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Rudra tells Preesha that he cannot give such a bad news to a small kid Sunny. Preesha says soon he will find out about his mother somehow, so its better they inform him. Sunny hears them and asks what happened to his mummy. Preesha says he know his mother had cancer, hence they found out yesterday that his mummy passed away. Sunny acts as panicking and cries that his mummy cannot die. Rudra hugs and consoles him and Preesha also consoles him. Saransh shatters noticing that and thinks his parents don’t love him anymore and love only Sunny. Rudra and Preesha console Sunny that they are with him and he need not worry. Yuvraj noticing them thinks Sunny deserves Oscar for such a good acting, he praises himself for such a good plan and goes into flashback where he tells Sunny that Rudra and Preesha are very intelligent and must have called Delhi’s all cancer hospitals by now. Sunny asks if they found out truth. Yuvraj says they will not, gives a chit and asks to keep it in his bag and somehow make Rudra and Preesha notice it and when they question tell them that his mummy packed his bag. Sunny asks if they will stop questioning him. Yuvraj says yes. Sunny leaves. Yuvraj thinks Reema’s chapter is close from today and remembers bribing ward boy and making him lie that Reema is dead due to cancer. Out of flashback, he thinks Reema’s chapter has finished and Sunny’s entry in Rudra and Preesha’s life has started. He then sees Saransh in balcony and thinks he is getting jealous seeing his parents’ attention towards Sunny, so he should now make Sunny and Sarash fight to make Rudra and Preesha fight seeing their fight.

Yuvraj walks to Saransh’s room and asks why he looks so angry. Saransh asks him to go from here. Yuvraj asks if he failed in any subject. Saransh shouts that Sunny took away his parents. Yuvraj says he should be angry on Sunny instead or make him a friend to get back his parent’s attention. Saransh shouts that his parents don’t love him anymore and love Sunny instead. Yuvraj says he shouldn’t worry as he is getting his needs fulfilled and if he doesn’t, even he will think his parents don’t love him anymore. Saransh walks away fuming. Yuvraj thinks Saransh is trapped in his plan.
Rudra continues consoling Sunny and says its a difficult situation for him, but he has a family with him, Preesha, Saransh, and 2 grandmas to take care of him. Preesha also consoles him and says let us watch cartoon movie which Saransh also watches when he gets sad. Sunny agrees. Rudra says Saransh is his champ #1 and Sunny #2. Preesha asks servant to bring popcorn and inform Saransh that they are watching his favorite cartoon. Sunny insists her to start the movie and watches it holding their hands. Saransh walks to them and asks Preesha how can she watch his favorite movie without him. She says how can she, she sent a servant to call him. He says nobody came to him. Preesha calls servant and asks if he didn’t inform Saransh. Servant says Saransh wasn’t in his room. Preesha asks Saransh to watch a movie with them now. Saransh insists to sit between her and Rudra in Sunny’s place. Sunny reminisces Yuvraj ordering him to make Saransh jealous and believe that his parents don’t love him much anymore. Saransh insists Sunny to get out of his place, but Sunny insists. Their fight starts. Yuvraj watching them praises Sunny’s acting. Preesha stops them both and makes them both sit between her and Rudra and offers them popcorn. Rudra thanks Preesha for stopping their fight. Yuvraj fumes thinking Chipkali/lizard Preesha spoils his plan always.

Mishka walks into Sulochana and Kabir’s room and says she came to find out where their plan is heading. Sulochana murmurs that she is trying to board a running vehicle. Kabir nervously asks what plan, if she is out of her mind. Mishka asks her to stop his overacting as Ahana already informed her plan about grabbing 500 crores, etc. Yuvraj enters and addressing her as sasti Kareena asks if she asked if they want her in their plan or not. She says he is a loser and Ahana left him as she didn’t want to stay with him. He says truth is her father died. She warns to dare not talk about her father. He says may his soul rest in peace, but its a truth and Ahana went to London to pack up his business. She says she replaced Ahana. He says her sister was smart, but she is an utter dumb. She shouts to mind his language. Kabir shouts jhand khopdi and tells Sulochana that Mishka is Ahana’s sister and will be part of her plan. Yuvraj says only 3 of them will be part of the plan, he and Culochana will plan as Kabir is dumb like his muh boli behen Mishka. Kabir holds his collar. Sulochana stops him and asks why he boards a wrong train always. Kabir shouts Mishka will be part of their plan and walks out shouting. Mishka taunts Yuvraj that Kabir should have punched him. Sulochana shoos sasti Kareena away. Mishka leaves. Yuvraj consoles Sulochana that kids react, but they should calmlyl plan as they cannot lose 500 crores.
Kabir fumes that he will not spare Yuvraj for his misbehavior. Mishka walks to him and thanks him for his support. He says Yuvraj has hypnotized his mother and she is just obeying him. Mishka says they both should prove their worth with their plan. He flirts with her. She warns him to back off as he doesn’t have any chance. He backs off and asks what will they do now. She says he has a plan.

