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Todar says you shouldn’t have left him like this, he can do any thing, jalal says no, he is very short tampered and he must be worried about maham jail thing so did all this but he cant plan anything against me, he doesn’t have brain, he is right I am responsible, maham gave her whole life to me on which it was adham’s right. I took her mother from him, jalal sadly goes from there.

Jalal comes in his room and recalls his childhood, how maham saved him in war, how she used to play with him, how she used to make him eat, he is in tears and goes to Jodha’s room, jodha is not there, moti tries to hide about secret party, she says she went to some place with salima, he ask hoshiyar about jodha, hohiyar gets tensed and says I am finding her only. jalal goes to salima’s room and ask dasi about her, dasi says she is not her room for some time, jalal comes to ruks and she is missing too, jalal is confused. jalal thinks strange nobody is in harem, he meets Rahim, Rahim says I know what is in your mind and I know whats the answer, I am asked to not tell you anything, jalal says I have one question that where are all wives, Rahim says they are secretly preparing jashn for you, jalal says and I should act like I am surprised, Rahim says else they will scold me, Rahim says like ladies, we men should make a deal, jalal says ok we make a deal that I wont tell them anything, now hug my small man, he hugs him.

Jodha is making qoorma(Mughal dish) for jalal, she ask hamida to check it as she is making it for 1st time, hamida says don’t worry it will be good, she says seem like someone is making sweet, jodha says I will go and see, hamida stops her and says we decided that we will see dishes of other wives after they are prepared, its ruks and phuphi is making sweets, phuphi says strange, the ruks who used to vomit with kitchen’s smell is in kitchen, ruks has cloth on her nose, she says I had to come here, i asked moti about the dish, I don’t know why jodha eat this halwa(sweet dish). phuphi ask ruks that you are not making jalal’s favorite dish this time and making jodha’s favorite sweet? everything alright? ruks says jodha did a lot for me so I thought to do something for her today. adham recalls how jalal took away everything from adham, javeda comes there and says can I meet maham? she says all are enjoying eid and she is sad there so can I go to meet her, adham says she is suffering because of her follishnes if she did the right thing then I wouldn’t have to lose my position, I would have beed king of india, he takes javeda somewhere and shows her throne, she says its same like jalal’s, adham says yes, he sits on it, he says I made it earlier, I want to sit on this throne and to rule india, even maham doesn’t know about it as she was busy raising jalal, javeda says its same like you aren’t made for this throne, adham hurts her and says remember I am future king, he says I wont leave jalal, maham still tells me to spare jalal’s life but I wont leave him, I will kill him.

The small jashn or family gathering starts, jalal sits to have lunch, he points jodha to sit with him but jodha nods in no as all are seeing them, jodha says to salima that I will serve Rahim and you serve jalal. jodha makes Rahim eat, Rahim goes from there, hamida comes to jodha and says that you were right, this gathering worked, jalal is happy, jodha says jalal must be showing he is happy but inside he is very hurt because of maham, I want to do something through which jalal forgets all the pain for sometime.

Some man comes to atgah and says he wants say some message to jalal, atgah ask him to say it to him but he denies, atgah threatens him so man says that one person promised him gold coins if give his message to jalal, message is that he called jalal in jungle, atgah thinks.

Jalal comes to jodha and says finally I got you, you always remain busy, jodha says I was infront of you only, jalal says I am saying that you don’t take out time for me privately, jodha stops ruks and says that jalal wants to play chess and you are the best player, ruks gets happy, jodha says to jalal that I am feeling sleepy and goes from there, while jalal looks at her, jalal and ruks sits to play chess, jodha looks at them and says that jalal seems to get busy in chess, now maybe he will forget maham for sometime. after sometime, jalal comes to jodha, he says why are you going away from me? jodha says you always that if you stays with one wife then other will bad, jalal says I have already spent time with all wives except you, jodha says no, go and listen to salima’s poetry, jalal says ok I will comes after finishing my all work.

At night, jalal comes to jodha, jodha says you came so soon, jalal says I met atgah, munim, todar, maan, I finished my prayers and now I ma here to spent time with you, jodha says no, go to hamida and listen to Quran, jalal says I already have done that, jodha says you played chess with ruks, you lost times in chess and if you lose now then.. jalal puts hand on jodha’s mouth and romantically looks at her, jalal says now I know what you are doing, you are making m desparate for you, jalal starts leaving, jodha ask where are you going? jalal says I have some work, jodha says but you told me that you will spent time with me, jalal says maybe you have some work so you also do it, I am going, jodha says no I want to spend time with you, jalal says strange you are, when I wanted to spend time with you, you were asking me to go and now you are stopping me, Rahim is right, its difficult to understand you women, jodha says if you try then its not that difficult, jalal back hugs her.
Javeda try to make adham understand to not do anything wrong but he shoos her away, adham is called by his friend, they go to jungle and hide behind bushes, adham ask whether jalal will come on their call here? friend says he will, jalal leaves from palace to jungle, adham sees jalal coming and gets happy, he takes out his dagger to attack jalal but javeda comes there and tries to stop jalal, adham throws dagger at jalal but it hits javeda and she falls on ground being injured, adham then attacks jalal on horse, dagger hits jalal and he falls on ground, it turns out to be atgah in disguise of jalal, atgah tries to see adham’s face.

