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Prachi comes to their rented house and thinks of Ranbir and her moments. A fb is shown, Ranbir falls on the bed and asks her to read. Prachi reads Pranchi part 2, Ranbir part 2 etc. He says it is our babies names. He says if we get the baby boy, then my extension, if girl then your extension. He says they will mix their names and keep the names for the babies. She says that’s why I don’t want you to make food. She says I will keep the babies’ name. She says baby girl will be Gunjan. Ranbir says it is our neighbor’s name. He says if we have a son then we will name him Rithvik Kohli and if girl then will be Purvi Kohli. Prachi says we will take our kid to my sasural and get the elders’ blessings. She says they are upset with us, but will be happy with our baby, as it will take our family ahead. Ranbir says interest is more valuable than the Principal. Fb ends. She cries.

Ranbir comes to the temple searching Prachi and wonders where is she? He gets worried and cries, says I want to apologize to you, fall in your feet. He bends down on his knees and tells Mata Rani that everything is happening because of him, and asks her to punish him and not Prachi. He asks her to tell where is Prachi, and what is she doing? He cries and then wipes his tears. He thinks Prachi might be there, where there is peace. He runs out of the temple.

Rhea asks Aaliya what happened, if she was Shahana? Aaliya says no, and says Shahana was crying sitting on the corner. Rhea says this means nobody heard, but what about this earring. Aaliya says Shahana was having earrings in her ears. Rhea says I was super tensed. Aaliya says you made Ranbir believed that you are pregnant, when there is no baby. Rhea says we do planning and plotting, but that doesn’t mean that I will lie about my baby. Aaliya asks if she saw a movie. Rhea says I am really pregnant. She says you said something to me that night. A fb is shown, Aaliya asks Rhea to get pregnant. Rhea says Ranbir didn’t touched me, and says she can’t be pregnant in her wildest dreams. Aaliya asks her to act to get pregnant. Rhea says to be real pregnant and faking is too different things. Aaliya asks her to spend a night with him and then he will believe her. She says we could have used that night, but it is long time. She asks her to attempt to spend night with him again. Rhea says she will spiked his drink and then the breaking news that Rhea is pregnant, says she will trap him this time. fb ends. Aaliya says you trapped him. Rhea says she is really pregnant with Ranbir’s baby.

The Episode starts with Aaliya telling Rhea that she has trapped Ranbir listening her. Rhea says I was going when I crossed Prachi’s room, I heard Ranbir and Prachi’s conversation. A fb is shown, Ranbir asks Prachi to calm down. Prachi asks him to go and show his love and concern for Rhea. She asks him to go and tell her, how much he loves Rhea? He says I love you and not Rhea and asks Prachi to trust him. Prachi says we don’t have love, trust and relation. She pushes him out of the room and asks him to go if he ever loved her. Rhea smiles hearing her. She says Ranbir was broken when Prachi hurt her. She says when he came to room, he started drinking. A fb is shown. Rhea holds him and says you need love and not wine. Ranbir asks can you see love anywhere? Rhea asks him to come near her and see in her eyes. She hugs him and says I will love you so much. Ranbir says I don’t need it. Rhea says the thing which you need…He says I don’t want anything and asks her to go. He blames her for the happenings and says Prachi left me as I married you. He says can’t you go and tell her, that you threatened me of suicide. Rhea hugs him and says I really love you. Ranbir cries. Rhea says I am with you. He falls on the bed crying. Rhea says whatever happens is for good and says I love you. She says I love you very much. Ranbir sees Prachi in Rhea, and says I gave all your rights to Rhea, and apologizes to her. He asks did you forgive me? Rhea says yes, I am your Prachi. He falls on the bed and says I love you Prachi. He kisses on her cheek. They get intimate. Fb ends.

Aaliya asks Rhea, are you crazy? She says I wanted him to accept you and your baby. She says this time was not right to go close to him, this time he loves Prachi. Rhea says I really don’t give a damm, I don’t care if he loves Prachi or not, I don’t want Ranbir, but needs my name beside his name. She says I want his baby and don’t care if he loves 100 girls like Prachi, I really don’t give a damn. Aaliya asks why she is talking like Prachi, if she didn’t get Ranbir then she will stay with his pic etc. Rhea says this statement doesn’t suit me, I became helpless. She says I will use Ranbir’s baby against him, so that he becomes mine for forever. She says this is my victory party. She gets vomiting sensation. Aaliya asks her to go to victory party later and first vomit. Rhea vomits. Aaliya says you will have much problem. Rhea says Ranbir will sacrifice Prachi seeing my sacrifices. Aaliya thinks Rhea is right, and everything will end between Ranbir and Prachi with this pregnancy.
Ranbir comes to the rented house and thinks I knew that you will be here, where you get peace. He thinks you are somewhere here, I can feel you. He hears her crying. Prachi turns and looks back. She thinks he will not come to me, he is not with me and has left me long back and it is me, who misses him everytime. Ranbir comes inside and sits behind her. He feels helpless.

Pallavi asks Rhea and Aaliya what happened that they are not in the party. She says even Ranbir is not downstairs and says how it will look? Rhea says I was feeling vomitish and that’s why stayed back. Pallavi says I understand and asks Aaliya to be with her. Aaliya says she is worried and excited too, her Rhea is going to be a mother. Pallavi says I understand and asks her not to worry.

