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Kinjal tells Anupama and Anuj if they have any plan, she will manage to the gynecologist’s appointment alone. Anuj says its okay and asks Anu to accompany Kinjal and messages Anu that he will wait for her for dinner. 

At Shah, Vanraj, Kavya and Toshu return from office. Rakhi says she was waiting for him. Kavya asks why is she waiting for him? Vanraj says this trouble is waiting for them all. Rakhi asks him if he snatched signing authority from Malvika or not? Vanraj frowns hearing that. Rakhi taunts he hasn’t become a rich man then and is still a small employee in a big company. Kavya asks if she is insulting her husband? Rakhi says she is just showing his place and truth is his time hasn’t come yet. Vanraj says people like her get a time, he will get an era; he taunts her that this is his house and Kinjal is his daughter inlaw and he can ban her entry in his house via Kinjal, so now she should shut her mouth. He asks Baa when will Kinjal return to kick Rakhi out? Baa says she has gone to a doctor with Anupama. Bapuji hearing their conversation thinks Kinjal’s responsibility will bring Anupama to this house and hopes Anus’s happiness doesn’t ruin because of this. Rakhi, addressing Vanraj as Dadaji, says his sheen in the business world will end soon as Anuj Kapadia is returning in the business world. Vanraj says time has changed. Rakhi says Anuj is a king of the business world and soon Anuj will be on the throne with his lady luck Anupama and Vanraj will be poor courtesan.

Anuj prepares dinner for Anupama and thinks if he can not go out on a date, he can at home itself. He checks time and thinks there must be a crowd at doctor’s clinic. 

Doctor checks Kinjal and reveals that Kinjal is weak and may face pregnancy-related complications, so she should take care of her diet and rest. Kinjal gets tensed hearing that and says she takes care of herself well. Anu calms her down and says mind is stronger than body and controls it, she shouldn’t bother about small issues during pregnancy. Doctor suggests her to keep herself happy and visit her even if she feels a slightest abdominal pain. Anu assures to take care of Kinjal. Doctor says she knows Kinjal doesn’t have to worry with Anu’s care. 

Anuj get restless waiting for Anu. Vanraj calls him and says he called him to wish him all the best as he heard he had a few business meeting, he feels bad for him and can ask Malvika to invest in his startup like he did earlier. Anuj says thanks but no thanks and asks who told him he is wandering. Vanraj says still he can fund his business and grins disconnecting the call.
Toshu remembers the the recent arguments at home. Samar walks in and says he wants to request him not to become like Mr Shah; he can not understand his situation as he doesn’t know how it feel to becoming a father, but he can understand sister inlaw’s pain as he has seen mummy suffering alone, he should hold her hand and comfort her at least; he knows how sister inlaw fought with her mother to marry him and faced so many difficulties just because she love him, she took care of the whole family in mummy’s absence; I can support sister inlaw as a kid, devar/BIL, or friend, but nobody can take a husband’s place, so he should be with sister inlaw and support her. Toshu silently listens to him.

