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Neelam says Lakshmi is Rishi’s shield. Virendra says what about Lakshmi? Neelam says nothing will happen to her. Virendra says your Pandit ji had said, that whoever will try to save Rishi can lose their life. Neelam says Pandit ji had said that Lakshmi will save him like savitri. She asks don’t you trust me? Virendra says I am feeling guilty as the matter is about Lakshmi’s trust, we have hidden markesh dosh matter from her. Neelam says we came to handle them here. Devika calls Neelam and gives call to Pandit ji. Neelam says Rishi is fine, crocodile had attacked him. Pandit ji asks if Lakshmi saved him. Neelam says yes. Pandit ji says Lakshmi saved him like a shield and says she is Devi for Rishi, his destiny, else this water attack was very dangerous, else our yagya. Devika signs him not to tell anything. Pandit ji says Lakshmi is his shield and saved him. He says we have to make arrangements of Ganesh Chaturthi. Neelam says I will ask Devika to do the arrangements. She asks Devika to take Suresh’s help and do the arrangements. Devika says ok. Neelam says Pandit ji said that Lakshmi needs to be with Rishi, so relax. Sonia gets Devika’s call and goes to attend it. Malishka says you must be scared when you jumped in the water. Lakshmi says I was scared, but for him. She says when she jumped and was looking inside the water, she couldn’t see him and felt as if she lost her life. Malishka says you are so brave. She says I work with Virendra uncle and Rishi. Ayush says with me too. Malishka says we make candles like Dimple Khanna. She says just as she came to know, I came to meet Rishi and you. Virendra comes there and asks Rishi how is he? Rishi says I am upset, since Lakshmi came, you have forgotten me and ran to see her. He asks if you are angry with me or love Lakshmi more. Virendra says I love Lakshmi, but not more than you, but equals to you. He asks Lakshmi to take care of herself. Lakshmi says I was taking care of myself only. Virendra asks her to give her hand and gives her hand in Rishi’s hand. Lakshmi smiles. Rishi gets upset. Malishka smiles. Virendraa asks Lakshmi to promise him that she will never leave Rishi. Lakshmi smiles.

Virendra give Lakshmi’s hand in Rishi’s hands. Devika asks Sonia if everything is fine there. Sonia says I don’t understand what is happening here, Dad gave Lakshmi’s hand in Bhai’s hand and Malishka is smiling. Devika says everyone wants nothing to happen to Rishi and if he is out of danger, then the reason is Lakshmi Bhabhi and she came in his life like a blessing. Sonia says shut up, I don’t believe in all these things, Rishi Bhai was always careless, Lakshmi was there and saved him. She says Dad and Mom thinks me as a child and don’t listen to my opinion. Devika says they are elders and know about our betterment much. Sonia says even you are lecturing me. Devika asks her to take care of everyone and come back soon.

Rishi asks what did Doctor say? When we can go? Virendra says your mom had talked to Pandit ji and he said that we can’t take part in Ganesh Chaturthi festival. Rishi says it is Mom’s favorite’s festival. Virendra says I know and that’s why I went to doctor and asked about you both. He asked both of you to rest and be fine. He says you can race with each other during the festival. Neelam says your son can’t talk straight. Karishma says what did Doctor say? Neelam says Doctor told that you both will be discharged by evening today and tomorrow evening we will reach home and by then you will feel better. Rishi says it is time to go. Malishka says my work is done, can I come with you all. Karishma asks Lakshmi to invite her. Lakshmi invites Malishka to their house. Malishka thinks you don’t know whom you are inviting. Lakshmi asks Rishi to invite her. Rishi says Malishka you are coming with us to our home. Malishka says are you ordering me. He says you are family and will be coming with us. He holds her hands. Neelam and Virendra notice them holding hands.

They come home.Virendra says Dr. Bhushan is coming to check Rishi. Rishi says I am fine. Ayush asks him to dance and show that he is fine. Neelam says you will rest. Rishi says I will go with Ayush and Dad tomorrow to buy Ganapati ji.

