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Preesha returns home after dropping Saransh to his friend’s party. Rudra asks if she spoke to Saransh and did he calm down. She says not yet and its a concern as he never was angry before for such a long time. He tries to cheer her up and gets romantic when Sonia walks in and reminds Rudra that they need to practice music before their final recording. He asks Preesha if he should go, he can wait if she wants. She says he should go and practice before Saransh returns as he won’t find time after that. Rudra leaves with Sonia. In the evening, Preesha notices its 5 p.m. and is about to leave to pick up Saransh when Sunny acts as getting severe stomachache and emotionally blackmails Preesha to stay with him. Preesha messages Rudra to pick up Saransh and when he doesn’t reply thinks of personally informing him when Sunny act as vomiting and rushes to bathroom. Preesha says he didn’t vomit though. He says he feels nauseated. Rudra while practicing music with Sonia goes to get water for her when Sonia checks his mobile. Preesha thinks Rudra checked her message and thinks he will pick Saransh for sure.

Saransh eagerly waits for Preesha. Mishka walks to him and asks what is he doing here alone and takes him home. She calls Preesha. Preesha asks what happened. Mishka yells that she was lecturing about motherhood and proved what kind of a mother she is, why didn’t she pick Saransh at 6 p.m., kid was waiting for 3 hours alone. Preesha tries to explain, but Mishka continues yelling at Mishka that she is zero as a mother and left her son to die on road. Preesha shouts. Mishka yells she should thank her for bringing her son home. Preesha tries to speak to Saransh, but Saransh shouts to stay away from him. Rudra walks to her and asks what happened. She asks why didn’t he pick up Saransh when she messaged him to do so. He says he didn’t get any message and shows his mobile. Preesha checks her mobile and sees her voice message missing. Mishka yells at her to stop blaming Rudra for her mistake and asks what was the important work because of which she forgot Saransh. Preesha says she didn’t forget Saransh and stayed with Sunny as he fell ill. Sarnsh confronts Preesha that she told she loves him more, but she loves Sunny more. Preesha tries to explain, but he continues shouting that she loves Sunny mor3e and let him call her mama and runs away shouting he hates her. Sunny and her team stand smirking. Preesha breaks down. Rudra consoles her. Yeh Hai Chahatein… plays in the background.

In the morning, Preesha feels sad reminscing Saransh saying he hates her. Rudra wlks to her and asks if she didn’t sleep whole night. She says she has to clam down Saransh at any cost. He says she should in their new resort as his friend wants him to promote his resort and after curfew they will return to their home. Preesha agrees. They reach new resort. Sunny says he liked this new resort. Sharda says she is happy that he took publicity assignment of this resort, his father would have been promote of him. Sulochana also acts emotional. Rudra asks Saransh if he liked it, Saransh hesitates. Sunny insists him to say its good. Room boy welcomes them and show their room. Rudra stops Preesha, gets romantic with her, lifts her and acts as throwing her in a swimming pool. She gets afraid. Tumse hi bas tumse plays in the background. They both say I love you to each other. Preesha runs away shy.

Sulochana chilling with her team near swimming pool praises Mishka for troubling Preesha. Kabir praises Sunny’s acting and letting him delete message from Preesha’s mobile, reminiscing the incident. Sonia says even she should be praised for deleting Preesha’s voice message from Rudra’s mobile, reminiscing the incident. Sulcohana says everyone needs praises, but Mishka is the star who used the opportunity very well. Mishka describes how she reached on time and made Saransh wait for 3 hours on road and get angry on Preesha. She says finally whatever they wanted is happening, they will prove in court that Preesha is unfit to be a mother who cannot take care of her own kid, they need to collect a few more evidences to get Saransh’s custody and his 500 crores.
Rudra sees Preesha crying and asks reason. Preesha says she had gone to Sarnash and he told he doesn’t want to speak to her and would stay with amma/Vasu. He says its okay. She says she shoudl have gone yesterday to pick him up. He says everything will be alright. She says nothing is alright, and since Sunny’s arrival, everything is spoiling; Saransh is getting insecure because of Sunny and situation is getting out of control; if they did wrong by adopting Sunny. He hugs and consoles her. Sunny hears their conversation and thinks now issue is pointing at him and if he is caught, Yuvraj’s plan will fail, so he should inform Yuvraj about it. Rudra makes Preesha sit and says siblings fight and its their love. Preesha says its not Sunny and Saransh’s sibling love. Sunny says kids eat together and fight, they both as parents will handle kids and everything will be alright.

