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Daddi slap Guddan everyone is dazed. Dadi says these report say Antara is pregnant. You have always been lying to us. Antara says in heart Guddan you are such a loser. Flashback shows Antara put a tracking divide in her bag. She asked Saru to replace the papers. Dadi says we all saw you pushing Antara. If anything happens to AJ’s child I won’t forgive you, enough. No one is more important than this child to me. Saru calls the doctor. Saru says she is Antara’s doctor. AJ says let’s go to the hospital. The doctor says we don’t have time. They take her to the room. The doctor says AJ you wait outside. AJ says but she.. doctor says you should have cared for her before all this happened. Laxmi says she isn’t even pregnant. Durga says only we know that, for AJ Guddan tried to kill Antara’s child. AJ take Guddan to room. AJ takes her in front of her mother’s picture. AJ says I was wrong that I thought you can’t do any mistakes and removed that board. I considered you my friend in front of your mom’s picture, you broke my trust. You crossed every limit today. AJ says but I made a bigger mistake by not trusting you. So I would write my mistakes first. He writes, hiding your mistakes was my mistake. Removing these mistakes, trusting you, considering you my friend and family, not seeing your greed, not seeing your cunning side, my love, it was all my mistake. You wanted to kill two lives. I couldn’t see your hatred. I won’t tolerate this anymore. I will make sure you pay for your sin. Guddan says please try to understand. AJ says if anything happen to Antara or her child., I would do something you won’t be able to tolerate. Guddan looks at the chits. She says ma.. AJ think it was a mistake loving me. I thought he is the only one who trust me. It was my mistake. I lost everything today. I lost my husband, my family, because of Antara. I couldn’t stop it.

Doctor check Antara. Antara laughs. The doctor says you have bruises. You’re in pain and laughing? Antara says go and tell them the news they don’t want to hear. The doctor come outside. AJ says is Antara okay? The doctor says because of the fall, the child died. Antara says what.. My child.. My child died before coming to the world. Antara says Guddan you crossed every limit, throttle me and kill me. I don’t want to live. Kill me. Guddan says stop lying. Antara says you said I wasn’t pregnant, now I am not. You took my child from me. AJ hug Antara. AJ says all of this would end today. I told you Guddan I won’t forgive you.
AJ come with papers and says this is what you wanted right? You have all my money from today. Everything is yours. I would take Antara from here. You can live in this big house. We can’t live under same roof with a child’s murderer. I won’t live here. Saru says in heart, Antara isn’t getting anything. Dadi says I would also go with you. I can’t trust anyone here. Guddan says you can’t leave this house. Guddan says please try to understand. I am not lying. AJ, Antara and Dadi are leaving. 

Dadi says I know what you’re going through AJ. He says I wish we could hate her, it would be easy, but enough I can’t hear my heart anymore. I will have to listen to my mind now. Guddan recalls what AJ and Dadi said. Antara come there. Guddan says you did so much for the money. You made me a killer, for a child who was never there. But what did you get? Nothing. I have all the money, now I have everything. I told you, you wont’ take a penny from here. Antara says you have all the calculations. Who knows if I was pregnant, everyone think I am pregnant, and now AJ would leave you and be with me, all you have now is money. Guddan says your win is only for a few minutes, it won’t last very long, everyone will see your truth, my family would be with me. Antara says if he is such an idiot imagine how I would use him, you will lose and I will win for sure. 

Durga says to Guddan you can’t be weak. I know you are mad at me. But you can’t give up, you have to save AJ from Antara. I don’t know how but please stop them. If they leave, Antara won't ever let them come back. Who would save them outside? Please stop them. 

AJ come downstairs with luggage. Guddan is in tears. Bhushan come. He says I can’t believe you are my daughter. I am ashamed to call you that. I am sorry for what I said AJ. I couldn’t see my daughter’s greediness. She has crossed all the limits. He says she once left for you and now I am leaving her for you. Please live in my house, you call me father, let me do my part, you can live there. AJ says no papa.. How can I.. He says I am your father. Bhushan says Guddan you are the sinner. I am ashamed. He says Antara I know your pain. I can’t ease it, but I can apologize. Please forgive me. I want to support you. Please come with me. They leave with Bhushan.
Guddan coms to her room and recall her moments with AJ. Guddan cry. she recall how she went to Bhushan. She cried. Bhushan says why are you crying. Guddan says I want your help, she asked Bhushan to keep Antara and AJ at their house. He says what if Antara find out? Guddan says I know they would be safe here. Antara has to be exposed. Guddan tells Durga she I can't do all this. Durga says you can do everything. That’s what AJ says.

Bhushan come to Guddan and says I can’t tell you how I feel saying all this. AJ couldn’t trust you. Guddan says Antara crossed all limits. It is difficult to see the truth. She hug Bhushan. Bhushan says I know you would win this battle. Your mothers and my blessings are with you always. Guddan says if you are with me, I can save my AJ from Antara.

Guddan gives money to Durga. Durga says what is all this for? Guddan says you helped me. I don’t want to hear that you helped me save my husband and MIL. Durga says I don’t need it, you accepting me as your DIL is my only remorse. I have changed with time. Please trust me. Guddan says I can’t trust you. I have changed with time too. I can’t accept you and I won’t take your favors, so stop the drama and take the money. She leaves. Durga says I did all that for money and now I don’t want it. I wish I could see Antara’s reality.

Antara says now I know why Guddan got greedy. She went from this small house to Jindal's house. I am sorry I said that about your daughter. Kaushaliya says we are embarrassed because of her. Revati says we can’t forget what she did. Kaushaliya says please drink the soup, you would feel good. Antara says I and AJ can live in any room. Bhushan says you can sleep with Kaushaliya. AJ and I can sleep in the  hall. AJ says your heart is big. Thank you. 

Saru calls Antara. Antara says I have to attend doctor’s call. Kaushaliya takes Dadi with her. Saru says to Antara I have to give you a news.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm 

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