Neelam agrees. Virendra asks Lakshmi about the Ganapati festival in her Punjab. Lakshmi tells that Mata ka jagrata, mata ki chowki everything happened altogether. Malishka says we will celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi grandly due to Lakshmi. Karishma asks why? Malishka says she saved our Rishi. Dr. Bhushan comes there and checks Rishi. He says he is fine, continue giving him medicine and he will be fine. Lakshmi folds her hands and thanks the God. Rishi notices her. virendra thanks doctor for coming. Malishka gets her dad’s call and goes. Dadi asks everyone to go and says let Rishi rest. Rishi asks Neelam if she will sit with him for sometime. Neelam says ok. Rishi lies down on her lap and asks her not to go. Lakshmi says I will be back. Malishka comes to Karishma and says Mom was worrying about Rishi. Karishma asks her not to praise Lakshmi so much and says everyone will love her if you praise her. She says I heard Virendra bhai telling bhabhi that he is feeling guilty that they should have told Lakshmi. Malishka says he is right. She says she trusts Rishi and says we are all humans and nothing wrong shall happen with anyone. Karishma says you are hitting axe on your leg. She says I am trying to make everyone see Lakshmi as an object and lifeless thing, they shall think that she is brought to protect Lakshmi, especially bhai and bhaiyya. Malishka says what you have done. Karishma says she tried to make her fall down by oiling the kumkum thaali and tried to make her fall. She says she created the drama and made the drama inauspicious, so that the thing settles in Neelam’s mind that though Lakshmi saves Rishi, but she will not save this house, so that she believes that she is big abshagun. She says she created drama of the necklace and proved it too that she doesn’t deserve it. She says I am trying fully to make sure that nobody likes Lakshmi.

Virendra sees Lakshmi in the kitchen and asks what is he doing? Lakshmi says she made lep and haldi milk for Rishi. Virendra says my Nani used to make it in my childhood. Virendra insists to take them for Rishi and takes them. Lakshmi gets emotional and says I feel why I married Rishi, as he is good or because I got my Bau ji in you. Virendra gets touched and says your Gurucharan Chacha said that your father was Devta and says if I become a good man then it is enough for me. He says my son is good and sometimes you will think him wrong, but if you understand him, then you will know how good is he? Lakshmi says I am lucky to get Rishi as life partner and Bau ji like you. Virendra asks her to come. Malishka asks Karishma, that’s why you are worrying and says Lakshmi can’t take my place. She says if Virendra uncle likes her, then also others will not like her. She says Neelam aunty was happy with our alliance and wanted us to marry. Dadi was happy that the alliance happening with her daughter’s relative so it is good. She says Ayush is a dear friend and Sonia loves me more, as I have class. She says Rishi is completely mine and loves me only. She says lastly you, you want to move Lakshmi from my place and you are cute. She says why others will like Lakshmi? Karishma says there is nothing in her which can’t be liked, she is like her name, has good values, educated, sacrificing, obedient and can give life for her loved ones. She says who doesn’t want such dream bahu. She says if everyone started liking her, they will accept her as bahu. She says when they accept her, then there will be no place of yours in Rishi’s life or anyone’s heart. She says Bhai has accepted Lakshmi as his daughter and has become her Bau ji. Virendra and Lakshmi come to Rishi’s room. Rishi says I am awake and gets up. Virendra asks him to drink milk. He takes it thinking it as kesar milk and asks what is it? Lakshmi says it is turmeric milk and it is good for health. He says he has taken medicines already. Lakshmi asks him to check on net about its benefits. Virendra says its ok. Neelam asks him to drink. Rishi drinks the milk. Lakshmi asks him to move his leg towards her and says she will apply lep. Rishi says my body can’t handle so much haldi now. Neelam asks him to get the lep applied. Lakshmi applies lep and blows on his injury. Neelam looks at Lakshmi and gets touched. She asks Rishi to get lep applied and then rest. She goes. Virendra also goes. Lakshmi takes his foot and keeps on her lap and applies lep. Rishi looks at her and says why are you doing this, your gestures don’t touch me, but irritates me, I wish I could tell you.
Karishma says Rishi is married with Lakshmi now. Malishka says nothing will change as he loves me. She says do you think that Rishi agreed to marry Lakshmi due to Neelam aunty, no. She says he agreed as I convinced me. A fb is shown. Rishi says I can’t marry anyone else other than you, I love you so much and can’t imagine someone else. Malishka says I can’t live without you. Rishi says I can’t ruin Lakshmi’s life by hiding truth from her and marrying her. Malishka says why you are so concerned about her and threatens to leave India and tells that she will not talk to him again. Rishi asks her not to say this. Malishka says if you want me then marry Lakshmi for us, for our love. Rishi says I can do anything for you Malishka, just because I love you. Malishka says I love you. He hugs her and says I love you too. Fb ends. Malishka says nobody can take my place in his life. Karishma says I know and have seen more life than you. She says we know him, he has good heart and whoever has good heart, don’t do anything wrong with anyone and if they do then will correct their mistake. She says you know Rishi, if someone do one thing with him, he does 1000 things for that person. She says until when Rishi will resist Lakshmi and asks her to remember her words. Malishka says I will not let Lakshmi take my place and will not let anybody give my place to her. Rishi says he is not feeling pain. Lakshmi says it is home made and asks her not to be scared and make his face good. Rishi smiles. Lakshmi also smiles.

