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Maham comes to her secret place, she ask soldier did she eat something, soldier denies, maham sits on sack and ask her secret person to eat, she says night isn’t peaceful without food, she says I got map but cant understand it, only you can tell me about it, she ask her to see and says I know love your kids, she beats her and says if you want your children to be safe then tell me about map, I am attached with this map, my destination is hidden in this map and only you can solve this map, she says you have to answer my questions if you want your kids to be safe, have this food I will come back soon to have my answers, maham leaves. secret women eats food.

Ruks comes to shahi bath tub to have bath, jodha is with her, jodha checks beauty cream and ask dasi to apply these creams to ruks, ruks takes bath and says to jodha can you call jalal here, I know its weird but I want jalal to be here as he is father of my child, jodha nods and ask dasi to call jalal here. jalal comes there, jalal says to jodha that you called, I was coming to you only, ruks says I called you not jodha, she just sent my message, jalal ask are you fine, ruks says when jodha is serving me then I must be fine, ruks ask jodha about beauty cream, jodha says its getting ready, ruks ask jalal to sit near her, jodha looks on, ruks says my neck is aching, jalal says let me see, he sees her neck and says I know one remedy and says jodha’s remedy, jodha makes face, jalal looks at her, ruks ask jodha to make it, jodha says this remedy is cold in nature, she says her remedy, jalal says yes yes I also know this remedy, ruks ask jalal to rub her neck, jodha feels bad, ruks says pain is Lessing, you have magic in your hands, jalal says magic is not in my hands but in your thoughts and you need my support only, jodha recalls how she said these words to jalal. she smiles.

Jodha and moti are in garden, jodha ask where is Rahim, moti says salima has restricted him to be in room only, jodha says he is kid only so he will do naughty things, moti says yes but she is his mother. jalal comes there, jodha says I came to collect flowers for making remedy, you must know as you said infront of ruks that you know about remedies, jalal says yes but I don’t know remendy of one aliment, jodha ask what, jalal says heart aliment, jodha says you now got heart and even got love aliment, jalal sys you make realize that I have heart and you only gave me heart aliment, jodha says I thought you got this aliment in battke field, jalal says you made me realize that everything is not achieved in field, you made me human from warrior, you made me realize that I have heart, when you have given me heart then you have to treat me. jalal puts his hand around her waist, jodha says what are you doing, there are soldiers here, jalal says you are right, we should not talk about this in open, lets go inside, jodha says I have to collect flowers for ruks medicine, jalal says you also have to treat my aliment so come, he takes her inside.
jalal brings jodha in room, jalal says after that night you are not even looking at me, yu are not taking time for me, I know you are busy with ruks but try to take time for me, jodha says I try, jalal says if you try then everything is possible, he says I just want to spend some quality time with you, he looks at jodha and comes closer to kiss her, jodha gets shy and closes her eyes, jalal smiles and stops, he says I want to gift you that will give you happiness, he brings gift and its gold coin with kahna graved on it, jodha gets happy and says its beautiful, jalal loves her smile and hugs her. jodha says to jalal that I wanna give you one gift, jalal ask what, jodha says for that you need to close your eyes, jalal closes his eyes and ask should I open it? jodha is shy and says no, jodha comes closer to her to kiss him.. jodha kisses him on cheek, jalal gets stunned, jodha runs from there, she turns and says I gave you your gift now I am going to ruks, jalal is happy and ask jodha to stop but she doesn’t.

Bakshi comes to meet Ruks, ruks is happy to see her, she ask her to sit, she says bakshi you are looking beautiful, bakshi says becoming mother is tyring thing, ruks agrees, bakshi gifts her painting of healthy child, she says your kid will be healthy if you see healthy kid’s oic, bakshi says its beautiful to be a mother, it gives goose bumps when your child kicks you, ruks says you look good smiling, ruks ask can she touch her bump of belly, she says why not, ruks touches and says he kicked me naughty kid, jodha comes there, she says bakshi how are you, bakshi doesn’t answer her, ruks says jodha is taking care of me theses days, bakshi says I will leave now, jodha says sit for some time have talk with us, I made remedy for ruks so you also take it, bakshi says no need and goes out, jodha goes behind her and says why you didn’t answer me, did I do some mistake, bakshi recalls sharif seeing jodha in lake and saying to bakshi I am seeing jodha she is looking beautiful, fb ends, bakshi says to jodha that I don’t wanna talk to you, jodha ask why, we are good buddies then why are you saying this, bakshi recalls how sharif was praising jodha’s painting, she says to jodha that I told you that I don’t wanna talk to you, cant you understand, she leaves while jodha is confused.
Maham comes in her with map and tries to understand it but doesn’t, she says I get confused seeing but she is not helping me what to do, this map is useless, she throws it and says I had hopes from this map but.. she sees map burning on candle and takes it, she again sees map that with heat everything get visible in it, she is beyond happy and says now I am very close to my destination, I have to find these places.

