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Prachi says you were upset and told me that if anything happens to Ranbir then you will not leave me. She says you knows well that he saved me, and risked his life to save me. She ask her to decide whom he saved. She says we will play your favorite 20-20. She feels dizzy and goes. Rhea says I am not yet over. Prachi goes to her room and sits. She calls doctor. Doctor asks how are you feeling now. Prachi says she is feeling dizzy. Doctor asks if she can come to her clinic or shall I come. Prachi says she will call before coming. Ranbir hears her and asks do you want to tell me something or waiting for me to ask. He says if you have any problem then shall tell me. Prachi asks him to go to Rhea and asks about her problems. Ranbir says ok, and says Rhea has taken care for me, and didn’t take beauty sleep like you. Prachi says beauty sleep is important for me and asks why you are wasting your time. She asks him to go to Rhea’s room and says she might be waiting with the food plate and will make you sleep after feeding you food. Ranbir says thanks to you, you have shown me the way. Prachi says you are already walking on the way. He says it is waste to talk to you. Prachi says you will justify that you love me even now, but your words and doings are different, there is no coordination. She says you want to save someone and saves someone else, and has no control on his heart. Ranbir says you want to hurt me. Prachi says you likes to do it. He says I love to hurt it. He says I am done with the explanation and says you never believes my love. Prachi says I understand truth and lie. Ranbir says you doubt my intentions. Prachi says you brought doubt between us and doubted me first. She says there is a reason for it. She says all your promises were cut and pasted and you filled sindoor in Rhea’s maang. She says I have seen you going with Rhea for honeymoon etc. She says my heart bleeds seeing all those things and the broken pieces pierces my heart. She says I was mad to marry you, but my heart was broken and my life was ruined. Ranbir says you can’t doubt my love and asks did I force you to marry me. She says I didn’t want to marry you. He says you burnt our relation, and says I will not say anything in anger. He says I will say what I mean, I will go very far from you. He says this relation will be made, when you wanted. Prachi says go to your Rhea, even I don’t want you to stay with me. They go different ways.

Rhea recalls telling Prachi that she will shift with Ranbir. Aaliya comes there and asks Rhea to come. She says I did all the calculations and tells that she made a story that you stand sticking to the window always. Ranbir and Vikram come there. Aaliya and Rhea hide. Aaliya asks her to get ready to fall, it is a small fall. Rhea says ok. Ranbir and Vikram go from there. Aaliya takes out the tools and starts opening the screw. Rhea says Dida and Mom are there and not others. Aaliya asks her to wear knee pads and will keep mattresses there. She tells that she will not leave any chance to make it look like action drama and asks her to do acting. She then asks her to do her work and says she is going downstairs now. Rhea asks why are we doing this now. Aaliya says I heard Ranbir and Vikram talking and says we shall make everyone believe that Prachi wants to kill you again, everyone is angry now. She says we shall provoke them, until they throw Prachi out. Rhea says I will wear knee pad.

Doctor tells Prachi that her baby is fine, though her pregnancy is complicated. She asks her to stay at home and take someone along with us when she goes out. She asks her to live normally and be happy. She gives her a ball and says I give this to all my patients. Prachi thanks her.

