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Jalal says zakira is responsible for this. Jodha says I don’t feel like she is the culprit. Jalal says we have some rules here. Jalal says the poison has been found in her room and she has to be detained. Zakira says I am not the culprit someone is doing this. She says I feel bad not because I am being captured but the real culprit is still at large. Take care of the king. That person might do this again.

Sakina says to her sister that this is our wedding age and our mom is doing the nikkah. Her sister says don’t you say anything she will kill us if she hears. MahaC comes there and ask whats going on ? The elder one says sakina wanna buy some jewelry. She say why are you saying no then. There is going to be a nikkah in the temple. Get what you want. MahaC says you can ask for some and get it here but just know that you can’t go out of the temple. Come and hug me now. The both daughter hug her.

Jodha says I kept zakira with me. I can’t imagine that she did this with Shahenshah. Shahenshah saved her life. Shehnaz says why you worry? Thank God shahenshah is fine now. Jodha says yeah I should be grateful for that. Jodha asks what happened to your hand. She says it got burnt with water. jodha says take care I asked you so many times. Jalal comes in there. Shehnaz leaves. Jodha says you look so tired ? Jalal says look at yourself you look more tired. She says come i will massage your head. He says what about your tiresome. Lets go out we will both feel better.

At the lunch MahaC asks her daughter sakina to eat. She says I don’t wanna eat. MahaC says I don’t want to. Mahac says I asked you to. She says this sakina is always like this. She is so bad with eating. MahaC asks haider to eat. She says enjoy it. haider asks what is this ? MahaC says its the heart of lion. He says I am not in mood to eat. She gives hazir baig. He says this is so good just as you mahac. Its my favorite too just like you.

Jalal says what are you thinking ? Jodha says nothing shahenshah. He says now you will conceal thing from me ? Jodha says I can’t believe that zakira did this all to you after so much favor. Jalal says the bottle was found form her room and she is the only one except for moti and shehnaz who can come to your room. She knows much about poison, This shows that she did this. Jodha says i can’t believe it. Jalal says I had no relation with her maybe that’s why. Maybe she did this for someone else. Jodha says she is with me for so long I couldn’t feel anything like this in her mind. They sit. Jodha says zakira was in the temple whole time where did she bring that poison from ? Jalal says I don’t wanna talk about it anymore. Look the weather is so well. I don’t wanna ruin this. He places his head on her shoulder. He says I feel so peaceful with you. When you are not here I don’t feel good. Jodha says I will always be with you. We have been parted for once I will never leave you again.

Shehnaz says asks moti where is jodha ? sHe says jodha is in the angoor bagh with jalal you are not allowed to go there. sHe says but I will go. I have to show her the jugno. She says stop jodha has seen the jugno before. Shehnaz says stop me if you can. She is about to run she strikes with todar mal. She falls on the floor. Todar mal sees that her hand is burnt. He asks how did this happen ? She says nothing just with the water. Moti takes her from there. Todar mal wonders about the same kind of burnt on shehnaz’s hand.

Shehnaz’s room’s door is being knocked. She wonders whom can it be? She says is that todar mal’s men. She says I will not open. Someone says I am the shahi soldier open it. The lady gives her a letter and says we are with maham. She has sent you the letter. Shehnaz reads the letter that says don’t worry you have reached the castle. We are not far from win. Our men will soon attack and you will get what you deserve. We will rule now. She says thank God I heard a good news.

MahaC comes to prince haider and says I have a request. He says order please. MaahaC our nikkah should be done with simplicity I don’t want the world to know about this nikkah. He says yeah I wanna conceal it to. She holds his hand and says you are so beautiful. There is a light on your face. he says thank you. She cuts his hand with her nails and says you are weak like normal people. You bleed as well. For some people love starts with pain. The more pain the more gain. He binds a cloth around the cut and kisses it. She leaves.
Adham khan says in his room that shehnaz is not mad. That means she made me fool ? his wife comes in. He asks what are you doing here ? She says I hided here so I thought you’d miss me. but you don’t miss me at all. I thought you will look for me and i will shock you. Adahm khan says I am not shocked with the recent thing in the house. She says yeah I heard that there was poison in jalal’s turban we can’t trust anyone. She says yeah let me check your clothes. Take off your cloth if there is some poison in your clothes. She touches him. He says what are you doing ? She says I have checked all the clothes of you and ammi jaan. If there were poison in my clothes I would have been dead. she say how will I ever live without you. What if something happens to my husband.