Javeda stops Rahim and ask him to not run as salima will be angry, Rahim says there is no one with whom I can play, javeda says soon there will be someone to play with you, he says who? she says maybe a girl or a boy, he ask why he don’t come now, javeda says child is in ruks womb now, he will your toy, Rahim runs to jalal and says javeda is saying my toy is in ruks womb, how this can be possible, jalal says she is right, Rahim says I will ask jodha, javeda says to jalal that I am also relative of your child, nobody congrats me, jalal congrats her, he says adham is lucky to have good hearted girl like you, javeda congrats him for child and goes behind Rahim.

Hamida ask dasies to give dry fruits to ruks, salima says there is happiness everywhere, hamida says its all because of jodha’s goodness, salima says its also good that jodha and ruks are coming close but I don’t understand one thing, why ruks chose jodha for services as there are many dasies, jalal and jodha started liking each other but ruks make jodha busy all time, she is also a woman, hamida says jodha is great woman have faith, if jodha is with ruks then everything will be fine, salima thinks that ruks calling jodha for service, something is wrong with it, there is something wrong.

Doctor comes to meet ruks, ruks is happy that soon her tummy will be visible, then her baby will kick her, doctor says for that you have to take this syrup, it will show all the symptoms of being pregnant, ruks throws it away and says I lied to jalal and he accepted it, I can lie anything, I don’t need your syrup and never ever dare to say loudly that I am not going to be mother otherwise I will not spare you, she ask her to leave. one dasi listens to all this and is stunned.

Jalal and Jodha are sitting in the garden, jodha ask why you are not saying anything? Jalal says your eyes is not allowing me to say anything, they are asking me to keep looking at them, jodha feels shy, jalal says see ant, jodha gets afraid and hugs jalal and ask where is it, jalal says to jodha that I also want to take care of you like you take care of of ruks when you will become mother of my child. Jodha says whole Mughal will be proud, jalal says you are with me, you are golden hearted, you and salima are very intelligent, I am very lucky to have you both, salima’s intelligence and your love will be blessing on my future kids. jodha rests her head on jalal’s chest, jalal smiles.

Dasi which listens ruks not being pregnant tell this to maham and ask for gift, maham is stunned and thinks wow ruks, by seeing your tricks I feel like there are many devils than me, maham ask did you tell this to anyone else? she says no, maham says come I will give you gift.

Maham comes to meet ruks, ruks says I am resting, Maham says which I will tell you, you will leave you rest, ruks ask maham to say quickly, maham shows some syrup, ruks ask what, maham says just see and then you will know, maham calls a bandhi, maham says you gave me very good news bandhi so I am giving you gift, she gives her syrup, maham ask her to drink it, she reluctantly drinks it, soon she start feeling dizzy and lies there on the ground, it was poison, bandhi dies, ruks says what was this, I will call jalal here, maham says when you  know why I did this you will not call jalal, don’t shout it will effect your child, well nobody knows that there is no child in your womb that will get affected, you told jalal a story and I am telling you truth, trust me this truth will be between us, as you are doing great thing by making jodha away from jalal, I have same desires and enemies of one person are friends so I am extending my friendship with you, you will not be able to fool jalal for long, I also want jodha to go away from here, jalal made me away from politics but I am still very close to it, I will send jodha away. ruks says I don’t want to throw jodha out, I just want jalal back, maham says that will happen, trust me even I couldn’t think the trick you played, you played a very good trick to separate jodha from jalal. ruks says what about body of this dasi, we will be inquired, maham says don’t worry I will play such a game that nobody will ask about this dasi and jalal will be close to you.

