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The Episode starts with Komolika asking Prerna to get out. Prerna says I m like Radhe and Rukmani for him, and you are like other girls, he is doing everything for me, Anurag loves me, he messed up things, I m winning too, I m getting my rights and property, leave from this house, before Anurag admits that he doesn’t love you, I will help you pack your bags. Komolika says just leave. Prerna says don’t push me. She pushes Komolika. Komolika shouts leave now. Prerna says my plan worked. She goes. Anurag looks on and thinks I wonder what she said to Komolika.

Ronit meets his friend. He goes to Shivani’s house with a gun. Akash stops him. Ronit says don’t try to be my brother, just stay as a friend, you will find out everything, get going. Anurag comes to Prerna and asks what do you want. She says I want to make desserts. He says don’t provoke Komolika, you don’t know the consequences. She says you worry for your baby, aw…. He says look at me, I m talking to you, I m concerned for you, why don’t you understand. They recall their moments. Tu hai dawa…plays…. She says leave me and goes. She says I want to make sweets to celebrate my victory. Komolika says I will burn this house and everything if I have to leave from here. Prerna says your marriage with Komolika was a deal, I still feel that you love me, we are husband and wife, you do everything for Komolika, so go to her, go and pacify her, tell her that you love her, I will tell her that you are a liar, I m going to raise a doubt in her mind against you, you are cheating me, she will feel that you are cheating her, have sweets, you will like it. She goes.

Mohini scolds servants. Prerna asks why are you angry, I will manage everything, I m this house’s real bahu. Mohini says I don’t need your concern, what’s this new drama. Prerna says no need to worry. She asks servant to ask her what to cook, don’t trouble Mohini. Mohini says Anurag’s life was at risk today, how dare she call herself my bahu, I can’t take it anymore, its imp to control her. Komolika says yes, she is crossing her limits, we have to stop her. Mohini says then stop her, this girl will snatch your place, you have the power, do something. Komolika says calm down, don’t be angry. Mohini says you are telling me to relax. Komolika says okay forget this, lets meet my friends. Mohini says Prerna called herself my bahu, that’s my insult, you don’t care for my insult, its about my respect. She shouts Nivedita. Nivedita comes. Mohini asks why did you change everything in the kitchen. Komolika asks Mohini to check at the door. Prerna asks Anurag to ask Komolika to behave well with Mohini. Komolika says my friends will clean this mess. Mohini goes and opens the door. She sees the police. Inspector says we are here to arrest Prerna. Anurag and Prerna get shocked. Komolika smiles and signs to Mohini.
Mohini says please come in. Inspector says Prerna has to come with us. Prerna asks the reason. Inspector says under charges of harassing Mrs. Anurag Basu. Prerna says I m Mrs. Prerna Anurag Basu. Komolika says you can’t do this acting in front of police, have mercy on yourself, if you lie, it will be proved costly. She says she is calling my husband as her own, she signed the confession letter and said she did wrong, we thought she will leave, she is so shameless, she is harassing us. Prerna says I m Anurag’s wife. Komolika says better check her confession letter, she admits that she had tortured us. Prerna says you tricked me into signing this. Komolika says she signed it with her will and then thought that she will lose all comforts, so she changed her word. Mohini says yes, my bahu Komolika is right, Prerna wants to snatch my property, I want to file the same complaint. Anurag thinks if I support you, Komolika will be sure that I have feelings for you, everything will be ruined. Nivedita says Prerna ruined our house peace.

Komolika says you think anyone is interested in hearing you, my dad has done all this, power, connections and whatnot, you and even your so called husband can’t do anything, grab a corner in your home and cry, its the Bengali new year, so this is a new gift from my side, happy new year Prerna. Inspector says we don’t just have complaint, but also evidence against you. Anupam asks do you have arrest warrant to arrest Prerna, I have heard people talk about rules and regulations. Inspector says yes, we have the arrest warrant. Anupam checks it and signs Prerna. Prerna says I won’t go, I m Mrs. Basu, those papers are fake. She sees Anurag. He looks on sad. Judaai….plays…………. She gets handcuffed. Anurag comes downstairs and says Prerna is my wife. Komolika and everyone get shocked. Anurag says yes, its true that she is my wife, I promised her that she will have complete right over me. Anupam and Prerna smile.

