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Lakshmi thinks to go and check on Ahana. She is about to collide with Rishi and asks him if she shall set his hair. She touches his hair to set it, with his permission. Malishka brings modak and gets angry seeing Lakshmi setting his hair. She holds Lakshmi’s hand angrily. Virendra, Neelam and others look on. Lakshmi asks what happened? Malishka says you asked for modak and asks her to take it. 

Lakshmi says this needs to be given to pandit ji, its ok. I will give it. She takes modak plate and goes. Malishka asks Rishi not to let her touch him. Rishi says never. Dadi calls everyone as puja is going to start. Ahana also stands in the puja. Dadi begins the puja. Karishma, Sonia do the puja. Karishma then gives aarti to Malishka. Virendra sends Bani to do aarti with Malishka, failing Karishma’s plan. Malishka and Bani do the aarti. Ahana and Devika do the aarti next. As Ayush is about do aarti, Rano push Neha and the latter do aarti with Ayush. Shalu also does aarti. Virendra sends Lakshmi to do aarti. Lakshmi covers her head and takes aarti in her hand. Rishi comes forward and does aarti with her. Dadi says it is Bappa’s work, Bappa will make the ones do whom he wants, what can we do? She says Bappa is making bahu do the aarti. Karishma asks what do you want, if you want Rishi to accept Lakshmi? Dadi asks her not to interfere in Bappa’s work. Virendra thinks Rishi comes himself to do the aarti with Lakshmi, though Malishka is in his heart and Lakshmi is in his destiny. They end up doing the aarti. Lakshmi thanks Bappa for giving her everything and prays to God to give her happiness, life and everything to Rishi. Rishi thinks he is standing infront of him, as he is saved by Lakshmi everytime and she is bearing so much for him. He says he will feel bad if she gets hurt and says she is loving me, wipe love from her heart for me. Just then Lakshmi gets hiccups and holds Rishi’s hand for support as she slips. Rishi says my prayer is left incomplete.

Rishi pray to Bappa and ask him to wipe off love from Lakshmi’s heart for him. Lakshmi gets hiccups and holds his hand for support. He says my prayers are left incomplete. Lakshmi asks him not to worry as he will get more than he asked for from Bappa. Rishi looks at her. Shalu says both are looking good together. Malishka asks Pandit ji if she shall give laddoo to everyone. Pandit ji says yes. She holds the plate. Just then Lakshmi also holds the plate. Malishka says I will give it. Lakshmi says you are a guest of the house and we don’t make guests do the work. She gives half laddoo to Dadi and gives full to Neelam and others. Dadi signs it is tasty. Neelam also tastes and smiles signing it is tasty. Lakshmi comes to Rishi, Virendra and others and give them Laddoos. Virendra signs it is good. The guests taste it and praise the laddoo, asking Neelam from where did she order it? Neelam says it is not ordered from outside and tells that it is made at home by their bahu Lakshmi. The guest says it is good, you got Rishi married to a beautiful girl and also bought sarvagun sampan bahu for yourself, says you have Bappa’s blessings on you. Malishka get upset and goes from there. Karishma goes behind her. Malishka says she can’t bear everyone praising Lakshmi. Karishma says they are lying to make her happy. Malishka says the laddoos were really awesome. She says they praised her in reality. Karishma says Lakshmi is making place in everyone’s hearts and tells that hopes this time end soon. Ahana hears them.
Lakshmi gives the sweets boxes to the guests. The guest says you made tasty prasad. Virendra asks Neelam if her Dad is coming to puja. Neelam says don’t know, but he believes on God, so he can come. She offers him modak. Virendra says still I have taste of laddoo made by Lakshmi and tells that it was really good. He asks did you hear what Mrs. Bhalla had said that Lakshmi is sarvagunn sampan. He then asks her to ask Malishka to go back to her house. Neelam goes from there.

