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Malvika sees Vanraj busy at work and thinking of mischief try to frighten him from behind, but he doesn’t get afraid. She ask why didn’t he get afraid? He says he is habituated to her now and apologizes that her festival and mood are spoilt because of Kavya. She says its okay as new year was spoilt because of her and says she is not judging his rude behavior with Kavya as he is harsh but honest and she respects him for that. He says thank god at least someone think he is right as everyone think Kavya is a victim and he is a villain; he made many mistakes and has many defects in him, everyone does mistakes; why women are spared and men are targeted always; he is tired of this and feel sad that he has to justify himself to his family. She try to lift him saying just told he is tired. He says she will lift up if she try to lift him up. She says he looks slim but is very heavy and walks away giving a smiley printout for him to cheer him up.

Kavya ask Anupama since she didn’t want to talk to Leela and Hasmukh, they sent Anu to share the pearls of knowledge. Anu says she came to meet Nandini and ask Nandini why didn’t she leave when Samar threw engagement ring and ask Kavya why did she return and created a drama at Sankranti festival venue? Kavya says she should look at herself before giving lectures to others, she herself chose self-respect and fought for it. Anu says they should fight for their self-respect and proudly seek answers to their question instead of running away silently like thieves; she is sorry if they found her words as gyaan. Kavya seek her help for being earlier Kavya who was strong and self confident.

Malvika with a serious look asks Kavya what is the secret of her fair and clear skin and then laughs. She welcomes and wishes her all the best, says now there is more competitive pressure on her, she feels hungry whenever she is stress and goes to have a something. Kavya goes to meet HR.

Anu return to office with Kavya. Vanraj gets angry and asks Anupama why is this woman here? Anupama says Kavya will work with them in their project. Vanraj shout. Anuj ask him to be easy. Anu says everyone does mistakes, so does he and when he got a second chance, why can’t Kavya? Anuj says Anu is right. Malvika says she knows Kavya is capable. Kavya thank Malvika, Anu, and Anuj and says she will not disappoint this time as its her last chance. Vanraj think Anu brought Kavya on his head to keep him away from Malvika. Anu think she didn’t bring Kavya to keep him away from Mukku but wants him to reform himself and prays god to give him some good conscience. Vanraj burns in anger remembering Anu’s words and thinks she did really wrong.

Nandini in dilemma pray to god to give her a sign on what to do next. She sees a couple passing by laughing LOL and remembers Samar LOL. She runs to Samar, hugs him tightly emotionally, and says she LOLs him; she wants to live lots of life, lots of love with him; she thought of going far away from him and sought a sign from universe, she got a LOL sign and got everything clear; she LOLs him. She insists Samar to speak. Samar shouts what should he say after so much happened; every couple fight and reconcile, but they talk about breakups; he is scared of their ego; they are equal in their talents but also ego; she stopped when she got a signal from universe, what if she hadn’t; what if they fight again and she she gets a negative universal signal, they didn’t think once before breaking their relationship, so they should think once again before reviving their relationship. She nods yes and walks away in opposite direction.
Anu thank Anuj for accepting her request and giving a second chance to Kavya. Anuj says its also her project and she must have thought well before rehiring Kavya. He hopes Kavya and Vanraj’s personal problems don’t affect their professional lives. She says its also her project. He says they need to be careful, Mr and Mrs Shah are not too bad but also not too good. Anu think they need to be careful, especially from Mr Shah.

Leela fears there would be an upcoming dhamaka as Kavya, Vanraj, and Mukku are working under same roof. She ask why did Anu give Kavya a job in Vanraj’s office instead of somewhere else? Hasmukh says even Anu must have thought about it before giving Kavya a job. Vanraj return home frowning while Kavya silently follows him. Baa says she was fearing this. Vanraj and Kavya sit opposite directions. 

Malvika remind Anu and Anuj its time to go home. Anuj says he has a lot of work pending and hence will come late. Anu says she will come with Anuj. 

Vanraj reminisces all the recent events while lying on the bed.

