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Jodha gives Rahim new toys, salima says why you give him more toys, jodha says that kids always like toys and look I have nought many toys for him, salima says that I cant believe soon you will handle three children together, she leaves to talk with hamida. dasi ask jodha that what is your decision about our princess, jodha gives her letter and says to convey my message to your princess that don’t take drastic decision, I wont let anything wrong happen with her, its my promise, dais gets happy, jodha thinks that on right time I will tell jalal that this rajvanshi princess is not ready to marry Mughal prince, he will understand.

Jalal gives his hand to atifa, she shyly takes it, jalal pulls her close to him and holds her shoulders, he ask her to enjoy the view, atifa gets afraid with bear’s noise, jalal puts fire on wood stick, he throws it away and bear is hunted from it, atifa is impressed and says I didn’t know you can do this too, he ask soldiers to see the bear, they goes to see him and comes back saying that bear it that, jalal says ok and takes atifa from there, soldiers gossip that what kind of hunt was that, if bear was dead then why didn’t jalal took atifa to that way? seems like jalal is on hunt today but for something else. atgah comes back and sees jalal and atifa enjoying view of jungle together, he is upset.

Jalal is in his court, he is listening to ram tanu’s song, atifa is there too, ram sings then atifa sings looking at jalal, jalal smiles looking at her, ram starts singing but jalal stops him and atifa to sing, atgah says this is insult of ram, jalal says I want only atifa to sing, ram feels offended and leaves from there, atifa continues the song, atgah is not happy with jalal’s attitude, after song ends, jalal praises atifa and gives her his precious ring, she takes and leaves from there, atgah says can I talk to you, jalal says yes, atgah says that you are doing wrong, its a sin. atgah says to jalal that being married, roaming around with other women is not only bad but it is considered as big sin in our religion, you know about all this but as your guider I suggest you to not do this, jalal says that you are right, you can guide me but to tell you truth that whenever I listen to atifa singing, I get lost in her, not only her face but her voice, her everything is making me crazy about her, I think of her all the time, I know I am not doing right with my wives, I should be with jodha, I thought that I cant love anyone after loving jodha but atifa make me go mad about her.

Master of khaibar frees khaibar and ask him to run from jail from that secret cave, sharif comes in jail, soldier ask him why is he here, sharif says that jail is my responsibility and I can come anytime, he goes inside jail and ask why there is no soldier here, he comes to khaibar’s lock up and sees khibar missing from lock up, he shouts that soldiers this beast has run away, sharif thinks that a giant man cant run from here till he doesn’t know any secret way out from this palace, he sees cave that s going out from palace.

Jodha is sleeping, she dreams that jalal is sitting with her on bed, he says that I love you laot jodha. in ankhon main plays.. jodha then sees in dream that jalal and atifa are together and spending romantic moments together, he gets close to atifa, jodha wakes up from dream being terrified, jodha thinks why I am sseing these kinds of dreams, this isn’t good.

Jalal is going somewhere is palace, when he looks in atifa’s raoom, atifa takes off her dupatta and jewelry to sleep, jalal looks at her but then turns and goes from there. khaibar comes in jodha’s room who is fast asleep.

Jodha is sleeping, khaibar comes near her bed and smiles looking at her, he removes curtain and have broad smile on his face, he sits on her bed and keeps looking at her, he is about to touch her face when sharif calls out for his name, jodha wakes up and is shocked to see khaibar on her bed, sharif says how dare you to touch our begum, I will not leave you, he is about to beat khaibar but khibar throws him away and gets angry, soldiers come and tries to handle khaibar but he beats them all, he strangles shairf’s neck and is about to kill him when jodha comes and says khibar leave him, don’t kill him, khibar leaves sharif and doesn’t hurt him, soldiers come and arrest khibar while he stands silen t and keep smiling looking at jodha, they take khibar away while jodha is tensed at his behavior.

