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Sulochana blames Preesha for Kabir marrying Mishka who is carrying someone else’s child. Rudra takes Preesha’s side. He says Kabir and Mishka are not kids. It’s their fault, Preesha is not responsible at all. Sharda calms Rudra saying they cannot do anything now. She’s happy that Rudra supported the truth. Preesha’s mom tells her that she has to handle everything and motivates her.

Sulochana slaps Kabir asking did he lose his brain or what. She raises her hand to slap him again, but this time he blocks her and says enough. He asks her to listen to him. Yuvraj says what he will say? He spoiled whole plan. Yuvraj then tells Mishka that she knew very well that Rudra will kick her out of the house, so she married Kabir. Now along with her, Rudra will kick Kabir out as well. Kabir warns Yuvraj to keep his nonsense to him. He insults him more. Yuvraj grabs his collar. Mishka tells Yuvraj to leave Kabir, else she will call police. Mishka says it was their plan to get married, she is not pregnant. They just lied to justify their marriage. Sulochana asks what they married for. Kabir says for the same reason he was getting married to Ahana – for Saransh’s custody. Sulochana laughs asking who will give them custody. Mishka reminds her that she is a widow and Yuvraj’s wife ran away. Now besides Rudra and Preesha, there is another married couple who can prove to be better parents.

Rudra is standing in a balcony. Preesha comes to him and consoles him. He asks how much he has to suffer. He is tired, he just wants to run away. Problems are never ending in his life. She asks him not to say like that. She has never seen him like this. This is life, ups and downs are part of a life. As long as they are together, everything will be fine. They hug. Saransh comes and joins the family hug. He kisses Rudra on forehead and says Preesha does the same whenever he’s in tension. He asks Preesha to do the same. Preesha now kisses Rudra on forehead.
Sulochana now praises Mishka. Yuvraj asks what their next plan is. Kabir says to eliminate their competitors. Their goal now will be to prove that Rudra and Preesha are not an ideal couple. They will have to use Saransh for that. Sulochana asks how. Mishka shares her plan. Sulochana is impressed with the plan.

Saransh says he will sleep with Rudra today. Sunny comes in the room to sleep as well. Saransh and Sunny fight. Preesha say she will sleep with Sunny. Saransh says he wants to sleep with both. Rudra says how they all will fit in the small bed. He will order a bigger bed, then they 4 can sleep together. Rudra and Preesha somehow convince Saransh, but he’s mad and decides to take revenge from Sunny.

The next day, Saransh comes to Sunny and suggests him to give a gift to Preesha. Sunny wonders what to give. Saransh suggests flowers.

Everyone is having breakfast. Sunny comes there and gifts flowers to Preesha. She starts sneezing. Rudra throws away the flowers, but Preesha’s sneezing doesn’t stop as she has an allergy. She goes to her room and by mistake steps on the flowers. Sunny is disappointed. He looks out of the window and sees Saransh laughing. Sunny now plans to take revenge from Saransh.

Sunny comes to Preesha and apologizes to her saying he didn’t know that she has an allergy from flowers. Saransh told him to give flowers, so he did that. Preesha figures that Saransh did this purposely. Sunny says he felt like he was sleeping with his mom when he slept with her last night. He asks whether he can call her mumma like Saransh. In flashback, Yuvraj provokes and teaches Sunny what to do to take Saransh’s place in Preesha’s life. Saransh will get very jealous when he sees Sunny calling mumma to Preesha. Back to present, Sunny does emotional drama on Preesha and she gives him permission to call her mumma. Sunny hugs her. Saransh comes and says, NO!
Sunny hugs Preesha saying he will call her mamma from hereon. Saransh stops him and says he cannot call his mamma as mamma. Sunny gets adamant. Saransh fights with him. Preesha tries to stop him. Mishka enters and alleges her that she was beating Saransh. Preesha says she was not beating him but trying to stop him. Mishka says even Saransh thinks she was trying to beat him. Saransh shouts mamma was trying to beat him. Preesha tries to explain, but Saransh shouts he will not come near her and runs away. Preesha explains Rudra what just happened. Rudra says kids fight and she need not worry. Preesha says this issue is different. He says she told Saransh got insecure with Sunny’s entry. She says she was not hitting Saransh and can’t think of it. He says he knows and consoles her saying Saransh will return to her at night and will say he wants to sleep with her. She asks will he. He says even his father will come, he loves her a lot.

