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Sulochana boasts about her acting in front of Mishka and asks how as it. Mishka says not bad and says don’t know where did Ahana go, says even she has share in 500 crores. Sulochana says let they prepare the plan first, then she will inform her. Mishka leaves. Sulochana thinks now Preesha has to leave the house and thinks she underestimated champu Yuvraj, what magic did he do and changed doctor’s statement. Yuvraj walks to her. She praises him and asks what did he do that doctor changed his statement. He says he changed the doctor itself and goes into flashback where he calls Dr. Swami and says he needs a treatment from him. Dr. Swami asks him to take appointment and come to his clinic for treatment. He apologizes and disconnects call and captures Dr. Swami’s voice in voice modulator. He calls Chipkali/Preesha and speaks to her as Dr. Swami. Her then thinks he trapped Preesha and saved Chulochana and protein ki dukan Kabir, now how will Preesha save herself from Rudra’s anger. Out of flashback, Sulochana says now she understood why Rudra hates him so much, he is a big creep. He says he is and their association will break Preesha and Rudra’s bonding.

Preesha packs her bag reminiscing Rudra ordering her to go to her parent’s house for a few days. Sharda walks to her and asks if she is really going, she already told that Rudra would be upset. She asks what she could have done, she doesn’t know how can Dr. Swami change his statement, she is sure Kabir and Sulochana must have done something, Rudra will not agree even if Dr. Swami speaks to him face to face. Sharda asks to speak to Rudra once. Preesha says Rudra will not even see her face as he is very angry. Rudra vents out his anger on punching bag reminiscing Dr. Swami’s statement. Sonia rushes to him and stops him. He asks to move away and raises his hand on her. She asks to hit him then, she knows he loves Preesha a lot and is sending her away from him, so he is hurting himself. He says its not true. She says she knows Preesha is his weakness, so he should sort out things with her. He says one who insulted his mother and sister is nobody to her. She sees his injured hand, tears her dupatta, and forcefully ties it on his hand saying she cannot leave him alone as she considers herself as his family member, though he doesn’t consider it and share his problem with her. He hugs her cries. She feels good feeling his touch.
Preesha tells Sharda that until she brings proof against Sulochana and Kabir, she will not return, but she knows Rudra loves her a lot. Sharda says she is right. Rudra walks away murmuring why did Preesha did this. Sonia continues feeling his touch happily. Sulochana walks to her and asks if she is happy because Rudra and Preesha are separating. Sonia nervously says she is feeling bad instead. Sulochana laughs and says she doesn’t know to act properly. Sonia asks what she means. Sulochana asks why was she trying to go near Rudra. Sonia says she doesn’t know what she is talking about. Sulochana says she doesn’t mind if she gets closer to Rudra and orders her to separate Preesha and Rudra completely with her heinous acts. Sonia agrees and leaves. Sulochana thinks she got Sonia on work, now Preesha will be not only out of Rudra’s heart but also from his life.