In the morning, sharif scolds soldiers that I know one of you is involved in all this, I will know who took khibar out from jail, jalal is coming there after hunting spree ,sharif thinks to tell jalal about khibar’s deed then jalal will not let khibar alive, he will kill him, jalal and atifa comes there and jalal keep looking at her, sharif notices it and smirks. jalal says to atifa that I hope you enjoyed hunting, go and take rest, all notices jalal flirting. sharif says to jalal that I want to tell you something important.
Jalal shouts that how can that beast come in my harem, how can he touch my jodha begum, I will not leave him, sharif says you are right, how can he touch jodha begum, how can he go I her room, I will not leave him, jalal agrees and says I will punish him but how you got to know, sharif says I went to jail and found khaibar missing then I saw him in jodha’s room touching her, how can he, he should not be alive, atgah says how can he run out from jail and no soldier knew about it? security isn’t that weak, sharif says I know someone helped khibar to come out from jail, we will soon find him, atgah agrees, sharif thinks that thankfully I saw that secret cave but I wont tell about it to anyone as that cave goes to jodha’s room and it will help me, he leaves. atgah says to jalal sorry to say but I noticed that sharif was so possessive when he was telling about jodha, I didn’t like the way shairf was telling you about incident and discussing jodha, jalal doesn’t pay head and says I don’t want to discuss all this, just find the person who helped khaibar, atgah agrees

Atifa is sitting in her room, her husband comes there, she shows him that jalal has given her coin as token of appreciation, he says that I know what is appreciation and what is gift, I am telling you that we will leave the palace after eid, she ask why? he says I cant share you just for money, he leaves.

Jodha is thinking that how can jalal kill anyone innocent, jalal comes there and greets her, jodha says don’t kill anyone in Ramadan, jalal says that I will punish khaibar as he came in harem otherwise people will think that anybody can can come in harem, jodha says but he didn’t even hurt anyone, he just came here but didn’t beat anyone, jalal says what you thinks of yourself, that if all are obeying then they are good but if one uses his mind to solve things, if one take right decision but is against you then he is always wrong, you want all to just run around you and follow your orders but I will do what I want and what is right now, jodha says you are taking things in wrong way, jalal says I know what to do. jodha says to jalal that don’t forget that you are given tilte of AKBAR not by your ministers but it is given to you for your love and justice towards common man, jalal says that doesn’t mean that I will forgive a person who comes in my harem without permission, I will kill khibar now and I will give him such brutal death that nobody will dare to come in my palace or my hare., he leaves, jodha is hurt and says what has happened to you jalal, it seem like you don’t love me anymore.

The arrangements are going on, soldiers gossip that one prisoner is going to be killed infront of all, this kind of punishment is not given in years, other soldier says that don’t know whats the need fo giving punihhment to that beast, jodha comes there and thinks that I cant understand why jalal is giving punishment to that insane beast, atgah comes there and greets jodha, he sasy I suppose you are thnking about punishment given to khibar by jalal, you may think that jalal should be generous in this pious month of Ramadan but why is he so harsh, let me tell you that jalal is a changed man, person changes to bad when in two cases, 1st when he goes on wrong path and 2nd when some other person starts affecting his thinking, jodha says what you mean? and if you think that jalal is doing wrong then stop him, he will listen to you, atgah says no, he is stubborn and if he has taken decision then I cant stop him from punishing khaibar.