Salima says you did so good ammi jan. SHahenshah will be so happy. For a kids there is nothing better than mom’s food. Hamida says I couldn’t do much for him in the childhood. So I feel better when I cook for him now. He like my food too. Jalal comes there. He says ammi jaan I am so happy that you called everyone and made this food. Hamida say I have made your favorite dishes.
She says start it jalal. Jodha comes and says stop shahenshah. Everyone is shocked. Hamida ask what happened ? She says apologize me ammi jan. Jodha says after what has happened we have to check the food.

Maham says hamdia made this food. Are you trying to accuse her ? Jodha says I am not trying to say that. Ruks says maham is right. THis is disgrace. Jodha says we have to be careful. if someone can come in our room and place poison in shahenshah’s turban then why not in his food ? Ruks says you are exceeding your limits. You are accusing hamida.

Jodha says anybody can put poison in food too, ruks says you are doubting hamida, salima says no, jodha has got the point, hamida supports jodha and says she is right, there are many attacks on jalal so we should check food, ruks says jalal you also agree with jalal, jalal says don’t exaggerate it, jodha just care for me, hamida says I will call servant to taste food, jodha says no I will check it, jodha eats food, hamida says I will check Mughal dishes(non veg), she checks it and says jodha you did right, infront of jalal’s security, my food is nothing, jalal you can eat, jalal eats and says food is amazing and sugary too while looking at jodha, jodha blushes.

Zakira is in jail, todar comes there and says tell me why you tried to kill jalal? there was nothing your gain in killing then why you did, zakira says why would I kill him, he freed me, gave me respect then why would I try to do that, I proved my loyalty to him even, todar says why you said jalal’s life is in danger? zakira says because I am prisoned and the one who tried to kill jalal is free, he says what about shehnaz, do think she can do that, zakira says she cant, todar sys her hand was burnt, she says it was with water, todar says with water hands doesn’t burn like that, todar says I think that you are being framed falsely, I promise I will free you till then you have to be here, he leaves.

Jalal is sitting with jodha, there are diays in pool, jalal this this makes me recall amer, the ganghuer one year back, that time I wasn’t able to show you face, jodha says you blamed me too so I was angry and to went to amer, jalal says don’t recall bitter memories, jodha says I don’t like this thing about you, you show love and 2nd minute you make me angry, jalal says and in 3rd minute I get close to you, jodha says you will be burnt stay away, jalal says if I get burnt coming near to me then I will, jodha pushes his hand says why don’t you understand that you are precious, you have to take care of yourself, jalal says I wanna tell you that you are important to me, you were affected by poison earlier then why you tasted food today, jodha says you didn’t listen to hamida she said that your life is very precious, you are king many people live with your life, jalal kisses her forehead and says when you are with me then nothing can happen to me, jalal lies his head in her lap, jodha says jalal here.. jalal says I don’t care about anything, when I am with you, jodha says okay you take rest, she massages his head.

Its morning, adham comes to maham, he says shehnaz is jalal’s sister so if anything happens to jalal then she will be the heir so we should kill her, if she wanted her mother only then she would have gone after taking her but she want throne so we should finish her, maham says stay away from this matter, after much difficulty I got the chance to play, you don’t try to harm shehnaaz, adham says okay if you don’t want me to say anything then I wont, he leaves, maham sis frustrated.

Rahim is sitting on tree, salima ask him to come down, and throw mud, Rahim says it is part of earth, salima says its not good to play with mud, he says but carpenters play with daily and you praise them too, salima says yes they makes wall but you cant. come down. jalal comes there, salima says what to tell you, Rahim is very naughty, look he is sitting on tree and has mud in his hand, he know that I cant go there and will not ask any bandhi to touch her, jalal says to Rahim to not give any problem to salim, Rahim says kids have the right to give problem to mom, jalal says he is very clever, jodha comes there and ask salima what happened, salima says I know you are about to brust in laughter so laugh, jodha laughs, salima says when you will be a mother then you will know how it is to handle kids, jodha is shy, jodha says comes infront and says to Rahim that I saw one rat died on this tree where you are sitting, Rahim what, eeww, he comes down fast and says salima you didn’t tell me, jodha says look your cloths are smelling too so there was a rat, salima says to jalal that I am going to wash Rahim’s hands, she goes with Rahim. jalal says to jodha that you are very good with kids, jodha says nothing like that, jalal says after seeing today I think that you are ready to be a mother, I mean you can handle kids very well, so whats say, jodha says jalal you are also naughty like Rahim, jalal smiles and goes from there, jodha blushes.

