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Preesha panics seeing Saransh missing from car, thinks if kidnapper took him away, and search for him. Inspector rush to her and says he must be hiding somewhere hearing gunshots. Preesha blames him for Saransh going missing and says Mahima took even Saransh away, how will she bring back both Saransh and Rudra now. Inspector asks her to calm down. Constable informs that they searched all around and didn’t find Saransh. Preesha collapses. Inspector asks constable to call ambulance.

CC kidnaps Saransh and ties him to a chair. Saransh pleads to let him go. His aide asks what will we do with this boy. CC says they will get Rudra from new kidnapper in exchange of Saransh and waits for call. Back to hideout, Maria cry that she shouldn’t have sent Jerry there, his life is in danger because of Mahima. Mahima says new goons would have killed her if she had gone near Jerry. Maria says those are CC’s goons and they found out that Jerry betrayed CC. Mahima thinks she needs to find out who CC is.

Preesha wakes up in the hospital bed and try to leave worried for Saransh and Rudra. Nurse try to stop her and calls for help. Inspector rush in followed by Sharda. Sharda try to consoles Preesha, but Preesha cry that she doesn’t have Saransh and Rudra with her now and needs to save them. Sharda asks inspector how did this happen. Inspector says when they were about to nab Rudra’s kidnapper, new goons entered and kidnapped Saransh. Preesha says nobody knew about this plan except him and her, then how did any third person know about it? 

Kabir eagerly waits for CC’s call. Sulochana insists him to call CC himself. He calls CC and asks if work is done. CC says he kidnapped Saransh successfully as there was no traitor involved and praises Kabir’s plan. Kabir reminisces Sulochana hearing Preesha informing Sharda about kidnapper demanding for Saransh along with 10 crores to free Rudra. She informs same to Kabir who calls CC and informs same. CC says who wants kid, he must not be a professional kidnapper but someone who wants to take revenge, so Kabir should find out more details. Kabir follows Preesha and hearing her and inspector’s conversation informs their plan to CC in detail. CC says wait and watch what he will do next, disconnects call, and explains his plan to his aide. During fight, aide shoots Jerry and informs CC. CC says let him die there, he should kidnap Saransh and escape from there. Aide does same. Kabir asks what will he do next. CC says they will get back Rudra and demand 10 crores. CC asks aide to call Jerry’s girlfriend Maria. Aide calls Maria. Maria panics seeing CC’s aide’s number. Mahima asks her to pick call. She does. CC speaks and threatens her to inform whom Jerry is working for if she wants Jerry back alive. Maria acts. CC warns that if she loves Jerry and wants to save him, she should inform who new kidnapper is. Maria gives phone to Mahima. Mahima speaks. CC is surprised to hear woman’s voice and says he needs Rudra back as he worked heard for 10 crores ransom. She asks why should she. He says Saransh is in his grip. Mahima says she will exchange Rudra and 10 crores in exchange of Saransh. CC agrees. Mahima thinks situation is in her favor.
Preesha continues panicking. Inspector asks to control herself. Nurse informs that Jerry’s condition is critical due to loss of blood and he needs immediate surgery, but surgeons are unavaialable. Preesha agrees to operate on Jerry saying she is a gynecologist. Sharda asks her to cure Jerry soon and bring back Sararansh and Rudra.

Maria says I will go to Jerry. Mahima tried to stop her but she did not listen & blame her for Jerry's condition. Mahima hit her with vase. Mahima called CC & said we will meet in one hour to exchange Saaransh & Rudraksh. 

Jerry got consciousness. Nurse said you are lucky, one doctor did your operation. Preesha come, Jerry is shocked. Jerry apologise to Preesha. Preesha says this is the difference. I am a doctor, but I will not forgive you because you snatched Rudraksh & Saaransh from me. Jerry said yes I did much wrong. Inspector said but you can repent, tell us everything about the kidnapper & kidnapping

Kabeer talking to CC. CC says there is one lady. Kabeer asked what is her name; he said Mahima. Sharda came; Sulochana dropped candle stand to alert Kabeer. Sharda gave locker keys to her. Sulochana hid alcohol bottle . Sulochana did drama that she is worried as Rudra is not here. she asked about Preesha. Sharda said she went to her Amma-Appa’s house with Saaransh. Sulochana says okay. Kabeer thanked Sulochana for saving him. Kabeer told her one lady wants Saaransh, her name is Mahima. Sulochana said is she same Mahima who killed Balraj? Kabeer says I don’t know.
Jerry told everything about how he helped Mahima & Maria to escape from jail. Mahima kidnapped Rudra; she wants Saaransh in return. Preesha said see I told you, it’s Mahima Akka only.

Rudra is screaming to leave him, who are you, remove this cloth from my face. Mahima did not remove cloth from his face. she gave him injection & he falls unconscious. Mahima and her gang member leave with Rudraksh.

Police and Preesha reached there. inspector checked rooms but did not find Rudra or anyone. He says maybe Jerry gave them wrong information.

Preesha hear some noise from cupboard. Mahima met CC; Saaransh is scared to see Mahima. CC says don’t mess with me. You are disgusting. Mahima shot him.

CC’s gang member worried and come to her. Mahima says he called me disgusting; so I killed him. Mahima threatened him. She says work for me; make 2 passports for me & Saaransh. you will be new boss. Harish think. Mahima says don’t think; decide fast. I will give you suggestion, work for me.

Preesha opened cupboard and find Maria. Maria told her everything. Preesha asked where is Mahima? She said Mahima escaped with Rudraksh. 

Harish said what if you will give me to police. Mahima said no; I will kill you before that. see you will be boss, you will get 10 crores. He shaked hands with her.

Precap: Police see dead body of CC.  Preesha calls inspector and gives him Harish’s working location and doubts Saransh and Rudra must be there. Mahima walk to her.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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