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Ranbir says I will tell the truth and says I told Mummy and Papa on marriage day, that I don’t want to marry you. He says I married you, as you threatened to commit suicide, he says my family members were in danger, and it was a forced marriage. He says you blackmailed me to marry you, and says our relation is ugly and toxic and we shall end it. Rhea blames Prachi for everything and says well done, what game you have played. She says I thought she is stupid, but I am the stupid one, she says you have broken your real sister’s home and now acting and seeing the drama. Prachi says I didn’t play a game. Rhea asks her to tell the truth and says I haven’t married him forcibly, it was you who had stolen my Ranbir from me, it was you, due to whom my Ranbir had left me on the mandap. Prachi says I didn’t do anything. Rhea says you have provoked him to take divorce. Prachi says I didn’t do anything. Rhea calls her liar and pushes her. Ranbir holds her and says Prachi is my everything. Pallavi says Prachi is nothing to you, your relation is with Rhea. Aaliya says I won’t let you break your relation with Rhea. Pallavi says Prachi is not our bahu. Ranbir says I regard her as my wife, and that is all matters to me. He holds her hand and says Prachi was my wife, is my wife and will be my wife forever. He says he wants to divorce Rhea, so that he can start new life with Prachi. He says nobody respects or value Prachi here, so I am leaving the house with my wife and would be…He says Prachi is going to be my would be child’s mother. He says for me, my family is Prachi and me and for my family’s happiness and security, I will leave this house. Rhea getsangry, takes a knife and stabs Prachi in her stomach. The blood falls on Ranbir’s face.
Ranbir says he will fight till his last breath for his family’s happiness and security. Rhea says you will do this if you have a family. She takes a knife and stabs Prachi in her stomach. The blood falls on Ranbir’s face. It is Ranbir’s imagination and touches his face. Stanley comes there. Ranbir says Rhea will not give me divorce easily, I have to do something. Stanley collides with Rhea and says sorry. Rhea calls him and asks if this is football ground, no. it is my house and I know how to walk in my house. She says she is Rhea Kohli. Stanley thinks so she is Rhea, and thinks Ranbir Sir is divorcing her. He says some days are not good, we all have bad days. She asks if you are Pandit and can see future. She says today is the lucky day for me. Stanley says you are not understanding me? Rhea asks whose guest you are? Stanley says I am nobody’s guest, I came to deliver something. Rhea says so you are delivery boy. Stanley says he is Ranbir’s new intern. Rhea asks what is your salary? She shows him her shoes, and tells that it is more costlier than his salary, so learn how to walk as per your status. He says I already told you sorry. She scolds him for arguing with her. Prachi says enough and says I am seeing what you were doing, and says what do you mean how much is his salary, and asks if she will decide his status. She says he was calling you Ma'am, and asks her not to test his self respect. Stanley tells his name. Prachi says guest is like God, and apologizes to him and asks him to enjoy the party. Stanley thank her. Rhea asks Prachi to stop it. Stanley says so she is Prachi, with whom Ranbir sir wants to spend his life with her. Ranbir come there and says he is Stanley. Rhea acts sweet and says Stanley ji introduced himself. She excuses herself. Prachi also goes. Ranbir takes Stanley to his study room. Stanley asks if he is promoted. Ranbir says you are here as you are smart as you said that Rhea will not divorce me. He says we have to think so that Rhea gives me divorce. Stanley says I like Prachi. Ranbir gets up shocked. Stanley says I mean Prachi Ma'am. Ranbir praises that Prachi’s heart is big as Rhea mind. He says Rhea gets angry fast and she is stubborn, if she wants something then wants it. Stanley asks if she has done wrong with Prachi. Ranbir says Rhea had done many things with Prachi. He says when Prachi returned home and claimed myself to be her husband, then Rhea intoxicated Prachi and took her signatures. Stanley asks Ranbir to use her own idea on her and take her signatures. Ranbir says if it is not wrong. Stanley says it is tit or tat, even Rhea did wrong with prachi, asks him not to think much. Ranbir says you are very smart, and says I will name Property and business on Rhea’s name and will buy rented house from Sudha ji. He says he has a drink which will make her inebriated and says you will do my work. Stanley says yes. He says I will ask Lawyer to make the alimony papers ready. He asks Stanley to make her drink indisguise of a water. Stanley says she is already angry on me. Ranbir says he will change all his get up.

Rhea goes behind Prachi and says it seems I have to remind your status and limits to you. She says if you forget your limits, then I have to forget my limits. Prachi asks what? Rhea says you acted to be sweet infront of the intern. Prachi says you called me sweets. Rhea says you are sweet, people can get diabetes. She says your sweet talks irritates me. Prachi says forget me, focus on the party and you can talk to everyone normally, then you will understand that there is no sense of your talks and thoughts. She says you have already crossed your limits, by marrying my husbands and says who will cross more limits than marrying an already married man.

Ranbir gives fake beard and moustache and waiter’s costume. He says I will get the drinks and then we will take her signatures. He calls Lawyer and asks him to name his property and business on Rhea’s name. Sudha comes to Ranbir’s house and says he was the son of a big house. Her son says you used to scold him. Sudha says he was not doing work then and Prachi used to work. Dida greets them. Sudha says Ranbir invited us, they used to stay in our house. He says mom used to scold him. Sudha says they came to my house in bridal wear and since they came to our locality, everyone used to think that their boyfriend and girlfriend shall be like them. Dida and Shahana laugh hearing this. Shahana says your house will be famous if you get their name written outside the house.