Jalal gets to know from one soldier that atgah has gone to jungle in disguise of you, jalal says what? jalal gets the flashback of how atgah told jalal that someone wants to meet him in jungle but he thinks that something is wrong, atgah says to jalal that you wont go there, instead I will go and see whats the matter, jalal says but your life will be in danger, atgah says I will be more than happy to die for you, I wont be able to bear if something happens to you, jalal hugs atgah, jalal says but you wont go there alone, fb ends, jalal says I told him to not go then why did he go. adham’s friend says to him that we should run from here, don’t know to whom javeda has told about you, they run from there. atgah and javeda in injured state are brought to palace, jodha calls doctor, jodha ask dasi to take javeda to her room, jalal takes atgah to his room.

Atgah is conscious, jalal says to his wife that I never allowed atgah to put his life in danger, I am angry on him, wife says that I was worried when I saw him in your clothes, I asked him but he said its about jalal’s security, atgah says I know you are angry on me, you can punish me but I cant forget the promise that I have to protect you even if I lose my life, jalal says are you happy to have got injured like this, never put your life in danger from now on, atgah says I am a soldier and you say that injuries are soldier’s reward, whenever any crises come on you, it has to go through me, it has to fight with me, I pray in my prayers that you always remain safe, jalal says and you know pray in my prayers that my close and my own people always remain with me, I have very few people whom I can trust and I cant lose them, doctor comes and checks atgah, adham friend listens their convo.

Adham drinks wine and says maham is right, I am a fool, I cant complete one plan, its all because of atgah that jalal gets saved everytime, he is my real enemy, he comes in my every plan, if I want to kill jalal then I have to remove atgah from my way 1st.

Jalal comes to javeda, jalal says javeda went to jungle to stop me from going there, this means she knows something but she is in shock and is not conscious, doctor says she will be able to say till morning only, ruks says I don’t know where is adham, his wife is injured and he is not here, where is he from evening, dasi was telling me that adham was scolding javeda earlier, jodha says maybe he went to other state, jalal says I have to find something and goes from there. jalal comes maan and ask him to find about adham.

Maham is in jail, she says I did wrong, I was so wrong to always think about jalal, I kept my attention to jalal and ignored my own son, I did wrong, I became lusty for money that I forgot my duties to my son, she imagines small jalal crying fro her and has blood on his face, maham says jalal called me, he is in problem, maybe adham is going to kill jalal, I have to stop him, he cant do this, she ask soldier to let her meet her son but he doesn’t respond to her.
In the morning, atgah comes to his office and starts doing his work, he says to soldiers that adham’s state has many corruption, in palace, adham comes there on horse with sword on his hand, soldiers try to stop him but he fights with all soldiers of palace, jalal is sleeping in his room. soldiers tells atgah that todar was right, adham did corruption, atgah’s wife comes and ask him to take the rest but atgah says I will check this corruption, then I will comes. atgah is busy in his work when adham comes there with his sword, he pushes atgah and says you are the one who always came in my way to kill jalal, you are my biggest enemy, you doesn’t let me get the throne, I wont leave you today, last night, you got saved but not now, atgah falls on ground and prays to god, adham ask are you praying fro your life, atgah says no I pray that jalal always remain safe from devils like you, adham says don’t worry jalal will soon come to you he kills atgah with his sword.

Adam goes out of the room after attacking aAdka. Adka is covered with blood. Adham comes out with his sword grunting jalal’s name. he attacks all the soldier in the way. Adka stands up holding the door. a pal of adka comes. Adka says don’t try to save me go to jalal save him. He says go from dig behind maha manga’s castle you will reach faster that way. you have to inform jalal. you have to reach there before adham. Some on adham’s men see him going but they say he isn’t our target let him go.

Jalal is sleeping in his room. The man goes to jalal and says save yourself. Adham khan is coming to kill you with his sword. jalal stands up and holds his sword. The man tells him he has killed adka. Jalal grunts in anger, adham khan. Adhma comes to the palace and says come out jalal where are you ? Jodha, hamida and everyone come and ask what is going on ? The soldiers stop them and say you are not allowed to go out. They se adham coming. Jalal comes out with sword. Adham says I have broken all your protections. I have sent adka khan to hell. A fight starts between them. jalal gets attacked a few time but then he is successful in beating down adham. Todar mal asks are you okay ? jalal says yeah I am fine but he won’t be fine any more.

Maham says to the soldier let me go. I have to go to jalal and tell him his life is in danger. take me to shahenshah. The soldiers contemplate what to do. Jalal says I could have killed you for attacking me you have been fed by the same woman. I could pardon you for attacking me but you killed my adka khan and for that you have even horrible punishment than death. He asks his soldier to throw him off the building. He says if he s still alive bring him up and throw him again. Jodha says what is he doing ? I have to stop jalal. hamida says no jodha. Jalal kicks adham and he falls down. he asks his men is he alive ? A soldier says yes. jalal says bring him up and throw him again. jalal says you know adham why are you not dead at once ? because the list of your sins is so long and until you don’t feel the pain fro each of your sin death won’t even accept you. he throws his again. jalal asks is he still alive ? The soldier says yes. jalal says bring him up. Jalal says you have taken advantages of your powers every time. This pain is for the mom you took advantage of, for the wife you never took care of. jalal asks him men to throw him again by his head. The soldier asks all the ladies to go in. jalal takes up adham and says I want everyone to see what happens to the man who kills my close people. jalal says today you murdered my brother, you killed my bari ammi. your hands are bleeding with this blood. maybe my upcoming generations won’t remember me and consider me evil for this but I don’t care. because a king treats traitors like this. If I would have pardoned you I would never have paronded myself. because I owe milk to your mom I can’t forgive you for that. I can’t forgive you for killing my Adka. I don’t care if I will never be able to face bari ami. this death has shown what happens to people who betray me.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm 

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