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Rishi comes to Malishka and ask why did she lie? He says I can’t do candle light dinner with Lakshmi. Malishka says this is a surprise, so Shalu and Neha will not tell Lakshmi, she ask him to relax. Rishi goes. Karishma says we need to talk to him. 

Dadi asks Ayush to drop Bajwa family to their house. Ayush says ok.

Lakshmi asks are you saying truth? Shalu says yes, and asks her not to tell brother inlaw that she told her as it is a surprise. Lakshmi asks what is candle light dinner? Bani asks didn’t you see in films, it will be fun. Ayush hears them and thinks to inform Rishi. Rano comes to Lakshmi’s room and tells that Ayush is waiting to drop them home. Shalu ask why? Rano ask do you want to go in auto. Lakshmi asks them to go and hug them. They go from her room. Rishi get Ayush’s message that Lakshmi knows about the surprise candle light dinner, you have to do dinner with her. Rishi messages him where is him? Ayush says going to office, and have to drop Bajwa family on the way. Neha sits at the front seat with Ayush and thinks Neha made the excuse to cover up her act. She thinks if Rishi falls for Lakshmi while acting then what, she think Lakshmi is a winner. Shalu thinks Neha wants to trap Ayush.

Neelam think of Virendra’s words that they shall ask Malishka to go to her room. Karishma comes there and says I need to talk to you. Neelam asks if you want to talk about Malishka? Karishma says you asked Lakshmi to do visarjan of Bappa, if I am feeling so insulting then think how Malishka would have felt. Neelam says it is wrong for Malishka to feel bad and wrong to come here. Karishma says you asked me to make her do complete the rituals. Neelam says I said this, as she is your relative and you want Rishi and Malishka to unite, infact they are perfect couple. Karishma ask if just I wanted that they shall come together. Neelam says even all of us want, but we made Lakshmi as our bahu, and she is our bahu for society too. Karishma asks shall we forget Malishka? Neelam says infact yes, for the time being and ask her to ask Malishka to leave from here. She says it will be good for everyone, she should go. She says if you know when I was happy last, since I came to know about Rishi’s markesh dosh, I am not happy, else you wouldn’t have said this. Karishma says I know. Neelam says what do you think that Rishi and Lakshmi’s marriage is like doing havan, once it ended, then clean the place and move on. She says no, Lakshmi is a human being and her relation is with Rishi and all of us. She says I am worried for Rishi, I made him Lakshmi’s husband. He stays with her in the same room. She is a good girl, and he can’t find fault in her for many days, her kundali is so strong that he can’t think of Malishka. She says he himself is a good guy and can’t fight with his goodness. She says he will fight with himself, like us. She says Virendra is already feeling guilty and even I feel bad. She says I am a mother and for a mother, there is nothing more than my son’s life. She says I have done this, and if the circumstances are same next time, then I will do this again too. Karishma says what about Malishka? Neelam says Malishka is a nice guy and Rishi’s happiness, but happiness can be any girl. She says nothing is more than Rishi’s life and his life is Lakshmi. She asks her to remember what she said, before saying anything next time.
Ayush drop Neha, Shalu, Bani and Rano to their home. Bani thanks him. He says no problem. Rano asks Bani to get vegetable from the market. Neha smiles looking at him. He thinks if she will tell Rishi’s bhai secret to anyone. Neha thinks if I am so beautiful that he couldn’t keep his eyes off her. Neha gets down and goes. Shalu is sitting in the car still. He says your station/home has come. Shalu asks him not to misbehave? He says he is just telling that her home came. Rano asks Neha to call Ayush inside and trap him. She asks her to leave an impression on him. Neha says I will not make tea. Rano says I will make everything, you just make him yours. Neha comes out and asks Ayush to come and have tea. Neha says he doesn’t have time, need to go to office. Ayush says he has time and gets down. Shalu asks why are you coming? Ayush says for you, I will do what I want to. Neha’s friend looks at him and smiles. Rano makes Ayush to sit and says our home is small, but heart is big. She asks Shalu to make tea and also bring biscuits. Malishka talks to Sumit (driver) and asks him to go back, as she will stay here tonight. Rishi comes there and says you trapped me. He says Lakshmi knows everything about surprise dinner date. Malishka asks how did she know? Rishi says it is not important. Sonia asks him to sleep in her room. He says I can’t lie. Malishka asks her to go to dinner then. He says alone. Sonia says I can come to your room and save you. Rishi says no, tells that Lakshmi does so much for me, she is very good, she cares for me, I can plan this dinner for her, I can manage. He goes. Malishka says I just love it. Sonia asks are you not scared? Malishka says he got married to Lakshmi on my insistence and says he will never love Lakshmi.