Anurag says I have promised Prerna that just she is his wife and will have all rights on me. Prerna asks inspector to arrest Komolika. Anurag says I don’t want Prerna to get arrested. Nivedita and Anupam argue. Mohini asks Anupam to go to his room. Komolika takes Anurag with him. Suman says I will get Shivani. Kaki says we heard she is very pretty, we want to see her. Veena says if you are agreeing for the marriage, we don’t want to hurry, my husband passed away recently. Shivani comes with Suman. The guy Aryan smiles seeing her. Shivani greets everyone.
Suman asks Aryan and Shivani to go and have a talk. Aryan’s mum says we have no problem. Veena holds Shivani’s hand. She says Shivani is precious to us, we have nothing else to give you, we will try to make it up. Aryan says its a big thing that you are giving your daughter. Shivani and Aryan go for a talk. Komolika says you just said Prerna is your wife, then who am I, its enough, she has snatched my husband, she has to go to jail, if anyone tries to take her side, that person should be ready to bear the consequences. She says enough, you can’t trap me with your sweet talks, I will not spare Prerna, do whatever you want to, but I will not forgive Prerna. He says enough, I did so much for you, I try to love you, you just suspect me, you just keep taunting me, the truth is something else, this shows that you pretend to love me, a person who truly loves someone understands, Prerna tells the world that she loves me, I refuse to her love for you, you still think I am supporting her, that’s not the case, I was saving our engagement ring in the mall, not Prerna, its fine if you don’t believe me, leave me, but I will not leave Prerna, just wait and watch, what I do. He goes back to Prerna. He thinks of Komolika’s words. Inspector says I think Komolika is lying, you have to come to police station and give statement, we will leave Prerna. Anurag asks why will I give a written statement in her favor, I just said that she is my wife and none can take her away, its true, I did promise her that she has rights on me, we all have played games with dolls in childhood, they take vows also, Prerna takes it as a truth. He lies that that marriage in the temple was a play, Prerna knew it was an act, now she is putting pressure on me. Prerna says we got married.

Anurag says no one else tells about this marriage, truth is Prerna is playing with our family. Mohini says yes, she is blackmailing us for money and power, Anurag and Komolika have married in front of entire Kolkata. Nivedita says Prerna is here for the money, she is putting up an act. Prerna thinks Anurag have cheated and shattered me once again, I will never forgive you. She gets arrested. She says I hate you Anurag, I hate myself for falling in love with you, I won’t spare you.

Shivani says my family was happy when a proposal came for me, mum is everything for me since dad left. She says I had an affair with a guy, I was quite serious about him, I will respect your decision. He asks do you still love that guy. She says no, those things don’t matter to me now, a human makes many mistakes in life, that was the biggest mistake of my life. She says its good that it was a mistake, falling in love isn’t a crime, that is past, not a character certificate, do you wish to marry me, sorry, you will start liking me, I can guarantee this, give me your consent so that I can tell everyone. She says you are a good person. He says I will go and tell them that we accept this alliance. She smiles. Nivedita says Prerna is finally gone. Mohini says Komolika fought and won, I m glad. Komolika says I don’t want to take the credit, it goes to Anurag, I want to apologize to him. Mohini says go to him and reconcile. Komolika goes.

Ronit comes to meet Shivani. He scolds her for agreeing to marry someone else. He says you will always be of me, you will get married only to me. She asks him to leave. He says don’t anger me, if I lose my temper, I will not leave you. She says I regret to fall in love with a person like you. He cries and asks why do you hate me, its okay, nothing can stop me from loving you. She hits him and runs out. He gets a gun.

Komolika apologizes to Anurag. She says I believe you. He says I can’t believe that you don’t believe my love. Anupam goes to him. Aryan says Shivani, I told my decision to them, do you want to marry me. Shivani gets scared seeing Ronit. She says I accept this proposal. Everyone hugs and smiles. Ronit greets everyone. He gets threatening Aryan. He asks Aryan to stay away from Shivani. He says she is mine. Shekhar says put the gun down. Ronit asks Aryan and his parents to leave. Aryan’s mum gets angry. Ronit says look Shivani, Aryan is leaving. He scolds Kaki and asks her not to try to get an alliance for Shivani again. Veena slaps Ronit.

Ronit says Shivani is mine, she will only be married to me, whether you all like it or not. He leaves. Anurag thinks of Prerna and cries.

Precap: Anurag and Prerna hug. Komolika says Anurag, you thought you will cheat me and I won’t do anything, none can cheat me. Prerna says this sindoor is my destiny, no one could separate us, I will still be your wife.

Made For Each Other Air On Star Life From Mondays  To Sundays At 4pm

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