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Laxmi come to Guddan says I know you’re hurtm but you are so strong. Guddan says I trust AJ. He gives me this strength. Durga says wow Guddan, how stupid are you Antara is AJ’s first wife, she has right on AJ. Your love can’t defeat her, for how long would you stop him? Their relationship is older.

Antara bring AJ to their room, she ask do you like it? 

Durga says open your eyes, she she is AJ’s past present and future, she loves AJ madly. AJ won't be able to stop himself from going so close to her, tomorrow will bring you the truth. 

Antara come close to AJ, she says time took our past from us but not our present. 

Guddan circle money on Durga, she says this isn’t for bad eye, tomorrow will bring more trust for my husband in my heart, all your efforts would go in vain and I won't feel bad for you. Durga says AJ won't be able to stop himself. I will show you Guddan, you are the third wheel.

AJ comes out of the room, he stands in the balcony. Guddan sees him. Antara comes and takes him inside. She hug AJ. AJ says this isn’t right Antara, she says I am your wife Antara. AJ says I am sorry I can’t do this. Antara ask why? I thought I was over thinking but I had this feeling that you don’t love me anymore, tell me do you love me or not? Who is it? Who took you from me. AJ says yes there is someone. The one you called guest is my wife. She is Guddan Akshat Jindal, no one took me from you. You left my life. You were my past and she is my present. Antara faint. AJ is dreaming all this.

Durga says to Guddan pray for AJ’s strength tonight. Guddan says do you have any shame are you listening to me? Durga says I brought this cold milk for you. Guddan says I don't need anything. I trust my husband. Durga says do you know what wedding night is? How would you, you and AJ are friends only. AJ is a man how would you stop him from going to Antara? Drink this milk and sleep alone, get used to sleeping alone. Guddan spill the milk on Durga, she says your dirty mentality won't be clean with water so I thought I should try milk, you are the eldest DIL yet you have no shame, you are saying all this about your FIL and MIL. Let me repeat again, I trust my husband and I know he respects this relationship.

Antara says why are you behaving weirdly? AJ says your wait made me weird. I waited and missed you every moment, it only gave me pain, but time doesn’t stop for anyone. I didn’t want any changes, but time changed me. He recall how he met Guddan. AJ says the AJ you knew was only yours but.. Antara says but he changed? I know it’s not easy. I know time changed you but the only thing that didn’t change is your love for me, all this pain, I will turn it into happiness, she hug him. Antara says this distance will bring us together. AJ leave the room. Antara sit in tears.
Durga recalls her insult, she put water on her head. Saru says what are you doing and this milk... Durga says Guddan did this and she won. Antara couldn’t come close to AJ. She said Antara can’t come between she and AJ, but what if we remove Guddan from between? We have to tell Antara. Saru says but she would die. Durga says someone has to take the pain so Guddan can be blamed, tomorrow will be their last day of love.

AJ comes to Guddan’s room, he says what is my shirt doing on the bed? She says you take so much space on the bed that I got used to sleeping on one side, so I kept it here. Guddan slip on him. AJ says you won’t have to live alone for long. She says did I ask? I didn’t mind anything. I know you are in trouble. He says thank you.

Antara sees the old photos. She says these look so good. Durga says you and AJ look good together, and your hand marks are still in the temple. Antara says yes this house couldn’t forget me. Let me go and see them, she sees another set of hands. She says are these for DILs? She ask all DILs to put hands on them but the size of the palm doesn’t match. Antara says come here Guddan. Saru says she is a guest. Antara says let me just check. Antara ask Guddan to put hand on it. The size matches. Guddan is worried. Antara says maa... What are her hands mark doing here? What’s happening here? Gudan says this was a mistake. I was doing pooja and I did this. Antara says these were my right. These were my hands, how could you have yours next to mine? Stay in your limits. Remove them from your own hands now. AJ come and stop Antara. He hold Guddan’s hand. He says Guddan won’t remove anything. She has an understanding of all relationship. She is saving your life with all this. Guddan says but.. AJ says I can’t stay silent anymore. Antara says leave her hand. AJ says I won’t leave my wife’s hand. Antara says what... He says Antara, Guddan is my wife. Guddan Akshat Jindal, MIL of this house. She was living here as a guest to save your life, this house is hers and these marks are her right as well. Antara starts crying. AJ says I am sorry I know you’re in pain. Life and time have changed in all these years, we hid it for your health. Antara says you married someone else? Dadi says you wrote these letters to AJ. You asked him to get married, you wanted him to move forward in life with a partner who can make his heart beat again. and remove the pain of your loss from his heart. Guddan is that person. Antara says I wrote all this but I didn’t know time will bring me back. AJ says I am sorry. Dadi says as your last wish, he agreed to this marriage, their marriage had to go through a lot and then we kept their wedding, it was their engagement when you came. they lied to save your life. Antara leave. Guddan says I have to do something big to fix all this.
Guddan pull gun on AJ. AJ says what are you doing. Guddan says sorry but I have to shoot you. Everyone is in shock. Guddan pull the trigger. Guddan shoot AJ. Aj’s chest bleeds.

Sometime back, Antara locked herself in the room. AJ and Guddan asked her to open the door. AJ says Antara please open the door. Guddan says we can explain to you please talk to us. Dadi says Antara, please. Antara sit down on the bed and recall what AJ said about Guddan being his wife. Antara is crying. Antara look at her old photos and sobs. Guddan says please open the door. She recalled everything. Guddan says I am really scared. I told you not to tell her why did you... Guddan sees smoke coming out of the room. Dadi says what is this did Antara... AJ break the door and come in. Antara is on the door. She has burned her photo. AJ says what is this? Antara says let this past burn, you were right, time stopped for me but life kept moving for you, you did what you had to and what I asked you. When you never left my hand how can I expect you to leave Guddan’s. She hold their hands together. She says your life partner helped you in that lonely life, how can I end this relationship? I just want to see you happy, and your happiness is Guddan. I accept Guddan as your wife, she hug Guddan and says thank you for taking care of Akshat. Saru says to Durga what is happening here? Antara says I will complete the engagement that stopped because of me. Guddan says you understood everything that’s enough. AJ says you don’t have to do all this. Antara say I will be happy if you are. Durga wonder what is happening.

Saru come to meet Perv. He says you said Antara came back and Guddan’s chapter will be over, but everything is going wrong. I have to do something now. Saru says please stay away from Guddan. Perv says she ruined my life. I will make her life miserable. I will make Guddan shoot AJ. I will do anything for it. He hit himself. Saru scream for help. Police come in and take him to hospital. Saru wonder what is he doing. What is his plan?

The engagement preparation start. Guddan says you shouldn’t do all this. I know it must be hurting you. Antara says I am only doing what’s right. Saru says what is this that Perv is planning? Antara says where is florist? Guddan says he is here. Perv come in disguised as a florist. Guddan says your face looks familiar. Antara says go fix the flowers in the temple. Perv say you must have a relative familiar looking to me. 

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm 

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