Saransh sleeps in Mishka’s room. Preesha walks to Saransh and calls him to come and sleep in his room. Sarnash acts as sleeping and weeps. Mishka asks Preesha not to disturb Saransh as he slept just a few minutes ago. Preesha asks if she won’t mind if Saransh sleeps here. Mishka says Saransh is a family and she won’t. Once Preesha leaves, Saransh cries vigorously. Mishka provokes him against Preesha and acts as consoling him. Saransh thinks mamma left him again for Sunny. Mishka thinks her plan is working, she needs to create a drift between a son and a mother and not let them reunite.

Next morning, Presha walks back to Mishka’s room calling Saransh and finds them both missing. She checks Rudra’s room and asks Sharda and Vasu if they saw Saransh as he is not in his room. They ask if they checked him everywhere. She says yes. Rudra asks if she checked Mishka’s room. She says yes and worried requests to search him. He agrees and they both walk towards door when Saransh returns happily. Preesha hugs him and asks where had he gone. Rudra says they were all worried for him. He says he had gone to the beach. Rudra asks alone? Mishka enters and says she took him to the beach and they enjoyed a lot, if there was any problem. Rudra says they were all worried, she should have informed before going. He says everyone were asleep and he is getting hyper unnecessarily. Preesha says its okay and tells Sarnash that she prepared all his favorite dishes for breakfast. Saransh says Mishka aunty already fed him pizza, burger, ice cream. Preesha asks why did he have junk food for breakfast. Mishka sends Sararnsh and Sunny to their rooms and yells at Preesha that she is not an illiterate and since Saransh’s mood was off last night, she fed him hygienic food, etc. Preesha says she is Saransh’s mother and knows what is good for him, he gets cold with ice cream. Mishka says she didn’t know about it. Sulochana yells at Preesha that she would have stopped Saransh ignoring his happiness, etc. Preesha says she cannot spoil his health for his happiness. Mishka yells that she should have let Saransh crying and yells at Preesha. Sharda asks Preesha to let it go as Saransh returned. Vasu backs Sharda and asks Mishka to inform everyone before doing something like this.

Sunny feels bored. Saransh walks to him and informs that he is going to a friend’s party. Mishka walks to him and asks if he is ready. Preesha with Rudra walks to him and asks whose party he is going as she didn’t get any invite from his friends. He says he got a new friend at the beach. Rudra fumes at Mishka for taking Saransh uninformed. Misha yells back. Sunny asks if he can accompany them. Mishka says no as only Saransh is invited and jokes that she forgot he is also part of the family now. Preesha says she will drop Saransh and takes him along. Rudra sees Sunny sad and cheers him up. Preesha drops Saransh to the venue and explains that she let Sunny call her mamma as he was missing his mamma. Saransh walks away saying he is getting late for the party. Preesha says she will come to pick him up at 6 p.m. and thinks she shouldn’t have tried to explain him.

Precap: Preesha tries to leave to pick up Saransh when Sunny acts as having a stomachache and stops her from going. Mishka brings Saransh home and alleges Preesha for ransacking him. Saransh shouts he hates mamma and runs away, leaving Preesha crying. Preesha tells Rudra that problems started since Sunny came and they made a mistake by adopting him. Sunny hears their conversation and makes Preesha slip on a banana skin and fall down. Sarnsh notices that and gets concerned. Sulochana gives Sunny’s letter to Rudra.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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