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Aaliya gets a call from Rhea. Rhea cries. Aaliya asks did you have fight with Prachi again. Rhea says Prachi has won before the fight and says our planning and plotting failed. She says something is going to happen and says I am thinking, how am I alive after hearing something. Aaliya asks what? Rhea says just like Mom said that Ranbir wants to meet Prachi so I shall tell her. She says she went to her room like a good girl, and saw Prachi happy and telling Shahana that she will tell everything to Ranbir, about love and mangalsutra. She says Prachi wants Ranbir to make her wear the mangalsutra and her love for him is increasing day by day. She also said that if Ranbir wants her to go with him, then she will leave with him, and says she was talking about eloping with him. She says if Prachi says this to Ranbir, then what will he say, he wants this to happen and will agree. She says he can give his life for Prachi. She says Prachi will tell Ranbir and then he will hug her and will make her as his life partner, then where I will go. She says she has no Mom and Dad, but just you. She says what I will do, if Ranbir throws me out of his life, says you are with me and stupid Shahana is with Prachi, then also she has won. She says you are not benefitted to me. She says Prachi is lucky, but I am not. Aaliya says you can do so much even now, Ranbir married you as you wanted.

Rhea says you are very optimistic even now and tells that they can’t do anything now, Prachi will do whatever she wants to. Aaliya says the fight will over, when you win. She asks if you can see them together and says you shouldn’t have told Prachi that Ranbir wants to meet her, and says you have to separate them and not to unite them. Rhea ends the call and thinks to separate them. She thinks to do something, so that she don’t have to see what she heard today. She says today the two real sisters’ relation will end with Prachi. She comes out of the house and sees Shahana and Prachi standing for the cab. Shahana says she will get the taxi and goes. Rhea picks a broken glass bottle and walks towards Prachi. She is about to stab Prachi, when Shahana calls her. Prachi goes to sit in the taxi. She sits in it and goes. Rhea finds the wires entangled her feet and frees it. She also sits in car and drives it.

Ranbir recalls Prachi and his marriage and smiles, looking at the mangalsutra. He recalls their moments and says those were beautiful days of my life and I want to see it again and for that I need Prachi. He says I will make her understand and will ask her to give me a chance, and will tell her that I want to live with her like before and will love her even more now. He says he will convince her with love and if she don’t agree, then he will agree her forcibly. He thinks she has feelings for me, but don’t show. He hopes that she will reveal her feelings to him. Shahana asks Prachi what happened? Prachi says if I tell you then you will call me mad. Shahana asks her to say. Prachi says I saw the dream in which I am saying him I love you to Ranbir and when I told that I will love the baby more then Ranbir got upset. She says then I said that I will love him equally if he makes me wear mangalsutra and he made me wear it. She says the dream is going to be fulfilled soon. She gets emotional and says she is scared that someone bad sight will fall on her. Shahana says everything will be good. Rhea says I wont let anything good happening with you, you have no idea, what is going to happen with you. Shahana asks Prachi if something is happening. Prachi says yes. She says she is going to good news to Ranbir about her pregnancy. Driver tells them that hospital came.

Prachi asks Shahana to go and bring mangoes for Ranbir, as he likes it. Shahana says ok, I will bring it and will talk to him much. Prachi asks her to come. She gets down. Shahana goes in the cab to get mangoes. Rhea drives the car with the intention to hit Prachi. Prachi is walking on the road and going towards the hospital. Just then another car hits Prachi and she falls down on the road. Ranbir shouts Prachi sensing danger. Rhea is shocked to witness the accident, though she was about to hit her. Ranbir gets up from the bed and insists to meet Prachi. He asks Nurse to let him go. Doctor comes there. Ranbir says something has happened to Prachi, let me go. Doctor says she has gone home and asks him to rest, says she is fine. Ranbir says something is not right, I can feel it. Nurse gives him injection. Ranbir says Prachi needs me right now, I really have to go and meet her. He sleeps due to injection effect. Doctor asks Nurse to be with the patient.
Rhea stops the car and gets down. Prachi worries for her baby in an injured state. Rhea comes to her, looks at her and turns to go, thinks finally…She walks towards the hospital, when she thinks of Pragya hugging Prachi and her, and asking them to take care of each other. A fb is shown. This sudden realization stuck her and she runs to Prachi calling her name. She holds Prachi and asks her not to die, says she will not let anything happen to her. Prachi faints. Rhea asks someone to get the stretcher from the hospital which is opposite. She asks Prachi to open her eyes.

Rhea take Prachi to the hospital on the stretcher. She tells receptionist that Prchi met with an accident. Receptionist gives her form. Rhea fills it. Receptionist asks her to write her relation with her. Rhea writes sister. Doctor comes and tells that Patient is critical, we will try to save her. They rush her to the OT. Rhea thinks what I am doing, I hate Prachi and I have saved her life, thinks emotions are wakening up in me for her, if this is sister’s love or my ego which is saying that nobody can kill her. She thinks it is good that she didn’t kill her, else her name would have been revealed. She says she is her savior, but is her illegal sautan even now. She thinks doctor said that she is critical, luck is on my side and supporting me, I shall not tell anyone that I have admitted her in hospital, everyone will go behind her. She thinks until she dies, I shall hide this from everyone. She says I told her honestly that Ranbir wants to meet her, and says if anyone asks me why did I hide, I will tell that everyone was in tension and was sure that Prachi will get fine. She thinks she will say that she was waiting for Prachi to get fine, and thinks her plan is good.