Shehnaz comes to jodha and makes angry face, jodha ask where were you, come here, shehnaz says you have no time for me and you are making garland without me, jodha ask her to not get angry, where were you? shehnaz says I was with jalal’s friend, who is always in court, that one with beard and fair complexion, he called me in his room but he is not a good man so I ran from there, jodha thinks that it is todar but why he called shehnaz maybe he had some work.

Maham brings adham to her secret place, he says this place is very strange, maham shows him chand begum and says look here is our throne, adham is shocked to see chand, maham says I did all this for you, so that you can get throne, adham says what for me? being a women you did this with a women, if jalal knows this that you did this with a queen then what he will do, maham says I know jalal has distanced me but I am chief minister, people have fear of me not because I kill them beat them but I control their minds, I have that power still now, chand begum knows the way to treasure, she will tell us in sometime then we will show chand’s condition to shehnaz, she will think that jalal did that and will kill him then throne will be yours.

Shehnaz sees todar and starts acting weird, she starts going somewhere, todar follows her, shehnaz smirks, she comes to a room, todar also goes, jodha sees him going before shehnaz, she goes there too todar comes in same room, shehnaz turns and says to him that you wanna play hide and seek with me, lets play, todar says no I don’t, I am going, she stops him and says no play with me, he says I don’t wann to, she holds his hands and tries to blindfold him with her saree, todar hold her saree and says I don’t wanna play, I wanna talk about something else, jodha comes there and sees todar holding shenaz saree, she aks todar if you have any work with shehnaz, he says no and goes from there, jodha is thoughtful.
Jodha says some beautiful lines for women and on women power. jodha says today is a special day as women have colors and fights both, our battle field is our house and our society, even small fights teaches you lesson, we are with you in fight, she hits an arrow on target and says why women are at target always, we will not accept the disrespect of women ever.

Jalal and Atgah, todar, jalal says send letter to maan and mirza that I am happy with their dedication and work, atgah says someone attacked you and investigation is on. jalal says I know but I will sit in cabin to save myself, I have to take decision about governments, jalal ask todar something but todar is lost, jalal ask is everything fine, todar sees jodha and shehnaz coming, jalal looks at jodha and smiles, all greets jodha, todar and atgah leaves, shehnaz leaves too, jalal ask jodha to sit with him in garden. other side todar follows shehnaz. Jalal says whenever I go with you somewhere, something good happens, jodha ask what you mean? jalal says look todar, I didn’t find such loyal and nice person before but when I went with you I get to know him, when he came here the government is going good, he takes care of my security too, he is a diamond, jodha says you are right, can I say something, jalal says yes, she says my father made me learn about politics and war but the best thing is that fruit will be good if seed is good, water will be good if ground is good and if a king is good then nation will also be good with him, jalal says you praise very well, thanks fro praising, thank god you are not a poet else all poets would have gone home.

Shehnaz thinks that I have to go in jalal’s room to find about the way to my mother and also I can get treasure map, shehnaz goes towards jalal’s room, todar follows her. she comes to his room but soldiers stop her, she thinks how to go in. she sneakingly goes in, todar sees it, shehnaz goes in jalal’s room from window, todar follows her in, one dasi sees him going and thinks why he is going like this in jalal’s room.

Jalal and jodha are playing chess, jalal says you play well but why you don’t play with real people as knights, jodha says I never played it so I get confused. jodha says I am feeling sleepy, I am going, jalal starts coughing, jodha says look I told you that you will feel cold, jalal, jalal says what to do I don’t have bandhi tooat this time, if you say yes then I will stay here, jodha says what if I say no, jalal then I will forcefully stay here, he keeps coming closer to her, jodha says I will go in court and will complain to king about you, jalal says you will complain about me to me, what you will say, jodha says I will say that jalal came in my room and.. jalal says what? jodha blushes, jodha says this is stubbornness, jalal says then tell me how to love, I listen to you in all things, if you say then I will stay here else will go, jalal says I want to show love but not to force it on you, jalal says if you want then I will leave, jodha stops him holding his hand, (in ankhon main plays) as they share an eyelock. jalal comes close to her to kiss but Rahim comes and says I will sleep with you today, I want to listen story from you, salima comes and says sorry jalal, Rahim lets go I will tell you story, jodha is talking with jalal. jodha says no I will tell him story, jalal makes face like what the hell, jodha tells Rahim stories, jalal points her to ask him to go, jodha says no with her eyes wide open, Rahim says why are making me afraid with your wide eyes. jodha says the devil of story, he shows his big eyes to make queen afraid, I was telling about it, jalal says now I am sleepy, Rahim go and sleep, Rahim says I have to listen two more stories, you go and sleep, jalal makes sad face to jodha.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm 

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