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Kinjal bring tea to serve to family when Malvika get in shouting Raj to surprise Vanraj and Kinjal drops it in shock. Family rush to Kinjal concerned. Malvika apologizes. Leela scold her that her surprise will give someone heart attack one day and asks if she came to frighten people or something else also? Malvika tells Raj that she worked on their project the whole night and decided that their Mumbai project will be their first project and they will go to Mumbai. Vanraj ask if she asked Anuj? Malvika says there is no need for that as even Anuj doesn’t discuss his projects with her. Alarm beeps. Vanraj reminds its her medicine time. Malvika says her medicine is at home. Vanraj says he has it and offers her medicine. Leela and Hasmukh look at each other’s face in concern seeing their growing proximity. Kavya walk down. Malvika greet her. Kavya ignores her, informs Baa that she is going to office, and walk away. Vanraj complain that she was always behind him before she got a job and now showing attitude. Malvika says even she felt that. Vanraj says let us go to office and study the file, informs Baa, ask Toshu to join him directly in the office and walk away with Malvika. Baa and Bapuji get concerned seeing his growing proximity.

Anuj inform Anu that even doctor is surprised seeing Mukku’s progress. Anu says its good, counseling helped even in Pakhi’s case, she will speak to Mukku today. Anuj says even he wanted to, but don’t know where she went early morning. Anu says they can in office. Anuj asks if he is over reacting. Anu says a person get wrong with a wrong company and before Mukku changes her behavior for worse in Vanraj’s company, they should speak to her. Vanraj rashly drives his car aside Anu. Anuj rescues Anu on time. Vanraj acts and apologizes and says its good that she is not hurt. Anuj says it would have been bad for Vanraj if Anu was hurt as he can not tolerate anyone hurting his dear ones. Vanraj showing his evil expression walk away saying of course and thinks he was taking baby steps and now its time to run.

Kavya clash with Vanraj breaking his goggles. He shouts at her to break everything. Kavya says breaking is his job and Mukku joined him, she didn’t hear anything in the morning, that doesn’t mean she is blind. Once she leaves, Vanraj walks to Malvika and thanks her for giving a green signal to Mumbai project. Malvika says his conviction gave her confidence and she is sure he is going to kill it. 

Back Shah house, Baa asks Bapuji to speak to Anu regarding Malvika’s behavior. Kinjal hearing them says everyone are professional there. Bapuji says Anu already told that she is trying, he can’t put more pressure on her, so Baa should speak to her son instead. Baa feels pity for her poor son. Bapuji says her son is a lot except pity, and if she will not, he will speak.

Malvika enjoys pani puri with Anu and shouts its too spicy. Anu gives her dry puris and says she is feeling happy seeing her happy. Malvika gives credit to Raj. Anu says she needs to talk. Malvika says even she wants to. They both compete, and Anu wins. Malvika says she want to speak first though. Anu permits her. Malvika says she loves Raj, she doesn’t know what must have happened between Anu and Raj. Anu remembering the incidents says she will. Malvika stops her and says whatever may have happened between them, they are are friends now, and when Raj can accept Anu and Anuj’s relationship, why can’t they; Raj is too good. Anu says she doesn’t know him well. Malvika says she knows, he accepts all his mistakes and is too honest, she likes honest people, Raj didn't judge her by her past, she feels her life is easy with him. She finally excitedly says she likes Raj, not like a normal friend but a special one. Anu is shocked to hear that and remembers Vanraj trapping Malvika. Malvika says she knows Anu’s opinion regarding them is different, but that is okay; she doesn’t want to be a stepmother of children just 2 years younger to her and is not interested in anything else except Raj. She requests her not to inform Anuj or else he will become DDLJ’s Bauji. Anu asks how can she? Malvika pleads not to.
Anuj gets angry hearing their conversation. Vanraj feels thrilled thinking his plan worked and nobody can stop him. Anuj angrily breaks soda bottles. Anu notices him and questions what happened? Anuj says Vanraj ruined Anu’s life before and now is trying to ruin his sister’s life; he doesn’t care about Vanraj’s age or status, but doesn’t like his evil nature; he can give his life for Anu and can kill anyone for his sister. Anu try to calm him down and says he should listen to her once before doing anything. Anuj says if she had not overheard them, would she had informed everything to him? She says she doesn’t know. He ask if she means no? She says maybe. He walk away. She thinks every person should get a second chance in the world, but Mr Shah doesn’t deserve any chance.

