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Shah family continues selecting baby names for Kinjal’s baby. Jignesh suggests how is Chichoo name as its a sweet fruit. Samar says even papita/papaya is sweet, imagine Toshu being asked if he is Papita Shah’s papa. Pakhi hug Anu and apologizes for missing her birthday party. Anu says its okay as Sheena needed her. Pakhi ask who is Papita Shah? Leela says her nephew, she is becoming an aunt. Samar says sister inlaw is pregnant. Pakhi jump in happiness hearing that and congratulates Toshu. Toshu angrily shouts to shut up. Kinjal requests him not to exaggerate the issue and keep it to themselves. Toshu says they already did and nothing is private in this house that their fight would be. Shah family get tensed. Anu ask what kind of fight? Vanraj ask what happened? Toshu says whatever shouldn’t have happened, he doesn’t need this baby. Family is shocked to hear that. Kinjal says he needed baby, hence they had planned a baby. Toshu says he hadn’t thought well earlier. Kinjal says it’s not a vacation plan to make and cancel it repeatedly, it’s a decision for life. Toshu ask if she want him to suffer his whole life due to one wrong decision? Hasmukh ask what is he saying? Toshu ask him to listen to him before considering him as a villain or heartless; children grow up in films in 1 song, but that doesn’t happen in real life and it takes years for children to grow. Leela says he said something new to them. He says he has seen his colleagues and friends who become early parents and regret later that they should have planned their careers first. Kinjal says his friends live in a nuclear family and they live in a joint family where their baby will be taken care of by the whole family. Toshu says relatives will take care of baby for 10 minutes, parents have to take care of baby for the rest of the day. Kinjal says they can, what is the problem in it? He says a baby is an emotional responsibility and he is not yet ready for that and it's not so mature to take someone’s life’s decisions first and then his; he knows he looks wrong to them, but they should understand that he can not be a good father now and can not give time to his baby which he/she deserves; he just wants to delay this plan as he is still young and there is a lot of time to become a father; he want to become something first so that he can give his baby what he deserve and he doesn’t want to struggle like papa till that age and he will not take baby’s responsibility even after his disapproval. He then suggest to Kinjal not to become a parent as children hinder their growth. Anu ask him to stop. Vanraj says he is tense at this time, but shouldn’t say something which will hurt him later; every man before becoming a father think his life will end, but his life most beautiful chapter will start from there. Anu ask him to calm down and think well. Toshu says he has already decided that he doesn’t need a baby. Hasmukh says a child encourages father to move ahead in life and gives his father’s example. Vanraj says life can not be divided into parts like first work and then kids, both career and children go along together in life. Anu suggest to Toshu and Kinjal to relax and think well before taking any decision. Leela says god will set everything right.
Anuj prepares halwa for Anu reciting a poem in his usual style. Anu return home silently and seeing halwa asks if he prepared it for her? He jokes and feeds her halwa and sensing her tension ask if she is fine? She remembers Toshu’s confrontation and says she is feeling afraid. He says everything is going to be alright. She says Kinjal, Toshu, and the whole family needs her more than before now. The next morning, Anu over phone gives food advice to Kinjal and asks her not to bother about Toshu’s words, she will come and meet her in sometime. Door bell rings. Kinjal says it must be Anuj ji, she shouldn’t make a true love wait. Anu shy and opens door. Anuj says he want to have sweet curd from her hand as he is restarting his job today. She says he will succeed in whatever business he starts.

Leela and Hasmukh notice Kinjal having cold drink and says she should have fresh fruit juice instead. Kinjal says its alkaline water and not cold drink. Leela is amazed to see its price and says she will keep it in a locker like precious thing. Vanraj senses Kinjal’s tension and assure her that him and Anupama are there to support her always. 

Anu feed sweet curd to Anuj. Anuj says he feel romantic even having a sweet curd from her hand. She says if she can ask something. He says he can sacrifice even his life for her. She gets= emotional and says she never thought even in her dreams that someone can love her so much. He describes how much he loves her and ask what she need? She says he should promise that he will become same Anuj Kapadia again; she knows he doesn’t evaluate things with his victory or loss, but world does and she can not tolerate anyone saying he lost. She with her usual long lengthy moral gyaan encourages him to prove that even a true person can succeed. He says he will work hard for that.

