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Rakhi enters Shah house dancing on drum beats. Vanraj remembers their tussle. Leela fumes that Rakhi is revealing their happiness to neighbors before 3 months and ruining their right. Rakhi walk to them remembering Anu kicking her out of the house and greet Shah, Anuj, and GK with her usual arrogant attitude. She says she got the good news via her sources. She then get emotional looking at Kinjal. Anu sends Kinjal to her. Rakhi pampers and hug Kinjal. Kinjal and Toshu take her blessings. Anupama think her mother didn’t get this happiness as Leela never invited her mother during her pregnancy, but Kinjal will not be divided between maika and inlaws. Rakhi call Anupama grandmother, and Anu calls Rakhi grandmother and greet her. Rakhi performs Kinjal and Toshu’s nazar and dances with Anu. Others join her except Vanraj. Anu walk to Vanraj and asks him to drop his anger for his grandson’s sake. He also joins them. Rakhi then tells Kinjal to accompany her as her grandson will be born in a palace and not lower middle class locality. Anu try to speak. Rakhi says before she gives her lecture, let her ask if her ex-husband, Leela, Toshu, Kavya changed with her lecture, then why she lectures for 20 minutes minimum? Anuj says that is because Anupama doesn’t leave her hope and Rakhi doesn’t stop her misbehavior. Rakhi ask who is he, does she really know him, remembering Anuj not identifying her the last time they met. Vanraj grin hearing that. Kinjal says she met him at the cafe. Rakhi says it's not flashing. Anuj says it's alright as TUBELIGHT takes time to flash. Rakhi get angry and warn him not to act over smart. Anuj says finally TUBELIGHT flashed. Anu grin at Vanraj. Hasmukh tells Rakhi let us go in and talk. Rakhi says yes and walk in remembering challenging Anu that she will return soon. Anuj and GK stand outside and tell Anu that it's Shah family’s issue and they can not interfere. Anu apologizes. Anuj leaves asking her to return home soon. 
Inside car, Anuj tell GK that he feel something is wrong. 

Back at Shah house, Meenu tells Dolly that she doesn’t like Rakhi’s drama and hence will be in her room wearing her headset. Rakhi taunt Shahs if they became more poor since her last visit? Leela warn her to mind her tongue. Rakhi says they dont’ have basic amenities for her daughter’s comfort. Leela says they have everything here. Rakhi asks Kavya who says they don’t even have AC in every room, his bathroom’s geyser is not working, etc. Vanraj stop her. Anu ask Rakhi to question her daughter also. Kinjal says she is happy here. Rakhi says lotus get habituated to dirt staying in it for long; they have 9 members already in this house with Anu, her boyfriend and his mummy’s regular visits, and her ex-MIL and FIL’s romance with their partners above that. Vanraj get angry hearing that. Rakhi says she will be a maid like Anupama in this house and will get luxurious facilities and peace at her home. Leela ask if Kinjal can get good laddus and will staff pray for her like a family; this house makes sound as its alive and not dead and silent like Rakhi’s house, Rakhi should go in exile on a mountain if she wants peace. Rakhi says her family members will run away if they get luxuries amenities and ask Kavya if she is right? Leela warn that Kinjal will stay at their house. Anu ask them to calm down. Rakhi says nobody will listen to her advice, especially this old hag. Leela warn her not to dare call her old hag and threatens to slap her. Anu stop them again and tells them though they love Kinjal a lot, only she has right to take a decision. She ask Kinjal to think well for a few days and decide. Samar, Hasmukh, and Jignesh says they will respect her decision. Vanraj ask how can family daughter inlaw stay in other’s house during pregnancy? Samar says a woman goes through many physical and emotional changes during pregnancy. Anu extends moral gyaan. Kinjal praises Anu’s progressive thinking and thank her for being her mother. Rakhi get angry and ask if she is an outsider? Kinjal says she is also her mother and apologizes to her for not giving her good news beforehand, and says she loves her inlaws and will visit Rakhi often.

