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Karishma asks Ayush to go to Juneja’s party. Ayush calls Rishi and tells that he wanted mom to go to Mr. Juneja’s party. He says he is going to his room. He sees Lakshmi standing in the room and asks if he wants to talk to Lakshmi. Rishi asks him not to take her name and says he slept in guest room due to her. He says he don’t want to see or talk to her. Lakshmi ask shall I talk. Ayush says she is standing infront of me. Lakshmi ask him if he is fine and ask if he had food. Rishi says yes, think she is typical wife, he is in the meeting. Lakshmi end the call. Ayush make an excuse and goes from there.

Sonia ask Karishma about how many rituals are remaining. She says after the rituals gets over, she is free to go anywhere. Karishma asks her to go where she wants, and says no rasam needs you. Sonia goes. Preetam, Rano and others come to the function. Bani asks can we go and meet Di. Virendra says yes, you can go and ask Neelam if she can go. Neelam nod her head. Neha think if she would have married Rishi, then her rasam would be happening. Ayush introduces himself to Bani, Shalu and Neha. He ask who is Shalu? Shalu says I. Ayush says so today you called me and tells that what I would have told if Lakshmi asked whose call was it? Neha falls and he hold her. Bani and Shalu go to Lakshmi and hug her. Ayush ask them to enjoy their sisters’ time. Neha think Mom sent me here unnecessarily and think Lakshmi will ask her, why she sat at the mandap and I will hit her head. Neelam ask Rano what are you doing here and asks her to go to Lakshmi, as she wore the ancestral heavy necklace which is very expensive. Rano ask where is Lakshmi’s room. Karishma tells the direction. Rano goes to meet Lakshmi. Lakshmi hug her. Rano says this room is handsome (awesome) and you are looking handsome (beautiful). They talk about Rishi. 

Rano eyes the necklace kept there and tells that her ring has fallen somewhere. She takes Neha outside and plans with her to steal the necklace and then hide it in her purse. Neha says what will happen if Lakshmi doesn’t wear it? Rano tells that she will act and ask Neha to steal it. She tells Lakshmi that she is looking handsome. Shalu thinks what is the matter? If she is going to do something wrong? Shalu is about to look at Neha, who is stealing the necklace. Rano tells that your Bau ji came in my dream and said that I have changed Lakshmi’s life and thanked me. She says he will get Moksh and I miss him a lot. She says I am like coconut, strict from outside, but soft from inside. She apologizes to her. Lakshmi says you can tell me anything. 

Neha says I am not feeling well. Rano tells that she came empty handed as Gurucharan haven’t given her any jewelery. Neha asks her to give hers. Rano is about to take it out. Lakshmi says my mummy ji gave the jewelery. Servant comes there and calls Lakshmi. Lakshmi opens the box and search for the necklace. Rano asks her to wear. Lakshmi says I have kept it here. She tells that it is not here now. Rano asks them to search for the necklace and says it will be found. Karishma asks Neelam to start the muh dikhayi rasam. Neelam says ok. Sonia teases Ayush. Ayush ask what she is up to? Sonia says I want to see what Bua will do? Ayush ask her not to tell her about him. Sonia ask for his card and asks her to spend with limit. Neelam sends Sonia to bring Lakshmi. 
Lakshmi says shall I tell Mummy ji, she might give another necklace. Shalu says if someone has stolen it. Lakshmi says who will steal in their own house. Neha says Servant. Sonia and Ahana come there and ask Lakshmi to come. Lakshmi says just 5 mins. She wears the necklace of her mother. Ahana ask Sonia why she calls her by her name? Sonia says Lakshmi doesn’t match with Rishi. Lakshmi covers her head and goes. Rano and Neha look at the necklace and get happy. They go down. Lakshmi sits and thinks to tell Neelam that she didn’t wear the necklace given by her. Neelam thanks the guests for coming. The guest ladies see Lakshmi’s face and compliments her beauty. Karishma think when this drama will end, once its end, I will go to my room. She ask Neelam if she can finish this formality. Neelam says ok. Karishma lifts the veil and looks at her. Lakshmi says I didn’t wear that necklace as….Karishma tells Neelam that if she don’t tell her then…She tells Neelam that the ancestral necklace which was given to you by your mom, is not worn by Lakshmi. Neelam sees her face and get shocked.

