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The Episode starts with Mohini attending to the guests. She asks where are Anurag and Komolika, is he answering the call. Nivedita says relax, I will call Komolika. Komolika answers and says we are going to the hospital, we are fine, we are taking Prerna to hospital, she was found unconscious. Nivedita asks what, just come here soon. She tells this to Mohini. Mohini says this girl is getting on my nerves now. Nivedita says Anupam, don’t show that you said right. He says I m worried what would be Anurag going through. She says don’t start it again. Anurag says we are there, easy. Komolika asks him to go and get a stretcher, she is here to take care of Prerna. He runs. She gets angry on Prerna. Chahat ke safar mein….plays…. Anurag tries to get help. He gets the hospital staff and rushes Prerna on the stretcher.
Komolika talks to Mohini on phone. Mohini says you are Anurag’s wife now, you control him, Prerna was purposely there to blackmail Anurag, he has no feelings for Prerna. Komolika asks why are we lying, we know his feeling for Prerna. Mohini says doctors will take care of Prerna, just come soon. Komolika says you come here and explain your sons, if I force him, my first night will get spoiled, he will get my wrong impression. Mohini says I understand, stay there, I m coming. Mohini says Prerna…. Nurse asks Anurag to go out. He asks nurse to call the doctor fast. Nurse asks doctor to come fast. Naina ……plays….. He cries thinking of his bitter words to Prerna. He goes to her and cries. She wakes up and sees him. He says take rest. She says don’t go anywhere leaving me, you promised you will marry me. He says sorry, I couldn’t keep my promise, but I will always be there for you, please trust me. She says don’t leave me, I don’t know its a dream or not. He says its not a dream, I m always here. She says you are not Anurag, he mocked my love, he said such terrible things for my love. He says beat me, finish it. She says you know I can’t live without you, how can I live. They hug and cry.

Kasauti….plays…. She says I don’t know if its a dream, I don’t want to lose this chance, its imp. He says okay, tell me, I m here. She says imp thing is…. do you still want to marry someone else. He recalls marrying Komolika. He says I already got married. She says no, you can’t do this. She stops him. Nurse injects her. Prerna cries and goes to sleep. Nurse asks Anurag to go out. He says just 2 mins, she needs me. He cries. He says I m sorry Prerna and kisses her. He goes. Nurse tells doctor about Prerna. Doctor asks Komolika can she help, is she Prerna’s family member. Komolika says no, we have an odd relation, I know a lot about her, you are wasting out time. Doctor asks did she go through any shock in past days.
Komolika says yes, she was obsessed with a guy who would never be of her, trust me, I don’t like to interfere in anyone’s personal life. Doctor asks Anurag is he Prerna’s husband. Komolika says he is my husband. Anupam calls Shivani. She asks did you get Prerna. He says no, Anurag found her unconscious on the road, reach city hospital fast. She rushes. Doctor says she is the same girl who ran away, I told her she is pregnant, her BP is low. Nurse says I think that guy is her husband. Doctor says maybe, do you think its wise to tell about her pregnancy. Nurse says he was worried for this girl, he can’t cheat her. Doctor says I will talk to him. She asks who is the guy who got Prerna. Nurse says he is Anurag Basu. Doctor says I should tell him about Prerna.

She sees Mohini scolding Anurag. Mohini praises Komolika. She says I can’t let you stay here, you just got married, I will pay the fees for Prerna’s treatment, look at Komolika, she is quiet, don’t take advantage of her silence, Prerna is a trouble for us, you are coming with us. Komolika thinks let me see Anurag, you love Prerna more or your mom.

Mohini says you will come with me. Doctor thinks its not right to talk to them right now. Mohini holds Anurag’s hand and asks him to come. He doesn’t move. Shivani rushes. Veena asks where is Prerna. Shivani says Prerna has called me, a college fest is going on, I will go to her. She goes. Veena says I think Shivani is lying to me, I have to go and check. Anurag says I don’t want to disobey you. Mohini says you won’t listen to me. She says just try to understand what I want, Prerna needs me, I can’t leave her alone.

Komolika thinks Anurag went against his mum for Prerna. He says Prerna is my responsibility. She says your wife is your responsibility, Komolika. He says Prerna is my first responsibility and then Komolika, Prerna needs me. Shivani reaches the hospital. She thinks what shall I tell Anurag, shall I congratulate that he insulted Prerna and married someone else, or shall I thank him for leaving the party and getting Prerna here. Veena comes there and says I hope everything is fine. Mohini says you are leaving everything for Prerna, a day will come when she snatches your everything, you will be left with nothing, except betrayal. He says you aren’t understanding, Prerna’s fate is testing her. Komolika says I think he is saying right, he is a good person and feels guilty soon, he had insulted Prerna, maybe he is doing this to overcome his guilt. He says you can never understand my and Prerna’s relation, you just know business, our relation is about sacrifice. Mohini says I can’t bear this, you are insulting Komolika. He says I m not. She says you are insulting your mum and family, you didn’t understand that she wanted to break your engagement, I was going to die because of her, you just care for Prerna. He says I do care. She gets short of breath and faints. He asks what happened. He takes her to ward. Komolika says this Mohini aunty, I tell you, I didn’t expect this from Anurag, he got against his mum for Prerna. Mohini says I m fine, I just got bit dizzy. Anurag says this has been happening since a month, when she is stressed. Mohini says I m fine. She gets up. He says just take rest. Mohini asks Komolika shall we go. Komolika asks how will Prerna manage here. Doctor says her sister and mom are here, don’t worry. Mohini says its sorted, shall we. They leave. Anurag says I will take care of mum, doctor take care of Prerna.
Prerna gets conscious. Shivani asks are you fine. Prerna cries and says I tried a lot, but I failed to stop his marriage, I thought I will beg him by keeping my ethics and ego, I couldn’t stop the marriage, I love him a lot, he is everywhere around me. Veena comes and says if you lie to me again, I will not spare you, its good I followed you and got to see Prerna’s real face, I feel bad seeing Prerna. She asks Prerna how can she be ready to beg for love. She asks did your self esteem die, they have nothing to give, why do you want to beg them. She asks her to get rid of the pain, women has much power, when will you do justice with yourself, you had loved Anurag truly, what’s the need to do this, never beg anyone for anything, never give up what you rightfully deserve, don’t bow down in front of those who have insulted you, stop crying, you have to get up and stand against those who are against you, I will proudly say that I m Prerna Sharma’s mum, you have to stop crying and have faith that no storm can harm you, someone left you, will you shatter, no, you are Prerna, our inspiration. She hugs Prerna and cries.

Komolika’s aunt congratulates Anurag. Nivedita asks Mohini is she okay. Mohini says I wish I believed you earlier, its good Komolika and Anurag got married. Nivedita says Anurag still loves Prerna, I wish Navin and Prerna got married. Mohini says no, you can’t think like that. Nivedita says Navin would have kept Prerna way from us. Anupam signs Anurag. Anurag goes to him and asks is everything fine. Anupam says yes. Anurag says I was scared for Prerna. Anupam hugs him. Prerna thinks of Anurag’s words. She gets angry. She says I have to stand up against those who are against me, I will not beg for my rights, I will fight and not give up.

Precap: Prerna comes to Anurag’s house and claps. Anurag and everyone look at her. She says you will find out everything soon, I have to ask Anurag something. Prerna says Durga Maa is the witness of the wedding, someone told me to fight for my rights, I will fight and win, I will stay here with Anurag now.

Made For Each Other Air On Star Life From Mondays  To Sundays At 4pm

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