Rishi takes the juice glass from the waiter and sees Lakshmi distributing sweets to the guests. He looks at her. Ayush comes there and asks did anyone ask you to stand like a statue? Rishi gives him juice glass. Ayush says I needed it. Rishi asks him to give it to Lakshmi. Ayush asks him to give it himself. Rishi asks him to give her. Ayush says ok and goes to Lakshmi asking her to drink juice. Lakshmi refuses and says she has to give sweets to other guests. Ayush asks will you make me get scolded by Rishi Bhai. Lakshmi says Rishi…and takes the glass to drink juice. She drinks. Rishi smiles. Shalu and Bani look at Lakshmi. Ayush says you finished all the glass when I took Rishi’s name. Shalu says Ayush is not devil like I think. Bani says if you like him then I will tell Di and she will set you. Shalu says no I hate him. She thinks if Chachi hears then she will make an issue. 

Rano asks Neha to eye Ayush and says you are still looking at Rishi. Neha says it is easy to get Rishi as he got married and says fights happen after the marriage and people say that their destiny is broken. Neha says she will have both options open and tells that she will not leave Lakshmi. Rano sees Rishi and says good luck to Neha. She prays that Rishi shall love Neha. Neha gets her friend’s call and she asks where is she? Neha says she came to Lakshmi’s house. Her friend taunts her and asks why did she go there? She says only a dayan can keep an eye on her brother in law. Neha says she came for Ayush here who is Rishi’s cousin. Shalu comes to Neha. Neha ends the call and goes. 

Rishi looks at Lakshmi as she gives sweet boxes to the guests till. Ayush notices Rishi and comes to him. He says I have noticed that you were staring at Lakshmi. He asks if violin is playing when you see Lakshmi? Rishi says how can you ask this after knowing all the truth. Ayush asks what? Malishka loves you. Rishi says even I love her. Ayush says I have noticed that you were always around Malishka during previous Ganapati function, but this time you are near Lakshmi, so I thought. Rishi says you thought it wrong and says Lakshmi is a nice girl and cares for me a lot, but she is not the one. He says Malishka got me married to Lakshmi due to the markesh dosh. He says I love everyone in the house and not Lakshmi. He asks if he understood and hug him. Ayush think I am not understanding if you are telling me or making yourself understand. 
Neha searches for Rishi and collides with Ayush. Ayush holds her. Shalu comes there and asks what is happening here? Ayush says I will not tell. Shalu says I will hold her and asks him to go. Ayush goes. Shalu asks her what she was doing with Ayush, and says you were trapping him. She says he has a girlfriend and she is beautiful. Neha says she is not interested in Ayush and goes.

Rishi is in his room and thinks of Lakshmi. He looks at her earrings kept on the table and picks it. He keeps it back and thinks what am I doing? Why am I thinking about Lakshmi, when I love Malishka? He think what is happening with me, I don’t love her, he says she cares for me so much and sometimes overdo it. He says I don’t want her love and care and thinks how to tell her that I don’t love her. Neha overhears him and thinks Rishi doesn’t love Lakshmi, now I have the chance and goes to hug Rishi. She hugs him and asks him to tell all his secrets, says I know that you don’t love Lakshmi etc. Rishi asks her to leave him. Someone comes there and slaps Neha.

Neha is hugging Rishi and says she knew that he don’t love Lakshmi. She asks him to tell all his secrets etc. Rishi asks her to leave him. Malishka comes there and slap Neha hard. 

Rano tells Virendra that the decoration is good. Virendra says it is our belief. Rano says your belief is costly. Preetam says even we believe on Bappa. Rano ask Virendra to give them more Ganapati Bappa of Gold if he wants and says they got diamond like son-in-law. She then asks about Ayush and asks if he works with Rishi in the office. Virendra says Rano. Rano thinks Ayush and Rishi will get the property equally and thinks Neha shall marry Ayush. Virendra asks do you want to tell me something? Rano says if you have any complains with Lakshmi, as she came from village in this palace like house. She says she will make her understand. Virendra says I have complains with Lakshmi. He says she doesn’t think about herself. We always thought that we have everything with us, but after Lakshmi came, we thought that there is much less in our life. He says I wish I could meet Lakshmi’s parents and says they gave so good values to Lakshmi. He says even we are from village. He says you met my mother, who is also from village. He says Neelam was from rich family, but I worked hard and reached this level and got all this. Rano says I wish Preetam would have worked hard like you and then tells that Preetam is like Lakshmi’s father and gave good values to Neha.