Rakhi tells Kinjal that she didn’t come to take her home not to satisfy her ego or down grade Shahs, but because she is worried for her; if she thin she is happy with her lower middle-class family, then it's okay and she should take care of herself and her baby. Kinjal says she loves the family bonding, celebrating festivals, grandmother’s nok jhok, grandfather’s love, Samar’s care, and husband’s love. Rakhi says Anupama doesn’t stay here though; she is keeping her ego aside and accepting the truth that if Anupama was here, Kinjal wouldn't have had a single problem. Kavya says she will take care of Kinjal. Rakhi says if she will give coconut water to Kinjal, wake up at night and make sure she sleeps 8 hours, do yoga with her, make sure her food has all the necessary proteins and carbohydrates, take her for doctor’s regular checkup, not let her wear high heels, etc. Kavya ask if she has to do so much? Rakhi says this is just a beginning, that is why she said Anupama’s presence is necessary; Samar is a friend, Pakhi is a kid, Leela is old, Kavya will not help, colorful Vanraj is of no use, etc. She tells Anu that without Anu’s presence, Kinjal can not live comfortably, then she can’t live comfortably and will not let Shahs live comfortably. Kinjal promises to take care of herself. Rakhi says she will visit them often. Kinjal wish her bye. Rakhi tells Anupama has maa in it, so she should respect it. Hasmukh ask Kinjal to go and rest. Leela says she will prepare juice for Kinjal. Kavya ask her to prepare one for her also. Leela remembers Rakhi’s words while preparing juice and thinks nagin was right that Kinju baby won’t be having any problem if Anupama stays at Shah house. Anu happily hug Toshu and gives him a lengthy moral gyaan on fatherhood; she says he was a son, brother, and husband earlier and now will become a father; he will get a chance to relive his childhood and get a good human in the world; he should become a father like Hasmukh; he should discuss what is in his mind with her, Vanraj, father, or anyone he likes.
Toshu walks to his room looking sad. Kinjal happily hug him and expresses her excitement of becoming parents. Toshu says he is not ready for this baby and doesn’t want to become a father so soon, leaving her in shock. Kinjal warn Toshu not to say that again. Toshu says he wants to become the world’s best father, but is not ready yet. Kinjal ask why did he plan a baby with her then? Toshu says it was long ago and situation is different now. Kinjal warn him if he even eye her baby, she will show him more horrible form than Rakhi. Toshu says even a pet or plant comes in the house with mutual consent. Kinjal says it was their mutual consent. He says he is at a career phase where he is not yet ready for fatherhood. Kinjal says she will bear the baby at any cost. Toshu says she shouldn't expect anything from him then and ask her to rethink her decision. Kinjal says her decision is final. Toshu says he is not ready to take this baby’s responsibility and he mean it. Kinjal says even she mean it. He walk away. She cry vigorously.

In the living, family plan baby names. Sanja suggests ShuJal/Paritosh + Kinjal. Meenu jokes it good that papa didn’t keep her name or else she would have been named Dolly + Sanjay = DoSa. Jignesh jokes. Baa says she chose Ram Krishna Shah. Vanraj says it's old fashioned. Leela ask if they will keep English name? Anu walks in. Samar says mummy with find a name. Leela says she will keep a long name like her long speech. Jignesh jokes again. Vanraj says baby will be with him always. Kavya ask why not her? Leela says she should have her own baby. Kavya asks her to tell this to Vanraj. Everyone feel awkward hearing that. Family continues expressing their excitement. 

Anuj talk to himself and says he is becoming a proxy grandfather and is getting ready made relationships, so he accepts them all, etc. 

Kavya think she got Vanraj’s hatred at last and Anu got everything because of her children, now she has to be selfish. 

Anu misses Anuj and think she is incomplete without him, but it's good he is not here or else there would have been problems.

Precap: Paritosh declares that he doesn’t want a baby yet. Anuj prepares halwa for Anu. Anu tells him that she is very afraid and Shah family needs her more than before. Anu slips. Anuj holds her and says his friend made him a partner without any investment. She plans a date with him. Kinjal requests to accompany her to the doctor’s appointment. Anuj stands speechless.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm 

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