Aaliya keeps mattress in the hall and tells that new Servants don’t know anything. She asks Dida about her foot. Dida says she is fine. Rhea is standing in the balcony. Ranbir and Vikram come there. Rhea tries to fall down from the balcony and holds the pillar, but she falls down on the mattresses and then rolls over to the floor. Everyone rush to her. Aaliya hugs her and shouts Prachi, showing her fake tears. Ranbir looks on shocked.
Aaliya shout Prachi. They make Rhea sit on the sofa. Vikram asks Ranbir to call Doctor. Aaliya asks if she is fine? Rhea says her hand is broken and tells that she is feeing dizzy and her body is paining. Ranbir says doctor is on the way. Aaliya says how did you fall down? Rhea says she stood close to the balcony and fell down with the railing. Dida says how can this be possible. Aaliya says I was right and shouts calling Prachi. Ranbir asks why are you calling her? Aaliya says you people have to do something about Prachi, they stay in the same house, and says how can Rhea live in danger. Pallavi asks what do you want to say? Aaliya says Prachi wants to kill Rhea. Dida says she started again. Ranbir asks her not to say it again and says I know you are stressed. Rhea asks why, because Prachi’s name came. She says I can manage the pain, and will not die, but if everyone close their die, and Ranbir acts to ignore then I will die. She asks Aaliya to call Police and tell that someone was trying to murder me. Pallavi says we shouldn’t call the cops. Dida says yes. Vikram says we shall talk. Ranbir says it was an accident and even Police will say this. Aaliya asks why are you ignoring everything and asks what do you want, do you want Police to come when Rhea dies. Pallavi asks what are you saying? Aaliya says what Rhea had said in warehouse. Prachi tries to kill Rhea, and Nick had said that Prachi had hired him to kill Rhea, then also you feel that Prachi is helpless and you people are giving a chance to Prachi to attack Rhea, until she dies. She says if you don’t believe me and says I will do what is good for Rhea. She says she is my responsibility and I will do what is right for her. you people might think about your reputation, but I will not. She is about to call Police. Ranbir takes the phone in her hand.

Shahana comes there. Ranbir says I don’t want Police to come. Aaliya says call Prachi here, and says she knows that Rhea is having the childhood habit that she stands close to window. She says I am sure that she did something with railing so that Rhea falls down from it. Shahana asks really and asks do you think that Prachi has done this, and don’t have any work, and keeps eye on Rhea’s every move, make list and thinks what to do with her. She says you people think she always think about bringing Ranbir closer to her, then when did she think about Rhea? She says when did she think to do something with railing to make Rhea fall? She asks Aaliya to think what she wants. Pallavi says she has called Police and they are coming. Ranbir asks what did you do? Pallavi says Aaliya is right, Nick told us that Prachi wants to kill her, and she had hired him. Ranbir says Prachi haven’t hired him. Pallavi says then who is the real culprit. She says you are over reacting to protect Prachi. Aaliya asks why Nick had taken Prachi’s name. Ranbir says I just know that Prachi can’t do this. Vikram asks him to relax and says we can’t stress him. He asks Pallavi to stop Police and says the two sisters fight in the house always. Aaliya says if this is the case, then I have to complain against all the family members, that they all want to kill Rhea. Shahana says all family members want to kill Rhea and asks her to ask Rhea what she had done. She says when you have decided, then why are you acting to call Police, give her punishment instead. She says you will blame Prachi always, even if mirror is broken. She says Prachi regards her as her sister, and will not attempt to kill her. Rhea asks her to stop it and says neither I regard her as my sister nor I regard her, she calls me sautan, illegal sautan. She says when sautan is illegal, then the ways to make her leave from the way might be illegal too. Prachi comes home and thinks to go home directly. She thinks nobody shall see her. Rhea says atleast Buji takes care of me and supports me, and loves me like a mother. She says my real sister is doing enemy’s work and that’s why my Buji felt bad. Pallavi hugs Rhea and says this is not like that, we all are with you. She says I know we can’t love you like Aaliya, but we all love you a lot. She says Vikram, Dida and Ranbir love you a lot. She says you are part of our family and we all love you. She says this is your family and you are my bahu and Ranbir’s wife. Ranbir asks don’t bring me in this matter, and don’t want you to talk about my marital state. He says I am tired of listening this, and asks if I am husband or name plate. I don’t have energy to listen or react. Inspector comes there and asks who is Pallavi Kohli here? Pallavi says she is Pallavi and tells that her bahu was attacked and someone tried to murder her. Ranbir says it is a small misunderstanding. Rhea says everyone got misunderstanding as two days back, I was attacked and the attacker took Prachi’s name, and today I fell down again from balcony and we think that I was attacked again. Aaliya takes him to the balcony with Rhea, and tells about Rhea’s childhood habit to stand close to balcony. She says someone might have pushed her, or did something with railing. Shahana says Rhea and Prachi don’t mingle, they have fight often. Aaliya says attacker told us that Prachi had hired him to attack Rhea. Inspector asks did you file FIR. Ranbir says no, we can’t trust any goon. Inspector asks who are you? Rhea says he is my husband Ranbir Kohli. Prachi comes there and asks what is happening. Aaliya says she is Prachi. Prachi asks if they are talking about me. Shahana asks her to go and rest. Rhea says why she will go.
Shahana says you had said that she is not part of family, so it doesn’t matter if she stays here. She needs to rest now. Rhea says you shall go and not Prachi. Prachi says its ok Shahana. Shahana says family drama also, if something happens to Rhea, police is called. Prachi asks Dida what happened? Rhea says Police came as you tried to kill me. Aaliya says Rhea doesn’t know, but it strike me what happened with her. Prachi asks what happened with your Rhea. She looks at her. Aaliya looks at the tools bag kept there. Inspector gets the screw and tells that your doubt is not wrong, someone had loosen the nuts bolts of the balcony. He says it is proved that someone did this intentionally to harm Rhea. Rhea says what is happening in my life, I am not safe in my house, with my husband. She says what kind of life, I am in. Ranbir says I don’t think so, that someone did this deliberately. Inspector shows the screws. Rhea says Prachi has done this to kill me. Prachi says what nonsense, I haven’t done anything. Inspector asks where is your room, we will check your room. Prachi asks him to come. Vikram asks Pallavi, how she can get this happen, just because criminal like Nick took Prachi’s name. Pallavi says I have worn anti prachi’s specs, but why you can’t see her truth. She says until I expose her, I won’t keep quiet. Shahana says she is your bahu, you really deserve it.