Preesha packs her clothes reminiscing Rudra yelling at her and ordering her to go. Rudra walks in and sees her packing clothes. She thinks she is going away from him, but knows he loves her. He thinks he loves her a lot. She asks why is he sending her away. He thinks she hurt him a lot. She thinks if he thinks she can hurt him, she is protecting him from his cunning brother and mother. He thinks she hurt him a lot and should better go from here. She thinks she is going to expose his mother and brother’s truth. She slips and he holds her. Their eyes lock, and they both cry. Saransh walks to Preesha and asks if they are going somewhere. Preesha says she has a lot of work in hospital and finding it difficult to travel, so they will in her parent’s house. Saransh gets happy that they are going to grandpaernts’ house and insists Rudra to accompany them. He says he needs to prepare music. Saransh realizes that they fought and insists Rudra, but Rudra doesn’t and asks to spend some time with him now. Preesha carries her bag away. Sharda requests her not to go. Preesha doesn’t agree. Sulochana thinks Preesha made her enemy and has to suffer.
Sharda asks Preesha if she should call driver to drop her to her parents’ house. Preesha says she will hire a cab as Rudra may need car. Mishka says she cannot go anywhere as there is no cab service due to curfew. Saransh happily tells Rudra that he can spend time with him. Sharda says even god doesn’t want Preesha to go and takes her bag in. Sulochana fumes thinking why curfew is imposed now and walks away. Preesha tells Rudra that she will stay in another room until curfew is revoked and will not come in front of him. He says okay. Yuvraj hears their conversation and walks to Chulochana/Sulochana who fumes that Preesha imposed curfew to stay back and informs her that Rudra and Preesha will stay in same house but not in same room as he heard Preesha telling this to Rudra. Sulochana gets happy hearing that and says Kabir and Ahana would have been happy hearing this news, she will feed him sweets. He says she shouldn’t rejoice as Rudra and Preesha are modern Romeo Juliet and people call them Rusha, they separated now and will reunite after fighting. Sulochana says now she is here to separate them. He says their fight should increase somehow and they shouldn’t reunite. She says she has brought a bigger weapon now, Sonia who will interfere between them and will make sure their divorce happens.

Rudra and Preesha feel sad remembering each other. Naina Jo Sanjhe Khwab Dekhte The Naina.. Bichadke Rodiye Yun… song plays in the background. They look at each other and shed tears. Preesha then walks to her room. Saransh walks to her and asks if they will stay in this room and not in Rudra’s room. Preesha says Rudra needs to practice music with Sonia, so she shifted here. Saransh realizes that they both fought and asks if they fought. She says yes. He asks why was she lying then. She says she will not again. He asks how will she patch up with Rudra. She says he should help her patch up as Rudra is very angry on her. He says he is always ready for her and asks what he should do. She explains plan. He walks towards Rudra’s room and thinks mamma gave him an easy task to insist that he wants to sleep with both mamma and Rudra. He walks in and seeing Rudra getting ready asks if he is going out. Rudra says he is going for a gettogether party. Saransh asks if mamma is also going with him. Rudra says she is not. Saransh says he why will she not, he will ask her to get ready. Rudra says she will not as its not her type of party, so he is taking Sonia along. Sonia walks in ready, and Rudra leaves with her asking Saransh to sleep on time. Saransh thinks mamma and Rudra had a serious fight and what he should do to reconcile them.

Yuvraj meditates in his room when Sulochana walks in and informs him that Sonia is going to party with Rudra and she has informed Sonia to use the opportunity. He says they should ruin Rudra and Preesha’s relationship somehow. She says they should use Preesha or Rudra’s mistake from past and use it to ruin their relationship. He says he knows Preesha since childhood and she is very pious. She asks him to find out Rudra’s mistake by attending the party as Rudra’s drunk friends would reveal his secret. He asks Rudra will trash him if he sees him. She says its a masquerade party, he should go there and find out Rudra’s secret. He agrees and leaves. Rudra reaches party venue with Sonia and wears mask. His friends meet him and praise him that he has become a rockstar and has forgotten them. He says he is same and even they are rockstars in their own fields. He introduces Sonia as his special friend who is recording songs with him. Sonia feels good hearing that.

Preesha waits for Saransh and when he returns asks what did Rudra say. He says he is sleepy and walks towards his room. She asks him not to lie and tell what happened. Saransh informs that Rudra went for party with Sonia and will come late, asks why did Rudra do this and if he will leave them. She says Rudra will never leave them as he loves Saransh a lot. He says Rudra loves even her, but didnt’ take her for party. She says he does and asks him to go and sleep, thinks why Rudra went so far away from her.

Precap: Preesha tries to help inebriated Rudra. Rudra pushes her warning to dare not touch him and falls on Sonia. Sonia feels good hugging him and thanks him for giving her Preesha’s place. Rudra informs family that Ahana and Kabir are in Goa. A boy visit Rudra and says he came to stay with him as he is his son.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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