They come downstairs. A guest comes there and congrats Pallavi. She says all the ladies will force their sons to become papa. Pallavi asks Rhea to take Neelam’s blessings. The lady Neelam asks where is your bahu Prachi? Pallavi says this is my bahu Rhea. Neelam says I have seen Prachi and Ranbir’s pic. Rhea gets upset and goes. Pallavi goes behind her. Rhea says I shall not be here, don’t know who will come and comment on me. She says I wanted to be happy, but I am crying today. Pallavi says this party and blessing are for you. She says you shall feel proud to be a mother. She says I haven’t given you pregnancy gift, and says I will not let Prachi stay here, and will not let her reflection fall on you and your baby. She says you are this house bahu, Ranbir’s wife and his baby’s mother. She says you have first right on everything. Aaliya thinks Rhea is taking advantage well and cleared Prachi from her way.

Prachi recalls and a fb is shown. Ranbir says he is making a secret promise. Prachi asks him to say. He says he promised himself that do whatever happens, I will never leave you as our souls are connected with you. He says I will never separate from you, as we are two bodies and one soul. Fb ends. Ranbir says these memories give me clarity that I shall stay with Prachi. He says in his heart that these memories made me realize my priority. He says Prachi is his wife and his first child’s mother. He says he will stay here with Prachi and the baby.

Prachi sees him and asks him not to say anything. Ranbir asks her if she remembers that he had promised her here. She says you have promised me many things. She says you say that you love me, but loves Rhea. He says I love you. Prachi says if you would have loved me, then Rhea wouldn’t have got pregnant. Ranbir says I just love you and hugs her. She pushes him and says you break my heart always and asks him to go. Ranbir says I will handle everything. She says don’t touch me with the same hand with which you touched Rhea. He says I didn’t touch Rhea, I had only touched you. He hugs her and says I love you very much and can’t go away from you. Prachi recalls Rhea’s baby shower and says you have ended everything, and wrote such a story which starts where our story ends. She says you killed us. He asks her to listen. She walks away.

Shahana sees Aaliya and recalls her words. She calls her and asks if you know who are you? Aaliya says sorry. Shahana says you aren’t sorry. Aaliya says what a fool, says I am not saying you sorry, it is an expression as I didn’t hear you. Shahana says that’s why I am saying you are not sorry, not to hear and understand. She says how you will understand when you don’t hear yourself. She says to understand others, you need to have humanity which you don’t have. Aaliya says she will not bear her. Shahana says think how we bear you, and says if Prachi don’t return home, then I will not leave you. She says if Prachi thought of justice, then you can’t think what she can do. She says I will not leave anyone.
Dida and Vikram come to Pallavi. Dida asks why did you calls us here, who will be with the guests now. Pallavi says let them be alone for sometime. Vikram says we shouldn’t have invited the guests then, don’t know where is Ranbir? Pallavi says we shall not give priority to the guests. She says Mrs. Agarwal asks where is my bahu Prachi? She says she still feels that Prachi is Ranbir’s wife, as she is staying here. Rhea comes there and hears them. Dida asks her to tell clearly. Pallavi says Ranbir has moved on with Rhea, and have accepted her. She says we shall forget that he used to love Prachi and tells that she is going to throw her out of the house in few days. Dida says I don’t want to argue with you and says Prachi knows everything and will be here silently in her room. Pallavi says I heard you and let her stay here. She says Rhea is pregnant and she don’t want her to be stressed. Dida says Rhea is happy and not stressed. Vikram says this is not the reason to throw Prachi out. Pallavi says Prachi has to leave and Mummy ji will ask her to leave. She says you will do this work, if you don’t tell her and if anything happens to Rhea then you will be responsible for it. She says I will not give any stress to Rhea by letting her stay with her sautan. Vikram says they are sisters. Pallavi says Ranbir married both, they are sisters. She asks him not to close his mind, even if he closes his eyes. She says only one bahu will stay here, and who is that bahu, Rhea has proved it by giving good news. She asks Dida to threaten her or do whatever she wants to throw Prachi out.

Aaliya tells Shahana that Rhea is her only niece, and only family. She says I don’t care what you do, I don’t care wherever she goes, I am happy. She says Prachi is the big problem of Rhea’s married life. She says I will pray that Prachi shall not be found by anyone. Shahana says nobody shall get Bua like you. She says I will not stop by anyone and will tell you what a Bua shall do. Aaliya asks are you threatening me? Shahana says I have bear enough and will not bear anymore. She sees Prachi coming home. Aaliya says I will do such a thing with Prachi that you will get angry on yourself for your nonsense. She says I pity you.

Prachi goes to her room and recalls Ranbir and her moments. She cries. Shahana comes there. Prachi runs to bathroom and cries. Shahana cries seeing her in pain. Prachi stands under the shower and cries. Tu bhi roye ga plays….Prachi recalls Ranbir’s words that little daughter will call him Bau ji. She recalls Ranbir thinking about the baby names.

Rhea happily comes to Aaliya and asks what do you think that I am right or wrong. She says she was very worried. Aaliya asks her to do as she has planned. Rhea says something exciting is going to happen. She says she heard Pallavi telling Dida that she shall ask Prachi to leave. Aaliya takes her to room. Rhea says just imagine, now we don’t have to do anything. She says we can do anything openly now. Aaliya says she met Shahana and had a fight. She says I felt good hearing her that Prachi is shattered. Rhea says why are you saying as if a big trouble is coming. Aaliya says Prachi has more blood of Pragya and she can do what her mother used to do. She says Pragya used to become tough in such situations. She says I will give you idea which I implemented on Pragya. She asks her to manipulate Prachi emotionally and tell that her sister is pregnant and wants to give good upbringing to her baby. She asks her to ask Prachi to sacrifice and says if you plead infront of her taking baby’s name, then she will go from here. Rhea says I can’t do this, and says I can throw her from running car or throw her from home, but can’t cry or plead infront of her. Aaliya says your ego is stopping you and says you are not understanding.

Twist Of Fate Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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