Khiabar is being tied with chains, all agra natives are there, jalal comes there and says that today after many years I am going to give this kind of punishment, this beast 1st tried to kidnap my wife but I forgave him on my wife’s insistence but then he broke the rule and came in harem, he went to jodha’s room, I know the person who helped khaibar is here inbetween us and I will tell him about my power, so today jalal Uddin Akbar is giving the order to kill this beast here infront of all, atgah and all are stunned. all people starts throwing heavy stones on khaibar, they shout that he is Mughal sultanat’s enemy, kill him, they keep throwing stone at him and injures him, jodha cant see this anymore and goes to jalal, she says that I want to talk to you, jalal says not now, jodha says remember you once told me that in life you will fulfill my wish, jalal says yes I promised, jodha says my wish is to leave khaibar and don’t kill him, jalal is shocked and says how can you do this for a beast, jodha says this is my decision and you have to fulfill it, jalal says ok, khaibar is about to be killed but jalal stops soldier and says pardon this beast’s life, don’t kill him, he starts leaving and thinks that I gave you so much love jodha begum but you insulted me so much infront of all, he is hurt and leaves from there.
Jodha recalls telling to jalal that you have serve kahibar. Jala said is that your last decision. Jodha said. She asks the servant is jalal there ? He sy6as no he is doing sword fighting with the prince. Jalal is busy in extreme sword fighting, while everyone else is watching. Jodha asks todar mal I have to talk to shahneshah. He says I am sorry but he has ordered no one should come there. He is tensed. He was feeling good in. I can’t stop you but he has asked me to. Jodha says to hamida do you think I am doing something wrong ? is it good to kill him in this month of ranadan. Hamida says I don’t know whats right or not. He has to take his decision back and he is ashamed because of that. You can handle his anger. Jodha says I feel like his anger won’t go this time.
hamida says I believe that your love will triumph over his anger.

Adka is giving money to husband of atifa and asks him to leave as soon as possible. He says you should go to some other province. When are you going ? He says just after eid. Sharif sees adka with that husband and wonders why is adka being so nice to him. He never has been so good. oh adka wants to send his wife from here in whom shahneshah is interested. He says I should make this story more interesting.

Jalal comes to jodha. She says come in. Jalal looks serious. He says stop pretending to be nice to me. You bowed me down to me. I thought no one will stand in front of me but you did. You used me and the promises. You used my power against me. You showed the world that I am helpless against my wife. Its my mistake that I gave you this power but I am never going to give you power that you are going to use against me. Jodha says I just saved you from doing a sin. I am a ranjwanshi and your respect is everything for me. Jalal says all you care about is your ego and you showed that. I have been pardoning you for everything but I won’t this time. He leaves. Jodha is starts crying a sob.

At night jalal is sitting out. Shairf comes and says you are shahenshah. You have the power but your wives make you waek and the people saw it today. jalal says I will become the heartless king once again. I will become the same heartless king who used to fear people. I will become jalal again.

Atifa is in her alcove. Her husband is lying a reading a book. he asks her to close the room door. She locks it but jalal comes in. She says what are you doing here? jalal says I came to meet you. She says you shouldn’t have come here shahehshaha. jalal says atifaa.. she says please don’t say anything. Jalal says I will keep quite but the emotions in my heart what about them ? I can’t stay away from you ? Jodha comes to jalal’s room but servant tells her that he isn’t in his room. Jodha says I have to talk to him. Jalal says atifa there is a war in my mind and heart. Can a man only love once ? She asks why are you saying tat to me ? jalal says because I thought that I will never love but when I loved I felt I was wrong. Then I thought I could only love once but now I feel I am in love once again.

Jodha is looking for jalal. She asks adka where is jalal ? She says someone told me he was here ? adka says you should rest your health is not well. He says you should close the windows. Jodha says I didn’t get you. Adka says men are like winds they change within no time.

Jalal says there is some relation between you and me. I feel agitated when you are not near. You bring peace for my heart.

Moti Some ladies are discussing that their is no special place in jalal’s heart for jodha. Jodha comes and says I was worried for nothing. He was just angry. everything will be fine in a few days. 

Jalal says to Atifa everything is not the same. When she used to be sad I used to be sad. But I didn’t feel the same for her today. I loved her. Atifa says don’t you love her anymore? Jalal says I don’t know. I feel like my love for Jodha is a past now. 

Jodha drops her bangle Jalal gave to her. Its breaks. Jodha says this is not a good sign, Jalal gave it to me with so much love. She recalls adka’s words and says does that mean my relationship with Jalal's has changed?. 

Atifa hug jalal. Maham comes and sees them.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm 

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