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At the hospital where all the Oberoi's are talking about how and why the are Laxmi married to Rishi. A fb is shown, Pandit ji tells them about Markesh dosh in Rishi’s kundali as he turned 25 years and such dosh takes the person’s life. Neelam and Karishma ask for solution. Pandit ji says solution is very difficult and you have to search for that, else Kaal will take his life. Neelam and Virendra asks him to say. Badrinath ji tells that they have to search for the solution and you have to do it in 10 days. He says this dosh will be in his kundali for one year. Virendra and Neelam ask him to say what to do. Badrinath ji asks them to get Rishi married. Neelam says millions of girls want to marry him. Badrinath ji says you have to search for one girl among millions of girls. He says you have to choose one girl, can’t get him married to any random girl, she shall have unique kundali to cut his dosh. Fb ends. Karishma says we have announced his wedding. Dadi says we got many kundalis. Fb again, Pandit ji checks kundalis and says no kundali matches with Rishi’s kundali. Neelam says what to do now. Pandit Badrinath ji checks Rishi’s kundali and tells that he will be attacked by fire in his workplace. Neelam ask him to tell about the solution. Virendra says we shall not send him to office. Neelam says yes. Badrinath ji says nothing can stop Rishi, the attack will happen and only a miracle can save him. fb end. Neelam recalls Lakshmi saving him and says whatever Pandit ji said was truth. Virendra says we tried to stop him from going to france, to the award function. Dadi says but he was attacked. Ayush says I asked him to come to the office and he came. Virendra says Pandit ji said that Rishi was trapped in fire. Neelam says a miracle happened and Lakshmi saved him. Virendra tell that Pandit ji said that the fire will be caught in Rishi’s office. Neelam says only a miracle could happened and Lakshmi saved him and defeated his kaal. Virendra says Lakshmi saved Rishi, risking her life. Neelam says when we told about his miracle to Pandit ji and he asked for Lakshmi’s kundali and we felt that Lakshmi couldn’t marry Balwinder due to Rishi’s kaal, and then voice came from our hearts, that the girl who is one in millions, who can defeat Rishi’s Kaal is Lakshmi, who can become his wife and can save him from Kundali dosh. 

Rishi comes to Lakshmi’s ward and looks at her, she is unconscious. He recalls Lakshmi trying to make him come in his senses and the guy telling him that she saved you from crocodile, but it caught her. He calls her and sits at her bedside. Song plays…..He holds her hand and thanks her. Nurse comes and asks how are you? Rishi says fine and asks how is she? Nurse says she had gained consciousness and asked for you, tried to run and come to you. She says when she saw her sindoor missing, was shouting marriage sign is wiped off and fell unconscious again. She asks him to fill her maang else she will get worried again when she gains consciousness. She gives lipstick sindoor to him and asks him to apply on her hairline. Rishi apply sindoor in her hair line. Lakshmi’s doctor comes there and asks him to go and rest in his room. He asks Nurse to bring the wheel chair. Rishi asks if she is fine? Doctor says she shall rest too, and her condition was bad when she came here, she saved you. Main phir bhi tumko chahunga plays…..Nurse brings wheel chair. Rishi sits on it as the nurse takes him.