Jalal says to jodha that my son will call you choti ammi, jodha says I will tell ruks that I will make your child bath, jalal says this means you will not have time for me even after his birth, jodha says jalal… dasi comes and says shehenshah somebody tried to give poison to ruks, jalal gets shocked and runs to her room. jalal comes to ruks and sees dasi poisoned and killed, ruks hugs him and cries, she says thank god I am fine, he ask what happened, ruks says this dasi ccame with sweetdish which jodha prepared, this dasi was shivering and I got doubt, I asked her eat it, she ate reluctantly and died, I was afraid that if something happened to my child then.. jalal says don’t worry I will not let it happen, hamida comes there and hugs ruks, jalal shouts that my enemies played again, he shouts on dasies that what they were doing, he says you all will be given prisonment, ruks says no these bandhies are my loyal, only she were not loyal, jalal ask to take her body, jalal says to ruks that you will not eat before, jodha will check everything, jodha you will be incharge of everything, you have every right to decide for jodha, ruks gets angry, jalal ask atgah to make security more tight, hamida says its good that you gave jodha responsibility, she is our own, ruks thinks I wanted attention but this jodha got credit here too.
Jalal is standing outside sadly, jodha comes there and says this happened because, I should have with her that time so this couldn’t have happened, jalal says don’t say like this, when ruks asked for your services I felt bad but now I think she was right, she chose you best, jodha says not to worry nothing will happen, jalal says I am becoming father, I have duty for my child’s safety, I don’t care about my throne, if gets snatched then I ca get it back but my child I have to protect him, jodha says you are different from what you seem, you are like a child, your tears are saying that you have soft heart, jalal says you also will best mother, I have seen your care for Rahim and ruks child, but my child, he cries, jodha hugs him and says don’t worry, I will take care of everything, nothing can happen to you child.

In court, jalal ask atgah to place rajvanshi soldiers out of agra palace, atgah says priest can argue on this, jalal shouts that this is not religious matter, its about my child, atgah informs him that some raja who use to work for me , went and joined with your enemies, jalal says then he will have to face consequences.

Jodha comes to ruks and ask her to drink syrup, ruks thinks that I have drink these bitter syrups for this acting, she says I cant drink it, jodha sys you have to drink it for your child, ruks says okay and takes glass, ruks sees that jodha is not seeing her and throws syrup in plant pot, jodha says after what happened yesterday night I thought that there should be trust worthy people for your service, so take hoshiyar khan back under your support, hohiyar comes and sits on ruks feet, ruks shouts that I will not forgive him jodha insists, ruks ays only for you I am forgiving him, jodha says I have to leave for madir to pray for your child so can I go, ruks says why not, jodha goes. ruks and hoshiyar laughs, ruks says I am happy to have you back.

Jodha comes to mandir with zakira, zakira stops outside mandir and says I cant go in, jodha says whether its mandir, mosque or any religious place, one is restricted to come in so lets go. they goes. jodha prays to lord that save jalal’s child, protect his child as jalal gets tensed for him and I cant see him tensed, some lady leaves letter in jodha’s palanquin, jodha sees it and says its in Urdu I cant read it, she ask zakira to read to it. zakira reads letter for jodha, letter says that jalal my life is danger save me- from chand begum, jodha says why this letter was in my palanquin, who is this chand begum.

Bandhi informs jalal that jodha came to meet him, jalal says call her inside as next time call her inside without my permission, jodha comes in, jalal says you here, I know you came to.. he gets closer, jodha shows him letter and ask him to read it as its in urdru, jalal says don’t joke you know it all, jodha says what, jalal says don’t tell me that you dont know that I cant read and write, jodha says you must be joking, jalal says no when I was child situation wasn’t good so I couldn’t read, jodha tells him about cahnd begum letter, jalal says I don’t know her, jodha says I cant believe you are literate as you know everything, jalals says I never forget anything which I listen but fight with you I forget in minutes, they laughs jalal hugs her.

Phuphi in court tells jalal that is wrote about chand begum in autobiography of humayun, she was wife of humayun. todar had sent humayun’s three begums to humayun after war, one was chand, jodha says question is where was she all these years, jala says if she is real chand begum and sent letter to jodha then she must in danger, todar tells him that I brought all three begums to humayun, jalal says that means there is no clue about chand begum, either she is kidnapped or she is afraid to come infront of me, in both cases I have to find her. jalal says she is my mother in relation and I will find her if she is in problem. jodha says how can we locate, jalal says don’t know but we have to locate her.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm

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