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Kinjal praise grandfather for decorating the house beautifully for Anupama’s birthday. Hasmukh says they all did it. Dolly says she prepared tea and snacks and will not let sister inlaw work on her birthday. Leela get jealous and says they didn’t show similar excitement on her birthday, what is the difference between she and Anupama? Jignesh joke it's like a difference between pooja coconut and bomb. Leela warn him to stop joking. Meenu says grandmother is jealous. Leela taunt not to become like her mother. Dolly says she should become like Anupama. She says Vanraj and Toshu have gone to office. Sanjay says he doesn’t think they will come. Hasmukh says it's good if they don’t come or else they will spoil party mood. Dolly taunt Leela that mummy can also do it and if she think so, she should visit cafe with her friends and chill.

Anu with Anuj heads towards Shah house. He stare at her smiling. She ask what is he looking at? He says happiness, it's good he doesn’t have his big red car now as he would have crashed it staring at her face. Their cute nok jhok starts. 
Vanraj and Toshu return home. Hasmukh ask why did he they return so early? Vanraj says their meeting finished, so they came home early and will work from home. Family except Leela get sad seeing them. Vanraj grin and taunt that they can enjoy outsider’s birthday but can not force insiders to stay out and ask where is the birthday girl? Anu with Anuj visits Shah house. Anu notice door closed and ask why is the door closed today? Anuj says he think they want to surprise her, even he is waiting for his surprise/proposal. Vanraj open door and ask if they are thinking what is he doing here, he via balcony saw them coming and hence thought of performing Anupama ji’s aarti on auspicious Anupama's birthday. Anu taunts back that aarti is performed of big people. He says finally she accepted that he is bigger than her boyfriend. Anu says he is definitely bigger in his betrayal, shamelessness, superego, so should she perform his aarti? Vanraj stand frowning. 

Anu enter inside the house pushing Vanraj out of the way while Anuj follow her smiling Anu get happy seeing, leaving Vanraj frowning the more.  Anu get happy seeing the decoration and so many gift for her. Hasmukh warn her to party first and then open gifts. She says she needs blessings first, takes his blessings and try to take Leela’s blessings, but jealous Leela swing on her swing ignoring her. Anu forcefully touch her feet and hug her tightly and kisses her until she blesses and wishes her happy birthday. Leela shouts why is she misbehaving. Anu says it's her love and says she feels as if its her first birthday. She forcefully makes Toshu and Kavya wish her happy birthday and taunts Vanraj that whether he wishes or her not doesn’t matter to her as his presence doesn’t matter to her anymore. She then ask about Pakhi. Hasmukh says her friend’s mother Sheena is hospitalized, so she went there. Anu says she is ready to cut the cake. Anuj think even he is ready. Anu says before starting all this, she wants to announce something. 

Samar blindfold her and shows her happy birthday Anupama written on the floor with flowers and lamp. Anu rejoices more hearing that, the whole family recites a poem snippet for her, making her more happy and emotional. She says she got all the happiness with interest at once in return, she doesn’t know how to handle it. Jignesh jokes to look at Leela. Anu thanks everyone and holding a sindhoor bottle says she wants to announce something and is about to reveal it when Kinjal collapses, the whole family rush to her. Anu wakes her up and ask if she is fine? Leela says young girls are mad behind intermittent fasting and ask Samar to make her rest and call the doctor. Anu makes her rest and asks if she is fine. Kinjal says yes. Leela gets her glucose water and scold her not to starve herself again in lieu of losing weight. Anupama sensing something is wrong asks them to go out and let her sit with Kinjal. Family waits in living room worried for her. Leela return and says she is fine, but Rakhi will not spare them if she comes to know about it. Anuj feel sad and tell GK that Anu was almost announcing about their marriage, but stopped. GK says its a comma and not full stop. Kinjal reveal to Anu that she is pregnant.
Kinjal inform Anupama that she found out that she is pregnant on the morning of valentine's day itself and was eager to inform her on her birthday, but she ruined her own surprise. Anupama says this is the best surprise. Anuj looking at the diamond ring think both the groom and barat are ready, Anu should say yes. Anu rejoices to hear that she is becoming a grandmother and says she feel as if she came to this house yesterday and today she has become a grandmother. She says a woman has many stages of life, first a daughter, then wife, then mother, and then grandma; grandma is the highest stage of life. She continues sharing her happiness. Kinjal says she doesn’t know if she can be a good mother like her. Anu says she will be a better mother than her as she is well educated and intelligent. She says mother’s duty is to scold and grandma’s duty is to spoil the kid.

Jignesh sprinkles water on Leela and says didi got conscious. Leela says Kinjal stumbled and not her and ask everyone not to worry as Anu is with Kinjal. Vanraj notices Anuj blushing and thinks what must be the reason? Kinjal complain to Anu that she sees Vanraj and Toshu always frowning at home and hence afraid of informing them about the good news, she says it's Anu’s duty now to reveal the good news to them. Hasmukh informs Dolly that Anu expressed her feelings for Anuj. Dolly shows thumbs up to Anuj, and Anuj blush more. Anu walk down and happily dances on Dholida.. song. Leela taunt she is dancing as if she is becoming a PM. Anu says its a bigger news than that, Toshu and Kinjal are becoming parents and she is becoming grandmother, the whole family rejoices hearing that. 

Kavya hopes Vanraj learns from Toshu and find time for love. GK tells Anuj that news is good, but Shah family’s timing is really bad; he thought Anu will announce she and Anuj’s wedding. Anuj says even he thought same, but anyways this happiness is bigger than their happiness. He says its great that he became a boyfriend recently and hasn’t become a husband yet, but became a grandfather before that. He hopes he becomes a husband soon. Family starts dancing around Kinjal. Anu notice Anuj and includes him in dance. Samar tells Anu that she got such a big gift on her birthday. 

Kinjal ask if she wanted to inform them something. Samar says its her turn now. Anuj eagerly wait. Anu says her online class website is lunched and already many admission are done. Anuj and Hasmukh feel disappointed hearing that. Vanraj ask if she surely wanted to make such a small announcement. Hasmukh says it's not a small announcement and congratulates Anupama. Everyone clap for Anu. Anu remind Leela that her grandma had prepared a lotus seed/makhana snack for her when she got pregnant, she will prepare that snack for Kinjal. Kavya says they don’t have lotus seed at home. Anu says she will get it from market and walk on road remembering all the recent discussions. She break down and thinks she couldn’t she express her happiness as she didn’t want to ruin Kinjal’s happiness, she couldn’t say that would be grandma wants to marry.

Precap: Anuj says becoming grandma is a big news, so she couldn’t express her feelings. She nods yes. He says he and his sindhoor bottle cannot wait for long and says once he holds her hand, he will never leave it. She emotionally hugs him. Samar presents 45-dish thali to Anupama on her 45th birthday. Rakhi enters dancing, stunning Shahs and Anupama.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm 

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