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Anupama tells Samar that she knows that its his life but he just wants to say that when a thread tangles, they either entangle it or break it, but when a relationship is tangled, a person breaks from within just like their whole family broke from within with she and Vanraj’s divorce. Bapuji says Anu is right and gives example of his childhood bat where he used to fix its handle repeatedly. Baa gives another example. Anu says one can not break a relationship so easily. Samar says she broke her relationship though. Anu says it was never about her and asks if his and Nandu’s relationship is even a bit like her and Mr Shah; says there would be issues in relationships. Vanraj says where there are issues, they should end such relationship; why is everyone forcing Samar to follow unwanted relationship, they forced him with Anu earlier and now Kavya, he suffocated each day and doesn’t want his son to suffocate like him. He asks Samar to become like his mother and not like him who broke her cage of unwanted relationship and moved on, but he changed his cage and is suffering even now; he shouldn’t make a relationship which is not perfect and not a forced one. Anu says he didn’t understand that every relationship is not perfect and they need to make it perfect by working on it each day; he loved Kavya and married her, but doesn’t want to follow it as relationships are not made of plastic to stay same for years; relationships are made of people who change, break, fall, and get up, etc. He warns her to stop her philosophy and tells Samar that his marriage may go well for 2-3 days and then he will feel suffocated and there will be cracks in the relationship. Anu says he should fill those cracks. Vanraj continues and says if he has problem with this relationship, break it and make a new one and break even it if he doesn’t like it. Anu warns him not to teach wrong to her son. He says Samar is also his son. Anu says he is trying to change the nature, people and time may change, but nature will not. She apologize to Samar for confusing him and says she trusts him and knows he will take a decision after calmly thinking well as they get love with great difficulty and he will repent his whole life if its gone.

Nandini loses house lock keys, calls key maker, and vents out her anger on him. He walk away asking her to call another key maker. Anu enters and offers her left key at home. Nandini asks not to take Samar’s side again. Anu hugs her and says she always supports a weak child. Toshu enters and signals her that he will handle it. Anu leaves. 

At the office, Anuj and Malvika greet Vanraj seeing him coming, but Vanraj ignore them and walk into his cabin. Anu also ignore them and walk into her cabin. Anuj says something has surely happened. Malvika says they should both check on their partners.
Leela inform Hasmukh something. Hasmukh get concerned and ask why is she informing him so late? Leela says she thought Anupama would handle it, but she couldn’t. Hasmukh says if he had known earlier, he would have stopped Kavya some how. Leela says she is ready to do anything including havan, waterless fast, etc. 

At the park, Toshu tell Nandini that he is here as her brother and not Samar’s. She says she is feeling lonely. He says she should think of her and Samar’s relationship and not Vanraj and Kavya’s. She says Samar broke up with her and Vanraj said she is unfit for her son. He says papa was angry and a person speaks senselessly in anger. She says he is not supporting her even now. He says all he wants to say is that she should concentrate on her and Samar’s relationship and think calmly what she should do. Nandini and Samar remember their argument.

Malvika walk to Vanraj and Anuj walk to Anu and try to strike a conversation. Vanraj says let him work. She insist him to discuss his problem with her. He says he is tired of the fights all the time, his son’s life is at stake because of Kavya, he worked the whole night and had to face a fight in the morning, he made a big mistake by loving Kavya and biggest mistake by marrying her. He then sart with his mind game on her and says Mukku understand him better as she also made same mistakes. 

Anuj revolve Anu’s chair and says he will not stop until she discuss her issue. She ask him to stop being childish. He says he will not. She says she will and says Mr Shah and she are back at the same path where they didn’t want to go. 

Vanraj says he suffered a lot due to Kavya, but he had his family with him, but how did she suffer alone?

Vanraj starts manipulating Malvika. He says maybe that is why his complete focus is on work as he doesn’t want to break her trust and prove himself; Anuj doesn’t trust him and he needs to gain even his trust; Anuj is a successful businessman, but he is not; he is thankful to her for supporting and trusting him, hence he discusses with her issues which he doesn’t discuss with anyone else. 
Anu tell Anuj that she doesn’t want to fight with Vanraj, but if children follow him and take wrong path, she wouldn’t forgive herself; they should teach children to fight their problems and accept their mistakes, but Vanraj is teaching them how to run away from problems and not accept their mistake; if they fail to fulfill dear one’s responsibility, its guilt would be there for their whole life. Anuj says who else can understand it better than him? She apologizes and says Mr Shah is not understanding this or maybe she is not understanding him; sometimes, she feels Mr Shah has changed and sometimes he behaves his old self. Anuj says she shouldn’t change though and prove that she never accepts defeat. He further says whenever she feels like she doesn’t want to lecture that day and wants to listen instead, she can contact him anytime. She asks if he is joking with her? He says a bit and asks if she felt bad? She says she doesn’t these days and leaves nervously to give Mukku’s medicine.