Vasu informs Preesha that she and Sharda are going for a walk and asks if she will accompany them. Preesha says no as she is writing Sunny’s mother’s obituary message. Sharda asks when did this happen. Preesha says she forgot to tell that Reema passed away due to cancer, she is writing this obituary message to find out Reema’s family or relatives. Vasu say she did right and leaves with Sharda. Sulochana gets tensed hearing about obituary message. Saransh with Sunny and Rudra returns after playing. Rudra says he is really tired. Saransh says he really enjoyed and asks Preesha to bring water for him. Preesha goes to kitchen. Yuvraj signals Sunny. Sunny walks to dinign table and cuts his finger with fruit knife. Preesha notices him, applies band-aid on his wound warning him to be careful, and picks water mug. He asks her to give him some milk. Yuvraj provokes Saransh that Preesha must have forgotten to bring him water. Sulochana says she saw Sunny going in, hence Preesha must have forgotten to bring water. Yuvraj asks Saransh to go and check soon. Saransh walks in to check. Yuvraj asks Sulochana to go in and check. Preesha serves milk to Sunny. Sunny requests her to feed him. Preesha does when Saransh walks in and stands shocked seeing that. He asks Preesha why didn’t she bring water for him. She says she was and gives him water. He throws water glass and shouts that she doesn’t care for him anymore and loves only Sunny now, so he wants Sunny out of the house. Preesha stands shocked. Saransh walks away crying. Preesha tries to go behind him, but Sunny stop her to check his wound. Sulochana convinces Preesha to attend Sunny while she attends Saransh.

Sulochana walks behind Saransh and in lieu of consoling him provokes him that its obvious that Preesha would love their new son like he would ignore old toy for his new toy, similarly Preesha and Rudra are loving their new son, and hence Saransh should get habituated to tolerate ignorance. Saransh cries hugging her. She says he need not worry as his Sulochana daadi is with him, thinks Baba Yuvraj Pillai’s plan is amazing, now there is a drift in Preesha’s family and she will see how Preesha will escape.

During breakfast, Sulochana asks Rudra where is Kabir. Rudra says he is missing since morning. Sharda says even Mishka is missing, what if she also like Ahana… Sulochana warns to think positive. Preesha says she must have gone out. Sulochana asks Rudra to call Kabir and find out where he is. Rudra calls Kabir who doesn’t pick call. Kabir enters with Mishka marrying her. Everyone look shocked seeing that. Rudra asks what is all this. Kabir says with sindoor, mangalsutra, and garlands he must have realized that they married in a temple. Sulochana asks what? Kabir says Mishka is my wife and asks her to perform her bahu’s aarti. Rudra shouts if he is out of his mind. Yuvraj says Rudra’s half brother is a creep, he loved Ahana and married his sister. Kabir reminds what he did. Yuvraj says he remembers Kabir threatening him as he loved Ahana, but now he married Ahana’s sister. Their argument starts. Rudra asks him to answer his brother why did he do thi, he loved Ahana and wanted to marry her, couldn’t he wait for 6 months until she return. Mishka asks if Kabir would have roamed like a devdas as there is no guarantee that Yuvraj will divorce Ahana after 6 months. She blames Preesha for all the problem as she brought Yuvraj between and got him married to Ahana. Preesha asks how can she blame her when she herself was calling Kabir as creep, cheap, and what not and married a man whom her sister loved. Kabir shouts why should he reply her, especially her. Rudra warns to behave with his wife. Kabir asks what about Preesha who got Ahana married to cheap Yuvraj. Rudra says Preesha made a mistake, but this family is because of Preesha; he should answer why did he marry Mishka.

Mishka says Kabir married her as she is pregnant. Everyone open their mouth in shock. Mishka says she met someone in Delhi and fell in love, but then realized they were not made for each other; unfortunately, she got pregnant by then and her Australian boyfriend returned to Australia; she was tensed and was hating herself, she was afraid that they would kick her out of house, was very depressed and wanted to suicide; Kabir noticed her tension and questioned her, she explained him everything; creepy Kabir saved her; she knew they wouldn’t kick her out of house if she marries Kabir as his a Khurana. Preesha says she would have spokebn to her. Mishka says she would have asked her to abort the baby, but its too late. Preesha says society is very straight forward now and they accept a single mother. Mishka shouts society doesn’t spare a single mother and they would stamp her as characterless and her child as illegitimate; she is not strong and lucky as Preesha as she got Rudra. Kabir shouts if they got their answer, they should stop interfering in their lives, especially Preesha who will try to ruin their marriage.

Precap: Sulochana slaps Kabir and asks why did he marry Mishka. Mishka says to get Saransh’s custody. Sunny gifts flowers to Preesha. Preesha sneezes and says she is allergic to flowers and hence Saransh doesn’t gift her flowers. Sunny says Saransh said otherwise and asks if he can call her mamma. Saransh hearing that resists and fights with Sunny. Preesha tries to control Saransh. Mishka interferes. Saransh angrily tells Sunny that he can’t call mumma to Preesha because she is not his mother. Sunny says he will call her mumma. They both fight. Preesha tries to separate them and her hand gets raised. Mishka grabs her hand and asks she was slapping Saransh? Preesha tells Saransh that she was not going to slap him, but he pushes her away saying now he won’t go near her. Later, Preesha informs everyone that Saransh is nowhere to be found.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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