Rano asks Ayush if he works with Rishi. Ayush says yes. Rano asks if he gets salary. He says we are partners so share the profit. He says he is thirsty. Rano asks Bani to bring water. He says he will get it himself. He goes to kitchen. Rano asks Bani not to smile.

Rishi thinks if he is scared of Lakshmi, there is awkwardness and thinks something happens, but I don’t want to feel anything. I just love Malishka and planning this candle light dinner on her sayings. Rishi calls Servant and asks him to decorate his room for candle light dinner. Servant asks for tonight. Rishi says yes, why are you feeling shy? He asks will you do? Servant says yes. Karishma hears them.

Shalu asks why did you come here? Ayush says it is my life and my decisions and I will decide. Shalu says you shall thank me for saving you from girls. He says he likes girls and their flirting. She asks if he is characterless and says she will not help him. She says you are good guy and takes care of Di. Ayush asks do you love me? She says no. Ayush asks why are you impressing me then? He says grapes are bitter. He teases her and goes.

Karishma asks Rishi if he will do candle light dinner with Lakshmi. Rishi says I have to, Shalu told her by mistake. Karishma asks if someone kept gun on your head. Rishi says the matter is about Lakshmi’s feelings, she might be expecting that I have planned surprise dinner for her. He says if I don’t plan this surprise then she will feel bad and it won’t be good. He says like Lakshmi is, how we thought about her and says sorry I couldn’t make you understand. Karishma asks him to say. Rishi says she is a very genuine girl, with heart and intention. She has loving behavior and caring nature, she loves everyone a lot and made them hers. She says whatever she has done for me, nobody can do. He says I shall do this for her happiness, I shall take care of her happiness. He says I love Malishka a lot, but that doesn’t mean that I shall cheat Lakshmi or backstab or ditch her. He says I love Malishka before my marriage, and I wanted to tell Lakshmi about this, but mom and you didn’t let me do this. He says Lakshmi is very nice and a pure soul, whenever I am with her, I feel irritated on me. He says I have done wrong with her, but she always thinks good about me. He says this is truth. Karishma says this is the reason that you started liking Lakshmi. Rishi says that’s why I told that I couldn’t make you understand and goes. Karishma says I understood that you started liking her and you didn’t realize this.

Rishi sees Lakshmi planting tulsi plant in the pot. He comes to her. Ehsaas song plays…..Lakshmi smiles and signs him to give water. He makes her wash her hands. She keeps the pot and thanks Rishi. Rishi asks what happened? Lakshmi says you are becoming like me. Rishi asks what do you mean? She says previously I used to nod my head and you are also doing the same. She says I nod my head to say yes and says your nod means ok. She says you talks less now a days. Rishi says he has stress. Lakshmi asks him to tell what is the stress, says there shall be no secrets between us. Rishi says I did bad with someone. Lakshmi says now you are feeling bad and asks him to apologize to that person, if he really means it. Rishi asks will you forgive me? Lakshmi asks why?

Shalu brings tea and gives to Ayush. She then stamps on his feet. He shouts. Shalu asks did you get hurt and shouting like girls. Rano scolds Shalu for hitting him. Shalu says it happened by mistake. Ayush says ok. He tastes it and says wow. He says the tea is waste. Bani says it is good, I will call Pinky to taste it. Ayush says its taste is not like Lakshmi’s tea. Shalu says you like her tea and says whatever she makes becomes tasty, she makes tasty food like Maa. Ayush says you have become serious and says it is reallytasty, I will drink it at once. He drinks and says Mummy, it was hot. Rano asks him to have biscuits.

Rishi recalls Neelam asking him not to tell Lakshmi about his markesh dosh, and giving her swear. Lakshmi asks why are you apologizing to me. Rishi says I have done bad with you, please forgive me. He says I stay away from you and make you feel that I don’t want to talk to you. Lakshmi says you are sorry for this, and says I thought you don’t like me. She says I felt strange, as you was different after marriage, but your eyes tell everything. She says your eyes make me feel that you are mine, if you look at me with love, then that love stays with me all the day. She says you can’t stay away from me, stays closer to me. She says if you think that something is missing from my side. Rishi says never and says it is from my side. Lakshmi says never, I trust you more than myself. She gets emotional and teary eyes. Rishi signs her at her tears. Lakshmi says Shalu says that I shall work in serials as I look good while crying. Rishi says you look good while smiling too. Lakshmi smiles. He says perfect, nods his head and goes. Tujhme rab dikhta hai plays……Lakshmi smiles.

