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Dadi considered you my daughter is this how you are returning my respect? You are here only because AJ said so. Stay away from AJ and Antara’s life. After the wedding go from this house and leave my family. Antara stand with AJ. Saru says to Antara I did what you asked. Antara says good. Saru says I thought you would appreciate but well you’re giving me money. But why did you ask it? Antara says I don’t trust Guddan. She wore my clothes. Why? And her husband isn’t around. Something is wrong. AJ come and says milk.. Saru leave. He says I got you milk. She says there were so many servants. He says I want to live the old times with you again. He hug her. AJ says you never care for your health. He makes her drink the milk.

Saru says thank God AJ didn’t hear us. I should thank Antara. I am safe with her. She sleep.

AJ call everyone in hall. Dadi says where are Antara and Saru? He says I gave them sleeping pill. Dadi says they are part of our family. AJ says they are not family to us. This is about them. Guddan was right all this time. Antara fooled us. I can’t see Guddan being insulted when I know she is right. Dadi says she is fooling you. AJ says she showed me Antara’s reality. It was all Antara’s plan. We fell prey to her games. Guddan is innocent. He tells her everything. Dadi says oh God. I kept thinking my Guddan was wrong. How could I do such a mistake. Dadi says I don’t know how to apologize to you Guddan. You can punish me. Guddan says no Dadi.. Dadi says forgive me. Guddan hug her. Guddan says I got your love back I don’t need anything else.
Guddan says I have your trust back. It isn’t your mistake. It is Antara’s mistake. AJ says we will take everything back from her and punish her. No one should give any clue to her. Dadi says how could she stoop so low? I want to kick her out of this house. Guddan says I will get you that chance. We all have to stand by each other. They all swear on Guddan’s hand. Dadi says you and AJ are together. I know you two can do it together.

Saru says my head hurt. Antara says my head hurt too. Saru says why is everyone else normal? Did anyone give us sleeping pill? Antara says I would find out if any such thing happened. She takes out her camera and says let’s see what happened behind us. Laxmi and Durga see her. They tell Guddan. Guddan says I will stop her from seeing the footage. Antara plug in the camera in her laptop. Guddan come there with smoke. Antara cough and says what are you doing? She run out. Guddan try to take her laptop. Antara comes in and says go from here. Antara plays the video. Someone comes in with band baja. Antara goes downstairs. Guddan comes to Antara’s room. Antara says what is all this? Rawat says AJ’s friend is coming. AJ comes in disguised as someone else and says I am AJ’s friend bhabhi. He says I know myself very well, hence I welcome myself. You are beautiful. I know AJ’s choice. I can recognize diamonds. Antara says I never met you before. He says I have munh dikai for you. He gives her diamonds and says with lots of love bhabhi. Antara says this? He says they are worth of 5 crores. I will give you better gifts in the wedding. I am a special one’s friend. Angad says he has a huge business. Guddan says in heart I know Antara you would lure hearing about this money. Antara says I have never met someone so rich. He says all of you are here. Guddan says in heart he is doing such over acting. He meet the boys and Dadi. He says Dadi.. Dadi says come to meet me sometime. He says yes my brother’s wedding. Antara says everyone knows you? Dadi says they became friends after you left. He is busy with business all the time. AJ says who is this girl? Antara says she is caretaker. Guddan says she is right. AJ says you’re beautiful.

AJ says to Guddan you asked me to do all this. She says you were overacting. He says why are you over reacting? He says I had to put in effots. Guddan says you will do what I ask you. You handle your character, I will handle rest of the drama. He says she called you servant. Guddan says you used to trust her. He says I can’t change it. Guddan says we can never be back to what we were either. we are only together to expose her. He says I can’t change past, I can change future. I will bring that check.
Guddan says I need to control. she eats sugar. Dadi says what are you doing. She says I am stressed. Dadi says I know you are worried because of AJ’s acting. dadi hugs her. Saru sees them and says how is dadi hugging her? Something is wrong. Dadi sees Saru. She shoves her and says you can never have my trust back. I will never trust you. Stop doing this drama. Guddan realizes. She sees Saru too. Guddan says okay if you don’t consider me your daughter anymore. Laxmi says Saru you must be happy? She says yes to see Guddan this way. 

Saru says wow this man is so rich. He gave you such expensive rings. Can I touch them? Antra says I know your intentions very well. Saru says we are family. He is so rich. We can’t even count his money. Antara says hold it. He is rich but anyone can buy expensive things. But finding good things is an art. I am impressed. Antra try to see the footage. Mr. Honda comes in. He says bhahi ji my brother isn’t here. SO I thought I might get tea and some conversation from you. Antara says AJ doesn’t like tea. He likes coffee. He says my battery isn’t low like AJ. Antra switches off her laptop. AJ says I have to take the pen drive. Honda says if I were AJ, I would make a temple for you. She says you are flirting with your friend’s wife? He says just flirting with a beautiful girl. Antara says why didn’t you marry? He says never found love. A box falls on Antara’s foot. Honda holds her food and says I will apply medicine on it. He steals the pen drive and replaces it. Honda says here is the medicine.

Guddan come to her room. AJ is without shirt. She stop. AJ says you’re being shy like you are seeing me for the first time. He says I have gotten fat, can you tie my shirt? She says I don’t have time for all this. Guddan says stop acting like kids. AJ comes in front of her. Guddan has to button his shirt. He holds her waist. Guddan says you are only being Honda, don’t like you doing all this in real life. You can’t fix my broken heart with all this? AJ says tell me what can I do. She says you don’t trust me anymore. He says you dont’ love me? Guddan says I don’t love you anymore. If you loved me, you would trust me. She leaves. AJ says you love me, you can’t deny it. AJ says I will get your love back.

Antara says AJ you came home? Your friend Honda came. He left. AJ says I met him in the market. He had to leave for a meeting. Antra says he was interesting. Dadi says stay away from him. He isn’t that good. Antara says he is over-friendly. AJ goes to his room. AJ is wearing Honda’s shoes. Antara sees them. Aj comes to his room. He recalls what Guddan said. Antara come there and sees the shoes. Saru comes. Antara says look at these, AJ was wearing Honda’s shoes. AJ always wears black. Saru says ask AJ. Antara says no I have to think about it. I have to go to Honda. She leaves. Guddan hears all this. Guddan says before she finds are out they’re same person, I have to do something.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm

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