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AJ/Honda comes to the house. Guddan is on call. She is worried. Antara plays a song and dances around Honda. Guddan says God protect AJ. Honda says don’t come so close that I forget you are AJ’s wife. Antara says forget it. She says you once said you and AJ are same, so who cares? Antara comes close to him. 

Guddan says I shouldn’t have left him alone. She run home. Guddan comes home. 

Antara says did you like it? He says I loved it. Antara says on right price you can have more. He says you remind me of a wild cats. But I can’t have a cat on milk protection. I won’t burn my money over you. I know the anger in you. My hearts wanted to accept the offer but mind rejected it. Antara says I had to convince you once. But now if you don’t understand. Yes I killed my brother. Like I will kill you now. Antara stap AJ. Guddan comes there. She is shocked. Antara says you pay with your life for fooling me. Why did you mess with me? Guddan cry. Antara says this is how you pay if you take my money from me. Antara leaves. Guddan comes there. She says AJ please open your eyes. He smiles. Guddan says what is this? He says I told you, your love protects me. This is the knife I replaced it with Antara’s knife. The blood is fake too. Guddan says she could harm you. I was so worried. He says your love protects me. Guddan says we can talk about that later. He says Antara would try to remove the body from here. I will have to get out of here. Antara comes there. She pulls AJ’s body. She bring him to kitchen. Antara puts him in cold storage and locks it. Antara says I will take you from here later. She locks it. Guddan is scared, she says how wuold I get AJ out of it. Antara mops the floor. Guddan is worried. Antara leaves the house. Guddan try all the keys. Nothing works. She break the lock. Guddan says AJ open your eyes. AJ has fainted.
Antara comes to parking. Guddan screams. She says please open your eyes. Guddan gives him mouth to mouth resuscitation. He says I wanted you to do it. Guddan says you were fooling me? He says my breats are tied with yours, nothing can part us that easily. she says let’s go. Antra comes back in. AJ hides. She hears noise. antra says how is light off? Did someone come here. AJ and Guddan are hidden. Antara says the bulb fused. She is leaving.

Guddan says Antara what are you doing in store? Where is Honda? He came to meet you. Antara says I don’t know. Guddan says I want my ice cream. Who locked the freezer. Antra says this is my house. Don’t even touch anything. Antara says stay away from this house. Guddan says I am looking for my Honda. Guddan tells everyone. Dadi says how dare she try to stab AJ. Guddan says I told AJ she is dangerous but he never understands. Dadi says why don’t you listen to her. AJ says nothing can go wrong if we are together. Guddan says he always acts over smart. Antrra is a criminal. AJ says we will be careful now.

Antara look for the papers, she find them, she says finally I have what was mine. Now I will celebrate.

AJ says she would never know those are fake papers. Guddan says we have the real papers. Guddan says we have to make her open the lock. AJ says if you want her to be punished for killing Rawat we will have to expose her. Angad bring keymaker. He says no one can make key for this lock. It isn’t manufactured anymore.
Laxmi collides with Antara. Her bag falls. Antara says are you crazy. Can’t you see? She leaves. Laxmi calls Guddan and says Antara has the key.

Antara come home and checks the freezer. She says HOnda what did you do to yourself. You lost your life. You had to die. what would you do now? AJ says in heart be happy. Antara says enjoy the cold now. Bye. She leaves. Guddan gets AJ out of the freezer. She says are you okay? Laxmi says Guddan you saved us all. You didn’t give up like all of us did. AJ says yes Guddan. Guddan says laxmi told us about the key and that she is coming here. Laxmi changed the key in her bag. Laxmi says if you two are together Antra would be destroyed. Antara say wow I have the papers back and Honda is gone too. AJ comes there. Antra says now when I have everything I wont have to lose AJ. AJ video calls Guddan. Antra says Aj we should sleep together in the bed. Guddan says in heart it shouldn’t affect me. Antara says we are getting married soon. AJ says we will live together. Why should we be hasty then? Antra comes close to kiss AJ. She says let’s enjoy distance. She says okay I will wait. Antara leaves. AJ says to Guddan see.. Guddan says do what you want. You can do what you want. Focus on the plan. Guddan says we are so close to our win.

Antara is sleeping in her room. She hear noise. Antara try to wake AJ up. Antara comes to hall and says who is it? I am not scared of anything. She sees Honda’s body outside. Antara says this can’t be ture. Am I dreaming? She says no this is reality. Who got his body out? She sees Honda on the balcony. Antara screams. She runs and falls. Antara says this can’t be true. She opens the freezer. Honda is there. Dadi comes there. She says why are you so scared? Antara says nothing. Dadi says why are you in store room? Antara says nothing. Everything is perfect. She leaves. Guddan bring AJ out. Antara is coming there. Guddan and AJ have to hide in freezer. Guddan says it is so cold here. how do you stay here. He hug her and says I can keep you warm.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm

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