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In the morning, jalal is waiting for reply of letter, the horse comes ther with soldier on his back, maham says what , this soldier is killed, this is against laws of war, atgah reads the letter which says that I didn’t know you are that much coward jalal, I will not ask you what is mine but I will snatch what is mine- your sister nigaar, jalal says if they need war then I will give them a beautiful war, start preparing for war. Salima says that jalal gave respect to nigaar being elder to him but she didn’t reciprocate back, ruks says nigaar is very selfish and ill-mannered, its good now jalal will not think twice before rising his sword against nigaar.

Jalal looks at his soldiers praying and thinks that god I tried to stop this war but nigaar’s letter has shaken me.

Ruks says to salima that nigaar will not be forgiven, she not only has put down her brother but also Mughal saltanat, there is only one option war, jodha says you are right, there is no otion left now, only if nigaar leaves her ego and shake hand with jalal, ruks says nigaar tried to spit on sky in her ego so now her own clothes will get dirty.

Jalal wears his war dress and comes out, hamida says I have ful faith on my son, you wont do anything wrong, jalal sasy then why there is tears in your eyes, ill you say bye to me like this, hamida wipes her tears and says this is not a bye, my son will come back after winning this war, jalal says inshallah, I will win, he says to salima that I need your prayers now, salima says all nation is praying for you, you don’t have any other option, you need to win this war, jalal comes to ruks, ruks says I have prayed a lot for you and god will not disappoint me, jalal says yes I hope so, ruks says they will be disappointed who tried to think that you are weak and afraid of war, go and break their ego with your sword, jalal says inshallah, jalal comes to jodha, she does his aarti and puts tilak on his forehead, jalal takes out his sword, jodha puts tilak on sword, jalal says we tried to stop this war but now I promise I will win this war and will comeback to you, jodha says you have to come back for me and for your nation, jalal greets all in muslim style and jodha doesn’t do parnam but does as Muslim, jalal looks at her and greets her again.

Mughal army is all lined up for the war, jalal arrives n inspects it n then directs atgah, mirza n others about strategy, he then address the army that he tried a lot to bring a way to sort this out apart from war, but the enemy is so stubborn so they’ll fight n show them their valour, he reminds them of their past victory n says that today their aim is only Fateh/win.

In camp, jodha sense sum1 was there, she ask about it n rahim came out, he says that he’s searching for shield as he’s a man he needs to fight with jalu like others, jodha smiles on his innosence, she suddenly feel pain in stomach n rahim brings water for her n then says that thr’s baby inside her stomach(aapke pet me khilona hai), she was shocked he explains that when ruqu was about to bring baby for him javeda told that its inside her stomach thats y she was having pain, it means the same for jodha, jodha says that its like God speaking via rahim.
At kabul, thr was sum culprit brought in front of MC, thr she notice that her hubby was flirting with her daughter, she indirectly scare them by punishing that man n then flirt with her hubby .

Other side, both sides army reaches in the feild n jalu ask his soldiers that although they are less still no one compete with thr bravery, finally all scream …yalgaar ho !!..yalgaar ho !… by both armies, All swords are drawn out , Severe bloody battle ensues,Lots of casualties from both sides.

After a while abul n jalu came face to face n gave a tough fight to each other, when abul fal down n jalu was about to kill him sum1 came from behind n distracted jalu, abul ran away within that span n jalu follow him, in the jungle one more time jalu catch abul n hit him badly.

Abul starts instigating jalu, that they are using nigaar n now she’s of no use so he sent sum soldiers to kill him, jalu got worried n hit him n then ran behind those soldiers, meanwhile sum of jalu’s soldiers reached thr, jalu soon meet nigar.andShe was tied around a tree n ask him not to cum closer as he’ll kill her but jalu is a good brother he convinced her that he’s thr to save her n with her, they hugs, nigar says that she was foolish to believe MC n abul, then a soldier attack them n nigar save jalu n then jalu hit him back.

Nigar take jalu to sum secret place until the soldiers disappears, n as they reaches thr, nigar attack him from behind n all soldiers with abul reaches thr n capture jalu, she told that it was all drama n now he’s under arrest by MC soldiers, jalu is shocked n angry.

