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Jodha and Moti are in room. Sharif is looking in. Moti says forgive me Jodha I didn’t want to annoy you sharif says where did she come from. He hides beneath. Moti gives Jodha water and says you will feel better. Jodha says nothing worries me now I have lost love of my hubby. I have lost the one I love, I have no worries. she recalls the servant telling her that kahibar is hitting his head against the wall. Jodha says I will stay what u want. I couldn't see a bird being hunted khaibar is still a human. She stands up. moti asks where are you going? Jodha do fulfill my responsibly. Moti says not this time please. Jodha leaves.

Adham khan says if her gets some sold proof he will be hanged. I think we should help him, Maham says you know what will happen later. He sasy our ways are same we can use him at least. Maham says fully insane is better than half sane. he says you have become the minister ammi jaan. maham says listen to me if you hin there is just one way to get your mission. you are wrong. Adham says you know what’s the hurdle in our success ? its your love for jalal. Adham’s wife comes there and says come I will show you my eid gifts. Adham says she is the second problem in my life that you got me stuck with. She starts weeping.

Atifa is going somewhere at night her husband stops her right there. She is scared first but some soldiers come to protect her. She smiles. She says its time for prayer and leaves. Her husband is helpless. he leaves ferocious.

Jodha is out in dark. Jalal, hamida and everyone are praying. Jala says give me what I wish for. Atifa says give me what I want Lord. Atifa’s husband says make me successful in my mission. Hamida says please keep Jalal and Jodha happy God. Jodha recalls Hamida saying this night all the prayers get accepted. God listens to all the ones that are in trouble. Jodha says there is nothing evil in my heart. You don’t even know what you have done wrong. This is wrong to punish you for nothing. pardon shahenshah for his mistake. She starts chanting his name inside the dungeon. Khaibar says yesss, yess Jodha. he is crying. Jodha says yes I am jodha you got to know my name. I am here to set you free. Jodha try to take the first grill and throws in a rope. She says hold it pull yourself up. Before the prayers get over he has to run. He says hurry up, come one. Khaibar hauls himself out. He looks at the sky and laughs with joy. Jodha says no one comprehends you no one loves you. Khaibar run away from here. Go that far that no one can reach you. Wherever you go pray for my husband. whatever happens my husband will the greatest man ever for me. she says that men are coming here run away. He stands firm and touch jodha’s face. Joha push his hand away and says go khaibar. He wanders forwards and turns back to look at her. Jodha recalls jalal saying you used my power against me. yes I love Atifa. My mistake was that I loved you. I gave you everything but I think you are not of that worth. Jodha says when jalal doesn’t love me any more there is nothing to live for. I will jump in the well and kill myself. She is about to jump when khaibar stops her. she says leave me why you saved me? Jodha says there are two more lives attached with me I can’t kill them before coming in this world. Tears stream down her face. Khaibar swipes her tears. Jodha says what are you doing run away from here. He holds jodha’s hand and take her on his shoulder. jodha says what are you doing khaibar leave me.

Atifa comes to Jalal’s room. Jalal wonders where is Jodha? Hamida ask Salima where is Jodha? I asked her to come here. Jalal asks Ruks. She says I don’t know is where? He says why don’t you know? I asked you to take care of her. Ruks says wow you are so generous shaheneshah she disrespected you in front of all the people and denied your order still you care. He says that’s not the answer to my question. You know she is pregnant you have to be with her. Ruks says don’t worry she must be in her room. Maybe she doesn’t want to see whats going on between you and atifa. Jalal is shocked. Don’t be dazed walls have ears too and I know what happens inside our haram.

Jodha says where are you taking me kahibar. Leave me, he sees some men coming he hide behind bush with jodha. The soldiers see him and say there he is on that cliff. Jodha has fainted. Kahibar lays her on the ground a soldier comes. kahaibar beats him down.