Virendra call Sanjay and asks do you want bonus cheque or not. Sanjay says sorry sir, Rishi sir called me to decorate the room for candle light dinner. Virendra gets happy and hugs him, and asks why didn’t you tell me before. He gives him cheque and asks him to go. Dadi comes there and asks if he is distributing hugs too along with money. Virendra says Rishi had called Sanjay to decorate the room for candle light dinner. Dadi gets happy and says Rishi is trying to keep Lakshmi happy. She asks do you know about candle light dinner. Virendra says I understand everything and asks her to talk in low tone. Dadi asks if I am afraid of anyone. Virendra says Neelam. Dadi gets tensed. Virendra smiles. Dadi scolds him. Virendra says I am very happy, but you please don’t tell anyone. Ahana and Devika hear them and leave from there. Dadi says it is not less than a miracle, that Rishi is doing this when Malishka is at home. Virendra says someone is making him do this, Ganapati Bappa. He says I prayed to Bappa that Rishi and Lakshmi shall unite. Dadi says even I and says hi five. She hugs him and says you are my favorite and dear to me. Lakshmi is going to her room. Virendra says Lakshmi’s happiness will be much when she goes to Rishi’s room.
Lakshmi comes to her room and sees the decoration. She gets glad and smiles. Rishi says I will not call it as a surprise, as you knew about it. Lakshmi says I didn’t know that it will be so beautiful. Rishi says Sanjay did this, I will give your compliment to him. Lakshmi says but surprise is yours. Rishi says you have the point. Lakshmi gives her hand in his hand. Rishi is surprised and asks her to come inside. She walks on the flower petals holding his hands. Song plays kabhi socha na itna pyar karo. Rishi removes the lids. Lakshmi looks at the chole kulche and says you remember it. She thanks him. Rishi says I shall thank you for whatever you have done for me. Lakshmi says no need of thank you, as our relation is such, we have taken rounds and promised each other to protect each other and I did the same. Rishi thinks you had taken the promise, but I just acted for Malishka and Mom and to save my life. Lakshmi says when I was doing this, I didn’t remember promises or rounds, I just saw you and wanted to save you, even if anything happens to me. She says there is a strength in 7 rounds, they bind the two for 7 births. She gets teary eyes and asks if she told much. He says yes, we shall talk about other births later and says let decide about this birth. Lakshmi asks what happened? Rishi says you are very good, Lakshmi. Lakshmi smiles while the song tu meri aarzoo….plays….

Malishka comes to her room and is restless. Sonia asks if she is thinking what is going on between Rishi and Lakshmi. Malishka says there is nothing like that. Lakshmi says even you are good, more good than me. Rishi says there is nothing like this and asks her not to say. Lakshmi asks him not to say. Rishi asks if she is copying him. Lakshmi says no, I am saying this as I feel scared that if you praise me so good then I will get pride on myself. Rishi smiles. Lakshmi says I am not joking seriously, if you like me more then? Rishi says so, you don’t want me to like you. Lakshmi says no, I want you to like only me very much and says I don’t want you to praise me. Rishi says I have seen the girl for the first time, who don’t like to hear someone praising her. He asks why you will feel pride? Lakshmi says if ‘the Rishi Oberoi likes me’, then I will feel pride. She says one shall not have pride as it breaks. Malishka thinks God knows, what are they doing? She thinks mistake is mine, I should have said something. Rishi says everything is fine, if you want then can share something with me. Lakshmi says I used to feel proud that I have best parents of the world, but now I don’t have them, and my pride is broken. He says whenever I meet you and spend time with you, I decover something new about you, in good way. He says good thing shall not be said about you. Lakshmi says you can say by eyes.

Precap: Rishi rejects a girl in an interview saying she is not qualified for that job. Later, police come to arrest Rishi in a molestation case. Lakshmi and Rishi’s family watch the news at home and get shocked. Media defame Rishi in the news. His family watch the news on TV. Neelam warns media that she won’t let Rishi’s media trial happen. If any channel writes or says anything about him, then she will take that channel to the court. She will sue them. Rishi tells Shanaya that he’s giving her one last chance to tell the truth to police. Shanaya requests police to get him punished.

Unfortunate Love Air From Mondays To Friday At 7pm

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