Pallavi ask Vikram if he can’t see Prachi’s real face really. She says until I expose her, I won’t sit in peace. Shahana says let Rhea be your bahu, you really deserve her. Aaliya asks Pallavi not to talk to small people. Inspector tells that if Prachi is guilty then they will get proofs against her in the room. The lady constable finds the tools in the bag. Aaliya smiles and looks at Rhea. She recalls pretending to cough and then taking the tools bag and hiding in Prachi’s cupboard. Fb ends. She smirks. Inspector says screws were loosened with it. Shahana asks are you joking? Inspector asks what the tools box is doing in a girl’s room. Rhea says now everyone must have understood that Prachi had loosened the screws and then went out, so that she acts to be innocent. She blames Prachi. Prachi asks her not to blame her, and says she can’t bear anymore. Rhea says I can’t bear you now, you tried to kill me twice. She says problems increased on Maha Shivratri night, as she couldn’t bear to see Ranbir and I moving in our relation, and her hatred increased, and thought to kill me. She tells Inspector that Prachi tried to kill me through Nick and now through Balcony, and says I have made up my mind and wants to file case against Prachi. She asks him to file case against Prachi and arrest her. Ranbir tells Inspector that he can do the legal formalities, but don’t do this as Rhea said. He says Prachi can never harm anyone, though she can get angry and fight. He says if I tell that she loosened the screws for me, as I stay there. Prachi asks do you think that I can do this for you. Ranbir says no, and says nothing happens with my thoughts, I used to think we have much between us, but it is not like that. Rhea says I have fallen down and wants to file the case. Ranbir asks Inspector not to file the case. Inspector asks Ranbir, Prachi and Rhea to come to the PS. Pallavi says you can’t take my son. Vikram asks shall I call the lawyer. Inspector says no, he wants to get the paper work done, he is not arresting anyone now.

Precap: Prachi asks Ranbir, do you really think that I have done anything wrong? He says, I am confident that you have done something wrong. Later, Rhea tells Prachi, you have 5 days. After that, you are out of this room and I am in. It’s your delusion that you will take everything of mine away from me. I won’t let you take anything from me and that’s my reality because I have Ranbir, this house, everything.

Twist Of Fate Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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