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Balwinder comes to the Manager of Rishi’s hotel and asks him to get his marriage done here. Manager refuses. A guy comes there. Manager asks him to get the ball room repaired and asks him to place the placard and mention outside that it is under repair. He says Rishi Sir will get upset, if the arrangements are not done properly. The guy says ok. Balwinder hears and asks him to give ball room to him and says there is no entry board, so nobody will know. Manager says Rishi will fire him. Balwinder emotionally blackmails him and asks him to get him married in the ball room. Manager says if Rishi sir goes to France the ball room is yours. Balwinder hug him and goes.

Balwinder comes to Lakshmi and tell her that he will have a grand marriage with her, in Oberoi radiant hotel. Lakshmi recalls her arrest there. Balwinder says I have to get my sherwani. Gurucharan comes there and asks someone where is Preetam Bajwa’s house. Lakshmi sees him and run to hug him along with her sisters. Gurucharan asks if they are happy. Rano says everyone is happy, and Lakshmi is very happy and likes the guy so much. Lakshmi says it is good that you came, I am feeling as if babu ji is with me. Rano ask her to keep the tears safe for marriage. She says we have taken so much loan for the marriage that we have to sell this house, or Bhaisaheb’s village house. Gurucharan says lets go in and talk. Shalu tells Lakshmi that marriage is happening so soon. Lakshmi says babu ji will be at peace. Balwinder calls another driver and asks if Rishi sir went. Driver tells that he has dropped him to airport and he went inside, seems like flight is on time. Balwinder sits on the horse while the band guys plays the song. Rano, Preetam, Gurucharan, Lakshmi and her sisters come to the Oberoi radiant hotel. Manager asks them to go inside through the back door. Rano tells Gurucharan that she got all the decorations done and tells that the marriage happens lavishly in city. Neha thinks she shall marry Rishi and looks at his pics on the walls. Rano asks her to see the dreams. Balwinder asks someone to go inside and tell that groom came. Rano asks everyone to come out as groom is here. Neha clicks the pics. Rano tells that Gurucharan shall see too, how Lakshmi’s destiny is changed by her chachi. They all come out and see Balwinder drunk and couldn’t stand too. His friend asks if he is very drunk. Balwinder greets Rano and Preetam. Rano takes off his bad sight and keeps the money. Balwinder asks if she saw, how much he has spent in decoration and asks if she ever thought that her marriage will happen here? Rano says yes. Gurucharan hears him and gets shocked seeing Balwinder’s state. Preetam asks Rano to take him inside. She asks Lakshmi to come inside too. Gurucharan says I need to talk to you. Rano says later, first marriage shall happen. Gurucharan says regarding this matter only. Shalu ask Lakshmi not to marry Balwinder. Lakshmi says it is too late now. Rano argues with Gurucharan and asks what will happen if the groom drink? He is shocked to see Balwinder’s friends asking to call the bride. He asks did you hear what they are talking about? Rano says rich people drink wine, poor people don’t. Dadi calls Gurucharan and asks if Lakshmi is happy. Gurucharan says Lakshmi will be happy if others are happy. He feels bad and says Manoj should have been fine. He says I will come out and talk. He goes out. Balwinder’s friends insist that the bride shall dance. Rano brings Lakshmi there and asks Balwinder to marry. Balwinder says marriage will happen when you welcome us. Preetam says we made you wear garland. Balwinder says today Lakshmi will dance for everyone of us and hold her hand. Lakshmi is shocked.

Balwinder hold Lakshmi’s hand and take her to dance. Rano says she is a bride, she can’t dance. Balwinder says then your daughter will dance. Neha hides behind Rano. Balwinder says let Lakshmi dance and ask his friend to play music. He dances holding her hand while his friends also dance around them. Lakshmi cry and recalls her moments with her father. Shalu and Bani cry seeing everything. Shalu switch off the recorder. Balwinder shouts who switches off the song. Gurucharan looks at Rano and Preetam and goes to Lakshmi. Lakshmi cry. Gurucharan questions Rano about what was it? Rano says this is a modern times, and brides dance in the marriage. Bani prays to God to stop the marriage. 

