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Voice-over says that there was no joy in palace because of this marriage, in harem wives are worried for their future, jodha thinks what happened to Jalal that he forgot his nation too.

A lady comes in harem with perfumes, all wives goes to buy it, ruks comes there and ask what is happening here, lady says i have brought many perfumes here, atifa comes there, ruks ask lady to give expensive scent to her, lady goes to atifa and says you are going to be the new wife of Jalal? Atifa nods, lady gives her expensive scent but Atifa says give me just rose scent, Ruks comes and grabs her by her hands, she says how dare you say no to my choice, Atifa says I am sorry, I didn’t know it, ruks says you are speaking infront of me, Jalal sees all this and shouts at ruks, he comes there and says how dare you ruks to behave with her like this, ruks says what happen to you jalal, cant you see this girl is here to destroy you? Jalal says you cant stop me from marrying anyone, jodha comes and says you can disrespect your wife like this, jalal says you always like to go against me infront of all, jodha says yes I will always go against things which are wrong, I heard that you ordered to kill people who are protesting against you. Jodha says I will go then showing my back to you, Jalal says after eid I will free you from this relation myself, jalal angrily leaves from there.

Jalal says so you want freedom from me Jodha? Ok I will give you divorce, Jodha is stunned to hear this, Hamida comes and says Jalal, she is going to be a mother, Jalal says that does not mean she will insult me, if she can give me warnings then so can I, Hamida says don’t say bad words, come to my room, we will talk, Jalal says there is nothing left to talk and when this will happen one day then why not say this in the open, people will also know it, Jalal leaves from there, Jodha says to Hamida from now on I should learn how to live alone, Atifa gets sad.

Jodha is in her room and think jalal was happy with the news of being a father then what happened that he started hating me so much, ruks comes there and says I know you want to be alone this time but I couldn’t stop myself from coming to you, till now I didn’t see but today I accept that you are beautiful but Jalal has stopped seeing your beauty, its same cycle, Jalal forgot my beauty when you came in his life and now when somebody else came in his life, he forgot you, today you must know how it feels when your special thing is being snatched, I was jealous of you, I became your enemy, I know you are thinking what will happen to your child? jodha says no need to talk about these things, I will leave Agra soon, Ruks says I am saying all this because being jealous of you I thought I should support Atifa and Jalal's relationship then he will leave you and one day he will leave Atifa too then I will be the ultimate queen but now Jalal has gone too far that he is leaving all his wives, he is leaving his throne, he has forgotten me too, now only thing that can save things is that maybe Jalal has some love remaining for you, how will I live with the fact that Jalal divorced you when you took my side infront of him. I always hated you and today also you did a lot for me, how will I come out of this debt, she cry, jodha hold her hand.

All sees moon for eid, people gossip that king has changed a lot, man can change his color at any time, they say what kind of man is he who showed adultery in pious month of Ramadan, priest comes there and says on eid jalal will have to leave his throne, we are planning to go there.

Jalal comes to Atifa and sees her with some persons, jalal ask who are they? atifa says they came with me from kablu and came here to wish me eid moon, atifa says I have no relative who can become witness for marriage from my side so can I allow them to be my witness? jalal says ofcourse, I believe that relations are made from heart, you can allow them. jalal ask why aren’t you happy? atifa says no, I am happy.

Hamida says this eid, I have to distribute eidi(eid gift) alone, I have to officially announce eid to all too.

Jodha is sitting in dark, Moti comes there and ask her to control herself, jodha says I am fine, I have thought a lot, I have taken decision, I will go from here, I know this will not be good for rajvanshies, moti says I suggest that you should talk to jalal once more, today is eid and he will listen to every wish of yours, maybe things will get better, jodha says no, I still love jalal and I don’t want to go with feeling of bitter relation with jalal. maan comes to jodha and says its getting difficult fro me to stand by jalal;’s decisions, you came here, married Mughal for rajvanshies grace but I cant do this anymore, jodha says you came here and promised jalal to be with him so you have to be with him, maan ask from which mud you are made? jodha says jalal is in weak state and in this state any enemy can take advantage so you have to be with him, promise me, maan promises to be with jalal.

Maham comes to chand begum, she says I have to give you news chand, where are you, why are you hiding, I am here to wish you eid, I told you that this day will be last day for you, so enjoy this last with me, come out, come to me chand, she looks around and doesn’t find Chand, she ask where chand ran away, she sees someone and ask who is he? Adham comes and says its me, she comes to adham and says chand is lost, what will happen now, adham says I told you to kill that mad woman but you are behind that treasure whose way is not none, maham says try to understand, what will happen if jalal meets her, she says maybe Nigaar came to know that chand is here and took her out, she ask Adhma to go and find her, he leaves.

