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The Episode starts with Sheela warning Anurag. He says Komolika is good here in jail, I shall leave, I usually sleep early. Sheela asks Prerna to be careful, Anurag isn’t innocent as he appears. Anurag says we are getting late. Anurag and Prerna leave. Komolika says how dare Mishka come late, if she doesn’t give me a valid reason for coming late, I won’t leave her. She scolds the jail inmate. Anurag is on the way with Prerna and thinks I feel good that you are with me, but you have to leave me so that you can stay happy. She asks why are you looking at me like this. He says no, I am not. She says don’t lie, I saw you, you know lying, I don’t. The driver says the tyre for punctured. He says I will go to garage and call someone. He goes. He think I won’t tell anything to Prerna, she should feel that I love Komolika, I have to fill hatred for myself in her heart. They get down the car. He says the day is bad for me, I had planned a lot, it was my honeymoon night with my wife Komolika, luckily we got that hotel room, she had worn that nightie, she was looking so hot, when she came close to me, we were so close, then she touched me and I started feeling something, it was a weird feeling, there is some magic in her, everything got spoiled because of you. The driver gets help. Anurag says why don’t you and Komolika patch up, we all can stay together. Prerna says shut up, I m not interested in you, you were never meant for me, you deserve to be with Komolika. He says I know, I was always a boring person for you. She says yes, you are. He says yes. Her saree cloth falls over his face. Ek ladki ko dekha…..plays….. He goes to ask driver how much will this take. The man says just some time. Anurag thinks I never thought of this. Mishka says Komolika is my sister, we belong to respectable family. Inspector says she misbehaved with me, I will keep her in lockup for one night to teach her a lesson. Mishka says let her go, I guarantee you, she will never misbehave, please leave her. Inspector says there is a lot of difference between you and her, she is so arrogant. Mishka says she is Nika, I mean very arrogant. Komolika gets freed and shouts on inspector. Mishka stops Komolika and takes her. Anurag sees Prerna sleeping and dropping her head aside. Phir bhi tumko….plays… He gives his shoulder. Prerna sleeps over his shoulder. He smiles. They reach home. She wakes up and gets away. Anupam collides with Mohini. He says Anurag has come, I just saw him. Mohini says how did he come back so soon. Anupam thinks it means Prerna ruined their honeymoon. Komolika asks where are you. Mishka says I had parking issues. Komolika says I have forgiven you many times, this time I will punish you if you do anything, I will never forget Prerna, I will torture her now. Mishka asks what will you do.

Komolika says something that no one can imagine. She goes. Mishka thinks what will she do now. Mohini and Nivedita ask Anurag what happened, is he fine, where is Komolika. Prerna comes. Nivedita asks what is she doing here. Anurag says ask Prerna, she knows, I have to make imp calls to free Komolika from lockup. Prerna says she is in lockup. Nivedita says I m sure that you are the reason, you did a big mistake. Mohini says how dare you do this. Prerna says I m bahu of this house, don’t question me. Mohini says I can’t talk to such ill mannered girl, nothing is good, no one is happy since she has come here. Nivedita says yes, she is getting all comforts here, how did police arrest Komolika. Prerna says Komolika committed a crime, so police arrested her, police supports the victim, Mohini did mistake to send my husband on honeymoon with another woman, so I saved him from the trap.
Nivedita says Komolika isn’t the other woman. Prerna says I m Anurag’s wife, Komolika was wrong, when I knew that my husband is going on honeymoon, I had to stop them, if my husband is forced to do this, I will keep spoiling such plans. Nivedita says that’s it Prerna. Prerna shouts on her and says a girl’s house is her Sasural after marriage, you won’t know that, you still live in your Maayka. Mohini shouts Prerna, don’t. Prerna says anger is not good for your health, if anyone tries to break my family, I won’t keep quiet. She goes. Nivedita says this middle class girl… Mohini says she can become a servant but not this house’s bahu. Anupam comes to Anurag and says you said you are going to rescue Komolika, but you are sitting relaxed here. Anurag says it all happened good. Anupam says you got happy that your honeymoon got spoiled, how did you get saved from Komolika. Anurag says I got saved by difficulty, I ran to the bathroom. He tells everything. He says Komolika told the hotel name in overconfidence, Police came there, Prerna got NGO women to insult Komolika, Prerna rescued me from other woman. Prerna comes to the room. She says I m tired and want to rest. Anupam goes. Anurag looks at Prerna. Zindagi…..plays…. He thinks of her and goes.