Neelam says it was Lakshmi’s kundali that Pandit ji was searching for. Virendra says and we got it, when I went to her house, Balwinder was shouting and threw her kundali out. A fb is shown, Virendra picks her kundali and called you. Neelam asks him to take the kundali’s pics and send to her mobile so that she can show it to Pandit ji. He takes the pics and send it to her. Neelam shows kundali to Pandit ji. Ayush calls Virendra and asks him to hear what Pandit ji is saying. Pandit ji checks the kundali. Karishma says Pandit ji couldn’t believe when he saw the kundali. Pandit ji says it is a miracle, Lakshmi’s grah are very powerful and if she marries him then Rishi Markesh dosh will be defeated. Neelam says we will get Rishi married to her. Pandit ji says but Lakshmi shall love Rishi from her heart and will become savitri for him and will shield Rishi, but she might have to lose her life while saving him. He says 12 months are very difficult, and only Lakshmi can save him, and it is the only solution that Lakshmi shall marry him and love him with true heart. Neelam asks Virendra to get Rishi married to Lakshmi, for the coming year. fb ends. Neelam says Lakshmi saved Rishi. Dadi says she saved everyone’s lives and my heart feels bad for him. Ayush says Lakshmi is a miracle herself. Dadi says she feels bad for Lakshmi as she has to suffer. Virendra says I will go and meet Lakshmi. Neelam says I will come too. Sonia try to stop them. Virendra says we shall go and meet her. Ayush goes with them. Karishma try to stop Dadi, but she also goes. Sonia tells Karishma that she is thinking about her. Karishma says I will call her. Sonia says if she comes here. Karishma says so what, I will call her. Neelam and Virendra look at Lakshmi. Neelam thanks her for saving Rishi. She then thanks Virendra for convincing her to marry Rishi. Virendra gets emotional and thinks of Lakshmi’s words that may be God made her the way to save someone. He cry thinking he told Lakshmi that if she marries Rishi, then I will get my bahu and my son will get good and truthful wife.

Rishi thinks how can anyone risk their life to save someone, to sacrifice for someone, who does this? Lakshmi gains consciousness and calls Rishi. Nurse says you both were same, and tells that your husband also loves you a lot. Even though he was unwell, he came to you. She says he is mad for you and if you was in consciousness, then would have seen how much he loves you. Lakshmi wishes I would have been in my senses. Nurse says neither he will make anything happen to you nor you will do. She says he came here and filled your maang. Lakshmi sees her hairline in the mirror and gets emotional.
Someone comes to Rishi’s ward. Rishi smiles and says you have come. Lakshmi is still on the way to reach his ward. Rishi says you made me wait so much, just hug me. The girl hugs him and says I love you so much Rishi. Neelam and Virendra see them from the window pane. Rishi and the girl continue to hug. The girl’s face is shown and she asks if you are fine? She says she was so scared after hearing about him and asks why is he silent? She asks him to say something. Neelam and Virendra look at each other. 

Lakshmi stops and thinks I think anything, nothing is changed, I didn’t upset him, he loves me so much. 

The girl asks Rishi if he don’t love her and asks him to say. Rishi says I love you Malishka. Malishka says I love you too and they hug again. Neelam and Virendra come inside. Neelam says what are you doing Rishi, you have just married. Virendra says this is not right. Rishi says what is wrong and tells that you both knew that I love Malishka so much. Malishka tells Rishi its ok, she had agreed after hearing everything, whatever they did is for you. Rishi says even you agreed, but I was not ready, and have to do everything. Neelam asks how are you now? Rishi says better. Malishka says sorry and says I couldn’t stop myself hearing about Rishi. Neelam asks her to understand and says he is married now, you can’t meet him, and shall wait. Virendra says if Lakshmi comes to know, then she will be hurt. Karishma and Sonia come there with Ayush. Malishka thanks Karishma for informing her. Karishma says afterall Rishi is your boy. Dadi is happy that Rishi smiled. Virendra says I will go to Lakshmi, when she gains consciousness and sees me, then will feel good. Neelam tells Rishi that Lakshmi is the one who fought with his markesh dosh. Rishi says mom and is unconvinced. Malishka says Lakshmi saved you thrice. Rishi says Balwinder attacked me as his would be wife was with me. She didn’t save me. Ayush says Lakshmi is life savior, if her kundali haven’t saved you, then it is her. Rishi says so, I got married to her due to this work, just wish that this year finishes soon and I get rid of Lakshmi. He says once I get rid of Lakshmi, I will marry..Malishka says your life, me. 

Lakshmi struggles to walk and her mangalsutra breaks and is scattered on the floor. She looks on shocked.

Rishi tell that once one year finishes, he will get rid of Lakshmi. Malishka says then you will marry me. 

Lakshmi’s mangalsutra breaks. 