Jalal says to Todar that my nikaah should be grand, some people came from Kablu, bring them too and all should be in nikaah otherwise he will be called a traitor, one more thing, I don’t want jodha to be there as she is against it. Jalal says I am divorcing Jodha after eid so its better if she stays in her room on my nikaah time, jodha hear this. Jalal leaves, Todar and Atgah are tensed, Jalal comes to Jodha and looks at her, Jodha says I don’t want you to be sad for me, I am going from here tomorrow forever, I just came to meet Hamida one last time, Jalal says tell Hamida that I came to meet her, he leaves, Hamida comes and says to Jodha that I was coming to give you eidi, jodha says from tomorrow I wont be Jalal’s wife, I promised you that I won't leave Jalal but he doesn't want me here, I just want permission to leave Agra, Hamida says no you wont leave, you promised me that you wont leave Agra, you will live with me here, Jodha says don’t stop me, I will always be your daughter and I know you wont be able to see me sad and I cant see all this so I request you not to stop me as I cant deny your request and I cant see all this, I cant see my husband being angry with me every single day, she hugs Hamida and cry.

Javeda is crying in her room, Adham comes and ask what happened, this is happy news I am going to be king and you will be queen, I don’t like to see your face but today I came to see you as I am happy, Javeda ask what happened to Jalal, all wives will not be in harem, she ask after becoming king will you leave me too? Adham says when did I hold you to leave you? He ask her to bring food for him, Javeda looks at his face and says your head is big, I don’t think turban will fit on your head, Adham shouts fool, go from here, she leaves.
Jalal recalls how he said that he will divorce jodha, Jalal says now enough, this thing is going beyond control, Jalal come to Jodha’s room. Jalal looks at Jodha who is sad and doesn’t see Jalal.

Jalal comes to atifa and says you did not sleep till now? atifa says I am not getting sleep, if you agree then I wanna sing song for you whole night, the song which I wrote specially for you, jalal says why not, I love your voice.

Atgah is with jalal, Atgah says I suggest that you should not do this nikaah, jalal says why? atgah says all are going against you and if you marry then riots will start, all will be destroyed, jalal says you want me to become coward and stop this nikaah for nation’s sake, I will fight withal my enemies and I have decided that I will marry, atgah says what you think that I am worried about my position, no I can give life for you but this will destroy your family too, jalal shouts enough, you don’t have right to talk like this, ruks listens all this and cant believe jalal’s behavior.

Jodha is sitting infront of kahna and prays that if I did any mistake then forgive me.

Its morning, all come in court for nikaah ceremony, jalal comes there and says I wanna see who is betrayer, I wanna see who did not come in my nikah even after my order, is there anyone, he says to priest that today you will see whose power is more, yours or mine, jalal’s soldiers put sword on priest’s neck, hamida says this is wrong that you are threatening priest to do your nikaah, jalal says not to worry, he says I have called atifa’s companion from Kabul to become witness, people gossip that what jalal is doing is wrong but he was a generous king, other says I wish the other king which will be made now also be generous.

Jodha is in her room, she takes off her jewelry and cries, she says thinking of leaving this is making my heart burst.

Atifa and jalal come in court for nikaah, jalal has veil on his face, priest ask atifa do she accept this marriage, she accept it for three times, priest ask jalal does he accept this marriage, he stand up all stand up too.

Jodha comes out of her room and goes towards court, soldier stops her and says that jalal ordered me to not allow you in court, jodha says I am not going there to stop marriage, I am going there to congratulate jalal on his relation, soldier says ok I will accompany you.
Jalal accepts the marriage, all are devastated, Atifa stands beside Jalal and takes out her sword, all are stunned, Atifa’ companion from Kabul hijack the whole court, they put swords on every minister’s and wives neck, Atifa cuts jalal’s neck with her sword, all are stunned, one shout, what king Jalal is killed. All are shouting in court, Jodha hear this from outside and goes to court, Hamida shouts Jalal, Jodha runs to Jalal in court but Atifa’s men stop her, Jodha is shocked to see Jalal lying in pool of blood, she says this can't happen, Atifa says I was waiting for this day only, that when I become shahi wife and when Jalal is killed, Jodha shouts what you did Atifa, he is your husband, Atifa laughs that yes Jalal was the husband of Atifa but I am Sakina, when I am not atifa then how am I the wife of jalal? 

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm 

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