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Anuj reply Vanraj that he was rich when he had all his relationships and above all Anupama; without Anupama, he can not be rich even if he gain the whole world’s wealth. Vanraj taunt back and says he is not a poet, but his thought is good to feel good. Anuj says a person gets rich with his good behavior and and not wealth. Vanraj says these thoughts are good for poor people; if a person can become rich with good behavior, his father would have been the world’s richest man, he has seen his Bapuji in ration queue and learnt that he needs to earn wealth to gain respect. Anuj says even by selling self-respect? Vanraj says he is not responsible for Anuj and Malvika’s tussle and blames Anupama for that. Anuj warn him to not take Anu’s name with his mouth. Vanraj ask what will he do? Anuj says wealth was someone else which he returned, but relationships are his and if something happens to Anu and Mukku, he will not spare him. Vanraj says when he wasn’t afraid of The Anuj Kapadia, why would he be afraid of this one. Anuj says that Anuj Kapadia had a lot and hence he used to think well before doing anything, but when he doesn’t have any fear, he will do it first and then think. Vanraj laugh.

Toshu informs family that he called office and found out that they are all together. Leela says now the real problem will start. Kavya fears Anuj and Vanraj will harm each other in anger. Samar says mummy will handle the issue. Hasmukh says issue will worsen now. 
Anuj enters Mukku’s cabin followed by Vanraj who try to stop them. Anu warns him not to interfere between brother and sister. Anuj hold Mukku’s hand and takes her to his cabin. Phoolon Ka Taron Ka Sabka Kehna Hai.. song plays in the background. Anuj make Malvika sit on his chair and asks her to sign ownership documents of his business empire. Malvika looks at him emotionally. Anuj says everything is in her name now; there were a lot of talks, fights, complaints, trials (looking at Vanraj) happened; everything belong to her, but she belong to him; he is resigning from Kapadia empire but not from his responsibility as her brother; he knows she doesn’t need his or anyone’s help now and shouldn’t fall for anyone’s trick, she should use her own conscience; he can leave everything, but can not stop worrying for her as he is her brother. 

Malvika hug him emotionally and asks if he can leave her and not Anupama? Anuj says she is not in a position to understand but one day she will by herself. Vanraj taunt Anu that she and her boyfriend became beggars now and ask if he should send them 2 separate bowls or only 1. Anu says beggar is one who extends hands, but Anuj with his head high gave everything; one who raising high fast will fall down with same speed, a sun set to rise again. Anuj plays Maqabla song and asks Malvika to dance with him. She continues crying. Anu hug and consoles her. Anuj replaces his nameplate with Malvika’s. Anu asks Malvika to visit her when she wants to have her prepared food, vent out anger on her or hate her, but should remember her brother only with love. Anuj wish her all the best and walk towards door when Malvika stop him and walks towards him but seeing Anu remembers Vanraj’s words that Anuj’s choice is Anu and not her, but he will never leave her alone. Anuj leaves cabin with Anu. Malvika break down.

Anuj cry remembering time spent with Malvika. Anu ask if he wants to have coffee. He nod yes and walks to cafeteria with her. She says at one time, her world was confined in her house, but after joining this office, she realized its another different world; she is feeling bad with just a few day of work and can imagine what he is feeling.

Anupama offers coffee to Anuj. Anuj thank her and ask her to forgive him if she can as she lost her world because of him. She says its because of Mr Shah and he came into his life because of her, in that sense she is responsible for whatever happened. He says he doesn’t remember this cafeteria’s first coffee but will always remember its last coffee. She says even she will. They both cry emotionally and try to hide their tears. He says let us go from here and pray to god to take care of Mukku and give his happiness to her and her sorrows to him. She pray to god to handle Mukku. 
Mukku cry in her cabin, and Vanraj acts as consoling her. 

Anu ask Anuj if he thought he did right? Anuj say he doesn’t know but knows what he did earlier was wrong; they don’t have right to take decision of their dear one’s life; he took Mukku’s life decisions twice and went wrong both times. She says he did what he felt was right for Mukku. He says both times he was wrong, its Mukku’s life and she has to take a decision and until he is near her, she will expect his support and will never walk on her own. She says she feels its not the right time to go away from Mukku. He says it was necessary and he wants her to become Kapadia empire’s owner The Malvika Kapadia. Anu ask what about Mr Shah? He says he has drawn a line and nobody can cross it. She pray to god again to take cere of Mukku. Watchman greets him as Kapadia sir. Anuj says only Anuj, keeps his nameplate, and gives him money. Vanraj looking from window grins and waves good bye to Anu. Anu hold Anuj’s hand and walk away.

Anuj stops at an intersection and he doesn’t know which way to choose and where to go from here as he lost his house. He break down and sits on a bench; says he is not bothered about losing his business as he can rebuild it, but how will he rebuild relationships, he is the most poor person in the world now. 

Malvika breaks down in office and throws away things from Anuj’s desk. Vanraj imagine sitting on Anuj’s seat. 

GK walk to Anu and break down. Anu asks him to control himself. GK ask how can he when Anuj took promise to be with Mukku; he has many relationships with Anuj, he was his friend, father, guide, everything; people think parents favor a kid when they adopt, but truth is kid favor parents by coming into their lives; Anuj had come empty handed in Kapadia family and is going empty handed. Anu says Anuj has a line of fate in his hand and he can carve it the way he wants to. GK ask her to never leave Anuj. Anu ask GK to hug his son once. GK walk to Anuj. Anuj remind him of his promise. GK says he can break promise made to god but not him. Anuj asks him to take care of Mukku’s needs and return to her. GK says their separation will be very tough on him and walk away.

Vanraj think he failed Anupama’s plan and will not let Mukku of anything else, he will not let Anupama and Anuj return to this company, he knows to handle Anuj and Mukku, but should be careful from Anupama. He offers water to Mukku and starts manipulating her again. He says he can understand her pain, but whatever happened was for good and if that had not happened, she wouldn’t have known that Anupama is important than her to Anuj; he knows Anupama well and she had come to make her feel guilty and return company to Anuj. 

Malvika says she can not doubt her brother. He says he can not trust Anupama, she saw Anu trying to manipulate her, Anuj can not understand cunning Anupama, Anu must be provoking Anuj that Malvika can not handle the business and he should take it back, she should trust her brother’s instinct and prove Anupama wrong by making the business more successful and he will support her in this. He think she will be owner, but he will be the boss who will control her; he says her brother worked hard to build Kapadia empire, so she should forget everything and concentrate on business; her brother will return to her after seeing Anupama’s true face, till he is there to support her. He makes her sit on Anuj’s seat and wishes her all the best and congratulations.

GK tell Anu that he is there with Mukku and she has to be with Anuj from hereon and handle him. Anu remembers Anuj’s favor and support to her and says she will always be with Anuj, she was following her duty till now and will follow her love from hereon. He blesses her and walk away.

Precap: Anupama helps Anuj wear a slipper givinv her usual moral gyaan. Vanraj tells family that Anupama will stay with Anuj in her house in a live-in relationship.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm 

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