Doctor comes out and asks Rhea, what is her blood group. Rhea says our blood group don’t match. She asks doctor to save Prachi. Doctor says Prachi’s condition is serious, if she don’t get blood then the situation can be critical. He goes inside. Rhea laughs and thinks to give this good news to Aaliya. She goes there and thinks Pallavi is unpredictable, she has sent me to call Prachi, thinks it is good that I went. She thinks Prachi will be no more and I will get rid of her without any plan, just a simple and natural accident. She says my Buji is there, who supports me always and thinks good of me, but it is not sure that her ideas are good, she told me that I shall not tell Prachi about Ranbir. She thinks if I haven’t told her, then she wouldn’t have come out and then she met with an accident. She comes near Pallavi.

Pallavi asks where is Prachi? Rhea asks if she didn’t come till now. Aaliya says she must be on the way. Pallavi says she might be showing her importance, and says Ranbir gets stubborn sometimes. Rhea asks shall I meet him first. She says I will make him understand to meet the family and says I am sure that he will not refuse. Aaliya takes her to side and asks why she didn’t reach hospital yet? Rhea says you have said that she must be on the way. Aaliya asks where is she? Rhea says she is in the ICU, after meeting with an accident. Aaliya sees blood stains on her clothes, and asks if she killed her. Rhea says no, I wished for it with full intensity, someone did it. She says until yesterday Prachi was lucky, says she can die at anytime. Doctor asks Nurse not to give her pain killer as it can be harmful in pregnancy. Prachi is semi conscious and asks about her baby. Doctor says your baby is safe. He tells that a mother wishes for her child’s safety and says she loves the baby a lot. He asks Nurse to inform Rhea that Prachi and her baby are safe.
Pallavi gets angry on Prachi, that she didn’t come. Vikram argues with her. Pallavi says she will meet Ranbir. Pallavi and Rhea go inside the ward. Nurse says he wants to meet his wife first. Rhea says she is his wife and tells Nurse that she can’t stop a mother from meeting her son. Nurse goes. Pallavi tries to get the mangalsutra from Ranbir’s hand. Vikram asks her to leave it and says Ranbir risked his life for the mangalsutra. Ranbir wakes up and asks where is Prachi? Pallavi says she didn’t come, but we came. She says we were waiting and thought to meet you with her. Aaliya says Prachi don’t want to meet you. Ranbir says she will meet me. Pallavi says I have sent message through Rhea, but she didn’t come. Ranbir says Prachi might be stuck in problem, else she would have come. He asks her to call Prachi.

Ranbir’s nurse tells Prachi’s nurse that Ranbir and Prachi are strange. She says Rhea said that she is his wife. Nurse says I have to tell Rhea that Prachi and her baby are safe. Ranbir’s nurse says ok and goes. Prachi’s nurse comes to Ranbir’s ward and says she wants to tell something. Doctor informs Prachi that Nurse went to inform Rhea. Prachi tells that she don’t want anyone to know about her pregnancy, specially her sister. Rhea asks herself not to get angry as Prachi will die soon. Aaliya asks what she wants to say about Prachi. Ranbir asks what do you want to tell Rhea about Prachi. Prachi gets up from bed, although doctor tries to stop her. She runs to stop the nurse. Rhea comes and asks what is happening? Prachi continues to run. Nurse says she wants to give her message about Prachi. Rhea thinks if she tells about her, then everyone will know that I have hidden it. She tells that Prachi met with an accident. Ranbir is shocked and is about to get up. He asks if she is fine. Nurse says she came to give the good news. Prachi comes there.

Nurse says you have come here, now you shall give the good news which I was about to give. Prachi hugs her and whispers in her ears that her family is unaware of her pregnancy, and she wants to tell them herself. She thanks her and says she is fine now. She walks towards Ranbir. Rhea says I will take you to room. Prachi tells Ranbir that her sister has saved her and hugs Rhea. Rhea says Prachi needs some rest, I will take her to room. Prachi looks at Ranbir. Pallavi asks Ranbir to sit. Ranbir sits on the bed. He says Prachi. Pallavi says she is fine, Rhea saved her and praises her. She says Rhea helped her after whatever happened, and cares for Prachi so much. Rhea calls Doctor and Nurse and asks if there is anyone to take care of patient. She asks Nurse to be with Prachi and goes. Doctor comes to Ranbir and asks how is he? Ranbir says I am fine. Doctor says you are getting discharged and asks him to go home and rest. Ranbir asks him about Prachi’s room. Rhea says left from here. Ranbir gets up and says I will be back in sometime.

Ranbir come to Prachi’s ward. She opens her eyes and looks at him. Song plays…..rabba khair kare….He hold her hand and shows her mangalsutra. Prachi sits on the bed. Ranbir makes her wear mangalsutra. Prachi gets teary eyes and emotional. Doctor comes there and asks Ranbir, what is he doing here, and asks him to go home and rest, as he got discharged. Prachi asks him to go home and rest. Ranbir says what shall I do there, my family is here. Prachi says go home. Ranbir says you…Prachi says take care. Ranbir goes. Doctor asks him to go home. Ranbir says he wants to stay here for 2 more days and asks Doctor to tell his family for him. He gives him swear to say. Everyone comes there. Ranbir says doctor wants to talk to you. Doctor tells that he needs to be under observation for further tests. Vikram says ok. Ranbir says my family members can’t stay here as he is normal and not critical. Doctor ask them to go. Aaliya asks Ranbir to go to his room and not to roam here and there. They are about to leave for home. Ranbir says he will go to his room. Vikram tells that they shall meet Prachi before going home.

Precap: Dr. Madhu makes Prachi hear the heartbeat of the baby. Prachi gets happy hearing the heart beat and says my baby is fine. Ranbir hears her and gets shocked. He asks sleepy Prachi, why did she hide from him.

Twist Of Fate Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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