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The Episode starts with Anupam saying I love you to Nivedita. She asks what do you want, I don’t want to play that water holi. He says fine, we will play dry holi. He applies colors to her and asks her to play water holi with him. She applies him colors and says happy holi. She goes and smiles. He says she gave me a smile, wow. Anurag thinks I m seeing Prerna happy after a long time, I want to celebrate holi properly with you, you got colors in my life, this is the first holi when we are together, maybe its last one, I want to live with you. Prerna thinks he is coming to her. He goes to Anupam and runs back to her. Balam pichkari…plays… Anurag and Prerna play holi with water guns, when Anupam bends down. Veena smiles. Mohini gets angry. Prerna says I will see you if you do this again. Anurag says fine, and smiles. Mohini asks Anurag to play holi with Anupam. She asks him to do anything with Komolika. She goes. Anupam says I have come in between so that you and Prerna play holi. Komolika stays angry on Prerna and takes the papers. She makes the special thandai for Prerna. Ronit hugs Shivani and says I want to be with you and play holi. Shivani gets away. He says run, I will come to you. He follows her. He says I have a right to play holi with you. She says stay away. He says I m just playing holi. She says you don’t deserve it. He applies colors to her. She cries. Anurag comes and stops him. He asks do you mean what does no mean, no means no. Ronit says its holi and no means yes today, don’t mind it, its holi. Anurag says no matter what day it is, its wrong to come near a girl without her permission, understood? Stay away from Shivani, else I will forget our relation. Ronit says you got serious, I was just having fun, Shivani can never understand me, Mishka called me, I will go and talk to her. He goes. Anurag helps Shivani. He thinks Prerna shouldn’t know this. He says I need a favor from you, I helped you, don’t tell Prerna about this. She asks why. He says Ronit is Komolika’s brother, she is my wife, I don’t want this matter to come out. He goes.

Komolika asks everyone to have thandai. She sends the waiter to Prerna. Mishka looks on. Komolika says if Prerna picks the silver glass, it will happen as I planned. Veena tells Prerna about Suman’s mum Sumitra. Shivani takes thandai from Prerna. Prerna says I don’t share my things, get another one for you. She drinks it. Komolika smiles and comes to them. Anurag thinks to drink from Prerna’s glass. He goes and takes Prerna’s glass. Mishka and Anupam see this and smile. Mishka says Anurag, you saved your and Prerna’s relation unknowingly, she won’t lose control and sign the papers now. Anurag smiles and drinks the thandai. Anupam teases him. Komolika comes back with Ronit.

Shivani gets scared. Veena comforts her. Shivani goes. Ronit argues with Mishka. He says we didn’t get anything by being good, grow up. Mishka thinks Ronit has joined Komolika and wants to ruin Prerna and Shivani’s lives. Ronit follows Shivani. He thinks I won’t spare you. Veena comes there and leaves with Shivani. He says its not easy to escape from me, I have always got what I wanted, I will get you as well. Nivedita plays holi with Mishka. Komolika looks on. Komolika says Prerna wasn’t affected by special thandai, it seems like nothing happened to her. Mishka asks how would I know, Ronit had come, he has gone after Shivani. Komolika says let him go, you are useless. Prerna looks for the thandai glass. Komolika asks are you finding this. Prerna says yes, you did something with my glass, how did it fill up, it was half empty. Komolika says I got all the glasses refilled, I m looking after the guests. Prerna says so you are playing the waiter’s role today. She drinks thandai. Komolika thinks you can think anything, this drink will ruin your life and burn your dreams.
Anupam announce the dance performance. Everyone dances on Aaj teri holi hai… Anurag gives a flying kiss to Komolika. Komolika thinks to wait for the right moment. She sees Prerna. Prerna gets dizzy. Veena and Shivani come home. Ronit follows them and catches Shivani. He says Anurag can’t stop me, I can do anything with you, because I love you. He gets close to her. She cries. Veena comes there and slaps him. Mishka asks Prerna are you fine, just don’t sign. Komolika gets the papers. She goes to get the pen.

