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The Episode starts with Lakshmi asking the neighbor to send back all the stuff brought for the marriage. Shalu asks how she can behave normally. She says I have to be strong for Maa and bau ji. Shalu says you have seen whole life with Varun. Lakshmi says Varun was not more than a friend. Rano tells that it is not a big deal for the marriage to break. She says we will not stay here for a day. Dadi says destiny doesn’t change with place. Rano says my husband’s destiny is changed in Mumbai. Dadi leaves Lakshmi’s destiny in God’s hand. Rano tells Lakshmi that she will change her destiny and says they will take her to Mumbai. Rano’s husband asks her what is she saying, their house is very small in Mumbai. She says you should have thought when you gave your tongue to Veer ji. He says he lied so that he can die peacefully. Rano asks him to fulfill his lie using Veer ji’s wealth. Shalu and Bani talk to Lakshmi that there is something wrong surely. Lakshmi says I will talk to her. Rano asks her husband to open the locker and get everything, money, jewellery and property papers. He asks if we shall steal? She asks if he will drive the bus and says their father’s wealth will be of use. She says I broke Lakshmi’s marriage with Varun to get her property and tells that she will blackmail lakshmi emotionally with her two tears. Lakshmi comes there and the juice falls from her tray. Rano thinks she will kick us out. Lakshmi says sorry and says I will bring juice for you again. Rano says you came just now and asks her to come with her. She says people will say anything that she is unlucky or have bad destiny, but I will change your destiny. Lakshmi says she don’t want to leave this house. Rano thinks she shall act like mother India and talks emotionally, asking her to move ahead in life. She asks if you want to hurt your parents? Lakshmi says no and hugs her. Rano asks her to stop crying and asks her to tell Bani and Shalu, that they have to leave today. Rano and her husband come to Gurucharan and asks him to give the locker keys. Gurucharan asks why? Rano says it is our right to get the keys. Gurucharan asks them to fulfill the responsibility and get Lakshmi married soon, then I will give the keys. He says I will take care of them. Rano says we have seen a good guy in city and you will soon get the good news of her marriage. Gurucharan goes. Lakshmi takes her parents’ photo frame and cries. She meets Gurucharan. Rano says it is enough of crying and asks her to sit in the truck. They sit. Lakshmi thinks of her father. A lady sees Lakshmi and tells her that she will meet her destiny very soon. They sit in the train. Rano tells that she got the house vacated in the village and nobody got to know. They get down from the train.

Rano and her husband hire taxi for them. She asks Lakshmi to sit in the auto with her sisters. Chacha ji gives her money and gives her house address. The auto driver asks if they came to Mumbai for the first time. They tell yes. Lakshmi and her sisters look out of the auto. The auto driver tells the goons that he is bringing three girls. He takes the auto to different route. Chacha ji gets worried for them. Lakshmi sees auto driver looking at them and asks how much time, it will take. He says just few mins. Chacha ji, Rano and Neha get down at their house. Auto driver gets the call. Lakshmi and her sisters hear him speaking. Bani says he is taking us to wrong route. Lakshmi tells the same thing to him. Auto driver asks them to sit quietly and let them driver. Rano and Neha start eating food. Chacha ji says you are eating and they have not reached home. He says he will go and check. Lakshmi tells that they shall jump when the auto turns. She jumps off and falls down, while her sisters ask him to stop the auto. They get down and come to Lakshmi. Auto driver also comes to Lakshmi and asks why did you fall down. Lakshmi says she fell down. She asks him to bring a cloth. He goes to his auto and call the goons. Lakshmi tells her sisters that they shall run in the auto. Bani asks who will ride? Lakshmi says she will ride the auto. The auto driver comes to Lakshmi. Lakshmi pushes him and runs to auto. She rides off. The auto driver tries to stop her, but she hits him. The auto driver along with his goons follow them on the bikes. Lakshmi and her sisters ask someone about the address. The guy says you have to go back. She says we have to go, but for now we have to save ourselves. She rides the auto and reaches a hotel. She hits the side vase, kept outside. They get down the auto.

The hotel owner Rishi oberoi is seen. The watchman asks if she is mad to break a costly stuff. Lakshmi and her sisters run inside. Rishi Oberoi collides with Lakshmi and holds her hand. Her dupatta falls on his face. Main bhi phir tumko chahunga plays… They feels electric spark and he leaves her hand. The goons come inside the hotel. The security catches them. Rishi turns to look at Lakshmi, but he doesn’t see her face. Shalu and bani ask Lakshmi to come fast and they hide in Rishi’s cabin. Rishi questions the security manager and fires him. His friend Ayush tells that it was your instruction to keep the doors open and not to do checking. The driver tells that the girls have taken his auto and didn’t give him auto rent. Rishi says you want rent, and tells that the damage of his hotel is 5 lakhs Rs. He asks Rishi to take them to Police. Auto driver pleads to leave her. Rishi signs them. Shalu and Bani see Rishi’s pic in his cabin and tells Lakshmi that the woman on the station said right, you have collided with your destiny. Lakshmi says we are in problem and you are talking about this. Rishi comes to his cabin door and asks them to come to the door silently and secondly this office is his, which they made as shelter home, else he will get their friends arrested. Lakshmi says they are not our friends and tells that the auto driver was taking us somewhere else, and she has to jump off from the cabin. He says I am not interested in your auto biography and says he needs his Ipad and has an important meeting lined up. He asks her to come out and stop messing his cabin. She says we didn’t do anything in your office, it is fine. He asks Ayush about police. Ayush says they are on the way. He says international investors and guests are having a meeting now, if they see all this, then what they will think about me, and asks her to come out. He keeps hand on the door. She also keeps hand on the other side of door and asks if they come out then will he not let anything happen to them. He says yes. She asks him to promise. He thinks if anyone asks for promise from stranger and promises her.
The driver Balwinder coming to Rishi. Rishi asks if the car is ready and him to get the girls arrested, as they stole the auto and ran. He tells Inspector that he is going for important meeting and his driver will file the FIR on his behalf. Lakshmi and her sisters come out and gets shocked hearing him saying this. She calls Rishi and says you have promised to let us go and asks constable to leave them. Inspector asks them to act in Police station. Shalu says how can he break our trust, he has promised. Lakshmi says we shall never trust city guys. She runs out and tries to stop Rishi, but the lady constables catch her. Rishi sits in car, while she tries to stop him. Ayush says he can also drive the car. Rishi says someone shall drive, who can fly the car, else we can’t reach super model contest.

