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Anuj and Anupama continue to walk home enjoying each other’s company. Ghazab Ka Hai Din.. song plays in the background. He hold her hand nervously and says he doesn’t know why he held her hand but wants to walk holding it. She shyingly nod yes and walk along with him. 

Kavya confronts Malvika for hugging Vanraj and warn her to stay away from her husband as it doesn’t happen here. Malvika shows picture of Kavya hugging Vanraj before marriage and ask if this picture is from Hululu as colleagues don’t hug like this. She calls Kavya as didi/sister and says she is not PC/pati chor/husband thief like her. Kavya get angry. Malvika says she will lose her beauty if she continues to fume and should get a job instead as she is an MBA graduate. Kavya get happy and ask if she can join her company? Malvika says of course she can as its a start up company which needs work force. Vanraj opposes and says Kavya will not get a job in his company Kavya ask how will she get a job then? He says just like she used to force him to get a job when he was jobless, she can take care of cafeteria or search for a job or whatever she wants to do, but not in his company as she will be spying on him all the time instead of work.

Anuj corrects Anu’s sari pleat. Anu ask what is he doing? He says his papa used to correct maa’s sari pleads skipping even India Pakistan cricket match, he would have done same if Anu was Mukku’s sister inlaw. Anu shy and blabbers in nervousness. GK hears their conversation and praises Anuj for expressing his feelings for Anu without any hesitation and repeats Anuj’s words. Anuj gets nervous and says he thought he was murmuring in his heart. GK says Anu even heard it. Anuj says he is acting SRK recently and making blunders, Anu will hit him now. GK says she didn’t, that means she liked it. Anuj get more nervous.

Anu checks her sari pleats and thinks nobody corrected her sari pleat before except Anuj till now. GK walks to her. She says she kept his lunch box, he should rest today as he was awake till late night. He ask her to say if she loves Anuj or not. She says yes. He happily dances and thank her for giving a ray of hope to his old eyes; he was worried for Anuj and Mukku after his death, but he can die peacefully as Anu will take care of them. Anu touch his feet and takes his blessings. He ask her why don’t she marry Anuj and stay permanently in this house. She requests him not to inform Anuj about her decision and to wait for sometime till some issues are sorted out. GK agree.

Shah family is shocked to see Baa swinging Malvika on her swinger. Baa pampers Malvika and says she has packed her tiffin. Malvika says she is so cute, they are BFF/bestfriends forever. Kavya notices them and thinks Baa is pampering Malvika as she is the real owner of Kapadia empire. Mamaji ask Baa if he can sit on her swinger? Baa warns him and says its for only BFFs. Kavya think she needs to send Malvika away from here and should use her ace card/hukum ka ikka.

GK ask Anu why she doesn’t want to express her love for Anuj? Anu says let Anuj solve Malvika’s problem first. GK says Malvika doesn’t have problem with Anuj and Anu’s relationship and herself sought her hand from Hasmukh/Bapuji for Anuj. Anu says she will wait like Anuj waited for her for 26 years till his and Malvika’s issues are sorted out. He ask why she want to wait for so long? She says she wants to sort family issues first as its her family now; Anuj submitted himself completely in love and never demanded his right, she wants to do same; she want Malvika to truly accept her or else Anuj will be stuck between his sister and wife. GK ask her not to wait for long if that doesn’t happen and seek her promise. She promise him. Anuj notices and walks to them. Anu signals GK not to say anything. GK leave. Anuj ask why were they looking so serious, if everything is alright? She says yes. He ask if GK said something like mukku called her sister inlaw yesterday? She says he is a bholuram and says they should visit shah house and bring Mukku back home. He nod okay. She walk away smiling. He stand confused.
Malvika discuss with Vanraj that they need to send publicity and PR plan with timeline to investors. Kavya hearing her says she knows many PR agencies. Malvika says its okay, thank you. Vanraj says he also knows them. Malvika calms him down. Anu and Anuj walk in. Malvika ask how can they stay away from this house? Mamaji jokes due to common sense. Malvika suggest to them to shift here with GK. Kavya taunt why only them, she can invite the whole society as it's a dharamshala. Malvika says this house is so good and if it's in her hands, she would stayed here permanently. Mamaji think she doesn’t know its people yet. Anu says let us go to office and celebrate new year. Malvika says she doesn’t celebrate new year, bhai knows that. Anuj says let us go to office as they have a lot of pending work. Toshu and Kinjal say even they will leave for office. Kavya take Anu aside and ask her to take Malvika from here right now. Anu says Malvika is not a kid to be dragged home. Kavya warn her that she knows that if Vanraj knows someone’s weakness, he will misuse it for his benefit to the core; he knows Malvika is Anuj’s weakness and may use her against Anuj and Anu. Anu says Mr Shah will not do that as he has changed. Kavya says some people never change. Anu says when they both can change, why not Mr Shah? Kavya ask if she will take V’s guarantee. Anu says her husband is not a mixer grinder that she needs guarantee. Kavya warn her that V will attack Anuj again, Anu will protest and Anuj then and will fight with Vanraj. Anu says she is getting late for work. Kavya ask if she is taunting that she doesn’t have a job and sit at home? Anu says household work is more important than work, a woman should realize her responsibility and follow it. She further suggest to her to buy something new for new year. Kavya says she is buying new sandals. Anu says she was talking about new perception/thinking.

