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Jodha is making turban with help of zakira, jodha says yo know a lot zakira, zakira says i spent my life in many palaces, jodha ask so tell which stone is most praised in Mughal saltanat, zakira says maanak stone, this stone is good for turban, shehnaz comes running and ask them to hide everything, she hides everything under turban, jalal comes there, jodha and all behave weirdly, jalal ask what is happening here, jodha says nothing, jalal ask moti, she stays silent, he then ask shehnaz, she says jodha is angry with you, jalal ask why, jalal says have to say one thing that you servants are loyal to you jodha, they are not telling anything even to king, he ask zakira whats happening, she says you should ask jodha, how can we answer you, jalal says so you all will not tell me, jodha says you are wasting time here, nobody will tell you what i giving you in gift so you have to see it in bazar only, he says all go out, jodha says nobody will go, i know ht is sending you all out so he can find his gift, jalal says if its my order then.. all servants leave. jalal says to jodha that where is you hiding my gift, jodha says there is nothing here, jalal says what, you haven’t made anything for meena bazar, jodha says there is nothing to be given, why should work for gifting you, jalal is miffed and says okay meet you in bazar, jodha says don’t be angry, wait till bazar, jalal says i just wanted to tell you that your one mannak stone is lying on floor, jodha says its cheating, you shouldn’t have seen it, jalal says hiding it was your work, well meet you there, i want to see what you give me, he leaves. jodha angrily looks at stone.
In meena bazar, javeda is at one stall, maham comes and says why you put stall, she says i placed this stall not for competing but for the people who will come here to see meena bazar, hamida comes there and ask what is this javeda, javeda says this is cool juice for the people who come in meena bazar, hamida drinks it and says wow it is cool in this much hot whether, very good work javeda, javeda says see maham she is praised me.

hoshiyar is seeing swords which ruks has placed in stall, ruks scolds him and says go to jodha and find what she will be giving to him, hoshiyar comes to jodha’s stall, zakira ask why are you here, he says ruks has said that i have to find what jodha is giving so tell me, zakira says don’t search here, you wont find anything, hoshiyar says i used to think that people of outside agra have big heart but you.. zakira says don’t play games and go from here. he goes sadly, he then comes to salim and ask what she is giving to jalal, she says why you are asking, all will know when i will give him, hoshiyar dejectedly goes from there too. moti says to jodha that jalal has come in bazar, jodha says don’t why whenever competition is about to begin, i feel nervous, moti says it happens when love goes beyond control, jodha grins her teeth and ask her not to joke at this time.

Jalal comes in meena bazar, he says I hope my three special wives are ready, he ask hamida to accompany him, they 1st go to ruks, ruks says i am happy you came to me first, Jalal says you are my first wife so I had to come to you first, your gift always surprises me so tell me what you have, ruks shows him sword and says for the great warrior of all time I am giving you this sword, hamida praises the sword, jalal says its very light weight and sharp, thanks ruks. they then goes to Salima, Rahim is also there, salima says he is stubborn, jalal says no problem, i also bow down to Rahim’s stubbornness, salima shows a chain for jalal and its pendent is the new coin which jalal had distributed, she says this chain is for great king, hamida says only jodha is left, Rahim says no my gift is remaining, jalal ask what you have brought, Rahim ecite some lines which that great king and person who have blessing of god never dies even after death, hamida says wow such a good lines, salima his learnings are very good, salima says he never show me what he learns, he learns by himself, jalal says you are not my wife Rahim otherwise i would have included you in competition, they go to jodha, jalal ask her to show her gift, she shows a beautiful turban. jodha says this gift is for the king whom I respect a lot like a god and all do, jalal this turban will always make you remember what title people have given you, jalal says this means along with new title i have new turban too, jalal says to hamida we have seen all the gifts, hamida says now its the time to announce winner.

Jalal say all gifts have something common that they appreciated my thought of making saltanat one, he says ruks gave me sword as token for a warrior, jodha gave me turban which is my pride and is closes gift for me but the gift that touched my heart is that of salima that chain which will be with me and will always make me remember to make saltanat one so salima has won the mena bazar, all are happy for her. Jodha congratlate her and says I am happy, ruks says congrats salima today you were able to beat me finally, jalal says i respect all the gifts so present them to me in court, all smiles.

Munim Khan is playing with rahim, jalal comes there, jalal says you became naughty rahim, munim says no he is not, if you meet my son ghani khan then you would see naughtiness but now he is mature, jalal says yes he is competent in politics and loyal too, he thanks jalal for praising him and says when he comes this time i will tell him that he made me proud.
At night, jalal is walking with jodha, he says moon is looking beautiful looking at jodha, jodha says you liked salima’s gift and made her won and her gift was good, she is close to heart, jalal says but there is something more close to my heart, jodha ask what, jalal says you are asking that you don’t know, jodha says I cant predict, jalal says you are close to my heart, jodha looks at him, jalal ask did I say something wrong, jodha says you never say wrong, jalal holds jodha’s hand and they walk.

