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The Episode starts with Komolika saying I have a right to stay happy, I didn’t care for anyone, I have sent Prerna to jail, we all came on same level, we cheated each other, you are very innocent, right, waiter told me how you went to Anurag and asked him to stay with Prerna, you supported her, I will get my room, my Grahpravesh will happen today, Anurag and I will consummate our marriage. Mishka says great, I m so happy for you, where is Anurag. Komolika chokes her and says you are making fun of me, you mean to say that Anurag is with Prerna. Mishka says I casually asked, you don’t realize right and wrong, Anurag is not yours, you are scared. Komolika says guilt and fear are not in my dictionary, I am Komolika. Mohini asks Nivedita to keep trying Anurag. Nivedita says Anurag has gone to meet Prerna. Mohini says not this time, even if I agree that he married Komolika for Moloy’s promise and loved Prerna, then he would have not let Prerna’s arrest take place. Komolika look on. Komolika’s friend says don’t know why Komolika got offended. The lady says yes, I was just joking, what’s this party and puja happening here. Another lady says Anurag married Prerna and then got trapped by Komolika but Prerna will be called his wife. Komolika hears them and says enough, I will throw him out. Anurag comes. Komolika says he has come, my husband. She asks Anurag where were you. Anupam thinks how do I find about Prerna, Komolika is around. Nivedita asks from where are you coming. Anurag says sorry, you must be worried for me, I was busy and then I forgot my phone, I realized that it got stolen. Komolika says oh, I am sorry, I was angry that you aren’t answering. She says I am lucky to have a husband like Anurag. Mohini says its a small get together, Prerna has left our house, I am very happy, I thought to call my close friends and plan your Grah pravesh. She ask Komolika and Anurag to stand outside the door for the rituals to begin. She ask the ladies to come and be a part of the ritual. Anurag and Komolika smile. Mohini does tilak to them. She ask them to hit the kalash. Anurag recalls hitting a rice container by mistake. He asks Prerna to help him, else what will Veena think of him. She says I will do it, don’t worry. She picks the rice. He drink water. She takes his glass. He says I drank water from this glass. She keeps it. He smiles seeing her lipstick marks on the glass. He drinks the water. Pal ek pal….plays…. She takes the glass and drinks the water. They smile. Komolika enters the house. Anurag think now I will play with you, whatever you did with my Prerna, you will pay for it now. He wipe her red footprints with his shoes. Anupam look on. Anurag think you humiliated Prerna, now I will humiliate you, I will give you so much pain. 

Inspector ask why shall I leave Prerna? Veena says Prerna is Anurag’s wife. Shivani says Komolika tricked Prerna to sign the papers, Anurag and Komolika are plotting against her. Inspector ask did you attend her marriage. Shivani argues. Inspector gets angry and says arrest her. Veena apologizes to him. He says you should hire a lawyer to defend your daughter. Shivani thinks Komolika is very smart, police can’t present Prerna to magistrate on time, Prerna will have to spend the night in lockup.

Tapur comes home. Mohini hug her. Tapur says hostel authorities doesn’t allow to go out without guardian, sorry I got late. She hug Anurag. Mohini says we will play a game that decides who will have an upper hand in this relation, Anurag or Komolika, I will put thing ring here, one who gets it first will win. Anurag says I will win. Nivedita says we will play this thrice. Komolika gets the ring. Anurag also gets the ring. Nivedita says now whoever wins will win in this relation forever. Komolika says I got it. Anurag gets the ring. Komolika says its your ring. He says yes, this is my mom’s ring, it means you will think you are winning, but I will win in the end always. She says fine, your happiness matters to me. Komolika ask for a drink. She drinks and goes. Mishka says Komolika can’t handle the drink, don’t know what she will do now.
Prerna think of Anurag and says you proved me wrong, you must be happy to send me to prison. 

Anurag get Komolika to room. She says Prerna might claim that we stole her things. She laughs and says its our room, see the way I have decorated it, flowers, candles, rose petals. He says you need to rest. She gets close to him and says you are mine, this is all mine. He says you need rest. She says no, we will spend this night together, Prerna isn’t between us anymore. He says enough. She says come on, its our first night. He says enough. He slaps her and says just Prerna has the rights on me.

Komolika ask how dare you slap me, I am Komolika Chobey Basu, I will not leave anyone, I will not leave you, you slapped me. She falls on the bed and sleeps. Anurag says what did I do?

