marry her once she is out of jail and to call all her friends and relatives. Maria says her best friend is in jail and calls her. Mahima walks in. Jerry asks if she is same Rudra’s ex-wife Mahima who had kidnapped Rudra and replaced him with a doppelganger. She says if she so famous among his circle. He says all goons want to become like her. He informs her about CC kidnapping Rudra and demanding 10 crores ransom of which he will get 50 lakhs. She says what if he gets total 10 crores and lead a happy married life with Maria. He asks how. She says she has plan.

Preesha arranges money and thinks she will not let anything happen to Rudra. Sharda asks if she arranged 10 crores. Preesha says she could arrange 8 crores and needs 2 crores more and asks Ahana to use her contacts and borrow money from them. Ahana says she can’t Sharda informs they have more than 2 crores in locker and taking locker keys from Sulochana opens it and is shocked to see all the money missing. She informs Preesha about it.

Precap: Preesha warns Sulochana to inform where the money went or else she will call police. Ahana hears CC calling Kabir and informing that it was his plan to kidnap Rudra and demand ransom. Mahima with Maria waits for Jerry in car. Jerry bring Rudra in car when Mahima’s goons hit him and kidnap Rudra. CC alleges Kabir of kidnapping Rudra via someone else again. Maria calls Preesha and demands more money and Saransh.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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