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Saru says Laxmi why are you crying? Antara came back. Oh are you crying for Guddan? Looks like her engagement would never happen. Laxmi says you’re mocking her? Be ashamed. She sacrificed her relationship for Antara’s health. I am proud of her. She leave. Saru says look at her. Durga says Guddan’s sacrifice will turn out to be a mistake. The closer Antara get to AJ, the further Guddan will be away from AJ. Durga says time to rule this house again.

Dadi says I can’t see Guddan like this. AJ says so can’t I. Dadi says I am happy Antara is alive.. But Guddan.. AJ says I am with her. She is safe in this house. Dadi says I hope Antara understand too.

Antra is about to fall. Guddan hold her. Antara says thanks, you handled me. Guddan says it is our responsibility. She says it’s only AJ’s. He has been handling me since so long, never needed anyone, where is your family? Guddan says they went home. Antara says you didn’t go? Saru says Guddan will stay here till the wedding. She wants to prepare for the wedding. Antara says better. Your husband isn’t here either. Antara says there’s just one rule. Stay away from AJ. I don’t like girls around him. Well you’re too young too and you’re married too. Saru says we will have fun since you’re back. Antara says where is my room? Mine and AJ’s room? Why am I here? Guddan says you should rest. Antara says I will rest in my husband’s arms. She leave. Guddan says Saru we have to stop her. Saru says it will be a problem if she find out. Guddan says Antara.. Antara says this is my house I can go wherever I want, no one tells me what I should do in my house. I am a little outspoken. I hope you don’t mind. She leaves. Saru says what will happen now? Antra come to the room. Guddan comes after her. Durga is there. Antara sees her photo. She says I knew AJ’s thought won’t change. His love is still alive. Thank you AJ. She hug AJ. AJ says you need rest. Antara says I am in my room after so long. She hug AJ and cry. Guddan says we should go. Durga says AJ and Antara should spend time together. Antara says I missed you. AJ says I missed you too.

Guddan is taking her pillows to the other room. Durga says you’re giving such big sacrifice. You can sleep anywhere. Antara will sleep in his room. Durga says dont’ you think AJ hasn’t forgotten his past? His past is with him in the room and his present is looking for a place in this house. Guddan leave. Durga says see how silent she is. She will leave this house soon. Saru says yes but Antara isn’t very nice. She is outspoken, we have to be careful of her. Durga says because of her we will get rid of this Guddan, and if Antara does something we know what to do.

AJ is leaving the room. Antara says where are you going? He says water.. She says I didn’t even do anything. She comes close to AJ. AJ get up. Antara says why are you going away from me? Please make me sleep like you used to. She sleep on AJ’s lap.
Guddan says he asked me not to worry and he is sitting upstairs. Her dupatta gets stuck in the table. Guddan says AJ.. She turns back. AJ comes in balcony. AJ says you on sofa. Guddan says don’t come here what if she sees us, a shock can be deadly for her. She says good night. I will wait for you in my dream. AJ put the sheet on her. She says go sleep. AJ sees her and smile.

The next morning, Antara does arti in the morning. Everyone comes. Antara says AJ we always do arti together. Come stand with me. They do arti together. Guddan look at them. Antara says nothing has changed in all these years. I am really happy, one thing is different. She looks at mangalsutra and says this mangalsutra is in Guddan’s neck but as your wife it should be in mine too, she says this mangalsutra got lost. I want my identity back, make me wear this mangalsutra, she gives a mangalsutra to AJ. Antara says once I wasn’t wearing it after shower, you got so mad, you must not like me today either without it right? Guddan says in heart I hope you will respect this mangalsutra. Antara says make me yours again  AJ. Everyone is here. Saru says to Durga now Gudan will know her worth. AJ take the mangalsutra. He is about to make Antara wear it. AJ break the mangalsutra and all the pearls fall down. Antra is shocked. Guddan smile. Dadi says it's okay. He will bring one later. She says I waited for years. Antara is in tears. Anatra says ask Guddan, won't she hurt her if her mangalsutra break? Any married woman would. AJ says I am sorry. Antara says I will wait more. She pick the pearl and leave. Dadi says Guddan I will talk to AJ.

Dadi says to AJ I know you broke it intentionally. AJ says I don’t like all this. I can’t be unfair to Guddan, this can be deadly to Antara. How do I tell her she is my past and Guddan is present? Dadi says Antara should understand. You have to tell her everything. You are doing this for her betterment. You have to say the truth. Think about it. AJ says Antara won't accept it easily that her AJ is someone else’.
Antara look at her broken mangalsutra. Durga says I know you are very upset. Antara says no one died. It will be fixed. AJ got so upset. Durga says yes we have to fix it. Antara says how? Durga says Guddan would. Guddan comes in. She says Guddan can help you. She is preparing for Revati’s wedding. Show it to a good jeweler. Antara says please get it fixed. It would mean the world to me. She leaves. Guddan says yes Durga I would Do it. I help people. Even if it's fixed,  AJ won't make Antara wear it. Antara comes back. Durga says to Antara you have met AJ after so long. You should go somewhere with him. Durga says you’re so smart. I wish I were like you and told you that your husband and your relationship is getting boring. Don’t interfere in our relationship.

AJ hangs his shirt in Guddan’s new room. Guddan says what is this? He says so you don’t think this closet is all yours. Remember we made a deal. Are you okay? You are acting so normal. Guddan says I am not insecure. I know you will tell her once she is fine. You won't leave me alone. AJ says I will never leave you. Antara comes there.

AJ and Guddan put his clothes in the closet. Guddan’s saree get stuck in his watch. AJ touch Guddan’s face. Antara comes there. Antara says what are you doing in her room? Guddan says this saree got stuck. Antara pick a scissor and cut it, she says done, don’t be seen around my husband, hope you don't get trapped. Antara says sorry if you mind I am straight forward. AJ says Antara... Antara says you don’t need to speak between women. I know I am the only special one for you. Guddan is married I know she would understand. Antara says I have planned a surprise for you. Guddan will help me in it. AJ says she is busy in wedding preparation. Antara says she can help and she would learn too how to keep husband happy, maybe your husband doesn’t leave you alone like this then. He would stay like AJ. She take Guddan down stair. Antara says to Guddan is this? The whole room is decorated. Antara says recalling your wedding night? Saru and Durga did all this. I want everything to be perfect. Tonight is very important for me and AJ, plan everything for me. Durga says we can’t say no to Antara. Guddan says I can’t decorate this room, these things are related to emotions no one can do this better than the wife. Antara says you are right, I don’t need a wedding planner I need my husband’s love only. Guddan leave. Laxmi says to Guddan I know you’re hurt, but you are so strong. Guddan says I trust AJ. He gave me this strength. Durga says wow Guddan. How stupid are you? Antara is AJ’s first wife. She has right on AJ, your love can’t defeat her, for how long would you stop him? Their relationship is older.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm 

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