MahaC is in her palace, she scolds one servant for making noise, she ask why are you not answering me, servant panics, mahaC puts knife on his neck and says next time if I had to turn my neck because of your noises then I will cut your neck, beg comes and ask her to have mercy, why killing him just to satisfy yourself, mahaC says what should I do then, I am not getting throne and jalal is not in my hands, till I get peace I will not let anyone sit in peace, beg says when you are going to attack agra then why are not at peace, mahaC says how can I attack agra when ghani is here, he will sent message to jalal and munim about my attack, beg says you have hot head, have some juice, servant brings two trays, mahaC says to beg that you have lost your mind, he ask her to just peep in trays, she sees in one tray there is watermelon and in other tray there is something on seeing which mahaC gets shocked, she recalls how ghani kahn was eating watermelon and saying to his fellows that I remember my father by eating, one fellow ask him to eat this water melon, gahni takes it and is busy eating when fellow attacks him and beheads him, beg comes there and smells water melon which gahni was eating, he says this have smell of blood which makes me happy. flashback ends. mahaC is still looking at other which probably have head of ghani, mahaC eats water melon and says I like it, he says both(head and water melon) are cut now onlu, mahaC says beg there Is only you who understands me so well.

Jodha, salima and ruks are going to court with their gifts, todar welcomes them in court, he sees ruks sword, hoshiyar says why you are looking at it like its snake, he ask hoshiyar to go in, then salim comes, he inspects her gift and let her in, then comes jodha, he sees turban, zxakira says it is made with real pearls so no need to check, todar lets them in too. all sits in court, javeda says if I were competing in meena bazar I would have won, jalal says I want all my special wives to to give me the gift and I will accept it here, he says as salim won so she will gift 1st, he goes to salim, salim makes him wear the chain, the comes ruks, she takes the sword and gives it to jalal, ruks says I hope you like it, jalal thanks her, then comes jodha in veil, she is about to give turban when todar feels something in hands and he sees his hands wounded, he says whats al this, he runs inside and sys stop jodha, jalal don’t wear this turban, this turban has poison, jalal ask what kind of humility is this, todar says sorry but this turban has some liquid in it, todar says believe me, he shows his bleeding hands, he says sometime back I touched this turban and see what happened, chain and sword cant have anything on it as you have already touched them and you are fine, this means that turban have poison, jalal is shocked, todar says take this turban, it will be inspected, jalal says I want answer who did it and why, todar ask doctor to check this turban and tell us, ruks says its all jodha’s fault, she should have been protective with her gift, salima says how she could know that somebody had put poison in it, doc says there is special liquid in it, if jalal had wore it then his head would have burned and anything could have happened to jalal, all are stunned, jalal says to doctor to do the bandage of todar, atgah says question how poison got in palace, todar says your security is my responsibility so I wanna ask all the questions, jalal allows him. todar says to jodha that turban was with you so how somebody put poison in it, jalal says he would have done that when she was sleeping otherwise jodha’s hand would have wounded too, todar agrees and says there are things to be noted, 1st attacker knew that where turban was, 2nd that he was allowed to go in jodha’s room, 3rd is that he lives in apalce only, atgah says this means its done by jodha’s bandhies only, todar says we have to question them, jodha says moti cant do this, jalal says don’t worry, todar ask moti where she was last night, she says after jodha slept I went to sleep too, todar says I have investigate more, jalal ask to be lenient with moti as she suffered last time too, till you get proof don’t be harsh on anyone, jodha thinks that I cant belive that this time also I was targeted to hurt jalal, I was excited to make jala wear it but.. who can be the one who is close to me and did that.

Ruks says to jodha in court that jodha when you knew that jalal will wear this turban then why were you so careless that someone got chance to attack jalal, jalal says its not her fault, like you had put sword in your room, she also put turban in her room, the one who put poison in turban could take jodha’s life also, now we have to find who did that and attacker is in palace, todar ask jalal to be careful as attacker may have other supporters too.

In Kabul, haider thinks that where i am stuck, mahaC wants to marry me, his relative comes and ask why you didn’t sleep, haider says i cant sleep, why didn’t you tell her that i cant marry her, she is older than my mother, i cant marry her, relative says don’t say it loudly, she will take you life, you have to marry her, haider says no never, you don’t care for me, relative says i care for you life and people’s safety, we need her in our politics, haider says we don’t need anyone, come we will talk to her, relative says its your death if you talk, you have to do what she wants otherwise she will destroy your life, listen carefully if mahaC gets angry then there will be no one to help us, sometimes king have to compromise for their people, you have to marry her.

