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Kabir offers Ahana to marry him. She pushes him away. He says he knows she doesn’t like him. She says she hates him. He says she can hate him even after marriage, but execute their plan together; he won’t even touch or sleep on bed with her. She says how will she benefit with it? He says they returned to snatch Khurana family’s properties. She says she knew him and his mother came with wrong intentions. He says they should work together and share 40-60% share and kick out Preesha out of the house. She agrees. Out of flashback, Kabir explains this is how he made an angry cat into his pet cat.

Preesha angrily walks to Ahana and confronts her for complaining against Kabir first and then changing her track and saying she loves him. Ahana says she loves him and this is the truth. Preesha asks what was that angry outburst then? Ahana says that was a way to hide her love for Kabir and after Rajiv passed away, she was just living a fake life, so Kabir gave her a chance to live her life and she wants to experience love again like Preesha and Rudra. Preesha says if she is happy with it, she is okay with it, but god will not let anything wrong happen in this house. Ahana hugs and thanks her. Preesha thinks Ahana is lying and she will find out the truth. Ahana thinks before Preesha finds out, she will get property and kick out Kabir and even Preesha.
Sulochana sleeps with Sharda’s diamond necklace. Kabir says he is planning to grab crores worth properties and she is behind a small necklace, she shouldn’t make any mistakes. She asks him to relax. Next morning, Sharda walks to Sulochana and requests to return her diamond necklace. Sulochana searches necklace in cupboard and says its missing, maybe someone stole it. Sharda pancis and goes to inform Rudra and Preesha. Preesha walks to Sulochana and ask to check whole room. Once she leaves, she takes out necklace from pillow and hides it in Kabir’s wheelchair. Preesha notices it, realizes Sulochana stole necklace, and thinks of informing about it to Rudra.

Sharda walks to Rudra and informs him that the diamond necklacd which she gave to Sulochana is missing. Rudra asks her to relax as it must be some where around. Preesha says they will not get necklace back as Sulochana herself stole it and kept it in Kabir’s wheelchair. Rudra shouts to not allege his mother wrongly. She says she knew he would react, so he will show him proof. She takes Rudra and Sharda to Sulochana room where Sulochana continues her acting and asks Kabir to shift from wheelchair to bed. Ahana also reaches there. Preesha searches wheelchair and is shocked not to find necklace there. She asks Sulochana where is the necklace which she hid in wheelchair. Sulochana starts acting that she cannot bear allegations anymore and says she will leave this house with Kabir. Ahana supports her and warns Preesha not to allege her MIL. Preesha says Sulochana is not yet Ahana’s MIL yet and she is not alleging wrongly. Ahana asks Rudra to confront his wife like he confronts her. Rudra asks Preesha to show the proof. Preesha says she is not lying. Ahana then blames Sharda that she must have kept it in her room and forgotten. Sharda denies. Ahana says let us check her room and searches Sharda’s room. Sharda says she is wasting time as she didn’t bring back necklace from Sulochana. Ahana says one last try and finds it in drawer. Sulochana and Kabir rejoice. Sharda says she doesn’t know how it came. Ahana says mummyji hid this necklace purposefully to allege her MIL. Rudra warns her to mind her tongue. Ahana asks if its wrong to support her MIL. Rudra says even Sharda is her MIL. Ahana says she was and necklace is found in Sharda’s room. Rudra says that he learnt not to conclusion without investigating truth, warns her not dare misbehave with maa, and asks to star today’s party arrangements.

Back in her room, Sulochana fumes that she lost necklace. Ahana walks to them says small people with small thinking, they should think of 40% property share, good that she saw Preesha peeping in and hid necklace in Sharda’s roomd.