Chacha ji tells that he couldn’t find the girls. Rano says we shall tell that Lakshmi ran away and asks him to think what to tell about other girls. Shalu shows Rishi’s pic to Police and tells that he promised not to get us arrested. Inspector asks them to come. Chacha ji gets a call from Police inspector and gets shocked. He tells Rano that they have entered the 5 star hotel. Rano says you was worried about them and they are enjoying there. He says we shall go and talk to Police. Chacha ji talks to Inspector and asks him to leave his nieces, but he refuses. Lakshmi tells Rano that auto driver was taking them to isolated road etc, and they got saved. Chacha ji tells Lakshmi that Inspector didn’t agree. Lakshmi asks him to tell that she is guilty, but her sisters are innocent. Chacha ji goes to tell. Lakshmi says that guy was not trustable. Rishi is sitting in the super model contest and gets hiccups. Ayush tells him that the girl must be talking bad about you. Rishi sees a supermodel’s heels breaking and rushes to hold her. The model says she will win due to him. He says pleasure is mine. Chacha ji asks Inspector to leave other girls. Inspector tells that he can leave the girls if the complainant takes back the complaint. He asks him to talk to their driver. Chacha ji and Rano see Balwinder and think he stays in their neighborhood. They ask him not to file the complaint and say nobody will know if you file complaint or not. Rishi crowns the model as supermodel. Neha says he can’t do anything. Balwinder says he can do anything for his family. He pretends to make a fake call and tells inspector that Rishi asked him to free the girls. He frees the girls. Neha gets to know from Lakshmi that Rishi got them arrested.. she says why she didn’t get me arrested. Rishi sees the model Veronica refusing to get the pic clicked for kids NGO. He asks Veronica to pose with him, then says that the pic looks empty and asks the kids to pose with them. Veronica poses with them. Rishi tells the kids that he will send Veronica’s audio in which she tells that she don’t want money from them. The kids get happy and thanks Rishi. Ayush says you have fooled a model. Rishi says she might be beautiful, but to win my heart, she needs to be beautiful from within and not by face.
Neha tells Chacha ji that she will not share her room with anyone. Lakshmi says we will sleep somewhere else. He says this house is small and tells that they sleep in hall. Rano takes them to storeroom and asks them to sleep there. Lakshmi, Shalu and Bani clean the room. Bani tells that she is feeling hungry. Lakshmi says I will bring food. She goes to hall. Rano asks what happened? Lakshmi tells that Bani and Shalu are feeling hungry. Rano tells that old food, of 10 days back must be in fridge and asks her to take it. Lakshmi takes food for her sisters and tells that there was much food, but she eat it when Chachi ji insisted. Shalu says even Maa used to say this. She makes Lakshmi eat food. Later they ask how to sleep without pillow. Shalu and Bani sleep on Lakshmi’s hand. Rano makes Lakshmi and her sisters work in her house. She asks Neha to show market to Lakshmi, and tells that from next day she will only bring. Shalu asks her to drink tea. Lakshmi says she will drink later. Balwinder eyes Neha. Lakshmi looks at him and understands his bad eye is on her. Neha asks Lakshmi to hold the bags. Balwinder gets Rishi’s call and lies to him that he came to PS to handle the case. He comes to Chacha ji and Rano’s house and tell that he is Rishi Oberoi’s driver and that is not less. He says he shall have wife. Chacha ji says yes. Balwinder asks him to give Neha.

In the market, Rishi is driving the car and hits a vegetable seller cart. Rano tells Chacha ji that they have formula to solve all problems. Rano says you have pushed him out and tells that he will not marry Neha. Rano tells that they shall get Lakshmi marry to him. Chacha ji says he will beat Lakshmi. Rano says he will mend his ways and tells that he will get money for us from Gurucharan. The vegetable seller says nobody is helping me to pick it. Lakshmi says I will help you. She helps him pick the vegetables. Rishi comes out of car and asks Lakshmi, how she is freed from PS, she shall be locked.

Precap: Rano fixes Balwinder’s marriage with Lakshmi. Balwinder tries to misbehave with Lakshmi. Ayush tells Rishi that surely he has some connection with that girl. Rishi gets thinking. Rano gets angry and asks him to keep the cup down. She says you have married twice and wants to marry my daughter. Chacha ji says alliance are not coming for Lakshmi, but for Neha. Rano gets an idea. Neelam shows the necklace to Rishi and says it will suit my would be wife. Rishi looks at the necklace and drops it accidentally. It falls on Lakshmi’s head. Ayush thanks Lakshmi for returning it. Lakshmi says my father used to say that we shall not keep others’ stuff, if something is in our destiny then will surely get it. balwinder asks Lakshmi to see marriage dreams and says he will buy sherwani for himself. Later he brings the baraat, faints and falls down drunk. Guru charan is shocked. Lakshmi is shocked too.

Unfortunate Love Air From Mondays To Friday At 7pm

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