Lakshmi tell Rishi that it is home made ointment/lep and not market based, so will not have burning sensation. She asks him to make his face good. Rishi feigns smile on his face. Lakshmi smiles. Rishi then makes upset face again. Lakshmi asks what happened? Rishi says nothing. Lakshmi goes. Malishka says Lakshmi has saved Rishi’s life so I can’t behave bad with her. Karishma asks if she is feeling guilty like Virendra. Malishka says no, she says she has no problem with poor, but Lakshmi used to stay in chawl and was about to marry Balwinder. She asks her to think what Balwinder would have done with her, he already has domestic violence charges on him. She says she is sure about her thoughts and says she got more than what she deserves. Sonia comes there and says Mom said same thing, Dadi was sad. She says Mom was clear that Lakshmi is lucky and will be happy here. Neelam tells Virendra that Lakshmi will be happy here. Virendra asks why I am seeing guilt in your eyes. Neelam asks do you want to say that we are doing wrong and says we are not doing anything wrong. She says shall I ask you, if you trust me or not. Virendra says I trust you fully and says he didn’t get his answer. Neelam says she will not let anything wrong happen with Lakshmi and says it is my promise. She says after Rishi and Lakshmi’s marriage ends, I will settle her myself and asks him not to talk again about this. Karishma asks what did Bhabhi say this? Sonia says when we are coming back. Karishma asks Malishka to be careful. Malishka tells Sonia that Karishma asked her to be careful from Lakshmi. She says I will sleep here. Sonia asks her to go and change her clothes, and says your clothes are always here.
Rishi thinks how to go from here. He thinks he can’t sleep with Lakshmi on the same bed, he can sleep only with Malishka on his bed. Lakshmi gives him pillow behind his back. Rishi tells Lakshmi that he is habitual to sleep alone and says he turns and keeps his leg here and there on the bed. Lakshmi says she will sleep on the sofa until he recovers and asks him not to move his legs much as he has injury. She says once you get well, then we will sleep on the bed, and gets shy. She says until then don’t ask me to sleep here. She covers him with blanket and goes to sleep on the sofa, asking him to wake her up if he needs anything. Rishi thinks she always think about me.

Malishka messages him that my Rishi is mine only. Rishi replies always. Malishka asks if he was missing her. Rishi is about to reply her, when Lakshmi coughs. Rishi gets up and gives her water. Lakshmi gets up and thanks him. She says you are standing on your feet. He says he is not feeling much pain now and says tomorrow I have to bring Ganapati Bappa, may be he gave me strength. Lakshmi smiles. He asks her to drink water. Lakshmi drinks and smiles. Rishi asks what happened? Lakshmi says you are very good, really, thinks about me so much and takes good care of me, loves me so much.

