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Malvika return to Shah house and apologize to everyone for walking out angrily. GK and Bapuji giggle discussing she is apologizing for even speaking right. Toshu ask why are they giggling like teenagers? Samar call them giggoloos. Malvika says let us enjoy the party. Anuj thank Anu for convincing Malvika like a sister inlaw. She shy and walk away. 

Bapuji and GK take her aside and ask her to accept her love for Anuj. They say when they both love each other, what is stopping her to move ahead? Anu says mukku, she want Anuj and Mukku’s differences to clear first. Bapuji says problems will be there whole life, she should not wait for the right chance and Christmas is the best time to express her feelings. Anu think they are right, even Mr Shah had said same. Camera focuses on an envelope in Anuj’s pocket.

Samar and Mamaji announce a game. Malvika stop them and says Toshu want to say something. Toshu feel guilty for humiliating Anu earlier and apologize to her. Anu emotionally hug and forgives him. Pakhi clap. Toshu says his speech isn’t over yet and tells Anu that her advice was right that mom/Rakhi’s intentions are not true, he promises to set all his mistakes right and become the Toshu whom Kinjal loved. Kinjal also happily hug him. Pakhi clap again. He says his speech isn’t over yet and says life has given him another chance, papa and Malvika offered him a job. Kavya think Kapadia have opened a job fair for these jobless people. Toshu ask Kavya to clap now. She says she doesn’t want to now. Kinjal clap followed by others. Anu says when she can start afresh, then anyone can; her son is the most competent. Kavya gets more jealous and blabbers. Anu thank Toshu for giving her the best Christmas gift. Anuj congratulates Toshu and think he has a gift for Mukku which he will give at 12 exactly.
Pakhi and Samar insist gifts from Santas. Mamaji jokes and gives gift box to Samar. Samar opens box and says its empty. Mamaji says he forgot to add gift. They check GK and Bapuji’s gift boxes next and find even them empty. Bapuji says they have their blessings and love. Nandini says they get love and blessings daily and needed a gift today. They all then dance on Rock N Roll Soniye.. song. Each one showcase their dancing skills. Vanaj try to dance around Anu, but Malvika push him aside. After dance session, Samar start a game and says contestants will be blindfolded and given a garland which they need to put in other’s neck and demand a gift. Bapuji jokes that they should escape from Pakhi as she will demand a mobile phone. Baa warns not to demand gift of more than 100 rs from her. Mamaji calls her a miser. Kavya asks what is the logic behind playing this stupid game. Malvika says there is a reason and questions where does Santa stay? Anu says in their house, they are all Santas and gives her moral gyaan. Vanraj says let us start. Kavya asks since when he started playing games? Vanraj says he learnt to play much bigger games now. They all blindfold themselves and hold garlands. Kavya thinks she knows what to seek from V. Anuj thinks he will ask Mukku not to leave him again. Anu thinks she will seek Anuj’s love.
Christimas party continues at Shah House. Everyone blindfolded try to put garland in each other’s neck and seek gift from them. Kavya try to garland on Vanraj. Vanraj stops her and warn her not to dare think of it as he knows what she wants. Malvika puts garland on Vanraj’s neck next and asks what gift he want? He says he already got a lot from her. She says let us play again as she loves cheating. Baa garlands Christmas tree and get happy. Envelope falls down from Anuj’s pocket. Vanraj’s garland also falls down nearby. He bends and luckily picks back garland instead of envelope. Anuj put garland in Anu’s neck. Anuj nervously asks her to seek her gift. She nervously says she..him… Samar wishes merry Christmas to all. Baa says meri teri sabki Christmas. Anu nervously continues she.. he.. when they hear Malvika angrily breaks things. Everyone rush to her. Mukku show envelope and asks Anuj what is it? Kavya yells at her to start her drama somewhere else and not here. Anuj says he wanted to gift it to her at 12 midnight as usual. Mukku ask how can he do this, she will break his nose. Anu ask Anuj what did he do? Mukku hugs Anu and cry vigorously. Anuj says he transferred everything in Mukku’s name. Kavya ask properties, company shares, etc. He says yes. Kavya think people dance in happiness if they get 2000 rs note on the road, Mukku is over reacting even after getting a vast business empire. Anuj says Kapadia empire belongs to Mukku. Mukku says how can he say that, she will never talk to him. Anu ask what really happened? Anuj says Kapadia empire’s real owner is Mukku. Baa says brother and sister have equal share in property. Anuj says he has equal right on happiness and sorrows with Mukku, but not in property. He reveal that he is his parents’ adopted son as his parents couldn’t bear children, later they got a biological child Mukku. He emotionally continues that in childhood, Mukku used to make him carry her school bag to school and he used to plead that her brother is tired; today his brother is tired and want to return his baggage. Kavya think Kapadias are more dramatic than Shahs. Anuj says Mukku stayed away for 10 years without any help and when she returned and took away just 50 lakhs from her own money, he felt bad which he shouldn’t have; he realized his mistake after Anu’s explanation and he is sure Mukku and Vanraj will take Kapadia empire to a new heights. GK says real documents are with their lawyer, she can accept or reject them. Malvika says bhai always shows his maturity, she knows what to do now. She burns the documents. Anuj ask why did she do this? She ask if she should announce in social media that her brother disowned her? He says he will never do that. She says when she was about to speak her first word, her parents were eager to hear say mummy or papa, but she spoke bhai; her parents used to say that she is her brother’s child; they all loved her brother, but he considered them as a stranger. Anuj says no… Malvika claps and says they are doing a melodrama in someone’s party; if he is practical, let her speak practically; he turned papa’s small business into a vast empire with his hard work; she says his whole life he just fulfilled responsibilities, but now he should seek his right from her and even other relationships, looking at Anu.

Precap: Anuj reconciles with Malvika and hugs her, Anu, and GK emotionally. Kavya realizing Vanraj’s plan asks him if Kapadia empire is not Anuj’s but his partner Malvika’s. He says she and her small thinking.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm 

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