Nigaar says to jalal that sometime small wounds do wonders and sometime we have to give ourself these wounds to get revenge and to get you jalal I had to bear this wound, mali says very good nigaar bano, nigaar says he is the who is your relative and broke your eye, he is the one who is my brother but took my things, who attacked me, she ask jalal to not get angry jala, we all are one family, jalal says I thought I got my sister back, nigaar says its not so easy, you took my things, you made my mother mad, you destroyed my life and you think that I will forgive you, no jalal you are wrong, I thought to kill you in war but I couldn’t get a chance, jalal says its your misunderstanding, I didn’t capture your mother neither I took your rights, I don’t about these things, I get to know of this when jodha got letter, nigaar says no more lies, now you will also feel pain like my mother, you will also scream in pain and you will be captured here, mali says whats the need for that, we will kill him now, nigaar stops him and says I have to fulfill mahaC promise that death should not be easy to jalal, flashback shows that mahaC says to nigaar that when you capture jalal then kill him after 30 hours, make him beg first, 1st take off his turban then take of his war dress then remove his skin from his body then behead him after 30 hours and gifts me his head, make him beg, fb ends, jalal says why mother wants to do this with me, nigaar says oh king doesn’t know why people hate him, you are involved in luxuries that you don’t know about others pain, you only wants win but doesn’t listen to peoples pleas, mali according to mahaC bring jalal on his feet, the great king should have shameful death, she leaves.
Todar comes to hamida, all wives are there, hamida ask him to come in, he comes, hamida ask you seem worried, whats the matter, jodha ask everything alright? ruks ask why are you silent, is jalal alright, todar says jalal is not right, he is in prison of enemies. hamida is stunned, she cant straight, she ask todar is this news true, todar says I have news that jalal is being captured, ruks says jalal cant be captured, maham says she is right, nobody can capture him, todar says mali has captured him and one soldier of jalal ran away from him , he gave me news that jalal is severely injured, you all should leave from here, hamida shouts no, we will not leave from here without jalal, I gave birth to loin, you go and find him we will not leave, todar says I am doing what jalal told, your protection is important, hamida says without jalal this harem will become widows harem, we wont go from here, its my order go and find him, jodha agrees with hamida.

Mali says to jalal that I will wait more hours then I will kill you and your everything will be mine, your harem too, jalal angrily shouts on him, jalal says you are not a soldier, you are a coward and whom you are talking about are wives of a warrior, go to them once then you will know what they will do to you, mali says I will see how much storng your wives are, I will disrespect them. jalals says its better that you kill me now otherwise if I get saved then I will not leave you, mali hurts him.

Salima says to todar that jalal always protected and today for our protection we will not leave jalal alone, ruks says to todar to follow hamida’s order, hamida ask him to go and find jalal, he nods and goes, maham says don’t worry hamida, nothing will happen to jalal as there is no such sword which can break jalal’s war dress, he is a strong king. jodha looks at her in astonishment.

Jalal is being tied with chains, mali comes there and beats him a lot, mali says you will bow down to me jalal, you will beg me, he beats him again but jalal doesn’t budge, jalal says I will not bow down to you try as much as you can, mali says I will now go to your harem, I will assault them, I will disrespect them, your wives will be touched my many men, many wives must not have a night with you from a long time.

Todar divides the force and says half will stay at harem and other will go with him, hamida comes there with jodha and other wives. ruks says we all wants to say something, hamida says you know your work, we cant tell you what to do but we are worried for jalal so we think.. jodha sasy we think that you should take whole force with you as if jalal is found then we will be safe, todar says I care about your emotions but I cant leave harem like this, jodha says we are women but we know how to take swords in our hand and we know about jauhur too, at this time jalal’s safety is most important, you just bring him back, hamida says yes, you will need force there, ruks says yes you need force, todar agrees.

Mali comes to jalal and says this much stubbornness, this passion, he laughs, he says you gave me good idea jalal to go to harem.

Ruks gives bottle to every women, she says if jalal is being captured then they will come here soon, so if enemies come here then we all have to drink this poison, jodha comes there. ruks gives poison to jodha, jodha throws it, ruks says its very painful for us and we will have to bear it, jodha says nothing will happen to jalal, I feel jalal is safe and he will come for our safety, he will come to protect us, ruks says how can you be so sure, jodha says because my heart doesn’t stop beating so I know jalal is safe and says I will not drink it, hamida is happy,

jalal says to mali that you are angry with me as I made this out of of your face. mali beats him more.

Ruks says to jodha you don’t know what happens to women when king loses the war, jodha says I know jalal will come because if something happens to jalal then this sky will cry. 

Jalal says to mali that kill me otherwise you will not be saved, mali says you are still stubborn, now I will punish your harem, no I will not kill them but I will give them painful life, he ask his soldiers to get ready, we are going to rob jalal’s harem, jalal is stunned.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm 

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