Vanraj tell Malvika that just like people hide under a shelter from rain, he is hiding under his job from personal life and is focusing on their project; he was wrong that he changed himself, but forgot that he can not change his past and people judge him over his past and even if he sacrifices his life, they think he is same old Vanraj Shah; since when people will make him realize his mistakes, he feel lonely whether he is at home or outside. Malvika wipe his crocodile tears and says tears don’t look good on a macho face, they both are lonely and sad. He smiles and then hold her hand ask if she trusts him? She reciprocates and says of course Raj. He says thank you Malvika. She says her dear ones call her Mukku. Anu bring medicine for Malvika and stands shocked noticing that. Vanraj and Malvika get alert hearing her phone ring, Malvika ask her to come in. Anu offers her medicine. Vanraj offers her water. Malvika consumes medicine thanking them. Anu says she needs to attend a therapy session. Malvika says next week. Vanraj says he will take her to therapy and will remind her medicine and therapy time as Anu is busy at work. Malvika says there is a point in it as she is with Raj all the time. Anu says let it be, she will handle Mukku. Vanraj says she should focus on work instead. Mukku says Raj doesn’t forget anything. Vanraj says he neither forget nor lets anyone forget.

Kinjal feed Samar and ask if his anger is calm now? Samar says he doesn’t want to talk about it. Kinjal says he can as he has many to listen to him here, but Nandini has no one. Samar says Nandini has her aunt Kavya with her. Kinjal ask why he has become so senseless, his IQ was much higher than the whole locality boys. he says He is still. She says he is making a mistake. 

Anu warn Vanraj not to do that. Vanraj ask what is he doing? She says they both know what he is up to and warn him to concentrate on his family and children instead. He ask her to leave as he need to work and more importantly handle Mukku, children have their mother to handle them. 

Kinjal tell Samar that Nandini supported Kavya like he supported mummy against papa, he should go and console Nandini. Samar ask how can he have a relationship with Nandini who insulted mummy? Kinjal says in that sense she should leave Toshu for insulting mummy; mummy says a heart is a person’s biggest jewel and when a heart make any relationship, its a pure gold and they polish gold often to maintain its shine; he is mummy’s shadow, but he is behaving like papa; he should visit Nandini and try to speak to her at least; they get love with great difficulty and shouldn’t lose it. Samar remember Anu’s similar words.

Anu call Kinjal and ask if Samar had something, she will call her back. She think she is worried for Samar and Nandini on one side and Mukku on the other side; Mr Shah is manipulating Mukku and if he betray her, she won’t be able to handle herself; she will not let him manipulate her this time. Mukku with Anuj rush to her and drop coffee on her hand. Mukku ask if it's burning. Anu says it burnt once, but one should not forget a lesson; she will always protect her. Mukku says its a 2.5/dhai kilo dialogue. Anuj apply ice to Anu’s hand. Mukku says Raj invited them for Sankranti festival celebration and is excited to fly kite. Anu get lost in thoughts while Anuj apply ice to her hand. He ask where is she lost? She says yes. He says she is world’s most beautiful girl. She says yes. He continues his romantic talk. She continue saying yes. He alert her and ask if he should hold thread chakri while she fly kite tomorrow. She says yes and she will also hold chakri when he fly kite. He think she is tensed regarding Samar.

Precap: Anuj recite a poem describing Anu’s beauty. Pakhi announces that Vanraj is sending her to US for further studies. Anu says she will not. Vanraj says when she can say no before asking him, why he shouldn’t say yes without asking her. Anu says because she is still these children’s mother. He says even he is still these children’s father. Vanraj warns Anu not to interfere between him and Mukku. Anu says Malvika. He says she became Mukku for him now. During a game play, Anuj selects Anu as his partner and Vanraj select Mukku.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm 

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