Rishi is on call with Ayush coming back from airport tells Ayush that his flight is cancelled and he is going home. Ayush says I had told you and asks him to come to hotel first. Rishi says I will inform Mom. He calls Neelam. Neelam comes to the dining table to have dinner with her husband Mr. Oberoi. She picks his call and asks him not to make a video call while driving. He stops the car and says sorry. He tells that his flight is cancelled. She asks him to come home and says I told you that I am not feeling well. She tells Mr. Oberoi that they shall wait till he comes.

Rano takes Lakshmi to the mandap and asks her to make Balwinder wear garland. Lakshmi recalls her father’s last words that she shall marry else he will not get peace. She makes Balwinder wear garland. Rano then asks Balwinder to make her wear garland. Balwinder is about to make her wear garland, but it gets torn and falls. He asks Rano to bring another garland. Gurucharan says this is inauspicious. 
Rishi comes to the hotel and asks Receptionist to call Mukesh. Mukesh thinks he was about to go to france, what is he doing here? Rishi says I got a call from operator and asks ballroom repaired work is shifted for tomorrow. He says something is going on today and says work should have started today. He asks what is going on there? He says he will check himself and finds a guy having paan and asks who is he? The guy asks if the hotel is of his father. He spits paan there. Rishi is shocked. Other guy comes there drunk and spits the wine and then throws it on floor. Rishi says I will find out what is going on there. Manager get tensed.

Rano tells Pandit ji that she got another mala. Balwinder asks the bartender to give him wine. Bartender refuses and says it is very costly. The guy throws wine on the way and says today is my brother’s marriage and I will throw all the wine. Balwinder tells the bartender that he is not afraid of Oberoi and says he will tell him that he has drank it. He says both Rishi and his father are thieves and tells that he is Balwinder and steals from them. He says he takes much money from them, and puts fake parts in the car. His friend says he is going to spit paan . Balwinder asks him to spit it here. Mukesh comes there and says sorry sir. Rishi says I will talk to you later. He asks Balwinder, if he knows what his relatives are doing and tells that he and his dad worked hard to make this business and asks how dare he to do this. Balwinder tells that Ballroom was empty so he thought to marry here. Rishi says you wanted to marry here and says how do you think that you will marry here after doing all the mess. He turns and sees Lakshmi. He recalls their meetings and gets shocked seeing her. He looks at Balwinder and goes to Lakshmi. She says you are the one who was locked in my office, and asks if she is marrying him. The fire catches…Rishi asks what is this drama Balwinder. He sees fire all around his hotel due to the short circuit and the thrown liquor. Rishi says my hotel has caught fire too. He asks Sunil to set off the fire. Sunil sees the fire all over the place and tells Rishi. Rishi asks everyone to get out from the building. He asks Lakshmi to go and run and asks shall I tell you separately. Shalu and Bani run holding Lakshmi. Lakshmi’s necklace falling down while running out. Neha tells Rano that Rishi didn’t see her once and tells that she will show herself to him. Rano asks her to save her life first.

Rishi knocks on all the rooms and take out the guests from the rooms. He gets in a room and asks if someone is here. He gets locked in the room due to the fire security. He breaks the glass and try to open the door. He coughs and try to jump off from the window. Lakshmi realizes that she has lost her mother’s necklace inside. She runs inside. The staff member asks someone to inform Mr. Oberoi about the fire in the hotel and also about Rishi. Rishi shouts for help. Lakshmi hears him and knocks on the door. Rishi faints. Lakshmi try to open the door. She shouts for help and try to open the door. She thinks of her father’s motivational words and takes a rod to break the door. She gets inside and coughs. She sees Rishi unconscious and asks him to get up. Main Phir bhi tumko chahungi plays….She takes out the bedsheet from the bed and keeps Rishi on it. She then tries to drag him out holding the bedsheet. She sees fire catching up to his feet, she try to set off it. She then takes out her ghunghat and try to set the fire off. Rishi opens his eyes a bit and sees Lakshmi trying to set off the fire caught his feet.