Constable gives food to Prerna and asks her to finish it in 10 mins. Prerna sits silent. She recall Anurag. She says time, situation and Anurag changed, but I didn’t change, I feel just heart says the truth. Veena and Shivani meet Rajesh’s friend. The man says I respect Rajesh, this case is complicated. Veena says Rajesh used to say you are a good lawyer, we may take your help and blindly trust you, Prerna is in jail, the allegations are false, she can’t cheat anyone. He says better hire a bigger lawyer. Shivani says all the lawyers refused to take this case, mum said she has much faith in you. He says don’t misunderstand me, I can’t fight this case, my family’s safety is my priority, Komolika’s dad has high power connections, none can fight this case in front of Anurag and Komolika’s powers. Prerna says I have started to hate myself along with hating you. Puchta hai ye dil….plays…. Anurag comes there and holds the wall. He sits there. Prerna cry. He cry. Tu meri mai tera…..plays… Komolika wakes up and sees the slap mark on her cheek. She says who has slapped me, why will Anurag slap me, Prerna is in jail, I should visit her. Anurag asks can you do it. Lawyer says case is complicated, be ready for money flow, don’t worry Prerna will get free, I just have two hours for case study, that’s enough for me, fine I should leave. Anurag says Mr. Verma, I need a favor from you, when you meet Prerna’s mum, don’t mention my name, ignore the money talks, tell her that you know Rajesh. Verma says you want to save an innocent person and don’t want them to know it. Anurag says this is called the test of life. Constable says someone has come to meet you. Prerna asks what are you doing here again Anurag. She sees Komolika.

Komolika says really Prerna, Anurag here? You think you will create a misunderstanding and we will fight, no, I will never doubt you, I came to give you good news, Basu family welcomed me home as per the rituals, my grahpravesh is done, I came to see your sad face, I will go. Prerna says check visitors’ register while leaving, Anurag came to meet me, he said he hates you, he still loves me, he is trapped by you, he shared everything and hugged me. Komolika says shut up, you are a liar, you don’t know how much you value to him, do you want to know, zero… have you ever thought why he stopped loving you, you would think how it all got over suddenly, he traded his love, he sold your love to me, he is a businessman, he knows what’s right and what’s wrong with me, he knew he will need my money, he values time and money, so he married me, I bought your love from him. Prerna says all this is a lie.
Komolika says you are a fool, love doesn’t exist, Anurag proposed to me, he said he loves me, I know he doesn’t love me, he wanted to marry me for business benefits, its imp for him to keep me happy, he is charming, look at you, where did you reach for him, so I accepted this deal and bought your love, he knew it, that he will have big contacts if he marries me, its all about power and money. Prerna says you are lying. Komolika says you should read newspapers. Basu publications have got big govt projects. Anurag is on magazine coverpage, because he chose me, he got money and power, if he had married you, he would have never got all this, he chose money and I got Anurag, if he married you, he would have got burdened by two families’ responsibilities, I made him a business tycoon, my dad has given him a big project as a wedding gift, your dad depended on his salary cheque. Prerna says no, you are lying.

Komolika says you married him right, calm down, he applied the so called sindoor, why did he back off, tell me, you would not be able to do this for him, whatever I did for him. Prerna says he can’t leave me for his greed, I know him, you don’t know him. Komolika says fine, tell me, he married you and didn’t tell anyone, everyone was present in my marriage, he wanted to tell everyone that he was marrying me. Prerna says I could accept that he falls in love with someone else, but he can’t choose money. Komolika says the desire to be a successful businessman, Anurag was just using you, he sold his true love to me. Prerna says no, please stop it, he can’t do this, he loved me. Komolika says Anurag is my husband, I have to tell you, nothing is imp than profits for a businessman, when this deal happened, my phone camera was left on, I have the proof, do you want to see.

Precap: Anurag says Prerna is playing mind games with you. Komolika says you are playing with me, Sanjay said you didn’t go office yesterday, Prerna said you met her, do you have another story. Prerna says I went to meet Prerna, yes. Everyone gets shocked seeing Prerna. She says you think none can help me, he supported me. Anurag says nobody helps without a reason, maybe he has some reason. She says maybe he expects something in return.

Made For Each Other Air On Star Life From Mondays  To Sundays At 4pm

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