Karishma asks him to bear her till her. Sonia asks him to think it as crucial time. Rishi says don’t know when it will end. Malishka says Rishi, I know your mom’s sayings is right. She says it kills me when I see you with Lakshmi, but I have to tolerate it as it is about your life. She says just as one year ends and yours and Lakshmi’s marriage ends. Lakshmi asks the guy going from there to go from side and sits down to pick her mangalsutra beads. Virendra comes there and sees Lakshmi picking the beads and asking people not to step on it and go from side. He gets touched and emotional. Lakshmi says Bau ji, you are here. Virendra says I came to see you. Lakshmi says my mangalsutra broke and it is a bad sign, and asks if Rishi is fine. Virendra says Rishi is fine and everyone is with him. Lakshmi sits down to pick the beads. Virendra says we will get new beads. Lakshmi says Rishi got me wear this during marriage, so I can’t lose these beads. She says she got all the beads and was scared as it is not good if mangalsutra breaks. She says she is mad to think anything and says how can anything wrong happen with me, my bau ji is with me. Virendra gets emotional. Lakshmi asks what happened, why are you sad? Virendra goes from there. Virendra recalls Lakshmi telling that his smile resembles to her bau ji’s smile. He feels guilty and realizes his fatherly feelings for her.
Neelam says it is Karishma’s mistake, when you called her and told about him being in the hospital, then she will come here surely. Malishka sees Lakshmi looking through window pane and leaves Rishi’s hand. Lakshmi comes to Rishi and gets teary eyes. Rishi looks at Malishka and then at Lakshmi. Neelam thanks Lakshmi and says thank you from my heart. She says once again you saved our son and we will not forget your favors. Lakshmi says why are you saying this, I am your own, Rishi is my everything. She says anything can happen to me, but not with Rishi. Neelam says nothing shall happen to you. She says we went to your room, you was unconscious and so we came here. Lakshmi says it is good that you came here, he must be happy when he sees you. Dadi says didn’t you want your mother near you, when you opened your eyes. Lakshmi says my mother is Mummy ji. Ayush says sorry Lakshmi, even I came here. Karishma says Bhai went to see you, did you meet him? Lakshmi says yes, I met him outside. She looks at Malishka. Malishka says hi, I am sorry. She asks her to sit. Neelam asks Lakshmi to sit. Malishka gets up and makes Lakshmi sit. Lakshmi looks at Malishka. Malishka says you saw in engagement party when you had fallen down. Lakshmi says yes, you are Rishi’s friend. Karishma says she is not just friend. Neelam nods her no. Karishma says she is family friend, Malishka is my sister in law’s daughter. Sonia says she is too caring, she came running hearing about Rishi. Lakshmi says I came to know this, when you saved me from falling down and today also you gave me your place. Rishi says when we can go from here. Neelam says I will ask your Dad. Virendra comes there. Neelam asks what happened, why are you worried? Virendra says I am feeling guilty. Neelam takes him with her. Virendra sits.

Neelam asks why are you feeling guilty. Virendra says Lakshmi is not a lifeless thing, she is a human and has feelings and emotions. She risked her life and saved our son many times, this means she loves our son. He says even your dad saw love in her eyes. Neelam asks what you want to say? Virendra says I can’t look in her eyes and feeling guilty, and I am feeling selfish. Karishma hears them. Neelam says Lakshmi was about to marry that cheap guy Balwinder and we saved her, and today she is the wife of the guy whom she loves. She says we are sensitive people and don’t want anything wrong happen to her. Virendra says then also, I think that we should have told her everything. Neelam says you are forgetting if she had refused, then? She says Lakshmi is Rishi’s shield. Virendra says what about Lakshmi? Neelam says nothing will happen to her. Virendra says your Pandit ji had said, that whoever will try to save Rishi can lose their life. Neelam says Pandit ji had said that Lakshmi will save him like savitri. She asks don’t you trust me? Virendra says I am feeling guilty as the matter is about Lakshmi’s trust, we have hidden markesh dosh matter from her. Neelam says we came to handle them here. Devika calls Neelam and gives call to Pandit ji.

Unfortunate Love Air From Mondays To Friday At 7pm

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