Todar says to jalal that in turban poison was placed carefull this means that attacker is clever and he has full right to go anywhere in palace, jalal says don’t take much stress, i will find him/her, i am thankful that you saved my life, todar says it was my duty, jalal ask what are you thinking atgah, atgah says that i am thinking attacker is in palace only and he can attack dangerously, in these cases shoulder used is of someone else and culprit is someone else, todar says that’s why attacker used jodha, atgah says true nobody can think attak from her side, jodha comes there, todar and atgah leaves. jodha is crying and says this happened because of my carelessness, jalal wipes her tears and says beautiful eyes doesn’t look good with tears, jodha says i know all happened because of that turban, jalal ask her to sit and says tell me did you put poison in turban, jodha says i would die before doing it, jalal says even i cant think this then why are you crying, jodha says i don’t know you are attacked a lot, i shakes up thinking that your life is in danger, jalal says i will not leave you because no poison can won against your love, jodha smiles, jalal says i should praise you more, jodha says i am thinking that who can put poison in turban in my room as only few people can come in my room without my permission, i cant doubt moti and shehnaz doesn’t even know what poison is and zakira asl cant do this as she saved Rahim, jalal ask whether zakira was with you at turban making time, jodha says yes but why you are asking, jalal says she was with benzir before and she know about poison, i want to say that maybe zakir did that, jodha says no, jalal says maybe she is still with mali, i have to tell todar, don’t worry she will not be punished without mistake but i have to find who is behind this as i cant see tears in your eyes. he goes to Atgah and Todar.

Jodha says some beautiful lines for women and on women power. jodha says today is a special day as women have colors and fights both, our battle field is our house and our society, even small fights teaches you lesson, we are with you in fight, she hits an arrow on target and says why women are at target always, we will not accept the disrespect of women ever.

Jalal and Atgah, Todar, jalal says send letter to maan and mirza that I am happy with their dedication and work, atgah says someone attacked you and investigation is on. jalal says I know but I will sit in cabin to save myself, I have to take decision about governments, jalal ask todar something but todar is lost, jalal ask is everything fine, todar sees jodha and shehnaz coming, jalal looks at jodha and smiles, all greets jodha, todar and atgah leaves, shehnaz leaves too, jalal ask jodha to sit with him in garden. other side todar follows shehnaz. Jalal says whenever I go with you somewhere, something good happens, jodha ask what you mean? jalal says look todar, I didn’t find such loyal and nice person before but when I went with you I get to know him, when he came here the government is going good, he takes care of my security too, he is a diamond, jodha says you are right, can I say something, jalal says yes, she says my father made me learn about politics and war but the best thing is that fruit will be good if seed is good, water will be good if ground is good and if a king is good then nation will also be good with him, jalal says you praise very well, thanks fro praising, thank god you are not a poet else all poets would have gone home.

Shehnaz thinks that I have to go in jalal’s room to find about the way to my mother and also I can get treasure map, shehnaz goes towards jalal’s room, todar follows her. she comes to his room but soldiers stop her, she thinks how to go in. she sneakingly goes in, todar sees it, shehnaz goes in jalal’s room from window, todar follows her in, one dasi sees him going and thinks why he is going like this in jalal’s room.

Jalal and jodha are playing chess, jalal says you play well but why you don’t play with real people as knights, jodha says I never played it so I get confused. jodha says I am feeling sleepy, I am going, jalal starts coughing, jodha says look I told you that you will feel cold, jalal, jalal says what to do I don’t have bandhi tooat this time, if you say yes then I will stay here, jodha says what if I say no, jalal then I will forcefully stay here, he keeps coming closer to her, jodha says I will go in court and will complain to king about you, jalal says you will complain about me to me, what you will say, jodha says I will say that jalal came in my room and.. jalal says what? jodha blushes, jodha says this is stubbornness, jalal says then tell me how to love, I listen to you in all things, if you say then I will stay here else will go, jalal says I want to show love but not to force it on you, jalal says if you want then I will leave, jodha stops him holding his hand, (in ankhon main plays) as they share an eyelock. jalal comes close to her to kiss but Rahim comes and says I will sleep with you today, I want to listen story from you, salima comes and says sorry jalal, Rahim lets go I will tell you story, jodha is talking with jalal. jodha says no I will tell him story, jalal makes face like what the hell, jodha tells Rahim stories, jalal points her to ask him to go, jodha says no with her eyes wide open, Rahim says why are making me afraid with your wide eyes. jodha says the devil of story, he shows his big eyes to make queen afraid, I was telling about it, jalal says now I am sleepy, Rahim go and sleep, Rahim says I have to listen two more stories, you go and sleep, jalal makes sad face to jodha.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm 

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