Lakshmi is trying to set off the fire which catches on Rishi's feet. The hotel employees come there with Manager. Manager asks Lakshmi to go out. They take Rishi from there. Mr. Oberoi gets the news about the fire in the hotel. He tells Neelam. Neelam asks about Rishi worriedly. They leave for the hotel. Lakshmi thinks she shall go inside to get her mother’s necklace. Finally she gets her mother’s necklace and goes out. The police and fire brigade comes there. Doctor comes and checks Rishi. Lakshmi comes out and her sisters ask where was she? She goes to Rishi and asks the staff member if he is fine. The staff member thanks Lakshmi for saving sir’s life and says if you had not saved him then don’t know what would have happen. Rano asks if she will stay here and takes her from there, her dupatta falls on his face while she is leaving. Ayush comes there and asks if Rishi is fine. He asks the staff to take him inside.

Rano gets upset with Lakshmi and tells that she tried to get her married, but fire was lighted. She says don’t know what is written in destiny and says Balwinder is not picking the call. She tells Lakshmi that her destiny is like dog’s tail. Gurwinder asks her not to curse her. Lakshmi says we would have died today, like her parents died that day. She says one marriage stopped in the village and today this marriage. 
Neelam and Mr. Oberoi reach the hotel. Doctor tells that Mr. Khanna saved Rishi else don’t know what could have happen to him. Mr. Oberoi thanks Mr. Khanna for saving Rishi. Mr. Khanna says I didn’t do anything and reached there late. He says Sir was locked in room and a girl Lakshmi saved him. She had broken the automated glass door and got inside, without thinking about her life and saved his life. Mr. Oberoi says Lakshmi.

Rano gets angry as Gurucharan left and also have taken the money. Preetam tells they will get back money when she gets married. Balwinder comes there and tells that Police is behind him, and Mr. Oberoi has filed a case against him for the crores of loss in fire accident. He comes inside and asks Lakshmi why did she save Rishi's life? He asks why she became shaktimaan and saved him, and tells that she is so inauspicious and tells that first time, she tried to get married, her parents died and now the hotel caught fire. He says her kundali has dosh and whoever marries her will die. Preetam says there is no problem in her kundali, we got it made from village’s superior pandit and says her grah and nakshaktras are so strong that’s why she is Lakshmi. Balwinder asks then how did the fire get caught? He says he has to bear the loss now. He says this kundali is fake and throws it outside the house. Rano and Balwinder try to stop him. Balwinder asks Lakshmi if she wouldn’t have told Rishi when he was scolding him. Rano tells Balwinder that he can’t break the marriage and shall marry her. Balwinder says he came to take her home, and tells that he will take rounds at home and will beat her etc. They try to stop him and hear the Police sound. Balwinder tells that he will try to get her back. And if they get her married then he will hang them. Rano says how dare he to threaten me and says if Lakshmi doesn’t marry then what will happen to us? Preetam asks Neha to bring Lakshmi’s kundali from floor. Mr. Oberoi asks if they are talking about this kundali and says he found it on the way. He says he is Virendra Oberoi, owner of hotel radiant. Rano ask did you bring police? He says he came to meet Lakshmi.

Precap: Mr. Oberoi tells Rano and Preetam that they have given good values to the girls. He says he will be lucky as their house daughter will get Rishi. Rano says she will become samdhan of Mr. Oberoi and gets happy. Mr. Oberoi tells Rishi that he has found the girl who is just made for him. Rishi asks him to tell who is she? Mr. Oberoi says Lakshmi. Neha tells Lakshmi that if my marriage happens with Rishi, then your cancelled marriage will become blessing for me. Later the muddy water falls on her face as Rishi is going in her car. He gets down and sees her as she washes her face. He feels current/spark as he touches her face.

Unfortunate Love Air From Mondays To Friday At 7pm

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