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The Episode starts with Nivedita asking Anurag to wake up. He says marriage is over, can we skip these functions. She says no, you can’t skip. You created enough drama last night by not filling sindoor, this time don’t do anything stupid, get ready and come fast. She goes to Anupam. Mishka calls Komolika and asks about her wedding night. Komolika says I was at my home yesterday night and just now I came to my Sasural, Anurag will fill sindoor in my maang now, how would you know, you didn’t become his wife, I will tell you about my wedding night tomorrow, Anurag will forget Prerna, you didn’t come in my rasam. Mishka says I m almost there.

Nivedita gets Komolika downstairs. Mishka greets Mohini. Mishka asks where is Anurag, puja may start without him. Komolika says you have no right to be jealous of me. They argue. Komolika says you don’t deserve more than this, you would be happy to be Anurag’s sister-in-law because of me. Anurag comes. Komolika goes with him. They get seated. Pandit asks Anurag to fill Komolika’s maang with the sindoor. Anurag says I think we have discussed this. Mohini says just do this for my sake. He says I can’t do this. He says puja won’t be done until you fill sindoor. Komolika says don’t pressurize him, Anurag can give the sindoor to me, I will apply it myself. Prerna gets down the car and walks in. Anurag takes the sindoor box and gives to Komolika. Prrna comes there and claps. They all look on. She says I know you all would like to know why I m here, you will know everything, I want to ask something to Anurag. She takes sindoor from his hand and says its considered auspicious, do you remember something seeing this. He recalls his promise. Prerna scolds Komolika. Mohini says don’t talk to Komolika like this, I won’t tolerate anymore, get out. Prerna says I don’t want to be rude to anyone, I just want to talk to Anurag, it would be better that no one interferes. Nivedita says you are forgetting she is Mohini, she will take 2 mins to throw you out. Prerna says I respect her. Nivedita asks what do you know about sindoor and marriage. Prerna asks what did you say, you are telling me about it, your marriage is a pretence, you apply sindoor to cover up your mistake, do you know what is marriage, I m going to say something about my marriage. She asks Anurag how dare he apply sindoor to someone else. She asks Nivedita not to interrupt. She scolds Anurag and calls him a horrible man. She says you lied to me, you love me and marry me, you used me, I believed you like an idiot. Komolika says Anurag doesn’t like you. Prerna says shut up. Komolika says you think you will spoil my marriage, Anurag is my husband and I m his…. Prerna says I m his wife.. everyone gets shocked. Prerna says its the truth, I m his first wife, Prerna Sharma Basu, you are his second wife, as long as the first wife is alive and not divorced, your marriage is void. Nivedita goes to slap her. Prerna holds her hand. She says Bhabhi has a high position in the family, she is much respected, didn’t anyone teach you, anyways Anurag and I took the vows before.
Mohini says enough, Anurag married Komolika yesterday, I will refresh your memory. She asks Nivedita to get the album. Komolika asks why do you do this, did you go mad. Anupam says this is right chance to correct the wrong. Nivedita says my husband never supports me. He says I will support you when you are wrong. She says you mean I m always wrong. He says no, you are wrong now, this is not a marriage for Anurag. She says not a word more. She goes. Mohini shows the album to Prerna and says groom is Anurag and bride is Komolika, not you, these are the pics of reception. She asks do you have any proof, no right? This is called a wedding. Prerna asks what do you want to make people believe, I won’t believe these fake pics, tell me why have you applied sindoor, its a sign of marriage, I can’t see it on Komolika’s maang, see its here in my maang for Anurag.

Komolika ask Prerna to give the proof of her marriage. Nivedita says maybe Prerna has seen this dream that she married Anurag, the fact is Anurag’s wife is Komolika. Prerna says I said I am his first wife and she is the second wife. 

Veena comes to Prerna’s room with breakfast. She asks where are you. She looks for her. Shivani says I got all the things, I don’t know about Prerna. Veena says you know everything, if you lie to me today. Shivani says I swear, I don’t know.
Mohini asks when did you get married, do you have any proof, did your mum, sister or friend come to your marriage, just get out, I know you have no proof. Prerna says it will be better we go to room and talk, nobody is listening to anything here, okay. Mohini ask her to get out. Prerna says mummy ji, I have equal rights on this house, no one can make me out of here, first marriage is considered valid, Anurag has married me first. Mohini shouts shut up, enough, you have created enough drama, you are not a girl to tell you about marriage rituals, do you have the proof. Prerna asks Anurag do you also want the proof. Komolika says yes. Prerna ask you mean the pics are necessary for marriage? Komolika says I have taken seven rounds with him in front of the world. Prerna says Durga Maa is the witness of our marriage, someone asked me to fight for my rights, I will fight and win, I will give you the proof. She goes out. Mohini asks Anurag what is she saying, did you marry her. Nivedita says tell us she is lying. Mohini says she is just confusing us, she won’t come back, she has no proof. She ask pandit to start the puja. Prerna goes and asks pandit to come with her. Prerna comes back to them. She says all of you were asking me, who was present at our wedding, who blessed us, the pandit had blessed us. Pandit walks in. Everyone looks on. Prerna asks Anurag did you recognize him, he blessed us afer our marriage. He says yes, I remember. Everyone gets shocked. Prerna says you said the truth. She asks Mohini what happened, you were asking who was there, he was there, when I learnt about Anurag’s second marriage, I tried to stop it, like he tried to stop my marriage with Navin, I was in pain and went to that temple where you gave me vows, I got shattered and cried, I asked Mata why did she do this with me, then pandit gave me sindoor, which you had given me. FB shows pandit giving her sindoor and asking her to fill it in her maang. Prerna says no, I am not married. He says you are married, when that boy applied sindoor to your forehead, some sindoor got on your maang, the thread which I gave you was not ordinary, its given to couples, you both exchanged the thread, it was powerful than garlands. FB end. Pandit says when I came to bless you, you both hugged each other. Mohini ask is this true? Anurag says yes. FB shows Prerna giving the prasad to them and blessing them. Mohini says this wedding can’t be accepted. Prerna says that day, mahurat was such that it comes in 15 years, if anyone exchanges thread, its called marriage. She shows the thread. She says Anurag made me wear this and promised me that he will support me all life. Mohini cries. Prerna says after the marriage, two souls united, it was not a lie, not a pretence like you. Nivedita asks her to get out.

Prerna says I m real bahu of this house, I m not Komolika, who has no right to speak, I m not going anywhere, I will be staying here from today. She thanks pandit for telling truth to everyone. Mohini says no one here would believe you, get out of here. Mishka thinks someone has defeated Komolika for the first time, she would be very angry. Pandit says whatever this girl told about that day is true, the mahurat was really special, the marriage is valid if guy and girl exchange the holy thread, Mohini ji, Anurag and Komolika’s marriage happened by all rituals, but the problem is he is already married, he has filled Mata’s feet sindoor in Prerna’s maang, just Prerna has the right to be called Anurag’s first wife.

Precap: Someone asks Anurag to keep Prerna away from Komolika. Prerna and Komolika argue. Anurag looks on. Prerna says who said I have come here to obey you, I will do the opposite, I have come here to take revenge. Veena drags her. Prerna says I can’t go out of here. Veena asks what’s this. Prerna says I should have informed you before but…

Made For Each Other Air On Star Life From Mondays  To Sundays At 4pm

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