Anu messages Anuj that it will take time for the reports, so she will drop Kinjal home and then return. Anuj feels more restless waiting for her. Anu informs Kinjal that Rakhi is at home, but she shouldn’t worry. Kinjal asks how she felt during her pregnancy? Anu says just like she was feeling, she was very nervous; earlier they didn’t have internet and the knowledge bank was their MIL; now girls plan their pregnancy, but during her times they get pregnant after marriage. Kinjal asks if she found out about her pregnancy with home test? Anu says there was nothing of that sort during her times and says a mother experiences her motherhood just when a life starts growing in her womb and continuously shares her lenghtly moral gyaan. Kinjal feels good hearing her advice. Anu says Kinjal shouldn’t worry as she and whole family is with her and soon Toshu will also be with her. Kinjal says not only baby, even a mother needs a mother and asks if she will be with her? Anu says she will and shares gyaan again. Kinjal misses Toshu. Anu says she need not worry as she and Toshu will not this journey and will walk along holding each other’s hands.
Anupama and Kinjal return to Shah house from doctor’s appointment. Rakhi says she was getting bored waiting for them and defeated would be grandfather Vanraj in a table tennis game. She ask Kinjal why did she go to Shah’s cheap and local doctor? Baa and her argument starts. Anu stops her. Kinjal tells Rakhi that her doctor is good and she had informed in the morning itself that she is uncomfortable with a male doctor. Baa says local doctor won’t be having 5 star facilities. Baa and her argument start again. Kinjal ask her to stop coming there and create a drama if she really cares for her. Rakhi says she just comes here to see her daughter and would be grandchild and is not interested in seeing Shah family’s faces. Baa comments grandfather doesn’t even show his face, but grandmother barges in often. She get emotional and tell Anu she want to be with her daughter and support her, doesn’t she have that right on her daughter. Anu says she has complete right on her daughter. Baa asks her to stop her speech and inform what doctor said. Anu reveals about Kinjal’s pregnancy-related complications. Baa says its not a big deal. Rakhi says even she had pregnancy-related complications. Bapuji says father can not hold a baby for 2 hours, but a mother keeps it in her womb for 9 months, hats off to mothers. Kinjal asks Rakhi to go home now. Rakhi says she will return tomorrow. Baa says she may have to buy flute to control nagin. Rakhi says she can, but nobody can control her. She taunts Vanraj next and leaves. Kinjal asks Anu to go now. Baa reminds Anu that Kinjal needs her the most at this time. Anu says she never backed off from her responsibilities. She then gives moral gyaan to Toshu on the importance of husband’s responsibility, insists him to reconcile with Kinjal, and warns him if something happens to Kinjal, she will not spare him. Vanraj also warns Toshu that he will not support him this time and Toshu should take good care of Kinjal.

Anuj eagerly wait for Anu. Samar’s bike breaks down while dropping Anu home. Anu asks him to hurry up as Anuj must be waiting for her. Samar asks her not to make him wait for too long. She rush home in an auto. Anuj says she shouldn’t make him wait so long. She start crying and apologize to him. He console her and says he knows she belongs to him now completely and understands her. She says he understand and it doesn’t mean she should take him for granted and continues that he is the world’s best human who doesn’t show his right, but he has the most right on her; she is busy in one thing or the other always and doesn’t give time to him. Anuj says that makes her Anupama and he loves her more when he sees that she keeps her happiness aside for her family’s happiness; people say they keep family first, but she truly follows it; she stayed in his house for Mukku and became her mother, now she has to become Kinjal’s mother and he loves her the way she is, etc. Anu asks if he is not angry with her? He says he is not but surely will if she continues crying. Anuj serves dinner to Anu and starts a dinner date with her. Tu Shayar Hai Main Teri Shayari.. song plays in the background. They are about to start eating when Anu gets Vanraj’s call informing about Kinjal’s emergency. Anuj says he will take her there, makes roti rolls for them, and drops her in auto. Anu feels sorry and says her sorry is not enough for him. He says candle light dinner dates are thing of the past, now its auto ride dinner date. He makes her feel comfortable and drops her outside Shah house. She rush to Kinjal. Kinjal says she is having stomach pain and is worried for her baby. Anu says mild stomachache is common and they should worry if its severe. Kinjal says okay. Baa says she didn’t listen to her and calmed down when Anu said same. Anu informs doctor about Kinjal’s situation and tells Kinjal that doctor said its normal and she need not worry. Toshu walks out and informs Vanraj, Samar, and Bapuji that Kinjal is fine. Vanraj says he was worried, but Anu comforted Kinjal. Bapuji says when a kid is hurt, he/she wants mother to be around him/her. Anu asks Knjal to rest and try to leave. Kinjal holds her sari pallu.

Precap: Vanraj asks Anu to stay at Shah house till Kinjal’s anxiety issues subside. Anu informs Anuj who holds her hand and walks away, stunning Vanraj. Vanraj taunts Anuj and Vanraj. Anu asks Anuj to shift to Shah house. Vanraj warns not to. Later, Vanraj gets jealous seeing Anu and Anuj performing Shiv pooja.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm 

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