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Perv recalls what happened in that house. He says I am in the house where I was insulted. I will make you kill your husband Guddan.

Guddan wonders why was she scared seeing the florist. AJ says what happened? You look worried. He says here are samosa, eat them and forget everything. AJ says why are you stressed? Guddan says after all these troubles we are getting engaged, but I look so worried. He says our hands are meant to be with each other, we will fight everything together. Antara is happy with our relationship. All our enemies including Perv are in jail what’s this stress about. Enjoy your samosa. Guddan realizes it’s Perv.

Guddan goes after him. Perv comes to Guddan’s room. Guddan says you are a relative but not someone close to be. She takes off his mustache. Guddan says I am not an idiot. He says see I am back. You are so wise you recognized me, but you can’t catch me. He takes out his gun. Guddan says you’re a coward but I am not scared of dying. He says I won’t’ kill you. I will take your life. You will take your life on your own. confused? Think who is your life these days? Go and shoot your husband. Guddan says are you crazy? He says I have a reason. Bhushan is hung on fire. He says look at this video, your papa will be burned if you don’t kill AJ, don’t waste your time. Guddan says I will kill you. Perv says don’t waste time, your papa will be burned. You don’t have time. Choose between papa and husband. If you kill AJ I will leave your dad. He went to market. Your sister and mom must be waiting for him. He says if you involve anyone in this, I will burn your dad. Shoot on the heart. He will die, but your life would be over. He leaves. Guddan is in tears.
Guddan comes downstairs, she is scared. Guddan calls home no one picks. Antara says Guddan which outfit do you like? Guddan says both are fine to me. AJ says Guddan.. Guddan leave, she recall Perv saying you have to shoot right when you see AJ. Guddan says I won’t look at AJ. Kaushaliya call Guddan. Guddan says where is papa? She says he went to market. Guddan says I want to tell you something. Perv come there, he says you know what I can do to your dad if you tell anyone, say goodbye to your dad. Guddan slap him and says I will kill you if you harm my dad, he says I won’t answer this slap right now, but if you tell anyone your dad would be dead.

AJ says where is Guddan? Has anyone seen Guddan? Laxmi says she must be busy in preparation. Guddan look at him hidden behind the pillar. AJ says what is is wrong with her. He sees her. AJ look for Guddan. He collide with Perv. Perv says sorry. AJ says have you seen my wife? He says yes she was going to store room. AJ goes there. Perv says Guddan is hidden there. She will have to see AJ and shoot him there.

AJ comes to store. Guddan isn’t there. AJ says where is she? AJ sees a dupatta hanging out of the trunk. He opens it. Guddan is inside. AJ says what are you doing here? Guddan says please go from here. AJ pulls her out. Guddan says leave me. AJ says what is it? Is there something wrong? Guddan look at the gun. AJ says what happened? Guddan says I don’t want this engagement. He ask why? Guddan says I don’t need to tell you, go from here. AJ leaves. Guddan cry. Perv plays Bhushan’s video. Bhushan is screaming. He says leave me. Perv says I will burn your dad. Guddan says I beg you don’t do this. don’t harm my dad. I will shoot AJ, he says pick the gun and go downstairs. He says you have five minutes only. If you fail, your dad will be dead.

Guddan come downstairs with the gun. AJ is there. Guddan is scared. She recall what Perv said. Antara says Guddan... Why is there a gun in your hand? Everyone is shocked. AJ ask what are you doing? Where did you get this gun from? Guddan pulls the gun on AJ. Everyone is shocked. Guddan says I am sorry but I have to shoot you. Guddan shoot AJ. His chest bleeds. Everyone is shocked. Antara scream.. Everyone run towards AJ. Dadi says you shot my son why? Durga says you shoot your husband why? Antara says you could have said no to this wedding. Why did you shoot him? Guddan scream and cry. Perv says hello. I killed AJ not Guddan. Yes she shot him but it was my plan. He takes off his mustache and beard. Perv says my revenge is taken, now I can live in jail all my life. Thank you Guddan, you did what I asked you to do. Guddan sits there and cry. Angad hit Perv. Perv hits him and says I will kill you too. Perv says Guddan I promised, I will leave your dad after all this. He ask his men to let Bhushan go. Bhushan says I am sorry Guddan. You have to sacrifice your husband to save me. Perv says your husband is killed by you. Say goodbye to him. AJ get up and hit him. Perv is shocked. Guddan says I told you I am not an idiot.

Guddan says you thought you would come here and ask me to kill my husband and I would? You thought I would harm him for your blackmail AJ says no one can save you from me now. He hit Perv. Guddan says I will solve his problem today. Guddan bring a belt and hit him, she says how dare you kidnap my papa? How dare you ask me to hurt my husband. Perv says forgive me please Guddan hit him. She says don’t you want to know how is he alive? Flashback show AJ says to Guddan you look worried. She showed him the gun AJ asked where did you get it? Guddan told him Perv gave her that gun, she told him he has kidnapped dad and asked me to shoot you. AJ asked her to think of an idea, she says I would put in fake bullets and use ketchup. AJ says I am impressed. Guddan hit Perv and says people like you have no shame Perv says please save me AJ. AJ says hit him more. Bhushan comes in with police. He Inspector says she wants to kill me. Guddan slap him and says don’t you dare enter this house again. Police take him away. Guddan ask Bhushan are you okay? He says I have a daughter like you. I would always be fine. Dadi says Guddan once again you saved this family. Thank you for saving AJ. AJ says no one can harm me till Guddan is there. Guddan says I do all this because of your faith in me. She hold his hand and says together we can overcome all the problems. Guddan says Antara, won’t you do our engagement?
Antara take Guddan to room. She help Guddan in getting ready. Guddan says AJ said everything right about you, he would always appreciate you. Antara says and now he appreciate you, you saved him from loneliness, thank you. Promise me you would always keep him happy? He look strict, but he is a very nice guy. Guddan says I promise. Antara says I am your elder sister now. I won’t let anyone bring tears in your eyes. Guddan says I don’t know how to thank you? Antara says let’s go. AJ is waiting for you.

Dadi says I am so happy. Antara accepted your relationship. AJ says I was scared, but she handled it so well. Dadi says promise me you will give Guddan all the happiness and respect she deserves. AJ says I promise you. I will always be with her. No tear would ever come to her eyes.

Everyone is in hall. AJ comes with dadi. Antara bring Guddan. AJ looks at her and smiles. Bhushan says he kept his promise. Kaushaliya says I told you. Dadi says it’s her faith. Bhushan says my Guddan can do anything. She proved it. Dadi says no more delays AJ. Make Guddan wear the ring. AJ holds Guddan’s hand. Antara says stop AJ. You two have made no promises. I would be sure that AJ would be kept happy by his wife. Dadi says you are right. AJ says I promise you I will always stand by you. Any problem has to cross me before coming to you. Guddan says I trust you more than God. I will keep you happy and will always be with you. AJ makes her wear the ring. Everyone clap. Guddan makes him wear the ring too. Antara makes them eat sweets too. She says I hope you two always stay happy. No problem should ever come between you two.

Guddan come to her room. She recalls her moments with AJ. The song sang hoon tere plays. She reads a note, meets me on the terrace. There is a surprise. Guddan comes to the terrace. AJ is feeling dizzy. He looks at Guddan (her back is towards him). AJ says why did you call me here? She hug him. AJ faints. AJ wakes up in bed. He is shirtless. He touches Guddan. She is shirtless too. AJ says Guddan get up.. it’s Antara. AJ is shocked.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm 

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