Ahana remembers getting into Sulochana and Kabir’s room and scolding Kabir to stop walking normally keeping door open. Sulochana asks who will spy on them. Ahana informs that Preesha saw her doing something and went to inform Rudra. Kabir asks what did she do. Sulochana says she didn’t do anything. Ahana asks not to create any more issue. Sulochana takes out Sharda’s necklace. Kabir says its very beautiful. Ahana says small people will have only small thinking, they should think big about grabbing the property and not this small necklace. Kabir scolds Sulochana. Ahana scolds him not to do stunts standing and get back to his chair. She says Preesha and Rudra will come here anytime, takes necklace and keeps it in Sharda’s room. Sulochana says she will go to Rudra and insist him for Kabir and Ahana’s engagement. Kabir likes her idea and says he wants to finish this marriage as soon as possible.

Preesha asks Rudrda if he is angry. He says he is sad as she is always behind maa; he knows she doesn’t like maa and blamed her since the day he brought her home, reminds her of all the incidents, and says he knows she doesn’t do anything without a reason, then why she is trying to defame maa. Preesha thinks he will not trust her now, so lies that she loves Sharda maa, saw her weak and supported her since long, she has seen maa working hard for the house and cannot tolerate Sulochana taking her place. Rudra says he loves her for the same reason, she thinks about others first, he loves her a lot. He hugs her. She thinks his mother and brother are manipulating him easily. Sulochana walks in and requests if they can perform Kabir and Ahana’s engagement on auspicious holi festival. Rudra agrees and promises to make all the arrangements.
Family gathers for holi poooja in the evening. Sharda asks Preesha why didn’t her parents come. Preesha says they are busy. Sulochana asks Ahana to marry Kabir soon and kick Preesha out of house soon. Rudra says let us start pooja. Sharda says Sulochana will perform pooja today. Sharda lights up holika fire. Rudra prays god that all his problems have ended, he got his brother and mother back after many years and will look after their happiness. Preesha prays that Rudra’s brother and mother are fooling him easily and want to separate the family, so she takes oath to fail their plan and not let family break. Rudra sees Sonia standing aside and asks why is she not joining pooja. Sonia says he scolded her unnecessarily. He apologizes her and asks to join family for pooja. Sonia thinks he is so cute, she loves him. After pooja, Sulochana asks if they should start Kabir and Ahana’s engagement ceremony. Rudra agrees.

Sulochana performs Kabir and Ahana’s engagement rituals. Preesha walks to Mishka why she is not happy with her sister’s engagement. Mishka says she is not as Ahana is marrying cheap Kabir, she can’t understand how can be Ahana so desperate to marry Kabir without any match, Kabir is marrying Ahana and is eyeing wrongly on me, she doesn’t know if Ahana is fooling them or herself. Preesha says she knows Ahana hates Kabir, but Kabir must have said something and convinced her for this marriage, so they both should find out truth. Mishka agrees to help her for Ahana’s sake. Preesha says its not an easy task as Kabir and Sulochana are cunning and wrong people. Mishka says even she feels same and asks what they will do. Preesha says she will give Kabir bhang milk and make him reveal his plan. Mishka says Kabir will definitely misbehave with any girl, they will make him explain all his plan. Kabir dances after engagement.

Back to room, Sulochana enjoys alcohol and tells Kabir that she got him engaged so easily. Kabnir asks to get him married soon. Sulochana says Rudra was dancing happily in his engagement, soon they will grab all his wealth. Ahana enters and seeing them drinking warns them to stop their cheap behavior as Preesha is already planning something against them. She takes away drinks warning them to behave till their plan succeeds. Sulochana fumes. Kabir says let us wait till they get all the wealth, then they will make her dance on their tunes. Preesha brings milk for Saransh. Rudra gets romantic with her.

Precap: Preesha serves bhang milk to Kabir and asks Mishka to lure him. Mishka lures Kabir and asks him to come to her room’s bathroom. He follows her. Preesha takes family to show Kabir’s dark side. Preesha asks Mishka to lure Kabir and take him to her room to expose his true face. Mishka falls in water luring Kabir with her beauty and take him to her bathroom. Preesha takes family there. Ahana is shocked to see Kabir and Mishka together in bathroom.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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