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Ruk come and sit with jalal and Jodha. Tansen starts singing. Hamdia says he is such a good singer everytime he sings everything flows with his voice. he asks who are these women with tansen . ruk says these are the same women that came and you asked me assign them some work. I appointed them with tansen. Everyone is enjoying the music. Jalal says wow that was so good. I become your fan everytime I listen to you. You and you pupils should come up with something now. He says atifa just came with me. jalal says a new voice is always fresh. tansen says as you say shaheneshah. Atifa comes forward, jodha wonders why she looks familiar. She says she is the same one jalal met. She starts singing along with tan sen. Everyone is endorsed in their music. When they are done jalal stands uo and says SubhanAlla such a melodious voice. Time filled in well. He says to atifa I never heard a voice like that before. he take off his locket and handover it to her. He stops her and says you don’t have to go to the camp you are safe here. She says thank you. jodha is bit possessive. She leaves.

Jalal stop Atifa and says I wanna tell you again that your voice is so melodious and I would love to listen you over and over again. She says adab. Jalal holds her hand and says what is that bruise on your hand. She leaves. Ruks sees them and says now I know. There is a new bird in castle who sings well. poor jodha. Atifa goes to her room smiling. The man comes in and says you look so happy. She says jalal is so nice. He says and yeah he look so well. He slaps her and says you went to harem and forgot who you are. How dare you to take off this veil. Don’t ever do something that pisses me off. She sits down, crying.

Jodha is in her room and says why shaheneshah lied to me ? he knew her and made her painting. Am I thinking all this wrong ? Should i talk to shaheneshah or not.

Sharif hurts khaibar with very hot iron rods, khaibar shouts, sharif says that today I don’t want to beat you, I want to say that I am jealous of you as jodha cares for you, I loved her, I attacked amer for her, to get her but jalal got her, he married her, I cant do anything about him as he is king but I wont tolerate you, he hurts him again, khaibar looks at cloth tied on his hand, he tries to get smell of it as its smell of jodha, sharif says that one thing is common between us, we both love her but she wife of jalal, you know that if you love a common women then her marriage can be broken but nobody can look at jodha.

Jalal in his room thinks that I don’t know there is something in atifa, he looks at her painting and thinks that I attracted towards her, he smiles at her painting.
Insidejail, khaibar is shouting, soldier says don’t shout, you are alive only because of our good hearted king, don’t shout else I will stab you with my sword, some person comes from behind and kills the soldier with his dagger, khaibar is stunned, the man takes off soldier’s cloth.

Jalal is in court with ministers, he says to one Rajput that relations between Mughals and rajvanshies should be made, this is good for peaceful and united india, the Rajput king agrees with relation, jalal congrats atgah for relation, jalal greets Rajput king. The man which killed soldier in jail is none other than master of khaibar, he comes to khaibar and says now you have to kill jodha begum, she is going to give jalal heir so you have to kill her otherwise mahaC’s mission will be incomplete, he leaves, khaibar shouts in anger.

Rahim comes to jodha and tell her about toys, jodha says that will you share your toys with me? he says why not, you are my choti ammi, dasi brings toys and Rahim is happy to see it, jodha sees one toy and says that this toy is already broken, dasi says sorry, jodha opens the toy and finds one bottle kind of thing in toy, she ask dasi whats this, dasi is tensed and leaves.

Salima says thank you for taking care of Rahim I hope he haven’t troubled you? Jodha says no, it is fine.. infact, Rahim agreed to share his toys with me. Salima says  hmm.. it’s good.. now you take rest.. you might be tired. Jodha smiles and go away from there.. Moti informs Jodha about Khaibar. Moti says to Jodha again Khaibar’s cries are coming.. may be he is getting tortured again. Jodha is going towards jail.. Moti stops her.. Jodha says : “I have to go to see him. Even after Shehenshah’s orders he is being tortured. this is not acceptable. She leaves.
Jalal is taking round of Mahal with Atgah and is discussing about marriage, he hears voice of singing songs by Atifa. He stops Atgah and says wait here i will just come. Jalal enters the place where Atifa and Tansen were Practising song. Jalal get mesmerized by Atifa, and her singing. He says shubhanallah! I didn’t know even practicing for song is also so melodious. Tansen says Thanks. Jalal says to Tansen you be ready very soon there will be a show for music in the palace. Tansen says sure shehenshah. Jalal says to Atifa I hope you are feeling safe here? Atifa Yes. thanks to you. Jalal says I was just passing from here and heard your voice.. you really sing very well.. OK you carry on.. I have to go.

Outside of that room where Atgah was waiting. Husband of Atifa comes and shows some documents to Atgah and sees that Jalal is talking with Atifa. Atgah says OK, go and show these to Todarmal, he leaves. Jalal leaves the room. Jalal asks atgah about atifa’s husband. Atgah says yeah he is good in his work but we have heard that he is very rude, he often beats his wife. Jalal gets angry and says : “it is not fair.. nobody should treat any woman like this. Atgah says but we can’t do anything in this matter as it is their personal matter and we can not interfere untill the woman herselves raise the case. Jalal says I don't know anything put an eye on him and report to me immediately if he beats his wife again. Atgah says OK shehenshah.