Prachi sees them and is going towards them. Ranbir thinks Sudha ji will tell Prachi and will ruin the surprise. He collides with waiter and misses to see them. Prachi gets happy seeing them. Sudha says you got the glow which pregnant lady have. She says they missed them. Prachi says she was very attached with her house, and when she was leaving, she felt as if she is leaving something behind. She says if she can stay in that house, then she will live all her life in that moment. Sudha asks if she is sure. Ranbir comes and hugs Sudha to stop her. He says I am happy to see you all here, and tells that he met them in the mall. She says she used to call him lafandar. He says someone used to call him lafandar. Prachi recalls. Sudha is about to tell. Ranbir throws a glass and asks Prachi to dance with him. Prachi says why I have a thought that you don’t want me to meet them. Stanley plays the music. Ranbir says my wellwisher wants me to be happy. He says you have someone who wants you to be happy. She asks who? Ranbir says he is infront of you. He dances on the song ek tu hai….Vikram smiles seeing them dancing. Rhea gets angry and says why he is dancing with Prachi, he shall dance with me. Aaliya asks Rhea to relax and says this is farewell dance, and says Ranbir is saying bye to Prachi. Rhea says he would have told in simple language that he wants to divorce her. Sudha and her daughter in law praise their Jodi and tells that their love never got less. Aaliya asks her to be quiet. Sudha asks why? If satyanarayan puja is going on. She says I would have refused to sell the house to someone else, and says she sold the house to Ranbir as Prachi likes it. Pallavi hears her. Dida tells her that Ranbir is buying the house so that he can ask Prachi to leave this house. Shahana couldn’t believe.
Ranbir and Prachi dance in the party. Prachi asks what is he hiding from her and says his eyes are saying it. He looks at it and says you know me well. Prachi says I know you well. Stanley recalls Ranbir’s plan to make Rhea drink and sign the papers. He goes to Rhea and offers her drink, but Rhea goes from there. Dida comes there and takes the drink, and drinks. Ek tu hai plays…..Ranbir and Prachi continue to dance. Mr. Khanna says they are dancing well, as if they are husband and wife. Vikram says they are husband and wife only. Prachi says she don’t like this song. Just then the song change. Prachi asks how did it change. Ranbir dances with her on the song teri meri kahani….Rhea gets upset and angry. He keeps their hand on her stomach while dancing. Prachi feels for him and gets emotional. Dida smiles seeing them dancing. Prachi takes the juice glass and throws it on Prachi’s saree. She then starts scolding waiter for stopping their dance, and scolds them. Prachi says its ok and goes. Rhea thinks thank you for coming, else I wouldn’t have stopped them. Ranbir and Prachi are in the room. He asks if napkin is found. She says no. He falls down while searching the napkin. He finds it. Prachi asks him to give dryer. Ranbir steps on her saree accidentally.

Sudha tells that they shall leave as Ranbir doesn’t seem to be interested. Her daughter in law confirms that Ranbir had come to buy the house. Sudha says if he was interested then he would have talked to us. She says we shall leave. Stanley comes there in waiter’s uniform and asks them not to go, as Ranbir is interested in the deal. He says Ranbir sent him so that he can take them to a room. Sudha asks him to send Ranbir. Stanley says he cant come now.

Mr. Kapoor asks Vikram why did he say that she was Ranbir’s wife. Vikram says Prachi is his wife, but Rhea claims to be his wife. He says we regard Prachi as our bahu. Pallavi takes him to side and asks what is he saying? He asks what did I say? Pallavi says why did you say that we regard Prachi as Ranbir’s wife. Shahana says Prachi is Ranbir’s wife. She goes talking to herself. Aaliya says you are mad and asks where are you going? Shahana says I don’t want to take out my anger on anyone. Aaliya asks Rhea if she is serious about what she said, and says today is the 7th day. Rhea says today is 6th day and tomorrow is 7th day, and Prachi will go from here surely. Dida thinks to ask the landlady, if Ranbir told her why he wants to buy house for Prachi. Stanley search for Ranbir. Ranbir says saree is not torn. Prachi looks at the torn saree. She says I know you want to go down and do whatever you want. He asks what? She says you have told your business partners that Rhea is your wife. Ranbir asks her to go down and tell them that she is his wife. Prachi says if I say that, then Rhea will insult her. Ranbir asks her to fight back for her respect. Prachi says you are saying this, who insulted me, and says a woman’s self respect is her courage, which you snatched. She calls him hypocrite. Ranbir says you said wrong, and says I am asking you to give it back, if someone hurts you. She says if you stay silent then they will think your silence as your weakness and people makes weak person bend down. Prachi grabs his collar and asks if he wants to show that he cares for her. Ranbir says I care for you a lot. Prachi says you want to flirt with me. He says why will I flirt with you, when I know that you are angry. She says you gave me this saree, I couldn’t wear it and you have torn it. Ranbir thinks you wants to say that I couldn’t let you be happy in the marriage. He touches her face. She asks him to stay away from her. He says he wants to say something. She says she is here for her rights. He says a wise man said we shall do the things at the right time and says you can snatch the rights from me, but can’t snatch right of loving you. He says I love you and I will love you always, my love doesn’t depend on your mood etc. He says my love will increase always, and says I have torn your saree, and will repair it, I can stitch it with needle and thread. Prachi says if you have right on me then what is on Rhea? Rhea searches for Ranbir. Aaliya asks what is she searching? Rhea says she is searching Ranbir. Aaliya says he was dancing with Prachi. Rhea says you sprinkle salt, chilli etc on me. Aaliya thinks to remind her that she is her Buji and not her friend.

Precap: Ranbir tells Prachi that he knows the truth, that we are pregnant and you are going to be my baby’s mother. Prachi gets emotional.

Twist Of Fate Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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