Komolika come home. Mohini says so sorry, I just got to know this. Komolika says Prerna insulted me, I can’t let her win, mom, Anurag is my husband, you know Prerna proved that I m Anurag’s mistress and she is his wife. Mohini gets shocked. Komolika says I won’t spare Prerna, she has taken on me and its my turn now. Nivedita says she is right, Prerna is taking advantage of our silence, we have to do something, its high time. Mohini says I promise you, I will expose her that she is staying here with a fake relation. Mishka says I think we should focus on holi, forget about Prerna, its Komolika’s first holi here. Komolika thanks Mishka and says holi is a festive of colors, now we will celebrate it and destroy Prerna’s life, she likes to become Anurag’s wife, she will be ashamed now, she made my day worst, holi will be worst day of her life, I promise, I will be waiting for holi eagerly. Nivedita asks but what are you thinking. Mishka thinks I can see revenge in her eyes. Prerna is in her room. Komolika stares at her. Prerna sees her and thinks I have won. Komolika thinks you snatched sindoor from me, I swear you will be forced to leave the sindoor, you have to leave this house on holi’s night.
Its morning, Mohini asks did you understand what I want. Lawyer asks her to read the paper once. Komolika reads, I Prerna Sharma have bribed the pandit and I accept my claims were fake, I took advantage of Anurag’s kindness and did everything is final, this marriage is illegal, I troubled everyone and this guilt is haunting me, so I m getting away from Anurag, I m ready for the divorce, Anurag can’t be held responsible for any of my claims, he shall me deemed free from me. She says good job, once Prerna signs these papers, she will out of my job. He says nothing can do against it, I don’t think she will sign it easily. He says tomorrow’s holi will do this.

Prerna comes to Anurag with colors. He stops her and says I don’t like colors. She says I like colors and throws at him. He says no, please. She says its my right to play holi with you. He says I never liked holi, I felt two hearts should meet, and now we are together, so….. He applies her colors. Lagu muh lag gaya….plays…. They play holi, Komolika calls him out. His dream ends. She wishes happy holi and does tilak to him. She says I m waiting for you to color me in holi. He says I will come. Komolika goes to Prerna and jokes. She says this holi plate is not for you, but for family, you have a confusion that you are part of this family, we have decided that just family will play holi, not any outsider, no one will play holi with you.

Prerna says look at me, I m not interested to play holi with those people who played with my life. Komolika scolds her. They argue. Prerna says Anurag and I had a relation and you got in between. Komolika says he is just mine. Prerna says you forgot everything, my memory is sharp, I will remind you, Anurag filled sindoor in my maang. Komolika says fine, you will see how Anurag applies all colors to me. Prerna says this is sindoor, not any color, you don’t know difference between sindoor and color. Komolika says fine, today Anurag will fill my maang, you think marriage happens by applying sindoor, stop it if you can, he will fill my maang. She goes.

Suman’s mum comes home. Veena and Shekhar welcome her. Suman takes her mum to room. Veena asks Shekhar to be with them. Shivani says its Prerna’s first holi, we have to send her sweets. Veena says your dad passed away, will we send sweets. Shivani says we should fulfill rituals, Prerna is fighting to have her husband, I don’t think anyone will let her attend holi function, if you go there and shower her with love and blessings, I m sure her life will get colors back, you taught her to fight for rights, she will be happy.

Anurag throws colors at Prerna and thinks to play holi with her. She cleans her clothes. He says sorry, let it be. She says you have no right to play colors with me. He says sorry, I was following Komolika and got red color for her, color of passion. She says sorry, your color and love got wasted on me. He thinks to change her anger into hatred. He says I love the way you dislike me. She says you aren’t so lucky, I have started to hate you. He says strange, I don’t see hatred, I feel you want to come close. She says its big punishment for you to stay with me, I have no interest to stay close to you. He says you said you have come to take revenge. She says I will do it and show. He says lie…. truth is you want to stay with me, so you wanted to spoil Komolika and my honeymoon. She says wait, Komolika had challenged me, I won it, I had told her that I will take revenge. He says so, it means you will take revenge on me for throwing colors, you can’t throw colors at me. She throws colors at him.

Precap: Mohini comes to Anurag. Anurag hides with Prerna. Komolika insults Prerna. Veena raises hand. Komolika holds her hand. Komolika says you want to win my trust. She gives sindoor and asks Anurag to fill her maang. Prerna looks on.

Made For Each Other Air On Star Life From Mondays  To Sundays At 4pm

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