The master of Khaibar(nissar) beats him in jail. Jodha comes there and shouts STOP! She look at Khaibar and scold the soldier (actually khaibar’s master nissar). She says how dare you beat him? It is the order of shehenshah and you are doing this? If you did it again I will get you punished by shehshah, she looks at khaibar again. She turn to leave and shocked to find Jalal standing there and angrily looking at her. She says shehenshah. Jalal stops her and ask everyone to leave. Jalal scold Jodha for meeting Khaibar again. Jalal says to Jodha why don’t you understand? I love you a lot, but you are always ignore my orders, you are taking wrong advantage of my love, you should know how a wife should live. Jodha try to make him understand, but he leaves angrily.

Jodha came back to her room, she remembered that letter.. She opens and read it. Iin the letter it was written that. I am the daughter of king… Jalal has fixed my marriage with Atgah Khan’s son. I am a hindu and I don’t want this marriage. I would like to die but I will not get married by a mughal. I know you are living by adjusting very hard. You are also a hindu princess I am sure that you will help me that toy seller will come tommorow to take your answer. Jodha gets shocked to read a letter and thinks about Jalal’s words.

jalal angrily enters Rukaiya’s room. Rukaiya asks him what happened? Jalal says jodha always disobeys my orders, she is not understanding that she has the responsibility of 2 more lives now. Rukaiya ask him to calm down. She give some drink to Jalal and says you drink this it will relax and refresh you. Jalal asks what is it? Rukaiya says don’t worry nothing addictive, it will just refresh you. Jalal drinks.

Atifa’s husband scolds Atifa He ask her what is going in between you and shehshah? Atifa says nothing. He ask her not to lie, I can see he looks at you differently. Atifa says it is just that he respects me. He ask her to pack her luggage we will leave this place now. Atifa says we will not go. He angrily ask why? what are you getting from here? Atifa says freedom from your tortures. He slaps her and leaves.

Dasi comes to rukaiya’s room and says adab shehenshah, Rukaiya says Jalal is taking rest. Dasi says somebody has come to inform you something. Jalal rises from bed and go outsid. Then goes to Atifa’s room, he sees Atifa is lying on the floor bleeding, he holds her and makes her sit. He says says show me your hand. Atifa shows Jalal holds her hand. Atgah comes outside and sees jalal and atifa. He think Jalal is doing a great sin he may have to lose his crown it is a major sin he is touching a married woman like this. Atgah interfere between them and says shehensah, we will take care of it you please leave. Jalal says but he beat her so badly.. he will... Atgah says ok we will take care you go from here. Jalal leaves.

Jalal is sharpning his sword. Atgah come there. Stgah ask what are you planning shehenshah? Jalal says i want to go for a hunt.. it’s been a long time now. Rukaiya gets the news that Jalal is going without Jodha, she think this is the right chance to tell jodha. She goes to Jodha’s room and says is everything fine between you and Jalal? Jodha says yes.. but why are you asking? She says I have heard that Jlal is going for hunting without you. Jodha says yes it is fine there is no dispute between us. Rukaiya says take care of your health. She leaves

Jodha think it is not fair.. we are going to be parents now.. we should not fight on small matters like this now..

Jalal is getting ready for hunting. Jodha comes from behind and wear cloak to Jalal. Jalal says oh you are here. I havn’t noticed. Jodha says(innocently) I have not said sorry so you will do like this? Jalal ask what? Jodha says you are going for hunting without me you are still angry with me? Jalal says it is nothing like that, you can’t go like this, you have to take care of your health. Jodha says it is not the matter of hunting it is the matter of “being with”. Jalal look at her angrilythat she is again disobeiyng me and arguing to go for hunting.

The soldier(nissar) talk to Khaibar don’t shout khaiber. I know you like Jodha and only I can help you get her. He says take this map. this is Jodha’s room, he give him a pointed weapon. and says : this is your weapon. “go and get her. Khaibar smiles..

jodha says that why aren’t you taking me for jungle hunt, jalal sits sadly on bed, jodha says that you know that I don’t like to kill animals but I always go with you then why are you not taking me this time, jalal looks at atifa’s pic and says that if I take you then others wives will feel jealous of you. if I take all people with me then it will take more time, also I arranged meena bazar for wives too so I think I should go alone, you want me to be better husband then let me go, jodha says that if this is the case then I allow you to go, jodha is about to leave when she sees jalal looking at atifa’s pic, he sees jodha and looks down, jodha makes face and goes from there.

The master of khaibar looks at cave in jail and says that jalal and his ministers doesn’t know that there is a secret way out from palace and mahaC knows this, your mission will complete mahaC. in jail, all soldiers are gossiping that jalal is taking soldiers and ministers out for hunting.

Jalal and some ministers are going for hunt in jungle, he sends atgah far, he talks to atifa, he ask her that are you always keep veil on your face, atifa says that my husband orders me so I have to take it, jalal says that your husband isn’t here so you can take it off, she takes off her veil jalal looks at her face and smiles. the rainj starts pouring down in jungle, jalal says to ram that we should go to tents, atifa aask ram that should we go also, he says yes as jalal is going, atifa makes sad face and ays that I would like to enjoy rain in open, I would like to ride and view jungle in rain, jalal looks at her and says to ram that I will stay here in jungle, I want to enjoy rain here, you got tents, atifa smiles, ram leaves, only jalal and atifa are left.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm 

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