Malishka waits for Rishi’s message. She sends something. Rishi asks for the glass and takes it. He asks her to sleep and says good night. He keeps the glass and goes to sleep on the bed. Lakshmi lies down on the sofa to sleep again. Malishka gets upset thinking he is not messaging her. Rishi looks at Lakshmi.

The next day, Lakshmi makes arrangements of the Ganapati Bappa’s welcome. Malishka asks Karishma why she is doing Servants’ work. Karishma says just like she is Balwinder’s wife. She says we own hotels so have our own decorators. Karishma comes there and calls Lakshmi. Neelam says Lakshmi is gone today, as Bhabhi wants her favorite decorators to do the decoration always and says I don’t know how she will handle her. Neelam asks Lakshmi what is she doing? Lakshmi says Bau ji is bringing Ganapati ji so I was decorating his place. Neelam asks who asked you to do this? Lakshmi says when Bua ji, Ayush and Rishi were going to bring Ganapati, I said Ganapati festival is tomorrow so why are they bringing him today, so Bau ji said that he has called some jeweller to make Ganapati ji’s ornaments, so I thought to decorate it as well. Lakshmi says did you see, that the decorators have decorated the entire house so well, so they will decorate the Ganapati ji’s sthapana’s place as well. She says we are paying them, you don’t need to do. Lakshmi says mummy ji. Neelam says what? Lakshmi says my mother used to say that when bahu or beti does any auspicious work then it becomes more auspicious. Karishma asks Malishka to see what happens now. Neelam says actually your Maa was right, but if you want to do something then ask me next time. Lakshmi says ok. Neelam says it is good and goes. Karishma says I will just come and comes to Neelam. She asks why are you changing your rules for Lakshmi. Neelam asks if she has done anything wrong. Karishma says you have seen her decoration with her hand in her typical middle class style. Neelam says Pandit ji called last night. A fb is shown, Pandit ji asks Neelam to ask Lakshmi to do all the work, rituals, customs of Ganapati puja with her hands with true heart, it will be very auspicious for Rishi and Lakshmi and their Jodi will be for forever. Neelam says ok. Fb ends. Karishma says Pandit ji called and you allowed Lakshmi to do all the work as Rishi’s wife and Oberoi’s wife. She asks do you want their Jodi to be there forever. Neelam asks shall I tell Pandit ji, that Rishi loves Malishka and wants to end the marriage with Lakshmi once the markesh dosh ends. She says she doesn’t care if she does work or get the work done with others, if this Jodi will be there or not, and says every thing shall be done by Lakshmi, so that nobody shall doubt. Karishma says if the blessing that their Jodi shall be together always gets fulfilled and if she gets Ganapati ji’s blessings. She says it will be good for Lakshmi, but what about Rishi and says he loves Malishka. Neelam asks Karishma to make Rishi and Malishka do all the rituals together. She says though I will ask Lakshmi. She says I know that Ganapati Bappa blesses true and good people and Lakshmi has both these qualities.

Precap: Lakshmi is about to fall and Rishi holds her. They look at each other. Rishi asks Malishka not to doubt him, rather trust him. He says he has already gives his heart to her and there is no place for anyone. Malishka says I love you and hugs him. Rishi also reciprocates the hug. Lakshmi comes there and witnesses them hugging. Lakshmi looks at Rishi and sleeps on the sofa. Rishi also looks at her. Karishma hopes this time past soon as Lakshmi is making place for herself in everyone’s heart day by day. Lakshmi slips while Rishi holds her. They look at each other. Neha tells Rano that if she can’t get Rishi as he is married and says no, and says the guy’s real face is shown after the marriage. Rishi tells Ayush that you felt wrong, I don’t love Lakshmi. He says I love Malishka. Shalu hears him.

Unfortunate Love Air From Mondays To Friday At 7pm

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