Malishka asks how dare you to touch Rishi? Rishi says she is Lakshmi’s cousin Neha. Neha asks why you are so angry and asks if Rishi is her husband, lover etc. She asks how dare you slap me? She says I hugged him and why are you so burnt? Malishka says if he is your husband and says he is Lakshmi’s husband. She says if he would have been my husband, then I would have kicked you out from here. Neha ask her to touch her and says I am silent due to Rishi. She asks her not to come between Rishi and her. Rishi asks Neha what are you saying? Rishi says there is nothing wrong between us. Neha asks why is she reacting as if he is yours. Rishi says Malishka is concerned for Lakshmi as she likes her a lot. Malishka says you are talking nicely to her, even after she crossed her limits. Rishi asks Neha to go. Malishka asks who is she? Rishi says she is Lakshmi’s cousin Neha, who wanted to marry me. Malishka says I didn’t know that package will come with Lakshmi. Rishi says you shouldn’t have slapped her, and says she will not tell after whatever she has done and tells that she shall not slap her. Malishka says she will not spare her if she does this again. Rishi says possessive, that’s why I love you so much. He says lets go and say good bye to everyone.

Rano says we have given good values to Neha. Virendra says it is seen. Neha comes downstairs. Preetam asks Rano what is going on in her mind? Rano says she is thinking. Neha goes without talking to Rano. Rano says we shall leave, something had happened. Preetam tells that they will leave. Virendra ask them to leave Shalu and Bani, as Lakshmi didn’t get chance to talk to them. Preetam says no need. Rano says we will come again tomorrow for Visarjan. 

Rano comes home and asks Neha why she came here. Neha tells her that Rishi doesn’t love Lakshmi. Rano says if he changed so soon? She asks her to tell directly. Neha says Rishi doesn’t love Lakshmi, but. Rano starts dancing and gets happy. She says nobody’s bad eyes shall fall on you, except Rishi. She says I will become the saas of a rich guy. Neha asks her to hear fully and says I hugged Rishi, he pushed me, but a girl came there and slapped me hard.

Devika comes to Lakshmi’s room and asks can I talk to you for 5 mins. She says don’t know what this girl is saying since a long time. Ahana comes there and says I don’t want to say anything. Devika says Ahana told that you are best and good. Ahana says I told Devika that if you had not stitched my dress, then everyone would have laughed at me. Lakshmi says nobody will laugh at you. Ahana tells that last time Sonia laughed at me. Lakshmi says nobody will laugh at you, you are so good. Ahana hug Lakshmi and says you are good. Devika also hug her. Rishi looks at them from outside. He asks if Neha, Bani and Shalu called and said that they reached home safely. Lakshmi says Bani called and said that they reached home. She says I am happy that you are worried for them and that’s why asked about them. Rishi says yes. He thinks if Neha would have told then Lakshmi will get doubtful on me. He thinks Malishka was right that Neha will not tell anyone about it.

Precap: Virendra says to Lakshmi, your father is here only. Meet him here only. She hugs him. She says, if he was here today, then he would see how happy I am today. Such a lovely family, such a loving husband. Neelam says till now they have been doing Ganpati Visarjan, but from now, Rishi will do it with his wife, Lakshmi. Malishka is not happy. Later, Neha sees Rishi hugging Malishka. Ayush asks Lakshmi to save him. Lakshmi asks Rishi not to beat her dewar. She thinks she has shown right on Rishi. Malishka tells that her Rishi will not like behenji type girls like Lakshmi and kisses on his forehead. Lakshmi looks on.

Unfortunate Love Air From Mondays To Friday At 7pm

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