Anuj and Anupama travel in an auto feeling thrilled and behaving like teenagers. Raahon Me Unse Mulaqat Hogayi.. song plays in the background. Anu get down near Shah house and wish Anuj all the best. He says he will message her. She ask why? He says he is not one who calls his family during work hour and ask her to go in as Kinjal need her. Vanraj bumps with Anu and stands chatting. Anuj feel insecure seeing that. Kavya also feels insecure seeing that and think they became friends from enemies. Vanraj ready for office ask Kinjal to use car if she wants to go out. Anu and Leela force-feed Kinjal. Leela then insists Kinjal to have her mother’s sent alkaline. Kinjal resists. Leela jokes she will have it else and opens bottle. Rakhi enters and insults Leela saying she sent alkaline water for her daughter and not poor beggars. Leela warn her to mind her tongue as they eat from their hard earned money and her son’s money. Rakhi warn if anyone touches her daughter’s food, she will not spare them. Anu ask her to take back her food. Rakhi ask if her daughter will eat thepla and fafda? Leela ask what is wrong in it, they will give her nutritious food. Anu says Kinjal is also their daughter and they know how to take care of her. Rakhi says she doesn’t trust them and will visit them often. Rakhi then ask Kinjal and Toshu to accompany her as she has booked Ahmedabad’s best gynecologist’s appointment who will treat Kinjal till her delivery. Toshu says he is busy with back to back meetings today and walk away. Rakhi says however a man busy schedule is, he will find time for his baby; there is definitely some problem between Toshu and Kinjal. Kinjal says there is no problem and she has to visit gynecology and not Toshu. Rakhi think something is really wrong.
Anu visit her dance school. Samar ask where was she as he was waiting for her for long? Anu says she visited Kinjal and Rakhi barged in there. Samar says there would be daily drama now. Anu says Rakhi will visit Shah house daily, Kinjal is stuck between Rakhi and Leela, Toshu is still adamant, she doesn’t know how to manage them. He says she need to practice dance as she has tough competition at the contest. She says she will work hard and will make sure she fulfill Anuj’s dream and win the trophy. Samar says Anuj has one more dream which only she can fulfill. Anu ask how does he know? He says their chemistry shows off, he sensed she wanted to reveal something but stopped because of Kinjal. He encourage her to express her wishes to everyone before it's too late. Anu says it's okay, but.. Samar says there will be something going on in life and it never stops, she and Anuj are thriving for their happiness and should move ahead before life or fate gives up.

Leela shyly watch Hasmukh while he is busy reading newspaper. Rakhi return and taunt that she stares at her husband even at this age. Leela says why shouldn’t she as her husband is Gujrath’s Vinod Khanna and ask why did she return? Their nok jhok starts. Rakhi says since Kinjal didn’t visit gynecologist, she brought the gynecologist home. Leela shoos gynecologist and says gynecologist who delivered Toshu, Samar, Pakhi will deliver Kinjal’s baby. Rakhi continues her nok jhok and sits saying she will only go after meeting Kinjal, think she can watch the drama because of her grandchild.

Anu remembers Samar’s words while practicing dance and slip. Anuj returns and hold her and ask where is she lost, she would have fallen down if he had not held her. She says he will be with her forever and ask how was his meeting? He says his friend made him a business partner without any investment and he feel happy to make good relationships in years. She says it's his hard work and says he will be a much bigger businessman than before soon. He flirt with her and she shy. He says people’s way of asking gifts is different, she sought his success instead of any materalistic gift. She says let us celebrate their small happiness. He ask how will they celebrate? She says he will go on a date with her. He happily agrees. Power goes off. He switches on mobile torch and focuses it on her face. Rahon Me Unse Mulaqat Hogayi. song plays in the background. Kinjal walk in and requests Anu to accompany her to a gynecologist’s appointment. Anuj stand disappointed.

Precap: Anu accompanies Kinjal to a gynec appointment where doc informs that Kinjal is weak and may face pregnancy-related complications. Rakhi taunts Vanraj that his happiness is short-lived as Anuj is returning in the business world. Vanraj asks Anu to stay at Shah house till Kinjal’s anxiety issues subside. Anu informs Anuj who holds her hand and walks away, stunning Vanraj.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm 

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