Anuj and Anupama continue to work till late night at the office. Anu falls asleep on sofa. Anuj drapes his blazer around her and falls alseep on the other side of sofa. Mera Chand Mujhe Aaya Hai Nazar.. song plays in the background. Anu wakes up and drapes blazer on him and falls asleep on another sofa. Anuj wakes up, drapes blazer on Anu again, and falls asleep again snoring. Anu in sleep asks him stop snoring and let her sleep. The next morning, Malvika returns to office and wakes them up in her witty style. She offers them fresh clothes and tooth paste brush and ask Anu to prepare sandwich for them for breakfast. Anuj says tea would be better with sandwich. Anu agrees. Malvika asks if Kavya came as its her first day of work. Anu nod no. Malvika goes to check on Vanraj. Anuj and Anu notice desk messed up and clean it. She nervously asks if she snored last night? He says does she? She says she sometimes when she is too tired. He says same with him and says its good Mukku brought clothes to change or else it would have been time waste. Anu says if they work hard like this, their restaurant will be launched soon. He says it would be better than they thought as she is with him. She says he is with her.
Vanraj gets ready for office and asks Toshu if he is ready? Toshu says he will come later as he as a meeting with architect. Kavya gets into Vanraj’s car and says when they are going to same place, why can’t they go together. He frown. Leela ask Toshu to go with Vanraj. Toshu says he is going for site visit. Leela says Kavya and Vanraj will fight again if they go alone. Toshu says they will not change with his advice, so he doesn’t want to interfere.

While having breakfast, Malvika taunts Anu and Anuj when are they marrying? Anu feels nervous. Anuj says Anu told her that she can’t be doing this all the time. Vanraj walk in. Malvika says she forgot that he has a meeting with Vanraj. Anuj ask Vanraj to join them for breakfast. Vanraj says its okay. Anu offers him breakfast. He says he already had breakfast. She says he hasn’t. He says when she can sense he is hungry, why can’t she sense whom he likes around. She says she is not his babysitter to check what he eats and whom he meets, she just asked him out of concern. Kavya enters and takes Anu’s signatures on HR documents. Vanraj gets jealous noticing that and tells Mukku that her Mumbai restaurant proposal is good and they should go ahead as Mumbai is the best place from business point of view. Malvika says she bounced this idea just like that and if he liked it, let's do it. He says she is the final authority. He says he has more experience and intelligence, so lets do it. Anupama says both partners should take a decision together. Anuj says experience counts in business along with fresher approach, so they should think well before taking any step. Malvika says she will. Anu suggests her to launch Ahmedabad project first. Vanraj taunts relationship or business, they should speak only if they are dear ones, he means Mukku doesn’t need any babysitter. He tells Mukku that having food together is okay, but they should separate business and personal relationship. Mukku says they are competitors. Vanraj smirks at Anu. Anu says though project is Mukku’s, she is her dear one, so she advised her to launch Ahmedabad project first and then think of Mumbai. Anuj says Anu is right. Malvika shouts that he has become wife’s slave even before marriage, its their project and they will take a decision; she tells Vanraj that they should go ahead and can discuss about it in next conference room. Vanraj grinning at Anu wishes her all the best and walk away. Anuj tells Anu that though Mumbai project looks like a professional decision, but it seems a personal grudge. She says yes, Mr Shah is up to something.

Malvika notices Vanraj’s venting out his frustration on laptop keyboard and questions him. He says fate brings him repeatedly in front of people whom he wants to stay away from; he started business with her, she turned out to be Anuj’s sister; Anu is already present here, now Kavya also joined; he doesn’t speak, but it hurt even him; everyone want him to reconcile with Kavya, but he doesn’t want to; if Kavya had demanded a divorce, everyone would have asked him to let her move on, but when he want to, they are making Kavya a victim; everyone have double standards; he can not tolerate Kavya at home and now has to tolerate her even in the office. Malvika says Kavya needed a job. Vanraj says Anu would have gotten her a job at some other office, she did it purposefully. Malvika says he should ignore her whenever she comes in front of him. He says she will remind him of their fights and bitter memories and Malvika knows better how a person feels when a person’s bitter memories haunt her/him. He says Kavya threatened to file a fake domestic violence case on him and send his family to jail; not only woman can be a victim always, even man can; Kavya tricked and took away his property, he didn’t file a case against her due to his good nature; even men feel pain when they are hurt. He shows his evil expression seeing Malvika getting affected by his victim card play. Malvika says these things happen, so they should move on and concentrate on work; they can even change the office, but she doesn’t want to right now as Anu suggested to face her fear fiercely; she is there for his support always. He walk away seeing his plan failing and fumes seeing Kavya and Anu together.

Precap: Anu tells Anuj that she is going home and will return in 1 hour. She visits Shah house with Kavya. Vanraj yells she brought back this woman home. Anu says this woman’s name is Kavya Vanraj Shah. Vanraj with his usual evil expression says a sautan and enemy become a friend. Anuj shows a dry rose and tells Anu that he wanted to give it to her 26 years ago. She says its very special for her. Malvika tells Anuj that if Raj has problem in Anuj’s office, she will change the office. Anuj says he should do something. Anu says he shouldn’t do anything which will make Mukku go against him.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm 

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