Jalal’s man comes to him. Jalal asks what happened? Adka says there is a trouble. Jalal says what is it? The soldier says that khaibar abducted jodha begum once again. Jalal stands up in anger and says how he got out of his prison and went to jodha? The soldier says jodha begum came there herself and perhaps she released him out of mercy.

Jalal is restless in his room, Atgah comes and says we are ready to catch khaibar, Maan wants to come with you, jalal says that khaibar wants jodha, you stay here to protect harem, I will go there.

Salima says to Hamida that Jodha is in danger, Hamida says don’t know why Jodha’s life is always in danger, Jalal comes and says that not danger but jodha herself goes to danger, when I pardoned khaibar’s life on her insistence then what was the need to go and meet him, people are gossiping that Mughal saltanat’s wife is kidnapped two times then how will satanat protect them, I will not leave khaiabr this time, hamida says control your anger, jodha is going to be mother so don’t be angry with her, jalal leaves from there, salima says I fear for jodha, one side khaibar has taken her, other side jalal is angry with her.
Jodha is lying unconscious in jungle, khaibar is angry and try to wake her up, finally jodha wakes up khaibar gets up and says JODHA with difficulty, jodha looks around and is shocked to see herself in jungle, she says what did you do, I think I was unconscious the whole night, she ask khaibar to take her to agra otherwise he will not be saved, they hear some sound, jodha thinks that there must be some village near here, I will go there, jodha is about to go but khaibar holds her hand, jodha ask him to leave her, he doesn’t so jodha puts mud in his eyes and tries to run from there but she sails pain in belly.

Soldier comes to village and informs people that one beast has run from palace and he kidnapped jodha too, if you find him then you will be rewarded by jalal.

Jodha is running from khaibar, he is running behind her. people in the village says they should go to jungle and find that beast to get the reward. Jodha stops running and think I cant run like this, it will affect my children and I cant let it happen.

people are gossiping that jodha herself went to that beast, one man says maybe jodha wants to be with him, other says don’t say this, jodha isn’t like that, other man says we don’t know jodha’s character and only harem people know about its affairs.

Ruks comes to hamida and says people are gossiping about jodha and khaibar, hamida says people do that, what can we do, ruks says don’t say its not jodha’s fault, she went to khaibar, till now nobody can talk about any shahi wives but now they are gossiping about jodha, hamida says I know jodha did mistake but she went to khaibar as she is very generous, ruks says I know she care for everyone but she doesn’t care about Mughal saltanat, our pride, our respect, she de-faced us, she even didn’t think about her children, what if anything happens to Mughal heirs?

khaibar is dragging jodha, jodha thinks what did I do, jalal should have known till now and he must be very angry with me, how will he find me, khaibar makes jodha sit on big stone and goes to get something for her, jodha is feeling pain in her belly. 
Jalal is riding through jungle. 

Khaibar comes to jodha with water and points her to drink it, jodha is angry and throws it away, khaibar goes again and brings fruits for her, jodha says I don’t want to eat, I just want to go from here, let me go, she throws fruits on his face, he gets angry and try to make her afraid by shouting, jodha gets up and looks in his eyes, she says I am not afraid of you, I saved your life and you did this, I don’t want to eat anything, I just want to go from here. It starts raining in the jungle, jodha stands under tree, she sees one hut and says to people there please help me, I am jodha begum of agra, they see khaibar and closes their hut, khaibar goes to them and breaks their door, he breaks their whole hut, jodha says what did you do, hut people run from there, khaibar picks one wall of hut and brings jodha under it, he ask her If its ok now, jodha says what AAAA, you destroyed house of theirs, don’t you have brain, she is frustrated and goes from there, he again brings wall under her head.

Jalal comes to village, maan says that have you seen beast, he is very big and cant speak, one man says that we saw his shadow but couldn’t find him as jungle is very big, jalal ask where is the way, they points it to jungle, jalal and soldiers go there.