Karishma tell Neelam that Lakshmi didn’t wear the necklace given by you and started doing what she want. Lakshmi says she had kept the box on the dressing table and it was heavy. Rano says she didn’t wear it as she lost it. Neelam says it was ancestral necklace given by my mom and says how irresponsible, I don’t believe that you can do this. Karishma says you have trusted the wrong person and says I warned you not to give it to her. Rano says it was lost. Lakshmi says it is not lost, it's just missing from the box when I was about to wear it. Karishma asks Rano and Neha why they are signing each other and says it seems they have stolen it. Rano ask if we are thieves? Karishma says I am accusing you as only you, your daughter and Lakshmi’s sisters were in the room. Lakshmi says what are you saying and tells that they are my family. She says we are poor, but can’t steal. 

Karishma says you are poor and they are humans and might want to get the expensive necklace. Lakshmi says you are saying this even now. She asks them to return if they have stolen it. Lakshmi asks why are you saying this Bua ji. Neelam says we shall call the Police and asks her husband to call Police. Dadi ask Neelam, if she will call Police for a necklace? Neelam says it was not just a necklace, but a virasat, I shall know where it is gone. Rano think it is in my Purse, how to save myself. Karishma thinks she will not let Lakshmi be anyone’s favorite as she is not suitable for Rishi. She then calls Rishi and asks him to come home fast. Rishi says yes. Karishma says Lakshmi and her family have stolen our ancestral necklace. Rishi says now everyone will know that Lakshmi who was going to be driver’s wife became my wife, did this. Rano ask Neha to keep back the necklace in Lakshmi’s room. Neha goes to Lakshmi’s room and thinks where to keep the necklace. She thinks to keep it in Lakshmi’s purse to make her the thief in everyone’s sight and thinks when Police finds the necklace then they will think that Lakshmi is the thief and they will repent for making her bahu. Karishma tells that she has called the Police.
Police comes there. Neha search for Lakshmi’s purse and gets it. Rano asks Police to search her purse and says she is rich in values. Neha keeps the necklace in Lakshmi’s purse and says I won’t let Rishi become yours, he will kick you out from his life. Lakshmi comes there and slaps Neha. Neha looks angrily. Mr. Oberoi apologizes to Preetam. Preetam says I understand. Lakshmi says I don’t say anything as I value relations. Neha asks what did you do? Lakshmi says I have caught you red handed and says I heard everything that you wanted to trap me and made me fall in everyone’s sight. She says Rishi is my husband. Neha says Rishi doesn’t love you. Karishma asks Inspector to check Shalu and Bani. Rishi says don’t check Shalu and Bani. He asks his mom not to stress. Neelam says she is stressed as it is given by her mom. Lakshmi says Rishi loves me so much. Neha says she heard whatever he said to her and says don’t know what his father saw in you, you don’t deserve to be in this house. Lakshmi says enough and tells that she has bear when she attacked her, but this time she will not forgive her and will expose her. Karishma thinks if Lakshmi and Neha are hiding the necklace.

Lakshmi comes there and tells that necklace is found. Rano calls Neha. Neha tells that Lakshmi had caught her red handed and threatened to expose her. Rano asks Preetam, about the imprisonment time for the thief? She tells that Neha had stolen it. Lakshmi shows the necklace. Karishma says where did you find it? it was stolen. Neelam asks her to say. Rano signs her not to say. Shalu asks Lakshmi to say the truth. Karishma asks her to say. Lakshmi says you are right, I don’t deserve for such precious necklace, as I never worn such before. She tells Neelam that she couldn’t handle it and had forgotten it after keeping it in the locker. She says when I was called here, I couldn’t remember and came without wearing it. Karishma says do you have any idea, that Police is called here, I called Rishi from office and a big drama happened here. Virendra says Rishi had to come, when Lakshmi is in problem. Rishi think Dad, please. I haven’t come for Lakshmi.

Precap: Karishma tells Lakshmi that she will be punished for doing wrong with the guests and asks her to go to Gurudwara tomorrow and keep everyone’s slippers and sandals on side. Rishi asks what are you saying? Karishma asks him to let her finish what she is saying. Neelam’s father comes there and gives tickets of honeymoon to Lakshmi. Rishi refuses to go to honeymoon. Rano tells Gurucharan that they have fulfilled their promise and asks for the keys. Gurucharan says you will not get it in this birth. Neelam tells Rishi that his Nana ji will understand that she was the one who sent his dad to Lakshmi’s house and got Rishi married to her. Nana ji, Virendra and Lakshmi come there and hear them.

Unfortunate Love Air From Mondays To Friday At 7pm

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