Vanraj is surprised to see Bapuji on Leela’s swing and questions him. Bapuji says when his mind is not stable, it wanders. Vanraj asks if there is any problem? Bapuji says he is the problem and asks him to sit; says when he was small, he had issues of electric bills, house expenses, kids’ education, etc., but since he got married, only he is a problem. Vanraj asks him to be specific. Bapuji says he wants to say a lot, but when he couldn’t understand earlier, what will he understand now; asks why Malvika was discussing about opening restaurants in Mumbai without completing the projects here? Vanraj says work has just started here. Bapuji ask then why is he going to Mumbai? Vanraj says Mukku wants to open restaurants in Mumbai and as he knows investor’s words are final. Bapuji asks since when he started listening to others, whoever has invested, he does what he wants like he is doing even this time. Vanraj says whatever he is think is not true. Bapuji says it would be better, he should just concentrate on work ethically and is not immature to not understand his untold words. Vanraj think Bapuji is talking about Mukku, he is not interested in Mukku and is just focused on his goal, Mukku is just a pawn for him, Kavya and Anupama must have provoked Bapuji to say this.

Anu walk to Anuj’s room to speak to him and seeing him asleep thinks of talking to him tomorrow. She calls Bapuji and apologizes for disturbing him at this time. Bapuji asks if everything is alright there? She thinks its not, but she doesn’t want to discuss it with him; she says she just wanted to talk to him. Bapuji thinks he knows even she is tensed regarding Vanraj and Malvika’s growing proximity; says its good she called as even he wanted to talk to her. Anu asks if everything is alright here? Bapuji says not completely alright, but hopes it will soon. Anu says if not, they will make it right. Bapuji says she need not worry until her father is there and says he will keep the phone now or else Leela will wake up, thinks he understands her even if she doesn’t speak and pray to god to protect her new life.
The next morning, Anu sees Anuj silent and ask if he is angry? He says yes. She ask for not informing him about she and Mukku’s conversation? He says even he hid many things from her, so its okay. She says Mukku didn’t get out of her room since last night, so they should speak to her once she comes out. Malvika walk out with a backpack. Anuj get tensed and asks where is she going? She says relax guys, she is not running way from home, they both are going to Mumbai to check a site for new restaurant. Anuj ask both means she and Vanraj? She jokes and says he should chill as they will return by evening. Vanraj rings bell and walk in. Malvika says she used to say since childhood that her Raj will come, at last he came. Vanraj says cab is waiting. Malvika leave. Vanraj grinning at Anuj and Anupama greets them bye and closes door. Anuj says this is not done, they need to stop this; even they had visited Mumbai, but Vanraj is not like Anuj and Malvika not like Anu. She ask him to calm down. Anuj says he can not let the evil manipulate his sister; Mukku doesn’t trust anyone easily, but when she does, she does completely; he doesn’t trust Vanraj. Anu says Mukku must have met many people like Vanraj before and knows how to handle them. Anuj says Vanraj knows how to hide his evilness and manipulate people easily, he can not let Vanraj manipulate Mukku. Anu says what if Malvika had lied that she is going on a meeting and left, she herself informed yesterday and even today, so instead of getting angry, they should think well and act. He says its difficult. She says she is with him always in every difficult situation.

In cab, Vanraj ask Malvika if her brother or Anu said something regarding her Mumbai trip? She says why would they, she usually runs away uninformed and today she informed, so they are not surprised. He says they will be surprised a lot soon, pauses and then says, seeing their success. She says exactly, Vanika rock.

Hasmukh tells Leela that every relationship has its limits and shouldn’t be crossed, he thinks of discussing with Anu and Anuj about their marriage, Anu gained respect in Anuj’s house, but only a relationship which has a name will stay forever; so he will try to speak to them. Leela think if they are staying together, they should, but…

Anu notice Anuj tensed and ask Anuj if they can go out? Anuj asks in this situation. She describes Toshu and Samar’s childhood story and says he should stop worrying as issue can not be solve by just sitting down and worrying, so he should move on and relax. He ask where is she taking him for a date? She nervously says she didn’t. He will only on a date, its decided that Anu will take Anuj on a date. After sometime, Anu gets ready and walks down. She calls Mukku and thinks she must be in flight. Anuj walks to her wearing funky youth casual clothes. She asks why did he get so much ready when they are not going on a date? He says even men want to look good. She asks what will people say? He says they will think what is a classical lady doing with a funky man? Their nok jhok starts, and they laugh.

After finishing a business meeting, Vanraj ask Malvika to accept the deal as its too good. Malvika looks skeptical. He says investors are ready and even project, so she should say yes; hopes she says yes. She says no, leaving him in shock.

Precap: Anuj slips and is about to fall from a cliff when Anu holds him and worriedly asks what if he had fallen down. He says nothing will happen until she is with him. Malvika informs Anuj that their Mumbai project will start soon, so she and Vanraj will shift to Mumbai in a week. Anuj orders her to end her partnership with Vanraj. Anupama confronts Vanraj that he is playing with Mukku’s feelings. Vanraj says he is not interested in love and affairs and is just focused on his goal. Malvika says he is right, its not his mistake, but even then she is breaking their partnership.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm 

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