Nivedita asks Mishka not to talk to Prerna and come with her. They go. Komolika gets the pen. Anurag thinks I know Prerna won’t like to see me dancing, its a good way to make her hate me. He dances with Komolika. Balam pichkari….plays…. Prerna looks on. Mohini smiles. Anupam asks Nivedita for dance. Mishka thinks I m feeling happy that Anurag is with Komolika, how long will he keep Komolika away from Prerna. Komolika dances and drops the papers. Nivedita picks the papers and checks. She goes to Mohini. Veena asks Ronit does he know meaning of holi, its celebrated by true heart, he can’t attack Shivani. Ronit shouts. She scolds her. She says I won’t tolerate you, stay away from Shivani, we won’t let you do this. He asks her to shut up, I m son of Siddhant Chobey. She says I will never let you marry my daughter. He says I always get what I want. She warns him and says you will land in jail if you meet Shivani again, you won’t get bailed out this time. He goes. Mohini checks papers. Nivedita says I can’t believe this, Komolika had the papers. Mohini asks will we also cheat like Prerna cheated us. Komolika comes and says what’s wrong if we do the same with Prerna, she cheated us. Mohini says this is wrong.
Komolika says I feel so humiliated, Veena slapped me, she didn’t apologize to me, she also humiliated you. Mohini says your anger is justified, this is not done. Komolika says Prerna won’t be Anurag’s wife and we can throw her out, she is drunk now, she will be ousted, this is the right time, I don’t want to waste my energy and time. Nivedita says I think she is right. Mohini says lets assume that Prerna will sign the papers, when she gets conscious, she will drag us to court, media will ask us if Prerna is really Anurag’s wife, I will not tolerate this. Anurag goes to Prerna. She says don’t touch me. He says fine. She says you are my husband, right, how can you dance with someone. He asks did you drink special thandai. She says sorry, my hands color got on your clothes, don’t touch me. He says I m helping you. She says you have snatched my happiness, I have become much strong, I will manage myself, don’t worry. He thinks where is she going. Mishka wishes happy holi to him. He says please Mishka. She applies him tika. He says happy holi. She says just stay with Prerna. He asks what do you mean. She says save Prerna from Komolika. He asks why. She says you know why I m saying this, save her, I should go. He thinks what’s Komolika going to do with Prerna.

Nivedita says I think Komolika is right, we should take Prerna’s signs on legal papers. Mohini says its not right. Komolika says I know you are clean hearted, I m taking this stand for this family’s reputation, dad wanted Anurag and my marriage to happen, Prerna is denying everything, fine I will do as you say, but this is a golden opportunity, the rest is up to you. Mohini says you are right, Prerna is playing with our emotions and Moloy’s reputation, we shouldn’t stop from playing a game with her, I m with you, do what you want to, just throw Prerna out of this house. Komolika nods and takes the papers. They look for Prerna. They see Anupam with someone. Mohini asks Nivedita to focus on her relation first. Komolika looks for Prerna.

Nivedita goes to Anupam and scolds him. She says you are a married man, you are hugging another woman. The lady says I don’t mind. Anupam says lets go somewhere past her. Nivedita asks what. Anurag sees Prerna. He asks her to come with him and hold his hand. She says I thought you would never let me go, you are very bad. She gets upset. He says I promised that I will always support you, yes I m keeping the promise. She asks why are you doing this, tell me. He says I will tell you everything, come with me. She says no. He says I will tell you. She asks why do you like Komolika more than me.

Precap: Anurag and Prerna play holi. He says you are special, why. She says I am pregnant with your child. He gets shocked. Komolika asks Prerna to sign the papers, else people will not believe your marriage. Prerna signs the papers.

Made For Each Other Air On Star Life From Mondays  To Sundays At 4pm

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