Sharda and Vasu ask why did he tell Preesha mamma that he hates her. He says he did not mean that and just wanted to hurt mamma like she is hurting him by paying attention to only Sunny. Vasu says he is a good boy and when he cannot see tears in his mamma’s eyes, then why did he make her cry. Sharda says if he has any problem with mamma, he should speak to her and shouldn’t misbehave with her. Vasu tells her that once Preesha told that she loves Saransh the most and he is his mamma’s most loved kid. Saransh says mamma loves Sunny and not him as she didn’t pick him to take care of Sunny, she doesn’t love him. Vasu says he is not understanding at all. He says they are not understanding him instead and are taking mamma’s side, he doesnt’ want to talk to them. Vasu says tells Sharda that situation is getting out of control each day. Saransh thinks Sunny is creating problems and acts oversmart, now he will tackle him.

Sunny rushes to Yuvraj when he is chilling with his team and informs that Preesha was speaking against him to Rudra and he thinks Rudra will kick him out. Yuvraj says Preesha is a devi and will protect him. Mishka says Preesha is protecting her husband’s illegitimate child instead. Sulochana also assures that they are there to protect him if something happens and asks him to go and rest. Sunny walks to his room and sees Saransh spoiling his stuff with red paint. He shouts what is he doing. Saransh says spoiling his stuff like he spoils his and threatens him to run away. Sunny runs away afraid.
Preesha tells Rudra that her kid is very upset and she needs to speak to him. He says she should wait till he calms down. She says she doesn’t mind and walks away without listening to him. Sunny throws banana skin in Saransh’s way to make him fall as a revenge and lies that Daadi is calling Saransh. Saransh thinks Sunny must have complained against him and walks towards banana skin. Sunny records video to viral it when Preesha steps on banana skin and falls on her face. Sunny gets tensed thinking if he is caught, Rudra will definitely kick him out of house. Saransh rushes to Preesha concerned and panics seeing her forehead bleeding. Family also rushes to her and insists to take her to hospital. Rudra sees banana skin on ground. Sharda says he will question resort staff. Family takes Preesha in to bandage her. Yuvraj notices Sunny hiding and asks if he did this. Sunny accepts and explains what he wanted to. Yuvraj asks him not to repeat his act, it good that only he saw him hiding.

Family rushes Preesha to her room, and Rudra applies bandage on her forehead while Saransh cries hugging her. Sulochana and her team frown seeing Saransh’s change of mind. Preesha asks him not to cry as god punished her for hurting her son. Saransh says he hurt her instead by asking her not to come near him, but he cannot live without her and he feels lonely. Preesha pampers him and says she will never leave him alone, says she wanted to show him how much Sunny is feeling alone as his mother went to god, hence she was caring Sunny. Saransh asks why didn’t she inform him this before. She says she wanted to, but he didn’t allow her. He says she taught him to listen first, but he didn’t. She says he thought that she loves Sunny more and didn’t speak to her for 2 days. Rudra says his mamma didn’t sleep for 2 days because of Saransh. Saransh apologizes and says she is world’s best mamma. Preesha hugs him followed by Rudra and they hug even Sunny. Sulochana acts that she feels so good today. Sharda takes Sunny along to give him milk shake and give mother and son some space.

Sulochana fumes on Preesha in front of her team and shouts that Preesha spoils all their plans always. Mishka yells Saransh has split personality that he was shouting he hates mamma and then was crying for her. Kabir asks who threw banana skin on road. Yuvraj says Sunny did. Sulochana scolds Sunny. Sunny says he threw it for Saransh as he spoilt his stuff, but Preesha fell instead. Mishka asks what should they next. Yuvraj says he knows what to do next.

Precap: Sulochana shows Sunny’s letter to Rudra and says Sunny left home. Whole family concerned searches Sunny. Sonia calls Rudra and acts as getting lost in jungle while trying to search Sunny. Mishka exchanges vitamin C tablets which Preesha gives to Sunny and Saransh. Preesha over phone files Rudra’s missing complaint. Sulochana informs that even Sonia is missing and if they both are together.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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