Vanraj prepares presentation for investor meeting. Anuj and Anu walk in. He says he thought it's Malvika. Vanraj says he has investor meeting. Malvika enters and insists Anuj to handle the meeting. Anuj says Vanraj has already prepared for it. Malvika says just like a superstar actor’s presence makes an advertisement more valuable, her superstar businessman brother’s presence will make their meeting more valuable. Vanraj asks what about Anu? Malvika says her presence will show they believe in gender equality. Vanraj fumes within but grin. Anuj start presentation. Anu get concerned seeing Vanraj’s body language.
Kavya gather the whole family and says she want to make an announcement. Baa congratulates Samar and Pakhi that they are getting a baby sibling. Bapuji says she wants to make some other announcement. Kavya says she is planning a lavish new year party. Pakhi says they celebrate new year similarly each year and hopes there won’t be antakshari competition like every year. Bapuji says she must have planned something big. Kavya thank him. Bapuji tells Baa that their daughter Anu is flying, but Kavya forgot it. Baa says Kavya is better in provoking people. Kinjal says Kavya is changing for good. Samar hopes Kavya gets better. Baa says they can’t expect too much from Thakurji. Kinjal says they should order cake. Baa says Malvika’s choice cake. Pakhi says she will bake cake as they are soul sisters. Samar says Malvika is sweet but weird and hopes there won’t be any problem in the party because of her.

Malvika thank Anuj and Anu for convincing investors. Anu asks what did she do? She brought something special and asks what comes always with Anu? Vanraj jokes her brother. Malvika says that is there, she is talking about Anu’s lucky feet, she is a laxmi of business. Anuj says its laxmi of the house. Malvika says she likes their business acumen in romantic style. Anu and Anuj shy. Malvika then thank Vanraj for understanding her point. Vanraj says its okay as he has no other option than understanding till he becomes a big businessman like Anuj. Malvika get serious. He laugh. 

Kavya invites them all for new year party at Shah house and messages Malvika she can skip the party if she wants to. Malvika reply she doesn’t want to attend party. Kavya seeks Nandini’s help in organizing new year party. Nandini refuse at first but then remembering Samar’s advice to keep a cordial relationship with her aunt agrees and asks if everything is fine between she and uncle? Kavya says he doesn’t even talk to her properly and cry that she married twice and suffered a heartbreak, situation worsened with Malvika’s entry. 

Back at office, Vanraj think even he needs to become a big businessman at any cost. 

Anuj tells Anu that he wanted to celebrate new year only with her, but he can’t as Mukku will stay at home; she shouldn’t spoil her party because of him and should enjoy party with her family. Anu ask what if she convinces Malvika to attend party? Anuj says she hasn’t since years. Anu says if god wills, Mukku will be happy this new year. He ask if she will try for Mukku? She says even for him, anything for him. He feels nervous. She acts as busy at work. Aye Mere Hum Safar Ek Zara Intezar…song plays in the background.

Kavya says Toshu and Kinjal’s relationship, she and Vanraj’s relationship, and even Baa and Bapuji’s relationship were at stake in Shah house, so Nandini should stay in a different house with Samar after marriage; if she takes her advice, she shouldn’t marry at all as love vanish after marriage. Samar hears their conversation. 

Anu walks away blushing. Anuj think he was flirting and Anu was blushing. Anu continues blushing and calls him Bholuram. Song continues in the background.

Precap: Anu plays a game with Malvika, wins, and requests her to attend new year party. Later, Malvika gets a panic attack seeing a man physically harassing his girlfriend. Anuj notices Malvika’s depression medicines. Anu tries to comfort panicked Malvika and asks what happened that night. Anuj says he is responsible for Mukku’s condition as he got her married to a beast.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm 

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