Shairf says to jalal that last time jodha threw her jewelry so we can trace her but this time there is no clue, maybe jodha herself went with him, jalal says you mean to say she wanted to go with him, shairf says nothing like that, jalal ask him to just shut up.

Jodha is going with khaibar(holding wall of hut), jodha think is there no village around, cant I cant get help of anyone here, she says to khaibar where are you taking me, you will get nothing by kidnapping me and Jalal’s soldier will come and will arrest you so leave me alone and run away from here, khiabar says jodha… jodha says there is no need to talk to him, he just whisper my name, she says to khaibar I know my name, don’t say it again, rain stops, jodha sits on one stone, khaibar comes there and try to hold her hand, Jodha says don’t touch me, no, he says no. jodha think I am feeling hungry, I should have eaten fruits brought by him but than he might think I don’t condemn his act, what to do, It will affect my children. Khaibar goes and brings coconut for jodha, jodha gets happy, he ask her to have it and says no as he learnt that word, he gives one coconut to her and breaks another coconut for her, jodha takes it, khaibar drinks water of coconut, jodha tr but couldn’t, jodha tries to eat coconut but cant, khaibar gives her one piece and shows her to drink and eat coconut with that piece, jodha eats and says to khaibar that no means no, if you give someone something to eat then don’t say no, he tries to say jodha.. jodha ask him to just eat.

Jalal comes to hut people, they tell him about khaibar, jalal goes from there.khaibar and jodha eats coconut, khaibar feels sleepy, jodha says are you feeling sleepy, go and rest, khaibar sits on stone and holds jodha’s saree end and sleeps, jodha is frustrated, jodha thinks that he doesn’t understand anything but by holding my saree end, it is clear her wont let me go from here easily.

Jodha is sitting on stone while khaibar is sleeping, she try to grab her saree which khaibar has tucked in his hairs, jodha finally gets successful, she thinks that this is the time to run from here, I wish I find some village, she starts walking and says that I will walk by the bank of lake so that I will find some village, jalal on other hand says to his soldiers to walk by bank of lake as that beast will be around it, khaibar wakes up and doesn’t find jodha there, he shouts in anger. jodha looks around lake and says no village can be seen here, maybe its on other side of lake, she tries to cross the lake and thinks that its not deep, I will cross it, she is walking in lake and suddenly falls, she starts drowning in it and ask for help, kahibar is finding her and jalal too. jodha shouts for jalal, jalal and his forces come to lake side, munim says that we didn’t find any clue about them, jalal says I feel we should starts seeing from the start of this lake, they go there. khaibar on mountain end shouts for jodha’s name, jodha is drowning in lake, one person takes her out from lake and his is not shown.

At night, jodha is lying unconscious in some hut, she gets conscious and thinks that finally I have come in some village, maybe someone saved me and brought me here, khaibar comes there, jodha ask did you take me out from lake? khaibar says yes and is angry on jodha, jodha around in hut, she thinks that this not a village but only hut, but who lives here? she says food is also cooked here, maybe khaibar has threw them out, she says to khaibar that how many homes will you destroy, jalal is right, you are beast not a human. khaibar gives her some clothes, jodha thinks that this is not good to wear someone else’s cloth without asking but my clothes are wet and what if that affect my children, I have to save Mughal heirs so I will wear clothes, she takes clothes from khaibar and ask him to go out as she has to change, khaibar ask what, she says go out, I cant change infront of you, go out, khaibar understands and go out.

Munim says to jalal soldiers are tired, I think we should stop the search and will start tomorrow, Jalal says I don’t want to stop but we cant find anything in the night so we will rest here. Soldiers make tents, maan singh comes to jalal and says that people are gossiping about jodha, I know I cant take her side after what she did but she is like this, for truth, for innocent she can go to any length ti save them or to give them their rights, she used to do this in amer too, jalal says I know that but she took side of a criminal, just because of her ego and stubbornness, there is bitterness in our relation but I will remember your point too.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm 

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