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The Episode starts with Mohini complimenting Anurag and Komolika. At home, Komolika thinks something. She drops the sindoor. Mishka taunts her that this sindoor might be not for her, Anurag loves Prerna. Prerna sees the sindoor and smiles. She recalls their moment. Hua mujhe….plays…. She applies the sindoor. He thinks of Prerna and gets worried. Komolika says this is just red color, I can get it for you, you can become Anurag’s Jogan, he will fill sindoor in just my maang.

Its morning, Anupam and Nivedita talk about Divya Dhrishti show. She says I m going to Prerna’s house. Prerna is busy in work. Nivedita comes there. Veena welcomes her. Nivedita says Anurag doesn’t want to marry Mishka, he told everything to mom. Prerna and Veena smile. Prerna asks what’s the invitation. Nivedita says Anurag and Komolika’s rasam happened last night, he wants to marry Komolika. Prerna and family get shocked. Nivedita gets taunting Prerna. Prerna runs to her room. Nivedita invites all of them for Anurag’s engagement. She leaves. Prerna says answer my call Anurag, tell me Nivedita lied. She cries. Shivani stops Nivedita and scolds her. Nivedita says Prerna should be happy for Anurag’s engagement, she must have got her dreams broken. Shivani says its reality, not a dream. Nivedita asks her not to live in dreams, dreams give happiness for some time and then pain for life time, Anurag is a business minded man, he will think of business first and then love, he doesn’t love Prerna, he knows Komolika is a better life partner, you and Prerna sit and cry, I have lots of work, get everyone in evening. Anurag answers the call. He sees Prerna’s missed call and says does Prerna know about my engagement. Naina….plays…. He thinks to call her. He sees her pic and says you love me a lot, trust me, I love you equally, don’t know why fate doesn’t let us unite, you have to accept the truth that I m marrying Komolika, you have to move on, I have to do something that you don’t get hurt when you lose me. He says I have to go out for some imp work. Mohini asks him where is he going, its his engagement today. She says Moloy would have been proud of you too. He says if dad was here, this would have not happened. She asks him to come soon.
Komolika asks Nivedita did she invite Prerna. Nivedita says yes, I wish you were there and could see Prerna’s pale face, why did you make me do this. Komolika says I want Prerna to know how I ruin someone’s life. Shivani calms down Prerna and says maybe Anurag is getting engaged for some wrong reason, he always supported you, you have to support him, go and stop him from marrying Komolika, he will listen to you, go and stop him. Prerna goes.

Mohini and Nivedita invite Komolika and Mishka. Chobey comes. Nivedita greets him. Anupam asks can I talk to my wife for 2 mins, its imp. Komolika makes Mishka away and goes with Komolika. Nivedita asks the matter. Anupam says Anurag loves Prerna. She says not again, I m not mistaken, I know you united them, why, they have no match, Anurag has chosen Komolika. He says something is wrong. She asks how does it matter to you. He says because love matters. She says no, love doesn’t matter, money, status and family matters. He says I forgot I m talking to a business woman, who never fell in love. Anurag sees the ring and recalls his moment with Prerna. He thinks he is unlucky, that he is getting engaged to Komolika.

Anupam ask Anurag what’s this drama when he told that he loves Prerna. Anurag says I don’t want to say anything. Anupam says I know you well, I made you realize you love her, I want to know why you want to ruin your love. Anurag says I told that when you forced me, I m going to regret that. Anupam asks do you think love is a mistake, why can I see pain on your face, tell me, don’t become great for those who never understand your sacrifice, you are doing this for business, family and Prerna’s house, so you promised Moloy that you will marry Komolika. Prerna leaves from her house. Anurag cries and says I will fight with myself but I can’t see Prerna losing, I can’t see her in pain, I don’t know what will happen now, her house…. she was ready to marry Navin for this house, I can buy a bigger house for her, but that house has Rajesh’s memories. He cries. Anupam consoles him. Anurag says when she loses the house, Prerna will be in pain seeing Veena. Prerna hires an auto. Anurag says I love her a lot, I don’t know what will happen now, I promised Moloy that I will protect Prerna and her family, even if I have to ruin myself. Anurag says you told me that if anyone breaks the heart, its easy to leave from the heart. Anupam says by means of hatred, Prerna loves you a lot, she will never hate you. Anurag says no, she will hate me. Prerna is on the way. She gets stuck in traffic. She gets down and runs on the road. Anurag holds Komolika’s hand. They get pics clicked. Prerna reaches the house and falls down. Ranjha main….plays…. Anurag takes ring to make Komolika wear it. Prerna shouts stop. She goes to Anurag and asks what’s happening Anurag, I felt its not true, you are forced to get engaged, tell me, you promised to marry me, you said you love me. She cries and begs him not to abandon her. She apologizes to him. She asks why are you doing this, tell me. Nivedita says mum, we need to stop her right now. Komolika looks on. Prerna asks because of Mohini? We will convince her, we will find some other way, don’t worry. Komolika says stop harassing her and leave. Prerna takes the ring from his hand. She says I won’t let engagement happen, you promised me, you will marry me, you promised my mum.
Mohini says Anurag stop her right now, see the result, you gave imp to her and family. She apologizes to Chobey. Prerna cries holding Anurag. Mohini says Anurag never loved her, he always keeps his promises, its Prerna’s dreams, Anurag isn’t responsible, he is kind hearted. She scolds Prerna. Prerna asks Anurag to see what Mohini is saying. Mohini calls her a maid. Prerna says we love each other. Mohini shouts stop it, enough. Mohini says I know Anurag isn’t responsible. She asks Anurag to tell the truth, stop this, its wrong. Anupam says there is still time, she needs you. Mohini drags Prerna. Anurag asks her to stop. Prerna smiles. He thinks I will break your heart and fill hatred for myself in your heart, forget me forever, I want to give you anger, not pain. He asks Prerna to forward her hand. He takes ring to make her wear and then stops. She says its smaller in size, its made for Komolika. He says yes, its not yours, its of Komolika. Anupam thinks no, don’t do this Anurag. Prerna gets shocked. He badly insults her. Mohini also gets shocked hearing his bitterness towards Prerna for the first time. Prerna says you told me you love me. He says you are an employee’s daughter. Komolika says Rajesh’s daughter. He says yes, mum is right, we should treat servants like servants. He shouts on Prerna and asks do you have any status, any class, any sense. He calls her Zero. He says many girls wanted to be with me in college, you said I m boring type, I had to prove that you will fall for me, I have tried you, that’s it, look at your status, you want to know my perfect choice, Komolika is perfect match for me, she has status and class. Prerna cries. He says you used me well, I knew you said yes to Navin as he had money, I knew you can fall to any level to get me. Prerna slaps him. Mohini shouts Prerna.

Precap: Prerna says you will never get love even if you beg. She asks Anurag not to touch her. Anupam says you have chosen a path of pain. Anurag says my story starts from today. Anurag and Prerna cry. Pandit gives the marriage mahurat. Anupam asks Prerna to stop the marriage. She refuses.

Made For Each Other Air On Star Life From Mondays  To Sundays At 4pm

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